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This Article Index page contains a list of the titles of all the articles on this website, listed in order from oldest to newest. If you want to look for a specific topic, just use the search function in the sidebar.

This page saves you a lot of time if you don't feel the need to scroll through the annual article pages that show an introduction, the lead graphic, and the first several paragraphs of each individual article for one particular year. This lays everything out in one neat, comprehensive list you can breeze through.

JAN '12: Time Traveler
FEB '12: It's Finally Here
MAR '12: Kick Me!
APR '12: May the Force Be With You
MAY '12: Separation Anxiety
JUN '12: Wrong Black Train
JUL '12: Top That
AUG '12: See the Ball, Hit the Ball
SEP '12: The R-Word
OCT '12: Change You Can Believe In
NOV '12: Don't Make Me Come Down There!
DEC '12: Have Yourself a Merry Little...Xmas?

JAN '13: The Forgetful Fiancée
FEB '13: Born His Way
MAR '13: Why I Hate Religion
APR '13: Do Your Job
MAY '13: Yes He Can!
JUN '13: The Gospel 2.0
JUL '13: Fifty Billion Shades of Grey
AUG '13: Sorry, Maggie
SEP '13: Waiting for the Other Shoe To Drop
OCT '13: Tilting at Windmills
NOV '13: The Pearl of Great Price
DEC '13: Alone Again (Naturally)

JAN '14: You Got That Right
FEB '14: Zero Degrees Calvin
MAR '14: Bad Moon Rising
APR '14: Roots
MAY '14: Church-Colored Glasses
JUN '14: The Hitchhiker's Guide to God's Word
JUL '14: If My People
AUG '14: One Plus One Is Three
SEP '14: The Valley of Decision
OCT '14: Myths and Fables
NOV '14: The Great Divide
DEC '14: A Portrait of the Messiah

JAN '15: The Reason for the Season?
FEB '15: Next Stop: Heaven
MAR '15: Dragged Across the Rubicon
APR '15: The Great One-Trick Pony
MAY '15: The Gang's All Here
JUN '15: Square Peg, Round Hole
JUL '15: Love Wins
AUG '15: Try to Remember
SEP '15: Painted Into a Corner
OCT '15: Hating God
NOV '15: Boiling Water
DEC '15: Kingdom Not Now

JAN '16: A God by Any Other Name?
FEB '16: The Minefield
MAR '16: The Rupture of the Church
APR '16: Hidden in Plain Sight
MAY '16: Sight Unseen
JUN '16: A Den of Thieves
JUL '16: Rapture Redux
AUG '16: A Tale of Two Trumpets
SEP '16: Trust Me
OCT '16: Cabin Pressure
NOV '16: Red Herrings
DEC '16: That's the Deal

JAN '17: I Am God—Worship Me
FEB '17: Twenty Questions (1)
MAR '17: The Sky Don't Lie
APR '17: Cold Feet
MAY '17: The Exit Sign
JUN '17: The Chance of a Lifetime
JUL '17: The Long Arm of the Lord
AUG '17: Right for the Wrong Reasons?
SEP '17: Sweet Hour of Prayer
OCT '17: Where Do We Go From Here?
NOV '17: The 24 Elders Revisited
DEC '17: A Missing Piece

JAN '18: Go for the Gold
FEB '18: It's Coming
MAR '18: Rapture: TBD?
APR '18: Watch Is the Word
MAY '18: The Turning Point
JUN '18: The Blood of Bulls and Goats
JUL '18: When We All Get to Heaven
AUG '18: Breakfast of Champions
SEP '18: One Year On
OCT '18: Delusion
NOV '18: Twenty Questions (2)
DEC '18: The Event

JAN '19: Almost Persuaded
FEB '19: Smallfoot—Big Lie
MAR '19: The Magnifying Glass
APR '19: Look Up
MAY '19: Missing the Target
JUN '19: The Jerusalem Covenant — Part One
JUL '19: The Jerusalem Covenant — Part Two
AUG '19: For My Name's Sake
SEP '19: Dropping the Hammer
OCT '19: A Mighty God
NOV '19: Is He or Isn't He?
DEC '19: A Prophet Greater Than Moses

JAN '20: Delusion Redux
FEB '20: Thistles in Thessalonians
MAR '20: To Live Is Christ
APR '20: Signs of His Coming
MAY '20: The Lift Hill
JUN '20: The Ins and Outs of Imminence
JUL '20: The Return
AUG '20: Keys to the Kingdom
SEP '20: 22 Skidoo
OCT '20: A Fresh Look at Shavuot
NOV '20: A Lion That Roars
DEC '20: The Mark

JAN '21: A Persecution Primer
FEB '21: Be More
MAR '21: Magnolias in Antarctica
APR '21: A Horse of a Most Peculiar Color
MAY '21: The Finish Line
JUN '21: A Giant in the End Times
JUL '21: The Last Roundup
AUG '21: Render Unto Caesar
SEP '21: Render Redux
OCT '21: The Window
NOV '21: Before and After
DEC '21: Before or After?

JAN '22: The 144,001
FEB '22: Indicator Light
MAR '22: Gog and Beyond
APR '22: It's Still the Cross
MAY '22: Fireflies
JUN '22: A Pattern With a Hole
JUL '22: The Good Years
AUG '22: The Problem With Prophets
SEP '22: The Tribulation Saints
OCT '22: The Valley of the Shadow of Death
NOV '22: Anticipation
DEC '22: Two Groups—Two Returns

JAN '23: Rules and the Rapture
FEB '23: The Two Witnesses
MAR '23: Dropping Hints
APR '23: The Parables of Matthew 25
MAY '23: A Salvation Primer
JUN '23: Disclosure
JUL '23: End-Time Imitation
AUG '23: Déjà Vu All Over Again
SEP '23: The Night Before
OCT '23: Where Is This Going?
NOV '23: The Harpazo Express
DEC '23: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

JAN '24: Delusion Confusion
FEB '24: The Year of the Dragon
MAR '24: The Valley Revisited
APR '24: The Mirage
MAY '24: Wrestling With God
JUN '24: The Final Judgment
JUL '24: Thoughts on Hell
AUG '24: The Gospel in the Stars?
SEP '24: Seven Years On
OCT '24: Will They or Won't They?
NOV '24: Alea Iacta Est
DEC '24: Trump 2

JAN '25: The Burden of Damascus
FEB '25: Shifting Sands
MAR '25: The Beatitudes of Revelation

...and more to come, Lord willing!

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Credits for Graphics (in order of appearance):
1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at Can Stock Photo
2. File Cabinet © NiroDesign at Depositphotos

Scripture Quotations:
All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).

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