The Event

A couple of months ago, I wrote an article about the strong delusion Paul mentions in 2 Thessalonians 2:11, a delusion God will send upon the world during the Tribulation. In that article, I argue that this strong delusion that God will send upon a world that has rejected the truth of the gospel is nothing less than the idea that the Antichrist is their "savior," and that he should be worshiped as God. A Christ-rejecting world will fall for it hook, line, and sinker, and as a result be damned to an eternity of separation from God.
I also discussed how the UFO/alien narrative will play a key role in this strong delusion, as the Antichrist will present himself and be perceived as not necessarily an extraterrestrial per se, but at least as a man who has the support and backing of a benevolent extraterrestrial race, and who has been empowered by them to perform supernatural wonders to establish himself as the one chosen to lead the world into a wonderful New Age of enlightenment.
One important aspect of this strong delusion and the stages of delusion that will lead up to it that I didn't say too much about in my earlier article was the way in which this deception will incorporate and interact with the startlingly real future event that will trigger the whole shebang—something many in the New Age community have come to refer to simply as "the Event."
Although the Event will be hailed as the beginning of a major phase of man's "ascension process," in reality it will mark the beginning of the final phase of Satan's futile campaign to (a) wipe out the Jews, and as a result (b) put the Second Coming on ice, thus cementing his position as the god of this world.
It may surprise you to learn that many born-again believers are also quite familiar with this New Age hullabaloo known as the Event—we just have another name for it:
We call it the Rapture.
In this article, I want to discuss the New Age narrative and the Event, which are the result of decades of meticulous preparation by Satan, as well as a few related observations. The New Age narrative will provide a framework that will incorporate the catching away of the Church, and will offer an explanation for it that will seem plausible to a stunned and terrified world that is desperately seeking answers in the wake of arguably the most shocking supernatural event the world has ever witnessed. This narrative will begin to emerge in the aftermath of the Rapture, and it will become the foundation that underpins everything Satan has planned for his (short-lived) rule of the planet.
And according to New Agers, some of whom have spent decades dutifully channeling messages from demons they have been fooled into believing are highly evolved alien beings from galaxies far, far away, the whole lollapalooza is going to be kicked off by the Event.
So, just what is the Event?
Much has been written about the Event by scores of New Agers, much of it supposedly channeled from various extraterrestrial beings from various parts of the galaxy. Of course, not all New Agers are literally receiving messages from demons. Many New Age websites are filled with highly imaginative nonsense made up by wannabes who just wanna be part of something that's trendy and titillating. As a result, details concerning the Event and other related New Age topics vary widely; but in spite of that fact, a significant number of common threads have emerged over the years and have been woven into a substantial narrative that born-again believers would do well to at least be aware of.
The fundamental idea that shines through clearly is that the earth is about to undergo a traumatic period of great changes. Mankind is about to ascend to a higher vibrational level or spiritual level of consciousness, but this process will take time and will involve a number of stages of activity to achieve.
The basic problem, you see, is that Mother Earth (referred to as Gaia by many New Agers) is in critical condition. She must cleanse herself of negative energy and dark forces before she can evolve to that higher level of consciousness. This cleansing, however, will necessitate the removal of a large number of people who are not ready to evolve to this higher level of vibration or spiritual consciousness. They will be evacuated to a fleet of spacecraft that have come to the vicinity of earth especially for this purpose according to most New Age channelers, although details vary.
To let you hear it from the horses' mouths, so to speak, here is what several leading figures in the New Age movement have written. In all the quotes that follow, my comments will be highlighted in yellow.
New Age author Kay Wheeler (aka Ozmana), a self-described Pleiadian star seed and adept channeler, claimed she channeled the following from a group identified as the "Souls of Light" from the "Seventh Celestial Plane of Life" and published it in 1994. This has become a foundational idea within the New Age religion, and I'll step aside and allow the Souls of Light to spell it out for you—I'm sure they can explain it far better than I can, what with me being chock-full of dark, negative energy and everything:
The Mother is desperately fighting for her life. Many of her vortexes have been drained. She is in critical condition at this time and must turn her thoughts to herself if she is to survive. That is why you see the many crises in the world. Many of these you do not hear about on your "screen of lies."
There is much happening on your planet at this time. The Mother is cleansing. It is all she knows to do at this time to clear herself of the pollution that exists within her body. But you as light bearers can help your Mother cleanse in such a way that does not destroy all life on this planet. [A "light bearer" is someone who has been deluded into believing this New Age nonsense. Born-again believers in the gospel of Jesus Christ are the only "light bearers" currently in the world, and the light of the Holy Spirit that shines within us that helps keeps the darkness temporarily at bay will be removed before God unleashes His wrath on a Christ-rejecting world.]
Much of this is necessary. Many of these beings have appointments to leave at this time. [Yeah, we have an "appointment" to leave, because we don't have "appointment" with God's wrath.] Earth's population needs to be decreased to bring forth the necessary changes upon this planet to move into the fourth dimension.
Your Earth is a fourth-dimensional being at this time. She has moved into this energy pattern, and those who plan to stay must be of this vibration.
Many of these beings who are leaving this planet at this time have completed that which they came to do. It is a time of great rejoicing for them. Do not feel sad about their leaving. They are going home. Many are waiting to be with them again... Many beings must move on, for their thought patterns are of the past. They hold on to these thoughts that keep Earth held back. [So staying is a good glad you're "qualified" to remain on earth and take part in the ascension process, unlike those fearmongering cretins who had to be removed for the good of everyone else.]
(emphasis & [comments] added)
— Kay Wheeler, from "The Time Is Now,"
published in the New Age journal Connecting Link
Thelma Terrell (aka Tuella) was a prolific channeler who passed away in 1993. She wrote Project World Evacuation: UFOs to Assist in the "Great Exodus" of Human Souls Off This Planet (Guardian Action International, 1982), and channeled a popular extraterrestrial name Ashtar, who claims to be the leader of an alien confederation known as the Ashtar Command. Terrell claimed to have met Jesus, Peter, and Phillip in visions, and they were kind enough to clear up a few little mysteries for her, like why things such as reincarnation had been left out of the Bible, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.
Here are a few relevant snippets pertaining to the Event hot off the press from the Ashtar Command:
Our rescue ships will be able to come in close enough in the twinkling of an eye [now there's a familiar phrase] to set the lifting beams in operation in a moment. And all over the globe where events warrant it, this will be the method of evacuation. Mankind will be lifted, levitated shall we say, by the beams from our smaller ships. These smaller craft will in turn taxi the persons to the larger ships overhead, higher in the atmosphere, where there is ample space and quarters and supplies for millions of people. [Many believers debate whether we will physically go up into the air at the Rapture, or whether we will suddenly vanish. This always struck me as a stupid argument because the Bible doesn't say we will disappear in the twinkling of an eye—it says we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. Changed how, made invisible? No, changed into our glorified bodies, and then we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Apparently Satan agrees.]
...We watch diligently, the threat of a polar shift for the planet in your generation. Such a development would create a planetary situation through which none could survive. This would necessitate an evacuation such as I have referred to.
...Earth changes will be the primary factor in mass evacuation of this planet.
There is method and great organization in a detailed plan already near completion for the purpose of removing souls from this planet, in the event of catastrophic events making a rescue necessary...
The Great Evacuation will come upon the world very suddenly. The flash of emergency events will be as a lightning that flashes in the sky. So suddenly and so quick in its happening that it is over almost before you are aware of its presence...
Phase I of the Great Exodus of souls from the planet will take place at a moment's notice when it is determined that the inhabitants are in danger...
Phase II This second phase immediately following the first. The second phase is vital, as we return for the children of all ages and races. The child does not have the power of choice in understanding nor personal accountability...[There has long been some debate among Bible teachers whether or not children will be taken in the Rapture, with many convinced they will. Apparently Satan agrees with that one, too.]
Do not be concerned nor unduly upset if you do not participate in this first temporary lift-up of souls who serve with us. This merely means that your action in the plan is elsewhere, and you will be taken for your instructions or will receive them in some other manner. Do not take any personal affront if you are not alerted or are not a participant in this first phase of our plan. [So if you don't get "evacuated," don't worry. Your help is needed here on earth, and everything will be fine. You've been "chosen."] Your time will come later, and these instructions are not necessary for you at this time...
(emphasis & [comments] added)
— Thelma ("Tuella") Terrell,
Project World Evacuation: UFOs to Assist in the
"Great Exodus" of Human Souls Off This Planet
There are countless such channeled messages that say essentially the same thing: The earth must cleanse itself (herself?) or undergo some kind of purification process in order to begin the next phase of what is referred to as the ascension process, and the Event is what suddenly shifts this ascension process into high gear.
Pay particular attention to what the earth is being cleansed of: The general consensus is that the earth must be cleansed of negative energy or dark forces that hold it back in its ascension, or shift to a higher level of consciousness. This apparently includes millions of people who are not ready to evolve spiritually because their thought patterns are of the past; people who desperately cling to intolerant, fear-based religious dogma that renders them incapable of seeing that they are in fact already one with the Creator, and thus are simply unprepared to realize the spiritual oneness we are all part of. Thus, they are simply not ready to participate in the next big shift in consciousness that is about to begin and that the Event will trigger.
In other words, people like me...and, hopefully, you.
New Age channeler Barbara Marciniak echoes many of these ideas in her book Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians (Bear & Company, 1992), a book filled with channeled messages from her pals in the Pleiades regarding this coming shift in consciousness (and the removal of those who don't make the cut):
If human beings do not change—if they do not make the shift in values and realize that without Earth they could not be here—then Earth, in its love for its own initiation, is reaching for a higher frequency, will bring about a cleansing that will balance it once again. There is the potential for many people to leave the planet in an afternoon. [An afternoon? How about in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.]
(emphasis & [comments] added)
— Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians
There are tons of New Age sources out there I could quote, but at this point I thought it might be good to simply choose one single source I felt represented current, "mainstream" New Age thinking about the Event. Vidya Frazier is a well-known New Age author who recently published a book entitled Triumph of the Light: Story of Humanity's Enslavement and Impending Liberation (First Edition Design Publishing, 2017), in which she goes on at length about the Event. The following passages come from chapter 16 of her book.
In what follows, David Wilcock is a leading New Age proponent and author of The Source Field Investigations (Dutton, 2011) and The Synchronicity Key (Dutton, 2013), both of which were New York Times bestsellers. I actually attended one of Wilcock's talks in the 1990s during my brief fling with the New Age movement.
Gordon Asher Davidson is the author of The Transfiguration of Our World: How a Light Alliance Is Transforming Darkness and Creating a New Earth (Golden Firebird Press, 2015).
Cobra is the codename for the anonymous messenger of a group of people that was formed in 2012 to inform people about the impending Event, and who, rather than channeling them like everybody else, claim to be in direct physical contact with the Pleiadians.
By now it's abundantly clear that the ascension process is not simply an inner shift we're each making into a higher vibration as individuals. It definitely is this, and each of us needs to attend to whatever that might mean on a personal level for us. But ascension also includes a process all of us are going through together as a collective group. And this process, as we've seen, is both vast and multi-layered with gradual events occurring on different dimensions.
And yet some say this process may soon erupt into a single powerful event that will become both the end of a long, long era in human history—and also a new beginning. David Wilcock and author Gordon Asher Davidson have used the term "the Day of Revelation" [appropriate choice of words] to describe this event. Cobra has simply called it "the Event," a term that has caught on with a great many people.
What is the Event?
Both Wilcock and Cobra tell us that the Event will be the sudden beginning of the collective ascension process. It will initially manifest with a "galactic pulse," a solar event that is said to occur every twenty-six thousand years or so. This pulse will release a blindingly bright light arriving directly from the central sun which in the past has triggered a mass ascension (a quantum leap in spiritual evolution) on Earth each time it's occurred. [In many channelings about the Event, the details are often couched in exotic, pseudo-scientific terms, and the preceding is fairly typical. Many speak of the earth passing through something called the Photon Belt, etc.]
As an avid scholar of ancient texts, Wilcock claims that this phenomenon is described in the Bible and in Zoroastrian, Hindu, Greek and Roman texts, and that 35 ancient cultures hid the science of this cycle in their mythologies. He adds that there is now scientific data and also insider testimony that support this idea of a solar pulse event. [A tip to all New Agers: Do yourselves a favor and leave the Bible out of it. You don't want your proselytes coming within 10 miles of a Bible, because if they do, they just might read a bit of it. And if they do that, they just might begin to understand that the Bible absolutely shreds the most fundamental precepts of the New Age religion. Why? Because God existed before His creation (Gen 1:1), and is the Lord over all of it (Acts 17:24). That means He is not "one with it"—He exists separately from it and rules over it. And that means that in your natural sinful condition, you are not "one with Him." According to the Bible, your sin has separated you from Him, which is why He put His plan of redemption into action through Christ.]
According to both Wilcock and Cobra, when the galactic pulse happens, it will start a process of transforming matter, energy, consciousness and biological life as we know it. The incoming energies from the pulse will begin to flow through the energy field of all humans as a palpable "wave of love." Everyone will have their own individual experience of healing, release of the past, and inner transformation. But also, there will be a general rise in consciousness of all humanity on the planet. [More pseudo-scientific palaver.]
Global Currency Reset
Once the mass arrests have been accomplished, another momentous occurrence reportedly will take place—a reset of our global financial system. There is a group known as "the Eastern Alliance" which will put this in place. This group is also referred to as the "Chinese Elders," ancient Chinese families who, through their benevolence and wisdom, have been planning the financial reset for quite a while and have been waiting for right timing to put it in motion. [Don't look now, but there are financial experts talking about a global currency reset coming as early as the first quarter of 2019.]
It is said that the new financial system will include the provisions of an act named GESARA, an acronym for "Global Economic Security & Reformation Act." This act is designed, among other things, to reset the planet and humanity on a foundation of sustainable governance and benefit everyone on the planet through a global currency reset (the GCR). It will put the entire global economy back on the gold standard. When implemented, it will affect all 209 sovereign nations in the world.
Inner Healing Made Easier
Cobra continues to assure us that, with the removal of the Archons from the inner planes, their interference with human relationships will disappear. Many of the old conflicts and dramas which now exist, especially those between men and women, will diminish and unconditional Love will prevail. War will be obsolete. [All except for when the nations of the world gather to annihilate Israel, that is.]
However, even once the Event has happened, we will all initially still be involved in our individual ascension process, releasing our old third-dimensional habit patterns. Although the Event will give us a collective boost in vibration, reportedly only a small group will make their full ascension into the Fifth Dimension at that time. Most people will continue on with their ascension process.
Nonetheless, it will be a whole lot easier. After the Event, there will be a lot of energy support from the Galactic Central Sun to help us shift into 5D consciousness. The Event will also make it much easier to develop psychic abilities, such as telepathy and clairvoyance. The Light Forces will give guidance and instructions on these tools natural to 5D consciousness. [In other words, we will have company. More on this later.]
First Contact
We are told that at some point when enough people on the planet are able to comfortably accept the reality of ETs, beings within the various galactic civilizations who have assisted us in the liberation process will reveal themselves in an event known as "First Contact." Over time, humanity will eventually be ready to become co-partners in the Galactic Confederation and be able to connect with other sovereign races throughout the galaxy. [Note that disclosure and contact will come after the Event.]
However, as may be obvious as we consider the whole of humanity at this point, not everyone will be making the shift toward 5D consciousness at the time of the Event. The anticipated solar event will require a shift which will prove to be too much for those people who are not ready to ascend at this time. If they haven't already left the planet by the time of the Event, they will leave at the time it occurs or soon thereafter. At death they will be taken to another part of the universe still functioning in the Third Dimension where they can continue their soul evolution. [Uh, no. We will be taken to the Father's house where we will prepare to rule and reign on earth with Christ in the Millennial Kingdom.]
It's Just the Beginning
Although abrupt in some ways, the Event is not going to be a sudden miraculous shift that changes everything overnight. It is simply the beginning of a gradual process which will eventually result in a much higher consciousness for humanity as a whole and a better physical, psychological and spiritual existence for everybody. [No, it will be the beginning of hell on earth for those who reject the gospel.] In essence, it will be a transition from a 3D-4D world to a 4D-5D one.
At some point, all of humanity will eventually be functioning in 5D consciousness. Although it will take a while for everyone to make this shift, the Event will be the initial boost to get the process in gear and make it a lot easier for us to make the shift.
When Will the Event Happen?
Of course, everyone wants to know when the Event is going to happen. No one speaking about it can give a concrete answer, as so much is still unfolding, and the ever-present factor of free will makes it difficult to predict anything for certain. [Translation: Satan has no idea.]
Although presenting a somewhat different scenario from that of Cobra for the Day of Revelation, Gordon Asher Davidson concurs with him that all is being very carefully planned and orchestrated by the Light Alliances so that the shift will be universal, seamless and easily accepted by people across the world. He states that the timing will be determined by a large number of factors, including energetic astrological alignments, final preparation and readiness of new systems to be put into place, and the openness and demand of humanity for deep and true transformation in the world.
Also it seems clear that the Event cannot occur until the Light Forces have been absolutely victorious—until all the dark ET-run forces are completely eliminated from our planet. It's also necessary that the grid circling the Earth keeping us in quarantine be completely dismantled.
As we've seen, this is happening fairly rapidly at this point, late 2017. Also, according to Cobra, liberation includes the elimination of the beings known as the Archons existing on the inner planes who have been controlling humanity through their manipulation of the karmic process and the implants and other AI technology they have employed to impede humanity's spiritual evolution.
One of Wilcock's insiders said to him, "The event you expected to happen in 2012 will more likely occur in 2017." Corey Goode states that his intel indicates it will more likely occur sometime between 2018 and 2023. [Yeah, well my intel indicates that no man knows the day or the hour, but I'd be lying if I said the 2018–2023 time frame didn't sound pretty solid. And since it came up, I seem to recall legions of people making a big deal out of numbers like 9/23 or 9–23 or 9:23 that seemed to keep showing up in TV shows, movies, magazines, and so forth. Many claimed this was a clue that the REV12 sign of September 23, 2017 was the date of the Rapture (i.e. 9/23). Well, whet your Rapture-date appetite on this: What if 9/23, rather than being the day and the month, was actually the month and the year, as in September 2023?]
Even if it takes that long, it is definitely an event worth waiting for. Ascension into the Fifth Dimension is what we are all here for. A few more years will whiz past us, just as the last few years have. And, who knows? The Event could happen tomorrow. [Ah yes, the Event is imminent, didn't ya know. Note that Satan has no more clue about exactly when the Rapture will occur than we do, and so it's interesting to see New Agers spitball about the date of the Event in precisely the same way many believers spitball about the date of the Rapture.]
Do you feel prepared for it? [Oh, you bet your sweet bippy I do.]
(emphasis & [comments] added)
— Vidya Frazier, Triumph of the Light:
Story of Humanity's Enslavement and Impending Liberation
(By the way, I'm just messing with you about the September 2023 thing. I hope you know by now that I don't take that kind of stuff too seriously.)
After the Event
So there you have it—the narrative is in place. Sometime very soon, the Event will occur and the earth will undergo a sudden, dramatic change to initiate its cleansing. Mankind will begin its ascension process to a higher vibrational level and the higher levels of spiritual consciousness that go with it, while millions whose minds are clouded by dark, negative energy and steeped in intolerant religious dogma (i.e. born-again believers) and who are simply not prepared for this spiritual shift in consciousness will be safely removed to be patiently retrained and guided until they are ready to rejoin mankind at a future time.
In addition, according to leading New Age proponents, the Event will trigger or initiate the move toward several things:

1. A one-world government: The world will be divided into 10 regions, each with its own leader and all under a global government. Ultimately this global government will be headed up by one highly enlightened soul known as the Christ (i.e. the Antichrist), who will have the support and backing of a benevolent alien race who has come to assist the people of earth in their ascension process and to save them from themselves.
2. A one-world economic system: Either in conjunction with or possibly in the run-up to the above, the world will experience a global economic reset, which will result in a global economic system with a global currency. And it may just be talk, but like I mentioned earlier—this grabbed my attention because I have read articles recently by respected financial experts that talk about a global financial reset occurring within a matter of months.
3. A one-world religion: All religious beliefs will be welcomed and united into one universal religion that the whole world will participate in, while any exclusive or intolerant beliefs will be banned (and you'll never guess who that would refer to...ooh, you're a good guesser). This universal religion will maintain that all collectively are God, and after the Event it will be easier for people to raise their spiritual consciousness to the point where they begin to realize that they are already one with the Creator and ascend the path leading to Christ-consciousness.
Quetzalcoatl-consciousness? Why do New Agers always call it "Christ-consciousness"? Ever wonder about that? If Jesus is just a prophet (that apparently plays second fiddle to the mighty Muhammed), then why don't they call it Muhammed-consciousness? Or Buddha-consciousness for Asians? How about Krishna-consciousness? No no's Christ-consciousness. Actually, the question is rhetorical because I know exactly why: Down deep, they all know that Jesus is the real deal, so riding on His coattails is the surest way to give their religious red herrings a semblance of credibility.
Now, I dare say most New Agers have never read the book of Revelation. But if they ever do, you can see why they might have a case of Yogi Berra's "déjà vu all over again." The preceding, which is spelled out in detail in the New Age narrative, could have been laid out point by point from Scripture.
The Bible plainly says that
rather than being one with
God, we are separated from
Him because of our sin...
In this one-world religion that will be intended to help mankind ultimately ascend to Christ-consciousness, all negative energy and dark forces and beliefs that engender fear, disunity, and separatism must be eliminated. By "separatism," I mean any belief that suggests that man is in any way "separate" from the Creator. In New Age theology, man is and has always been one with God, but we have somehow "forgotten" this over the millennia and need to reawaken to this reality. As a result, our only "sin" is not realizing we are all collectively God and have never truly been separated from Him in any way. The ascension process is our way of coming to a full realization of our ultimate oneness with God.
Of course, this is antithetical to the gospel and to the crystal-clear teaching of Scripture. The Bible plainly says that rather than being one with God, we are separated from Him because of our sin, and separated we remain unless and until we respond in repentant faith to the grace and mercy He expressed to us through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Meditate on that: Yeah, Christ. Remember Him? I've got a news flash for all the New Agers who imagine they're going to achieve Christ-consciousness. Guess what? He's not a "consciousness," and He's not some type of enlightened "Ascended Master"—He's the Son of God and He died for your sins so you could be reconciled to a holy God you are separated from—utterly and completely so. Get in the lotus position and meditate on that.
At any rate, the initial wave of elimination of people who just aren't able to get with the ascension program will occur at the Event (Rapture), but will continue during Daniel's 70th Week in the form of the systematic slaughter of Tribulation saints and Jews during the Tribulation, who will never acquiesce to New Age theology—a bundle of sweet, smooth-sounding lies that will damn untold millions to an eternity of separation from the very Creator they were deluded into believing they were one with.
Before I bring this in for a landing, there are a couple of observations concerning the Event and what will ensue that I want to flesh out a bit.
1. Alien disclosure...NOT!
The official disclosure of alien contact has been a hot topic for years (basically since the Roswell incident of 1947), and as I've stated before, it has reached the point where for many people such disclosure is a question of when, not if.
As I worked on this article however, something began to dawn on me, and I have become fully convinced of the following:
Official disclosure of alien contact will only come after the Rapture.
So as believers, there is no point in wasting our time anticipating it—we won't be here for that, and the reason is simple:
Official alien disclosure is the ace in the hole
Satan needs to explain the Rapture his way.
Consider: As soon as the Rapture occurs, the world will be plunged into chaos. People all over the world will be terrified and baffled at the fact that a couple of hundred million people suddenly went flying off into the air, never to be seen again. It will be a global supernatural occurrence, and the billions of shell-shocked people remaining will literally be screaming for answers.

Starting the day of the Rapture, however, there will be a rapidly growing number of people who come to faith in Christ. There are millions of people in the world—especially in America—who know something about the Bible, but are unsaved. They went to church, heard the gospel a thousand times, and maybe even knew about end-time events, but they never let it in. They never let the conviction of the Holy Spirit penetrate their hearts and bring them to the point where they trusted in the precious blood of Jesus to wash them clean from the sin that spiritually separated them from a loving God. It was all an intellectual exercise. An academic argument. A lifestyle. They were good people, but they weren't saved in the biblical sense—the only sense that counts.
They'll know what happened—and they'll know what to do.
Not only that, but at some point after the Rapture, 144,000 Jewish apostle Pauls will aggressively take the gospel throughout the post-Rapture world. No doubt millions will be brought into the kingdom, although a great number of them will ultimately pay for their newfound faith with their lives.
At the same time, the Rapture will be a critical juncture for Satan—in a very real sense, that's his cue. It's show time, and he will know that he has but a short time to establish his rule on earth through his man the Antichrist and wipe out the Jews so he can hold onto his little corner of the universe where he can "be like the Most High."
As we have seen, Satan has already prepared a highly detailed narrative that neatly explains why many millions of people have suddenly been removed from the planet. It reassures everyone that those who have been taken are safe and are being well cared for by a benevolent race of extraterrestrials that have come to assist mankind through the coming changes to earth and through mankind's ascension process.
That's the whole point—aliens are central to the story. They provide the foundation upon which the entire narrative is based, and they are the key to explaining away the Rapture in a manner that slyly and convincingly leads people away from the truth of God's Word. Satan knows his success hinges at least partially on how effectively he can persuade people to buy his version of what transpired and ignore the Bible's version.
To get a sense of this, let's take a trip back in time to the fall of 2012. Imagine that Satan is convinced that the Rapture will occur on December 21, 2012. You know, the Mayan thing and all that. So, believing his cue is right around the corner, he arranges for someone to release full alien disclosure to the public in November of 2012. There are a lot of oohs and aahs, it's trending on Twitter, but then nothing happens. You can just hear people:
"So what's the deal with this big Event thing? We thought you guys said millions of people were going to be removed from the planet by these good-guy aliens that we're in contact with, who have come to help us. So what happened? Where are they? Maybe those people talking about Bible prophecy are right after all—maybe we should check that out."
You see what I mean? Satan played his ace too soon, and his plan fell flat on its face. Then when the Rapture really does occur six or eight years later, what's he gonna do? Disclose alien contact again? He's blown his cover story—it's over and done with...and his big alien narrative that was going to explain the Rapture his way and provide the foundation for the rise of his man the Antichrist got left flapping in the breeze. It was a lead story for awhile, but it's yesterday's news. Nobody took it all that seriously, and the reason is simple:
People won't take it seriously until they
have no choice. But when millions of
people suddenly go flying off into space,
that's when they will have no choice.
Never forget: Satan DOES NOT KNOW when the Rapture will occur, no more than we do. And if he plays his ace too soon and the Rapture doesn't occur for another few years, it kinda deflates the whole thing.
The point is that Satan must wait until the Rapture occurs until he can kick things off with the official disclosure of alien contact—he really has no choice. Only then will a confused, terrified world swallow his lies hook, line, and sinker, because it will all make sense to them—and the world will be desperate for something that will help things make sense again.
In the wake of what the world will have just experienced, Satan's New Age nonsense will no longer sound like sci-fi shtick. A psychologically shattered post-Rapture world will quickly embrace the New Age narrative, which will emerge from the lunatic fringe where it has been quietly percolating for decades and will quickly move into the mainstream. And those psychologically shattered individuals desperately in need of reassurance will jump all over it because it will reassure them that their loved ones are safe and will be safely returned, and that they have been left behind because they are better prepared for the ascension process than those who were removed. All they have to do to make things right again is get on board with the ascension process and join the effort to make the world a better, more spiritually enlightened place.
And it all starts with embracing the New Age narrative and the benevolent, highly spiritually evolved beings of light who have come to patiently and lovingly help us become what the Creator intended us to be.
2. Welcome, Light Bros!
Speaking of benevolent, highly spiritually evolved beings of light who have come to help us, at some point after the Rapture—perhaps not right away, but when enough people are deemed "ready," the world will welcome legions of beings of light who will pass themselves off as members of the highly evolved race of extraterrestrials who have come to help us get through the coming earth changes and guide us in our ascension process.
Of course, these will not be benevolent, highly evolved beings of light—they will be demonic entities masquerading as such, just like their boss:
13For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as Christ's apostles. 14And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light.
(2 Corinthians 11:13–14)
After the Rapture, the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit will be removed along with us, and Satan and his fallen angels will be unleashed in a way we cannot currently imagine. His program will be in full swing, and he will have plenty of help.
As many people around the world supposedly begin to ascend to higher levels of consciousness with the help of these highly spiritually evolved beings of light, they will believe they have attained the Christ-consciousness, and will seek to help others follow suit. At that point, I believe the world will see the final eschatological fulfillment of one of Christ's prophetic statements concerning the Tribulation period:
4Jesus answered them, "Be careful that no one leads you astray. 5For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will lead many astray."
(Matthew 24:4–5)
Although we have seen this occur on a limited basis with a handful of fruitcakes, I don't think what we've seen to date qualifies as "many."
3. Au revoir to atheism.
If you're anything like me, you grow weary of listening to atheists arrogantly trash God and His Word, and mockingly dismiss those who actually believe He exists as silly, superstitious simpletons.
Well, after the Rapture, it's gonna be a whole new ball game in more ways than one. It occurred to me that after the Event, as the New Age narrative rapidly rises to the mainstream and full alien disclosure is released and beings of light begin to show up to guide us, atheism will become passé.

In no time at all, atheism will become the least hip thing imaginable—and arrogant, know-it-all atheists will be deemed positively gauche. In reality, it will ultimately reach the point where atheism will be a capital offense, as those who refuse to worship and serve "the Christ" and willingly become part of his marvelous new global economic system and one-world religion designed to lead the world into a golden New Age of enlightenment and prosperity are hunted down and executed for the benefit of the rest of mankind. In the words of Bob Dylan's "Gotta Serve Somebody":
"But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody."
And serve they will, because they will be subject to the strong delusion God will send upon a post-Rapture world that has stubbornly rejected the truth that is found only in Christ.
Satan has been deceived by the lies of Satan! One thing that leaps out at me about this New Age narrative that is quietly being prepared to come into play after the Rapture is the fact that the entire program is carefully geared to a pre-trib Rapture. The Event is what kicks it all off, and it is patently obvious that the Event is the Rapture; but if the Rapture is not pre-trib, Satan's plan is flat-out stupid and doesn't make a lick of sense—it all falls to pieces. In order to deceive the Church into taking its eyes off the Lord, Satan has influenced legions of believers as well as unbelieving wolves in sheep's clothing to tear down and trash the doctrine of the pre-trib Rapture with a degree of vitriol and venom seldom seen in Evangelical Christianity. "The pre-trib Rapture is a lie of Satan," they cry. "It was invented in the nineteenth century by a huckster named J. N. Darby," they insist. "Satan has used this pre-trib fib to lull the Church to sleep so it won't be prepared for the Tribulation that Jesus promised us we would go through," they snarl. And on it goes. Well, apparently Satan didn't get the memo, and is so confused that he is now deceiving himself.
Are you ready to "ascend"?
One thing is crystal clear: The New Age narrative that will sweep the world in the wake of the Event/Rapture takes what God's Word says and rips it inside out and turns it on its head in order to deceive people. For example:
The New Age narrative says: Those removed at the Event are just not ready to ascend to the Christ-consciousness.
God's Word says: Those removed at the Rapture are ready to meet the Lord in the air, that is. And not because they have attained the consciousness of Christ, but because they have trusted in the cross of Christ.
The New Age narrative says: Those left behind at the Event are spiritually superior to those who were taken, and many are about to realize they are one with God.
God's Word says: Those left behind at the Rapture are spiritually lost, and many are about to realize the wrath of a holy God they are separated from.
The New Age narrative says: The Event will remove the darkness from the earth, causing it to move into the light.
God's Word says: The Rapture will remove the light from the world, causing it to move into the darkness.
As usual, Satan takes whatever God says and flips it topsy-turvy.
I've said it before, but I believe it is highly instructive to take an occasional look at what Satan is doing or preparing, much in the same way an army benefits from observing enemy troop movements. And the enemy's troop movements are telling us something loud and clear:
Satan is prepped to unleash a highly organized deception on the world on the heels of the Rapture (aka the Event), which will be explained away as the sudden, temporary evacuation of those who are neither prepared to face the coming earth changes nor fit to participate in mankind's ascension process. These evacuees are those filled with dark, negative energy and whose dogmatic, divisive thought patterns are of the past; and since they will do nothing but hold everyone else back, they must be safely removed for the good of mankind and the entire planet. This evacuation will be carried out by a benevolent, highly spiritually evolved race of extraterrestrials who have come to assist and guide us on our journey toward higher levels of spiritual consciousness.
It is worth noting that Satan's lies have never changed. During the Tribulation, he will offer mankind the same thing he offered Eve in the Garden of Eden:
4The serpent said to the woman, "You won't surely die, 5for God knows that in the day you eat it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
(Genesis 3:4–5)
Satan's New Age narrative, which will be kicked into high gear by the Event, represents the ultimate offer—but it's essentially the same offer. It holds out to man the tantalizing possibility of an ascension process that will result in the attainment of the highest levels of spiritual enlightenment: the Christ-consciousness and oneness with God.
But just as it was in the Garden of Eden, it's a lie designed to deceive mankind into believing they can become like God or ascend to be one with God through their own efforts. Tragically, however, those who take the bait won't ascend, they will descend into the lake of fire for eternity, right along with the mastermind of the Event and all its attendant New Age lies.
On the other hand, rather than believing that they can somehow ascend and become one with God by themselves, some have realized their sin has separated them from God and trusted in complete faith in Christ's finished work of atonement for their salvation, and that alone.
If you're one of them, you are definitely ready to "ascend" at the "Event."
And what an "Event" it's going to be!
Greg Lauer — DEC '18
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1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at Can Stock Photo
2. Flying Saucers Around the Earth © oorka at Fotosearch
3. Masonic Eye © helllbilly at Fotosearch
4. Two Hands Praising the Lord © Hasenonkel at Fotosearch
5. Adapted from Cool Fashionable Guy in Black Leather Jacket © stokkete at Fotosearch
Scripture Quotations:
All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).