
Congratulations on finding my obscure little website! I hope you enjoy it, and I pray you are blessed and encouraged by it in some small way because that's why it's here and that's why I do this.
So grab a cup o' joe and stick around.
Why? Because if you are a born-again believer, you need to be aware of how the prophetic end-time scenario is coming together in order to maintain a proper perspective of where we are on God's prophetic clock. You also need to have your head screwed on straight about certain biblical teachings so you won't be deceived by those who seek to douse your faith in God's promises with a few bucketfuls of false doctrine. Don't look now, but a few such people may be attending your church.
Or preaching from its pulpit.
If you are not a born-again believer, you still need to be aware of that prophetic scenario thing, because whether you like it or not—whether you believe it or not—it absolutely affects you as well. More than you realize. And with that sobering thought in mind, there are a few important things I would love to have the chance to explain to you.
That is, if you're willing to grab a cup o' joe and stick around.
Who am I?

My name is Greg Lauer, and I was born and raised in the heart of the American Midwest. I was an avionics technician in the U.S. Navy, and afterwards I earned a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since 1992 I have been a teacher of adult English in the Taipei area and in 2003 I married my Taiwanese wife Phoebe.
Above all else, however, I am a born-again believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I know that every single word of the Bible in its original form is the inspired, inerrant, prophetically confirmed Word of the living God. As a result of my study of God's Word, I know we are rapidly approaching the biblically prophesied catching away of the body of Christ known as the Rapture, and the period of global upheaval that will follow it and that will culminate in the physical return of Christ to the earth to establish His kingdom.
Oh, and writing figures prominently in my concept of heaven.
What do I do?
Each week I post some brief comments on something that has been in the news recently, generally something of prophetic interest. The most recent entry appears here, and all previous entries can be found in Commentary.
I post articles on an ongoing basis (roughly once a month, but don't hold me to it), and the current feature article is introduced here. The entire archive can be found in Articles and also in the Article Index.
Why am I doing this?
I am doing this for one simple reason: I believe that our time is short, and I feel that the Holy Spirit has led me to do this one particular little thing—as small and insignificant as it may be—in order to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and whatever bits and pieces of insight into God's Word that He sees fit to reveal to me. In addition, I enjoy sharing my thoughts on topics related to living as a born-again believer in these last days.
That's it. So don't let the word "About" at the top of this page throw you—ultimately, it's not about me. It's not about this humble website.
It's about Him.
Sola Fide (by faith alone)
Sola Scriptura (by Scripture alone)
Solo Christo (through Christ alone)
Sola Gratia (by grace alone)
Soli Deo Gloria (to God alone be the glory)
Pass the Parmesan
You may have noticed that this website is utterly devoid of ads. There are no banners to click on. No Google AdChoices. No affiliate programs. No products to sell. No appeals for donations via PayPal. Nothing.
And there never will be.
Here's the thing: I spend more on coffee at 7-Eleven each month than I do to run this website. We're talking pocket change. As a result, I feel no need to clutter it up with such things. I'm not criticizing others who try to earn a little bit of money from their websites—there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying I don't feel the need to do so.
As far as the content is concerned, if something I've written has filled you with the overpowering desire to clench your fists, call me names, demonize me, impugn my lineage, spit in my face, stomp my guts out, and accuse me of peddling vile heresies spawned in the pit of hell, and you cannot quell the urge to fire off a scathing missive to inform me what a blanking unmitigated blankety-blank I am, well...the following verse leaps to mind:
11Blessed are you when people reproach you, persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven.
(Matthew 5:11–12a / emphasis added)

Speaking of rewards, to tell you the truth I just visualize a large Meat Lover's Pizza being delivered to my mansion in heaven (in under 30 minutes, of course), along with a card from some ex-preterist or ex-post-tribber or some such individual who got his panties in a wad and got all snarky with me about something I wrote. I say "ex" because there won't be any preterists, post-tribbers, etc. in heaven. Oh, they may be there, but they won't be preterists or post-tribbers anymore because the first thing they will discover is that they were wrong.

On the other hand, if something in my ramblings has touched your spirit or encouraged you in the smallest way, there's really no need to tell me—tell someone else! Share it with others as the Lord guides you. Just imagine me saying "Thank you for your kind words! May God bless and keep you!"
Besides, if you know the Lord, it won't be long before you'll be able to pop over to my mansion in heaven and tell me about it in person. Seriously.
We'll have pizza.
Gettin' homesick
Ever since I launched this site in 2012, my policy has always been to not embed YouTube videos in order to avoid any potential copyright hassles that can crop up occasionally—anybody who knows me knows I'm a real stickler about that sort of thing. But recently I did a wee bit more research on the subject, satisfied myself it was 100 percent kosher, and finally relented.
And that's because I decided A Little Strength needed a theme song!
The purpose of this website is to encourage people just like you as we wait in active anticipation for our Lord and Savior to take us home to be with Him in a place He has prepared, and in the meantime give you "a little strength" in terms of sound doctrine and solid biblical teaching to help you keep your eyes on the prize and press on toward the mark.
But we are getting so close to that glorious day that I can't help but feel homesick...I wanna go home! And before God, there is no song I know that expresses those feelings that burn deep in my spirit any better than this song, performed by my favorite gospel singing group—Redeemed Quartet:
I'm gettin' homesick—and I'll bet you are, too. But take heart:
We're almost there!
1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at Can Stock Photo
2. Coffee and the Bible © ingridhs at Can Stock Photo
3. Photo of Me by Greg Lauer (own work)
4. Pizza cutter © Heath Doman at Adobe Stock
5. Adapted from Ribbon Bow Card © lumos-sp at Adobe Stock
Scripture Quotations:
All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).