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JAN '25: The Burden of Damascus
With Syria in chaos, many are anticipating the fall of Damascus as per Isaiah 17:1–2. But others believe this prophecy has been completely fulfilled. Hmm...

The Burden of Damascus

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Nuke or no nuke?

Syria has been front and center in the news these days, as the government of Bashar al-Assad has fallen to Islamist rebels while the power brokers who propped up his government for their own purposes sat on the sidelines and watched. As for Assad, he escaped from the capital Damascus and fled to Moscow, where he was welcomed with open arms by President Putin.

Not being as much of a political wonk as some in the watch community, it's still a bit too soon for me to try and sort through the situation in Syria with a high degree of clarity and scope out just how all this might play out. I'm pretty much like a lot of ordinary people right now, saddled with a case of "wait and see." So, that's not the point of this article—we'll have to wait and see.

Now, I may not be much of a political wonk, but I admit that I am a bit of a Scripture wonk. So, rather than a little geopolitical prognostication, what I want to do here is consider a hot topic that's been making the rounds in prophetic circles these days: the question of Damascus and its relationship to an oft-quoted prophecy in the book of Isaiah.

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FEB '25: Shifting Sands
Some significant events have occurred over the past year that impact the Gog-Magog scenario, and many are wondering what effect they will have.

Shifting Sands

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Middle East heating up

My, what a difference a year makes. Scarcely a year ago, Iran was the up-and-coming bully of the Middle East, flexing its military muscles and bellowing its belligerent death-to-Israel diatribe with abandon. Iran was recognized as the world's terrorist octopus, with its tentacles reaching down into Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, and a number of other smaller terrorist groups scattered throughout the Middle East.

As that octopus slowly and inexorably squeezed its tentacles around the neck of Israel, the Iranian head of that octopus frantically pursued its dream of developing nuclear weapons, rapidly drawing ever closer to the glorious day when it would be able to wipe Israel off the face of the earth with a spine-chilling array of shiny new nukes.

Not only that, but both Iran and their Russian BFFs maintained a strong military presence in Syria that served to (a) project a direct threat to the hated Jewish state and (b) prop up a cooperative Assad regime that exercised a cruel level of suppression over a suffering Syrian population.

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MAR '25: The Beatitudes of Revelation
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus delivered the Beatitudes—but recently I noticed that there is something similiar in the book of Revelation.

The Beatitudes of Revelation

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Jesus teaching

After He was baptized by John in the Jordan River and returned from 40 days of fasting and being tempted by Satan in the wilderness, Jesus began His public ministry a stone's throw from what is known today as the Golan Heights, in northern Israel around the Sea of Galilee.

One of His teachings or discourses—the first of five that appear in the book of Matthew and easily one of His best known and most widely quoted—is known as the Sermon on the Mount. This discourse appears early in the book of Matthew (the full version is found in Matthew 5–7, but a few bits and pieces and several of the Beatitudes we will look at are repeated in Luke 6), and most people believe it is one of the Lord's first major public teachings.

This three-chapter sermon covers a broad range of topics, from adultery and divorce to entering through the narrow gate and from being salt and light to storing up treasure in heaven. As the sermon begins, however, Jesus lays upon His listeners a list of statements that were radically different from anything they had ever heard from the Jewish religious leaders of the day.

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Credits for Graphics (in order of appearance):
1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at Can Stock Photo
2. Butler With Tray © NewAfrica at Depositphotos
3. Adapted from 3a–3b:
    3a. Damascus, Syria, Panorama at Sunset © Vyacheslav Argenberg (cropped, resized, text added) [CC BY 4.0]
    3b. Nuclear Bomb Explosion © rfphoto via Depositphotos
4. Global Middle East Crisis © lightsource at Depositphotos
5. The Sermon on the Mount by Carl Bloch artist QS:P170,Q547055, marked as public domain [PD], more details on Wikimedia Commons

Scripture Quotations:
All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).

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