A Lion That Roars

Confession time: I had an entirely different article on the front burner when the Holy Spirit hit me with this, so I'm just going to be obedient and hit you with it as best I can.
I was a bit reluctant to write anything about the ongoing controversies swirling around the 2020 presidential election, and the reason is simple enough: There are so many lies and so much misinformation and so many conflicting theories and accusations and counter-accusations and denials flying around that it's hard to know what to believe right now, and the mainstream media (MSM) has attempted to take over the narrative and spin everything in favor of Joe Biden, and simply not report anything that might be negative for him.
And things change on an hourly basis.
One minute (if you don't listen to the MSM), you're hearing about the massive amount of election fraud being uncovered by lawyers working on Trump's behalf and how they're going to "release the Kraken," in the words of Sidney Powell, one of the leading attorneys seeking to prove the case in court. The next minute (if you do listen to the MSM), you're hearing about how Trump's legal challenges in various states are being tossed out one after another like last night's food scraps because there is no evidence of any fraud. Such conspiracy theories are "baseless." That's CNN's Word of the Month.
Trump supporters are vacillating between "It ain't over!" and "All is lost!" while Biden supporters are saying "Come on, man! Joe's already picking his cabinet! I mean, Trump lost...CNN said so, and they're the most trusted name in news!" They're humming along, glued to the MSM and wondering why that darn Trump won't concede to Joe Biden.
For his part, Biden was advised months ago not to concede under any circumstances by none other than Hillary Clinton. I distinctly recall that when I viewed the video of her making this statement, I couldn't help but notice her eerily calm, reassuring tone. Now it all makes sense—she knew exactly what was being planned.
Of course, I am fully cognizant of one fact: By the time this article is posted, some of what I say regarding the election itself will have been superseded by breaking events—it'll be yesterday's news. I'm not even going to worry about that. But...
No matter what happens between now and then, what I want to discuss will still be relevant from a prophetic standpoint.
Otherwise, I would be writing what I originally had planned.
I think many reading this would agree that the unexpected election of Donald Trump four years ago was a major setback for the globalist elites who seek to chop America down to size and put a chain around its neck so they can usher in their dream of a global government that they sincerely believe will solve all the world's problems by controlling everybody and everything. Of course, biblically knowledgeable believers will recognize this as the kingdom of the Antichrist.
But here we are, four years later, with Trump having an election he actually won by a significant margin stolen from him through fraud of staggering proportions, the MSM blithely wishing it away by insisting there is no evidence of any fraud whatsoever and dismissing and shutting down anyone with the audacity to disagree, and the success of frantic efforts to expose and prove that fraud in court hanging precariously in the balance.
It's not about Trump.
It's about what is right
and what is wrong. And
election fraud is wrong.
I do not know if the results of this fraudulent election will be overturned or not, but in my flesh it's what I ache for—but not just because I support Trump. The MSM wants to make it all about Trump, but it's not. It's about the integrity of this country's elections. And if we don't get this one right and root out the fraud right now, we will never have another fair election. It's over. America will be the world's largest banana republic.
It's not about Trump. It's about what is right and what is wrong. And election fraud is wrong. But recently the Holy Spirit brought a key point to my mind and gave me a fresh view of things and reminded me that there is a bigger picture here than whether or not Trump serves a second term.
And that fresh view of things has given me a great deal of peace in a time when for many peace seems to be in short supply.
I also want to briefly discuss three basic scenarios that could result from this year's election. Lots of things could unfold, but these are just three.
Hint: The "best" one just might surprise you.
"I will bless them that bless you..."
I have no idea if the ongoing efforts to expose (and more importantly, prove in court) the massive election fraud that has occurred will be successful in overturning the results of the election, and so I'm not going to speculate on who will be occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue after January 20, 2021. All anyone can say with certainty is that it could be Trump, and it could be Biden. That's not my purpose here.
As I've stated openly in the past, I do support President Trump because President Trump supports Israel. In fact, you'd be hard-pressed to find a president who has been more supportive of Israel since it was formed as a nation under Harry Truman in May 1948. With that thought in mind, I have been mulling over the following verse of Scripture quite a bit recently:
3And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you:
(Genesis 12:3a AKJV)
God promised to bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. And I just checked:
That verse is still in the Bible.
On the surface of it, that might lead one to believe that Trump will be vindicated, the fraud will be exposed and proven, and he will remain as president for the next four years by virtue of legitimately winning the election on November 3. Which I am 100 percent convinced that he did—and I am far from alone in that assessment.
I think most would agree that would qualify as Trump being "blessed."
I talked about this in an article about five years ago, but this calls to mind what happened to Harry Truman in 1948. Vice President Truman had taken over the presidency just a few months into FDR's fourth term when the president died in April 1945, and Truman came up for election in November 1948. But just six months earlier, at 12:11 a.m. on the morning of May 15, 1948, he had directed a phone call to be made to the 11-minute-old State of Israel so that the United States could be the first country to recognize the brand-new Jewish nation.
And six months later, God blessed Truman in a stunningly public manner with one of the most dramatic come-from-behind election victories in American history over Governor Thomas Dewey of New York.

Coincidence? Yeah, right. Go watch some CNN.
OK, but what about Trump? Does that mean God is going to dramatically reverse the fortunes of the president, and have the blatant fraud that robbed him of a well-earned victory exposed and proven in court and the election results righted in his favor?
I do not know—and neither does anyone else. But I do know one thing:
God will bless Trump for blessing Israel.
We have His Word on it. But who says that blessing must take the form of a second term as president? In other words:
What if God's blessing actually involves removing Trump from office?
Which it could. If the Democrats somehow manage to cover their tracks well enough and stymie the efforts to expose the fraud they perpetrated to install Biden into the White House and Trump is ingloriously shown the exit after actually winning the election by a veritable landslide, then perhaps God's blessing is in the form of sparing Trump from taking the fall for what is coming much sooner than many people believe.
And what might that be, you ask?
Daniel's 70th Week, aka the Tribulation, during which God will unleash round after horrifying round of global judgment on a world that has rejected His grace and mercy and persecuted His people Israel.
Just as the Democrats absurdly, unjustly, and hypocritically blame Trump for the coronavirus pandemic and every single American death directly attributed to it (which reliable statistics put at only about six percent of the highly trumpeted total), can you imagine the sort of things that would grace CNN's headlines during the judgments of the Tribulation?
Oh, I sure can:
Trump's inaction to blame for millions of COVID-22 deaths
Trump's pro-Israel politics root of Mideast conflagration
Trump's US-centric trade policies feed global famine
Cosmic disturbances—God's judgment on Trump?
Trump plays golf as asteroids pummel earth
Do these have a familiar ring to them? They do if you've been visiting CNN.com on a daily basis for the last four years.
It's not difficult for me to imagine that God's way of blessing Trump for his unwavering support of Israel could take the form of mercifully removing him from the presidency, thus allowing a now even more tainted Joe Biden and his globalist cohorts to take the blame for America's precipitous slide into the abyss of judgment.
And I only say that because I believe we are that close.
I believe that Trump's four-year stint in the White House has been a speed bump in the drive toward the globalists' dream of a one-world government (aka the kingdom of the Antichrist) that created a window of time for other important prophetic factors to be put into place, such as the drive toward normalization between Israel and the Arab nations that is setting the stage for the treaty of Daniel 9:27, etc. So, the obvious question is this:
Q. Does God need an eight-year speed bump, or will four years do?
A. We're about to find out.
The lions that squeak
The main point the Holy Spirit led me to consider recently, however, relates to the battle of Gog-Magog. I've discussed Gog-Magog before, or the battle described in Ezekiel 38–39 in which a group of nations including Russia, Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Libya, and a few others suddenly descend on Israel to wipe it off the map. The forces of these nations are supernaturally decimated in their tracks by the hand of God—a God whom the world will know from that point on fights for His people Israel.
Now, let me be quick to emphasize that this is not any kind of "prophecy" the Holy Spirit whispered in my ear or that He revealed to me in a vision or in the shower or any such thing. On the contrary. This is just a dash of plain vanilla rightly dividing of Scripture and some common sense observations that the Holy Spirit brought to my attention. Nothing up my sleeve.
That reminds me...speaking of prophecies, let me dispense with this before I get into the meat of what I want to discuss:
Taking the sting out of the sting: I can't say I'm surprised, but I see a number of people have been excitedly putting out prophecies regarding the outcome of the election, claiming that God revealed to them that all manner of fraud would be exposed and that Trump would win a second term, and so on and so forth. And there's no need to name names—this stuff is out there.
But I feel compelled to inform you that some of these "prophecies" make much of a video that has gone viral featuring a man named Steve Piecznik, a Cuban-born American who has published a number of Tom Clancy-esque novels and who (according to him) has a history of working as a crisis negotiator for the State Department.
In the video, Piecznik claims that Trump, being the genius that he is, anticipated the Democrats' plans of election fraud and cleverly had all legitimate ballots printed with a secret watermark, thus effectively setting up a sting operation. So, at the time of his choosing (after the Deep State has "dug its own grave" in Steve's words), Trump can spring his trap on the Democrats and reveal all the fraudulent ballots in one dramatic fell swoop.
Trust me, when my older sister sent me a link to this video, nobody wanted it to be true more than yours truly. And it sounds tantalizingly plausible until you learn one thing: It isn't the case that one single federal agency is responsible for printing all election ballots. As explained in a write-up at Snopes.com, ballots are printed in literally thousands of local jurisdictions all across the country, using a number of different security measures. In order for this theory to hold any water, the federal government (presumably the Department of Homeland Security) would have had to secretly intervene in the printing of ballots in roughly 10,000 localities all across the United States, which is sufficiently unlikely to earn this tale a rating of "FALSE" at Snopes.com. Now, it is certainly not my place to criticize those who put out these prophecies—I'm just saying. Take such prophecies with a healthy grain of salt.
OK, back to Gog-Magog. This is no doubt a well-worn passage for many of you, but we need to take it out and dust it off:
10Thus said the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into your mind, and you shall think an evil thought: 11And you shall say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, 12To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn your hand on the desolate places that are now inhabited, and on the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the middle of the land. 13Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say to you, Are you come to take a spoil? have you gathered your company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?
(Ezekiel 38:10–13 AKJV / emphasis added)
The Gog-Magog coalition is ready to lay waste to an unsuspecting Israel, but before they can do so God rains judgment on them in a manner that demonstrates clearly to both Israel and the nations of the world that God is the LORD, He is the God of Israel, that He fights for His people, and that He will no longer hide His face from them.
I've written about this before, but note that the end result of this battle is God effectively turning His face once again towards His people Israel. In other words, this is God's way of saying to Israel:
"I'm b-a-a-c-k!"
That tells me that the Rapture must have logically already occurred by the climax of this battle. Romans 11 makes it clear that God has placed a partial hardening on Israel while He deals with the body of mostly Gentile believers known as the Church, and after the "fullness of the Gentiles be brought in" (and raptured), God will once again turn His face back to Israel to effect their national redemption during the Tribulation. And that's exactly what we see happening at the climax of the battle of Ezekiel 38–39. It all fits.
But I want to turn your attention to this intriguing bit in verse 13 about "Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof," who are nations that apparently don't lift a finger to aid or protect Israel in the face of the Magog coalition's concerted effort to destroy them.
Many commentators have traditionally linked Tarshish with Spain, based on an ancient city/region in southwestern Spain called Tartessus. Others, however, while not disputing the connection with Spain, extend this region and the associated sea trade to include the British Isles, as articulated in the following excerpt from an article posted at Christians United for Israel:
We understand that Tarshish was west of Israel leading some historians to believe it was located in what is today south-west Spain, especially as the Phoenicians had important colonies in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, rich in minerals with Cadiz as a vital trading port. There is also a place called Tartessus, Arabic for Tarshish, located in the region near Seville, that was shrouded in ancient myth as a trading powerhouse. Many, but not all the materials mentioned in Ezekiel 27 [v. 12: silver, iron, tin, and lead] could have been sourced in southern Spain. [All except tin.]
Whilst the Iberian Peninsula played an important role in the ancient Phoenician trade route, this is only part of the wider picture. There is much more to Tarshish than it simply being a city. Remember that Tarshish was known for its trade merchants and the items being brought to Tyre were from much further afield than a known colonial port. In fact, in ancient literature Tarshish became synonymous with a faraway place, plentiful and prosperous, and somewhere way beyond the reach of known civilisation.
We know from classical records that the Phoenicians were very secretive about where they were sourcing all their materials. There are tales of Phoenician ships deliberately misleading rival fleets in order to hide their trade routes. However archaeological evidence has since revealed that the Phoenician trade route extended beyond the Iberian Peninsula and the "Pillars of Hercules," right up to the British Isles with proven links to Cornwall and Devon. Without dismissing the Tarshish connection with southern Spain, this is certainly consistent with the Psalm 72 which implies Tarshish is an island with isles as well as other historical sources that describe Tarshish as an island. [Last time I checked, Spain was not an island.]
Most importantly, Cornwall was the only major source of tin in Europe for the past 2,500 years. Britain supplied tin for bronze-making to all of Europe for centuries, hence its prosperity during the Bronze Age. The Phoenicians discovered that Britain’s tin deposits could be much more easily mined and were closer to the surface, unlike the smaller tin deposits elsewhere on the continent. In the 19th century there were 400 mines in Cornwall alone, the last closing in 2004. Tin, sourced from the British Isles by the Phoenicians, was combined with copper, abundant in southwest Spain, to produce bronze. Scientists recently found evidence suggesting that Solomon's Temple may have been built with bronze made from British tin. There is also mounting evidence of links between Phoenicians and trading outposts along the Cornish and Devon coasts.
In September 2019, scientists made a breakthrough discovery by identifying tin ingots found in Israel as being originally from Cornwall. The ingots, which date back to around 1300 BC, were discovered at shipwreck sites and a sunken village off the coast of Israel from a time that Phoenician ships dominated the Mediterranean. Researchers from Heidelberg University in Germany revealed the ancient artefacts did not come from Central Asia, as previously assumed, but from tin deposits in Europe including sites in Cornwall.
Scientists examined the objects by analysing the make-up of lead and tin as well as small amounts of elements. This allowed them to verify that the tin artefacts from Israel largely matched tin from Cornwall, especially the Carnmenellis area between Redruth and Helston.
(emphasis & [comments] added)
— "Britain, Tarshish and Bible Prophecy"
Christians United for Israel (www.cufi.org.uk) [Source]
I included this rather lengthy excerpt because I don't want to leave any doubt in your mind—this is crucial to our understanding of what God is telling us about the end-time scenario through the prophet Ezekiel. The point is that the "merchants of Tarshish" unquestionably include the British Isles. And if the "merchants of Tarshish" include the British Isles, "the young lions thereof" (which absolutely refers to people groups and nations who grew out of them), would include America. This is a fact, and it is critical in light of what is transpiring right now and what will transpire in the next few years.
Many people, even if they are aware that America is one of Ezekiel's young lions, miss the fact that this reveals a relevant clue about America's future.
Note what the young lions do: nothing. They do absolutely nothing to aid Israel in the face of a devastating attack that is meant to destroy the Jewish nation. What do we get from these lion cubs instead?
Empty rhetoric.
All talk and no action, that's us—that's America's response. The enemies of Israel (and of the United States) are about to annihilate our number one ally in the Middle East, and we sit on our hands and spout empty rhetoric.

This reminds me of the 1959 satirical novel The Mouse That Roared, in which a tiny fictional European nation declares war on the United States, planning to avail themselves of the largesse America is known for showing those it conquers in armed conflict. But instead of a mouse that roars, Ezekiel gives us lions that squeak. These young lions do nothing but squeak like a bunch of scurrying rodents, and Ezekiel makes it quite clear that these include our nation:
America is one of the lions that squeak.
And note that this speaks directly to the leaders of the nations in question—or in our case, the president.
Now, consider the man who has been the president of the United States for the last four years, Donald Trump. He is certainly a flawed individual. He's a bit of a narcissist. He can be vindictive. He shoots off a lot of ill-advised tweets. He's made his share of mistakes as president. That is hard to deny. But there is one thing about Donald Trump that cannot be denied and that stands out front and center to me and millions of other Americans:
His support for the State of Israel
is sincere, absolute, and unwavering.
President Trump has been a stalwart friend to Israel like few other presidents in American history. In January 2020, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Trump is "the best friend Israel has ever had in the White House."
Empty rhetoric? Consider:
• In May 2015, President Barack Obama touted the signing of the Iran nuclear deal, a desperate effort to slap a shiny gold star on his foreign policy report card before the end of his White House tenure. His desperation showed, however, and Iran played him like a Stradivarius and got total sanctions relief from the United States (not to mention a secret cargo plane full of cash) in return for pinky swears that Iran would be good and wouldn't pursue nuclear weapons. The Iranians were quietly violating the terms of the deal while it was being negotiated as Barack Obama and John Kerry looked the other way, and it is quite likely that they have never stopped violating it to some degree.
It doesn't take a genius to understand that Iran wants nuclear weapons so it can be the big dog on the block in the Middle East and to annihilate Israel, and isn't about to let some worthless scrap of paper stop them.
In May 2018, as promised, President Trump unilaterally withdrew the United States from this horrendous joke of a deal and proceeded to slap even tougher sanctions on Iran to make them understand he was dead serious about stopping them from developing nuclear weapons and threatening our ally Israel. The Iranians got the message, and have hated Trump's guts for it ever since. Trump received scorching criticism from home and abroad, but he stuck to his guns.
And Israel is very grateful that he did.
Pop quiz:
Q. Why do you think the leaders of Iran (not to mention Hamas and Hezbollah) are dancing in the streets at the prospect of a Biden presidency? Hmm...
• Israel captured the Golan Heights in the 1967 Six Day War, and numerous mediation efforts to reach a peace agreement based on Israel's withdrawal from the region came to naught. Israel formally annexed the Golan Heights in December 1981, much to the consternation of the United States, which considered the region occupied Syrian territory and felt its status could be a useful bargaining chip in future peace negotiations.
In recent years, Iran has sought to establish another front against Israel, and they had the Golan Heights in their crosshairs. In response, Israel sought American recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan as a way of keeping Iran out, and in March 2019, President Trump signed a proclamation formally recognizing the Golan Heights as part of Israeli territory.
And Israel is very grateful that he did.
• A long list of American presidents vowed to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but none did, typically citing security concerns. In October 1995, Congress instructed the president to move the embassy to Jerusalem by May 1999, but ever since then the move has been put off for six months at a time by the signing of a waiver. Signing this semiannual waiver has been a routine task for every president ever since...that is, until Donald Trump took office.

On December 6, 2017, President Trump stunned the entire world by announcing that America officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and promised to begin the process of moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem, thus righting a geopolitical anomaly. True to his word, five months later, on May 14, 2018, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel, the embassy was officially opened.
Trump took massive amounts of vicious criticism for the move from virtually every corner of the globe. World leaders howled in agony. It was death to the peace process. It was a slap in the face for the Palestinians, who have literally never stopped pouting about it. It was the trigger for World War III. It was illegal, illegitimate, immoral, unwise, ill-advised, reckless, unjust, and unforgivable. And the world has never forgiven him for it.
But Trump didn't care—he took all the heat and just kept on truckin'. He knew it was the right thing to do for Israel, and he did it.
And Israel is very grateful that he did.
In addition to these milestones, Trump has strongly and consistently defended and stood up for Israel at the United Nations, one of the most deliriously anti-Israel institutions on the planet. He has proposed his Deal of the Century as a path to peace, which broke with all former efforts by pinning the blame for the impasse exactly where it belongs: on the Palestinians, not Israel.
So, regardless of what anyone thinks of Donald Trump as a person, let there be no doubt in anyone's mind:
Trump is without a doubt one of the most
pro-Israel presidents this nation has ever
had the honor of having in the White House.
So Ezekiel talks about the young lions who do nothing to but spout empty rhetoric instead of attempting to defend Israel. But Trump is most decidedly not one of them—he is not one of the lions that squeak:
He is a lion that roars.
Now, please understand: This isn't just a Trump rah-rah routine. I'm not trying to slap together an online pro-Trump fanzine.
I'm trying to make a valid point, and this is the little gem that the Holy Spirit hit me with. The point is that based on Trump's clear history of bold, unwavering support for Israel and the unmistakable implications of Ezekiel's prophecy, there is simply no way around the following conclusion:
There is simply no way that Ezekiel 38:13
can be fulfilled as long as Donald Trump is
serving as president of the United States.
Trump has made it clear in no uncertain terms that he would go down swinging to protect the Jewish nation, no matter what. Wimp out, offer up meek protests, and do nothing? Trump?! Not a chance. His well-established track record tells you everything you need to know.
But what about the liberal, anti-Israel left? Now, in all fairness, Joe Biden himself certainly doesn't hate Israel, nor does he have a history of supporting policies that are strongly anti-Israel. He has generally mouthed the standard spiel about how Israel and the Palestinians have to negotiate with each other to come to an agreement over a two-state solution, settlements are bad, pre-1967 borders are good, blah blah blah, yada yada yada. In other words, he has served up Israeli-Palestinian boilerplate. So I can't fault him too much for that—at least he's not a raging anti-Semite.
In fact, Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly had a long, comparatively warm relationship with Joe Biden, dating back to around 1980. Later during the Obama years, it was an open secret that Netanyahu and Obama disliked and distrusted each other, which saddled the Israeli prime minister with a good cop, bad cop relationship with the U.S., with Biden playing the role of the former and Obama the latter.

So Biden himself is not what scares me in regard to Israel—or in regard to anything, really. Don't get me wrong...I don't hate Joe Biden. Now, since Donald Trump isn't exactly a paragon of moral virtue, I can't talk too loud. But Joe Biden is basically your average corrupt, career politician who has been fortunate enough to ride on the coattails of others and who now finds himself in the unlikely position of being installed as a placeholder president. He's a softballer who spouts platitudes and who is sadly losing his grip on reality due to the natural progression of senile dementia. And he needs Christ. So I certainly don't hate him—I actually feel bad for him.
What scares me is the radical liberal left that will control him.
Or simply replace him.
If Joe Biden is installed in the White House, he'll no longer get to hide in his basement. He will be front and center before the country and before the world—sans cue cards—and it won't be long before millions of Americans who have been dwelling cozily in MSM Land begin to realize they have been lied to and that they now have a president whose train of thought frequently gets derailed before he can reach the end of a sentence. How long do you think it will be before discussions of the 25th Amendment resurface, about what to do when a president is no longer able to carry out the duties of his office...a move that was clumsily (craftily?) telegraphed by Nancy Pelosi months ago?
Hello Prezident Kommie-la Harris.
That's what scares me. It's not difficult for me to imagine a morally weak, rabidly anti-Israel left-wing government looking the other way and licking its chops as the Gog-Magog coalition descends on an energy-rich Israel for some horrifying indiscretion, like threatening to annex the West Bank again, or building some new settlements, or simply trying to defend itself by striking back after being struck first, or some such move that allegedly violates international law. And the jackals will attack.
And according to the prophet Ezekiel, when the jackals attack, the lion cubs just squeak.
So, if Ezekiel 38:13, and by logical extension the battle of Gog-Magog itself, cannot be fulfilled with Donald Trump in the White House—and I am convinced there is simply no way that it can, what can we reasonably conclude, particularly in terms of the current situation involving the outcome of the 2020 election? What are some possible scenarios?
Some possible scenarios
First off, as I said, I am convinced that the Rapture, in addition to occurring before the launching of the Tribulation, must also occur prior to the climax of the battle of Gog-Magog. Now, I believe a plausible argument can be made for the climax of Gog-Magog occurring shortly before or shortly after the official beginning of the Tribulation, which comes in the form of the confirmation of the treaty of Daniel 9:27. I have leaned in both directions at different times in the past, and so I hesitate to be dogmatic about it.
But since the details concerning the precise timing of Gog-Magog in relation to the formal beginning of Daniel's 70th Week aren't critical to what I want to discuss, I see no great harm in simply lumping these two events together as, say, EZ-DAN:
The battle of Gog-Magog as per the prophet EZekiel, considered as occurring in the same approximate time frame as the launching of the Tribulation as per the prophet DANiel.
I want to briefly describe three scenarios that could possibly play out, based in part on the results of the election. Mind you, they're not prophecies—they're just possibilities. And as I said, there are others, but here are three.
1. The fraud prevails, Biden is in, and it's a clear path to EZ-DAN.
In this scenario, God sovereignly allows Biden to be installed in the White House and blesses Trump by getting him out of the way of what is coming, which is darkness and doom—the ever accelerating prelude to the Tribulation. Although I believe God will still bless Trump by allowing the fraud that removed him to be exposed and left hanging around Biden's neck like the stinking, rotting albatross that it is, in this scenario God allows that vindication to come too late to overturn the results of the election. The last hurdle to the kingdom of the Antichrist is removed, and the liberal left and the globalist elites take the reins of power.
And we are off to the races.

Before you can say "Allahu Akbar," Biden has the United States back in the Iran nuclear deal against sage advice and sound warnings, and the ayatollahs are singing "Happy Days Are Here Again" and racing towards a nuclear arsenal, paid for at least in part by the lifting of U.S. sanctions. As a result, Israel is sweating bullets in the face of a growing existential threat. Meanwhile our friends in mainland China are toasting Comrade Biden—the best president money can buy, and a greatly weakened America along with the rest of the nations of the world collectively stagger down the path toward EZ-DAN like a drunk down a dark alley.
And we have every reason to believe the Rapture is dead ahead.
I admit that I am filled with righteous indignation over the fraud that has marred this election. It was meticulously planned, well-choreographed, and incorporated such a variety of methods that it will be difficult to prove to a sufficient degree quickly enough to change the result (also a strategic part of the plan). Not impossible, but difficult—and I'm willing to leave that in God's hands. And to add insult to injury, the MSM is fully on board, cavalierly denying and arrogantly ignoring it.
I confess that this scenario is a bitter pill to swallow in natural terms. Oh how my flesh aches to see somebody get in Whoopie Goldberg's face and tell her to "Suck it up!" Oh how I yearn to see CNN's Don Lemon cry tears of agony, not ecstacy. And it pains me to say it, but this is the scenario I am bracing myself to see come to pass.
But having said that, consider:
This is the scenario that should excite us the most
as believers obediently anticipating the Rapture.
This is arguably the clearest, most tangible prophetic step forward, because Trump's removal from office is the green light the globalists crave and have worked so tirelessly to achieve. And if they succeed, although it will no doubt take at least several more years, it's all systems go for the kingdom of the Antichrist. So, if Trump is removed from office, we have something far more important than politics to get excited about. If Trump exits, cheer up:
It's all systems go for the harpazo!
2. Trump serves a full second term, and EZ-DAN is on hold for at least four more years.
In this scenario, God blesses Trump by allowing the fraud that stole the election from him to be proven in court in time and with sufficient efficacy for the election results to be overturned, thus giving him the second term he actually won by a landslide. He serves a full second term, and the globalist agenda remains stymied to some degree, just as it has been since Trump's surprise election victory four years ago.
Of course, there is still trouble—there is a violent backlash around the country as now the shoe is on the other foot. Now it's the Democrats and the liberal left and the globalist elites who are screaming bloody murder that Trump has staged some sort of "coup" and has "stolen" the election from poor Joe Biden with some fancy lawyer tricks, no doubt aided by his newest SCOTUS lap dog, Amy Coney Barrett. The next four years turn out to be even more tumultuous than the last four (if that's possible), but having Trump in the White House—a lion that roars—at least effectively holds off EZ-DAN for the duration.
Of course, that in no way prevents the Rapture from happening tomorrow. But what it does do is create a situation where we shouldn't be shocked if it is several more years until we get called home—even four plus.
3. Trump starts a second term, but the Rapture occurs while he is in office and the ensuing chaos leads straight to EZ-DAN.
This scenario is a bit of a walk on the wild side. Like I said, although I do believe Trump's presidency is a speed bump that is giving God a chance to prepare a few other factors that will come into play in the overall prophetic scheme of things, if Trump is given the second term that he rightfully won, there is certainly no guarantee he would complete the entire four years.
I am very much of the opinion that it is the Rapture itself that actually kick-starts the sequence of events that leads directly to the Tribulation because it will plunge the entire world into an abyss of chaos that it will not be able to crawl out of.
Well, looky who's got a short memory. Hey, Bible Dude, I thought you said that Ezekiel 38 thing couldn't be fulfilled while Trump is president.
Touché. But I am considering the possibility of the Rapture occurring while Trump is in office, and him getting taken right along with the rest of us!
Don't look at me like that. OK, he may not show tons of spiritual growth, but it is not beyond the realm of possibility that in his heart he truly believes the gospel and has asked for and received the forgiveness of sin that God freely offers every filthy, rotten sinner who believes in faith. Even me.
And you. Repeat after me:
Only God looks upon the heart.
This scenario is the most exquisitely ironic—God blesses Trump by allowing him to start a rightfully won second term with the liberals screaming and writhing in agony, and it's not long before...POOF! He's gone, right along with millions of other believers who are being openly persecuted in the insanity that is devouring the nation. America descends even deeper into chaos, and things are right on schedule for the incoming global kingdom of the Antichrist.
Don't come unglued

These are certainly troubling times—it seems like the world is falling to pieces and many people are coming unglued, just over different things. And I can guarantee you that things will become even more troubling in the future—we have God's Word on it.
Speaking of God's Word, as believers we are indeed fortunate because the Bible shows us the big picture of how things are going to play out...we just don't know all the precise details in advance. But God has already told us in His Word all that we need to know.
This probably wouldn't be a bad time to take a deep breath and remind ourselves of something drop-dead fundamental:
God is in control.
Profound, I know. But we so often and so easily forget this and get so caught up in the trials and tribulations of the world we live in that it gets obscured. Let's not let that happen. We need to touch base with the basics from time to time, because that's where our peace lies:
6Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:6–7 AKJV / emphasis added)
The Greek word translated "careful" in verse 6 (rendered as "anxious" in many other English translations) is a form of merimnao, which literally means to be pulled apart; to be pulled into pieces. More figuratively, it means to fall to pieces under the forces of worry, stress, anxiety, etc. So, in colloquial English, the phrase might be rendered...
Don't come unglued.
Don't come unglued over anything. Come to God with your requests, your needs, your concerns. And the incomprehensible peace that only God can give you will keep your hearts and minds in total peace through Christ.
So let's not come unglued over the election and the fraud that has so deeply and so profoundly stained it, regardless of who ultimately occupies the White House. Let God worry about who's going to be president, because according to Daniel 2:21, that's His business.
And we can rest assured that He's all over it.
But no matter what kind of lion occupies the White House after January 20, 2021—one that squeaks or one that roars, we can have complete peace either way because we are eternally secure in the Lion of Judah:
The Lion that roared on a cross at Calvary two thousand years ago.
Greg Lauer — NOV '20
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1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at Can Stock Photo
2. Close-Up of Roaring Lion © Nejron at Can Stock Photo
3. Dewey Defeats Truman courtesy of the Harry S. Truman Library & Museum, listed as public domain [PD]
4. Lion Cubs © Anjaiser at Fotosearch
5. Adapted from Relocation of US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem DSC 2461 (28239144128) © U.S. Embassy Jerusalem (cropped) [CC BY 2.0]
6. Adapted from Vice President Joe Biden visit to Israel March 2016 (25279812749) © U.S. Embassy Jerusalem (cropped) [CC BY 2.0]
7. Adapted from Seyyed Ali Khamenei © User:Seyedkhan (cropped, resized) [CC BY-SA 4.0]
8. Man Screaming © ollyy at Can Stock Photo
Scripture Quotations:
All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).