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This main Commentary page contains all entries for the current year of 2025. Commentary entries are posted weekly (normally Tuesday in Taiwan) and briefly discuss recent news events. Although any news story that catches my attention is fair game, I make no bones about the fact that these entries tend to lean toward news events that might be of interest to believers who, like me, have an interest in end-time prophecy and its fulfillment.

You can use the text links provided at the beginning of each month if you want to move around the page, and the menu below will take you to similar pages for previous years.

Just take me to the most recent entry and I'll take it from there...

*Entries normally include a link to an external article. It's always
possible that any such article may have been moved or deleted.


1/1/2025 — From the "One Last Hurrah" Department...

As you know, former President Jimmy Carter passed away on December 29 at the age of 100, and condolences have been pouring in from many quarters. He will be missed by many, and even people who may not have been big fans of Carter during his lifetime have been expressing positive sentiments out of respect for the 39th President of the United States.

To the surprise of no one, however, many in the liberal left are openly and capriciously delighting in the fact that it appears this means the U.S. flag over the Capitol will be flying at half-mast the day Donald Trump takes office on January 20. I suppose you could call it one last hurrah for the unmitigated disaster politely referred to as the Biden administration.

Who will not be missed by many.

Reactions here in Taiwan where I live have been mixed, since it was Carter who severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1979 in order to establish them with Communist China—a process which required the U.S. to formally recognize Taiwan as a (renegade) province of the mainland bullies.

For what it's worth, Taiwan doesn't see things that way. Taiwan has been a de facto independent nation since 1949, and has grown accustomed to the scary-sounding saber-rattling they have been forced to listen to ever since then from the western side of the Taiwan Strait.

Although some here admire his accomplishments, the truth is that there are those in Taiwan who to this day see Carter as a naive, back-stabbing traitor who sold Taiwan out to the Communists—and you can hardly blame them for feeling that way. For the majority of people in Taiwan, what happened in 1979 is what they will remember the peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia for.

But at least the Taiwanese don't stoop quite as low as the Iranians, whose sentiments toward the architect of crippling sanctions the U.S. imposed following Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution were summed up recently by an anonymous man in his 50s on the streets of Tehran:

"May he rot in hell."

Now, I admit that Carter may not have been my favorite president of all time, but at least I am reasonably confident that he will be in heaven with all the rest of us born-again believers.

But as far as Trump being inaugurated with the flag at half-mast is concerned, I admit that I'm curious if he'll have anything to say about it in his inaugural address. If I were him, I would simply ignore the flag thing, pay my respects to Carter, and move on to more important issues. You now, go ahead and let all the little swamp rats have their one last hurrah.

And let them play alone in the mud.

1/7/2025 — From the "Hardware on the Mantel" Department...

One of the toughest things about waiting for Donald Trump to take office is having to sit and watch the sickening gyrations of Joe Biden and his failed administration—an administration that, to the relief of millions of Americans and countries all over the world, has entered its final death throes.

Case in point: He just had to do it—he just hadn't quite hit rock bottom yet. Last Saturday, Gibberin' Joe awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Hillary Clinton. Now, it would take me many pages to detail why this is such a nauseating mockery of everything the Medal of Freedom stands for, so I'll cut to the chase and share the reason that stands out as my personal favorite:

• In 2016, Hillary Clinton played a key role in the creation and promulgation of a "dossier" claiming to detail how the Russians had colluded with the Trump campaign, thus supplying him with the needed boost to defeat her in the 2016 election. Hillary's cohorts in the FBI knew it was fake, but continued to push it for all it was worth until it served as the basis for one of two failed attempts at impeaching President Trump.

The lies, schemes, and corruption that have characterized her entire life as a political figure are much so that if such things were actually the basis for the Medal of Freedom, I would be heartily congratulating her because the highest civilian award in the United States would certainly be a richly deserved piece of hardware on her mantel.

Of course, they might have to change the name to the Medal of Felondom.

And honorable mention should go to her "body count," or the 40-odd acquaintances and associates of Hillary that have died, been killed, or committed suicide under suspicious circumstances.

On the bright side, however, anytime I hear about some big award like that, my thoughts invariably turn to the bema (aka the judgment seat of Christ). This event will occur in heaven after the Rapture, and all believers will be rewarded for their Spirit-led works that merit reward. Scripture mentions five crowns that will be awarded to believers for various works, and the one that I know I'm going to get is the one for longing for His appearing (2 Tim. 4:8).

I've written about this before—and I can't necessarily prove it conclusively from Scripture, but I am of the opinion that every single believer at the bema will receive something. In other words, I believe no one will walk away from the bema completely empty-handed. I am inclined to believe that the five crowns are not the only rewards available—I tend to think they are just the only ones specifically mentioned.

So, feel free to see yourself being rewarded for all kinds of things you may do or endure in obedience to the Holy Spirit for the glory and honor of Christ. And when we all get to heaven soon and very soon, be prepared to make a little room above the fireplace in your mansion in heaven. While it's likely that our rewards will primarily take the form of enhanced roles and responsibilities in the kingdom, who knows?

We just might have a little hardware to put on the mantel.

1/14/2025 — From the "Death by Death" Department...

As you all know, there has been no shortage of controversy concerning the mRNA COVID vaccines over the last several years. Many have claimed the vaccines were grossly undertested (with certain test results discreetly buried) and recklessly foisted on the public in order for Big Pharma companies like Pfizer and Moderna to cash in and rake in tens of billions of dollars.

Many are convinced the public has been lied to by Big Pharma, various government agencies, and the mainstream media from the very beginning of this entire COVID saga. Hey, the vaccines are safe and effective, didn't ya know...and those lies provided cover for the global effort to push the mRNA vaccines on the whole world.

More recently, however, scarier theories have begun to emerge. As cancer rates in many countries have begun to rise sharply for reasons that remain elusively unclear, some have even gone so far as to blame the mRNA vaccines. But there is never any mention of the vaccines in articles about this worrying increase in cancer rates, right? So surely this must be yet another one of those anti-vax conspiracy theories, right?

Well, if that's what you were hoping for, I'm afraid I've got some bad news:

Turns out it's not a conspiracy theory after all.

Dr. Kevin McKernan is a genomics scientist and founder of Medicinal Genomics, and has recently done groundbreaking research into cancerous tumors. And as a result of what he has found, he is sounding the alarm.

What McKernan has basically done is gene-sequenced a cancerous tumor, and he has discovered that its genetic sequence matches that of Pfizer's mRNA COVID vaccine. To make a long story slightly less long, this essentially represents the first definitive scientific proof that the mRNA vaccines absolutely do cause cancer in vaccinated individuals. John Beaudoin, Sr., an independent vaccine investigator, was a bit more blunt:

"When Kevin McKernan gene-sequenced the tumor [...] and matched the genetic sequence to the Pfizer vaccine, it's freaking over. It's over."

To which McKernan added:

"And we can find components of Pfizer's vaccines inside this thing a year after vaccination."

So there it is: Our worst fears about the mRNA vaccines have been confirmed.

And I fear it's only going to get worse.

As I discuss in an article entitled "A Horse of a Most Peculiar Color," I am of the opinion that the mRNA vaccines will lead to a wave of deaths that will constitute part of the fourth seal judgment, described by John in Revelation 6:7–8 as the rider on a pale or sickly green horse. John tells us that death will come in four forms: (a) the sword, (b) famine, (c) death, and (d) wild animals. And it is the third item that catches one's attention.

Obviously (a), (b), and (d) need no further explanation. But in (c) we have "death by death" (Greek: thanatos). I mean, what's up with that? As I explain in the article I linked to, usage of the Greek word thanatos seems a bit odd here, and leaves a thoughtful reader wondering just exactly what kind of death John is actually talking about. The reason I say that is because it's not the same word he most likely would have used if he had simply meant "disease" or "pestilence" in the usual sense, although that is a legitimate secondary meaning of thanatos. But in other places a different word is used for those.

So just what is John talking about??

As I explain in that article, I am tempted to see John's odd usage of "death by death" as a reference to something he wouldn't have understood in familiar human terms. And I am tempted to see this as a reference to the huge number of deaths that are going to occur in the next few years due to the effects of a vaccine that is, to put it mildly, neither safe nor effective.

Part of me prays I am wrong...but I just can't shake this one off.

Fortunately, I was able to avoid the mRNA vaccine. But one of my wife's high school friends just died a couple of weeks ago following a nearly two-year battle with multiple tumors throughout her body. And according to my wife, she had gotten several mRNA vaccines, like many people in Taiwan.

Is there a connection? Only God knows.

And God also knows that I don't have any plans to get an mRNA COVID vaccine anytime in the foreseeable future.

1/21/2025 — From the "Demented Vitriol" Department...

OK, I can breathe a huge sigh of relief now...we made it past the inauguration without a rogue airstrike on the Capitol or a team of assassins opening fire at Donald Trump. That was what I was halfway expecting, given the demented vitriol that spews forth from Trump haters in Washington. Speaking of demented vitriol, that calls to mind one Nancy Pelosi.

I am greatly pleased to report that Trump did one thing he promised to do on Day One—and God bless him for it—and that is pardon the J6'ers, whose fraudulent four-year incarceration is one of the greatest stains left on America by an equally fraudulent Biden administration.

One of the most succinct and accurate descriptions of what really happened on January 6 is encapsulated in the following meme I stumbled across:

January 6 is the day that
the government staged a riot
to cover up the fact that they
certified a fraudulent election.

As far as events surrounding the 2020 election go, about the only thing Trump could do that would top that—and I'm praying he will at some point—is release and expose to the American public the irrefutable evidence of the fraud that stole that election from him four years ago. Such proof, and it's out there, would be the kryptonite that would melt all the anti-Trump rhetoric pouring forth from the liberal left. The exposure of the undeniable fraud that was implemented in the 2020 election is the one thing the Democrats fear most and have worked the hardest to prevent.

And I hope Trump runs it up the
flag pole on top of the Capitol.

But back to Nancy Pelosi. Following the announcement of Trump's pardoning of the great majority of the J6'ers (about 1,500 people), Nancy Pelosi took advantage of the opportunity to trash the righting of this horrible wrong as only a bought-and-sold, Trump-loathing, left-wing liberal can:

"Tonight, the President announced pardons and commutations of sentences for those who violently attacked the Capitol and law enforcement officers on January 6th. The President's actions are an outrageous insult to our justice system and the heroes who suffered physical scars and emotional trauma as they protected the Capitol, the Congress and the Constitution. It is shameful that the President has decided to make one of his top priorities the abandonment and betrayal of police officers who put their lives on the line to stop an attempt to subvert the peaceful transfer of power. Despite the President's decision, we must always remember the extraordinary courage and valor of the law enforcement heroes who stood in the breach and ensured that democracy survived on that dark day."

And you'll be pleased to know that I managed to stifle the urge to vomit as I copy-and-pasted the above. This is a classic recipe for Democrats in the Biden administration: demented vitriol mixed with a dash of phony patriotism and served with a side dish of deep-fried lies.

Anyway, so it begins. I have no idea how long Trump's second term as president will last, but I certainly hope he is able to undo some of the horrific damage inflicted on this country by the deep-state demons of the Biden admin over the last four years.

And if a few of them end up in prison where they belong, even better.

But the idea of who gets caught really doesn't cause me a great deal of concern. Frankly, I am holding out hope that Trump's second term will end somewhat suddenly, at least for believers. Why? Let me put it this way:

I'm not all that interested in who gets caught—
I'm much more interested in getting caught up.

1/28/2025 — From the "Chicken" Department...

Playing chicken is a great way to get someone to back off, and if done artfully enough it is often successful in achieving the desired reaction from the other side in a conflict. But there are some people that it doesn't work well with, and it tends to backfire. Rather than backing off, they come storming back and shove it down your throat, and you are the one who ends up backing off.

And President Trump is gaining a reputation as being one of those people with whom it tends to backfire.

Case in point: Colombian President Gustavo Petro.

Trump is wasting no time in making good on his promise to start deporting massive numbers of illegal aliens who have waltzed across our southern border during the last four years, and two flights full of illegal Colombian aliens were scheduled to be flown back to Colombia.

But that apparently didn't sit well with Colombian President Gustavo Petro, who felt his countrymen weren't being treated with the appropriate level of "dignity" and refused to give permission for the two planes to land in Colombia. He protested that his fellow Colombians were being treated like criminals, and he simply wasn't going to stand for that.

Gosh, what's an American president to do? Well, he could have said:

"OK, well darn, I guess we'll just have to let these freeloading criminals stay in America after all. Nothing I can do."

But Trump didn't say that. Oh no. Trump's response was a little more along the following lines:

"Listen up, Gustavo. These illegal aliens from your country are threatening the national security and public safety of my country, and if you think you can just turn your nose up at them, I've got a news flash for you, hombre. I've got a better idea: How about I slap a 25 percent tariff on all Colombian goods coming into the United States just to give you a little taste, and then let that rise to 50 percent after a week or so. We call those 'sanctions' in English, and trust me—that's just the tip of the iceberg. Oh, and while I'm at it, I think I'll ban all Colombian government officials from entering the United States. Háblame amigo, or do you want some more?"

And in a flash, it was clear who lost this particular game of chicken.

Six minutes later, Petro published a statement on X announcing he would happily accept the Colombian illegals back into Colombia, and even offered the use of his own presidential plane to fly them back (more "dignified," you know). He also reversed his original statement by emphasizing that no Colombian will ever be banished from Colombian territory.

To quote an old McDonald's commercial:

I'm lovin' it.


2/4/2025 — From the "Familiar Paradigm" Department...

As Trump's second term nears the end if its second week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is slated to come to Washington for high-level talks with the newly elected president.

Although the two certainly have many important topics to hash over, the rapidity with which such an important meeting between the two leaders was scheduled surprised many.

But that rapidity speaks to the urgency of some of those topics.

Many of those topics revolve around the war with Hamas and the future of Gaza. Some focus on the fate of remaining Israeli hostages held by Hamas—some have begun to be released, but many remain. Other topics revolve around Israel's future in the Middle East and its relationships with other Middle Eastern countries, and the resumption and intensification of efforts such as the Abraham Accords, which sought to encourage other Middle Eastern countries to normalize relationships with Israel—and Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, and Sudan have done just that.

Another major topic deals with the possibility of a two-state solution. As I have discussed on previous occasions, based on my understanding of Scripture, I am of the opinion that there will in fact be some manner of division of the land God gave His people Israel as an eternal inheritance that angers Him and triggers His final outpouring of judgment on His people for their refusal to trust and obey Him. That final round of God's judgment on His people to purge them—to draw a remnant to faith in their Messiah and destroy those who ultimately continue to reject that Messiah—is one of the fundamental purposes of the seven-year Tribulation that lies in our future (the other would be to judge the nations of the world who have persecuted His people).

Of course I can't be absolutely dogmatic about it, but in my opinion that division of Israel God speaks of in Joel 3:2 is represented by the two-state solution. As a result, I am convinced there will come a time when the two-state solution becomes a reality, and it will quickly lead to the opening of the seal judgments—the judgments that kick off Daniel's 70th Week.

For the last four years and all through Israel's war with Hamas, the Biden administration remained steadfast in their support for a two-state solution, while most in Israel saw with increasing clarity that any type of attempted "peace process" with the terrorists running Gaza was a suicidal exercise in futility, and became increasingly convinced that the two-state solution was nothing but political subterfuge designed to lead to their destruction. Thus many in Israel now see Israeli sovereignty over Gaza and other disputed areas as the only way to guarantee their national security and survival as a nation.

Trump, however, doesn't seem to want to come out strongly in favor of either the two-state solution or the Israeli sovereignty idea, and it appears he may be willing to follow Netanyahu's lead on this issue. That, in spite of the fact that his "Deal of the Century" idea touted during his first term would have led to a "demilitarized" Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria (aka the West Bank).

So at the end of the day, I believe there will be a two-state solution at some point, it isn't clear what sequence of events will lead to it. In other words, we are left with our old familiar prophetic paradigm:

We may know the destination, but we don't
know the exact route we'll take to get there.

2/11/2025 — From the "One Little Word" Department...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu succeeded in getting the Arab world up at arms the other day—at least more up at arms than normal. Netanyahu was being interviewed on Israeli television, and at one point said that Saudi Arabia could create a Palestinian state, noting that they had "a lot of land over there." The interviewer agreed that it was "an idea worth exploring."

Although it's not 100 percent clear to me how genuinely serious Netanyahu was at the moment he made that statement, his words have sparked a fiery backlash from Arab states throughout the Middle East.

Particularly from Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry had some choice words for both Netanyahu and the Jewish state he leads:

"The kingdom affirms that the Palestinian people have a right to their land, and they are not intruders or immigrants to it who can be expelled whenever the brutal Israeli occupation wishes."

They also accused Netanyahu of trying to divert attention away from his "crimes," particularly his ongoing "ethnic cleansing" of Gaza.

Right...same old same old. But as I read the Saudi Foreign Ministry's remarks, one little word jumped out at me. One innocent little word that almost slides by unnoticed, and that the entire Arab world casually glosses over and treats as something that isn't even open to question. And that one little word is this:


As in "their land." As in "the land belonging to the Palestinians."

Uhh...I'm sorry, but what land? Do you mean the Gaza Strip, land that was part of Israel and that was essentially gift-wrapped and handed over to the Palestinians in 2005 by then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in an utterly futile attempt to make peace with them? Or do you mean the West Bank, a part of Israel that the Israelis won back and rightfully reclaimed as a result of their victory in the Six Day War in June 1967?

And you can't possibly mean the entire state of Israel, because that has all belonged to the Jewish people since the days of Abraham. Although they have been temporarily driven from their land on a couple of occasions throughout history, none of that changes the fundamental fact that it is still their land.

There's that word again:


As in "their land." As in "the land belonging to the Jews."

When Arabs casually talk about "their land" in reference to the Palestinians, they are making an assumption that requires a leap that would make Evel Knievel green with envy—and that leap comes in two parts:

1. They assume the Palestinians are a nation of people who at one time possessed a land.

(They aren't and they never have.)

2. They assume the land they possessed comprises every square inch of what is today the nation of Israel.

(It doesn't because they never did.)

So, wrong on both counts...egregiously so. What are commonly referred to today as the "Palestinians" are actually the descendants of Arab refugees (mostly Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Iraqi, and Egyptian) who lived peacefully in what is today Israel until the establishment of the modern state of Israel in May 1948. Arab leaders urged these people to temporarily evacuate to other areas until they had a chance to attack and destroy the upstart Jewish nation, at which point they could return, help themselves to all the land, and enjoy their newly liberated, Jew-free state.

But the God of Israel had other plans.

With a considerable amount of that God's help, Israel roundly defeated the five surrounding nations that pounced on them the day after they declared independence. And after the 10-month war was over, those Arabs who had voluntarily left Israel at the behest of Arab leaders had nowhere to go.

Them's yer "Palestinians."

Don't take my word for your homework. And it is patently obvious to anyone who knows the pertinent history that these so-called "Palestinians" do not possess a land that is "theirs." But they have been successfully indoctrinated over the last 70-odd years to believe that it really is "their land" and that the evil Zionist occupiers who took it from them need to be destroyed so it can be given back to them.

The point is that this whole idea of speaking of "their land" in regard to the Palestinians is nothing less than pure historical fiction.

The problem is that it's pure historical fiction that has been embellished, gussied up, and foisted upon the entire world as an excuse to carry out the plan of the father of lies: To kill every last Jew. Oh, and take all their land.

There's that word again.

2/18/2025 — From the "Throwing Down the Gauntlet" Department...

The U.S. Department of Education under President Trump is throwing down the gauntlet for every federally funded educational institution in the country, and the message is in no way unclear:

Lose the DEI programs in the next 14 days or lose your federal funding.

Got it?

The Department of Education has sent a letter to all such institutions, spelling out the problems with DEI and laying down the law. Here's a taste:

"Relying on non-racial information as a proxy for race, and making decisions based on that information, violates the law...It would, for instance, be unlawful for an educational institution to eliminate standardized testing to achieve a desired racial balance or to increase racial diversity. Other programs discriminate in less direct, but equally insidious, ways...DEI programs, for example, frequently preference certain racial groups and teach students that certain racial groups bear unique moral burdens that others do not...Such programs stigmatize students who belong to particular racial groups based on crude racial stereotypes. Consequently, they deny students the ability to participate fully in the life of a school...The Department will no longer tolerate the overt and covert racial discrimination that has become widespread in this Nation's educational institutions. (emphasis mine)"

According to the order, any educational institution in the United States receiving federal funds must do the following in the next two weeks in order to continue receiving federal funds:

• Dismantle DEI offices and programming that promote race-based policies.

• End race-based hiring and admissions practices that disadvantage certain groups.

• Cease funding or collaborating with third-party organizations that push DEI initiatives.

• Halt racially segregated graduations, scholarships, and other programs under the guise of inclusion.

(Pardon me while I shout "Hallelujah!")

DEI essentially takes racism, flips it inside out, dresses it up in noble, high-sounding, politically correct language, institutionalizes it, and then applies it to a different group (like, say, otherwise well-qualified straight white males, for example) in ways that gradually degrade the quality and efficacy of the entity in question, be it a high school, a college, or a university.

Or a fire department.

Or an air-traffic control tower.

In other words, DEI institutionalizes racism in order to eliminate racism. They just apply that racism to what is perceived as an "advantaged" group, which makes it politically correct and appear as a laudable push toward the grand goal of social justice.

And for this they expect a hearty part on the back from a woke society.

Of course, what I expect to see in response is institutions suing the Federal Government, or simply changing the name of such programs and burying the practices under the rug where they can be continued under a different guise in a more covert manner.

As we are seeing in regard to many of Trump's efforts to expose and root out waste, fraud, and corruption, Satan doesn't give up easily.

He's got a lot to lose.

But lose it he shall.

2/25/2025 — From the "Anti-Woke" Department...

You might say reading the following news item put me in the mood to explain something, and that is the way in which many people today attack and demonize those who don't go along with all the woke nonsense so many liberals and left-wing types traffic in today.

The View is a television show I have never watched and never will, but I've heard enough about to make it a show I love to hate. Its co-hosts, however, provided me with a wonderful example of the game plan to attack those who are "anti-woke." And that certainly includes yours truly.

According to co-host Sunny Hostin:

"[Being anti-woke means] you don't care about your fellow neighbor, and that is ungodly."

Fellow co-host Whoopi Goldberg introduced a clip of the acceptance speech made by political activist Jane Fonda upon receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award at the recent Screen Actors Guild Awards. Jane had this to say:

"What we create is empathy. Make no mistake, empathy is not weak or woke. And by the way, woke just means you give a d*** about other people, even if they're of a different political persuasion."

And then the following exchange took place:

Whoopi: "So are people going to take the message to heart?"

Sunny: "Yeah, I thought about the conversations you and I have had, Whoopi, so many times about the co-opting of the word woke, and the fact that the right somehow has made it a dirty word. To be woke is a word that came out of the African-American community, and it was about acknowledging social justice inequities, acknowledging people's suffering. It is not a bad thing to care about other people, to care about the sufferings of others, and to act upon it...So it angers me when people are, like, this woke stuff's got to go. That's telling me you don't care about my lived experience. You don't care about the oppression of the LGBTQ community. You don't care about the oppression of the disabled. You don't care about the oppression of immigrants. You don't care about your fellow neighbor, and that is ungodly. That is not Christian."

In other words:

If you're anti-woke, you aren't a Christian.

Some of you may be rubbing your chin, wondering, "How in heaven's name did she get there?!" Well, here's how:

First, they connect "woke" with its real and admittedly noble origin: The Black community's rising awareness of racial inequalities and the need for social justice in the United States. And most would agree that's a good thing.

Then they take that basic idea and slather it with heaping helpings of glowing generalities, until being woke means things like caring about other people; caring about the suffering of other people; caring about the oppression of any group of people anywhere engaging in any kind of activities or holding to any system of beliefs.

The next step is to apply these glowing generalities to whatever left-wing liberal nonsense they jolly well please, and claim if you don't support it, you are against all these glowing generalities! And obviously if you are against all these glowing generalities, you must be a horrible person.

Finally, if someone is a Christian, they believe in God and that means they should be godly. But obviously a horrible person isn't godly, and so certainly cannot be a Christian.


The end result is that the liberal left has succeeded in mutating the definition of the word "woke" to mean that someone is in full agreement with and gushingly supports every perverted, lunatic idea the liberal left puts forth. For example:

• That men pretending to be women should be allowed to win medals and championships in women's sports, and be lauded as brave pioneers.

• That elementary school children should be indoctrinated to believe they might actually be a member of the opposite gender born in the wrong body, and thus be subject to "gender affirming care" to twist their minds and mutilate their bodies before they reach the age where their natural, God-given feelings will teach them everything they need to know about the gender business.

• That the heroes of Hamas are fighting the evil Zionist oppressors who are occupying their land and deserve full U.S. support, and that we should punish and desert Israel for having the gall to actually defend itself.

• That huge waves of illegal immigrants from any country you care to name should be allowed to stroll into America, be generously provided for with your tax-payer dollars, and be allowed to commit whatever crimes they are inclined to commit without legal repercussions.

And so forth and so on. That's what "woke" has come to mean today, and the way it has come to be clearly understood by Americans on both sides of the political fence.

So when you accuse those who see right through all this garbage and criticize them for being "anti-woke," you are the one who is co-opting the word "woke" and using it as a dirty word with all its current, perverted meanings, along with all the glowing generalities that have been slyly attached to it.

But the truth is that "woke" was not a dirty word originally. The glowing generalities are wrong: It never meant that someone simply cares about other people or their suffering. It never meant that someone simply cares about your "lived experiences." It never meant that someone simply cares about the oppression of any group of people, even those in the LGBT community (we just don't want it shoved down our throats, wrongly sanctioned as being normative, and secretly pushed on our innocent children).

That way, according to Sunny Hostin and others like her, if you are "anti-woke" and don't approve of all the insidious trash that has come to be connected to being woke, you are ungodly and not a Christian.

And this all makes perfect the co-hosts of The View.

But not to this anti-woke Christian.


3/4/2025 — From the "Stop or I'll...Jump" Department...

You hear so many ridiculously stupid things coming out of California that you almost get numb to it, but this item caused a blip on my stupidity radar.

A bill has been introduced in the California state government by Democratic Caucus Chair Rick Chavez Zbur that would make some changes to the state's justifiable homicide laws, and it could summarized as follows:

The bill would require California homeowners to "exhaust every reasonable possibility to escape" before confronting a home invader with deadly force. Otherwise, that homeowner may be faced with a charge of homicide.

Let this sink in for a moment: Let's say you are a homeowner who takes the Second Amendment seriously, and have made the decision to legally purchase a gun with which to protect yourself, your home, and your family. (Personally, I hate guns and will never own one—I'm just being hypothetical here.) Under this California law, presumably you would have to calculate your odds of surviving a jump out the window before using that gun to protect your home and your family. And if you didn't and you did, you'd be charged with murder.

Say it with me:

That's stupid.

Actually, calling it stupid is being kind. You don't have to be the sharpest shuriken in the knapsack to see that this law would give strategic advantage to criminals who seek to steal, kill, and destroy, while hamstringing the rights of law-abiding homeowners who want nothing more than to protect themselves, their homes, and their families from those criminals.

Another member of California's state government (one of the saner ones), Assemblyman David Tangipa of California's 8th District, put it this way:

"So the homeowner would have to determine within seconds or whatever, why a stranger suddenly showed up inside their house at any given hour before they could safely do anything to defend themselves...They would have to exercise all other options of, oh, well, you could have just run away. You could have jumped out the window...Before using your deadly force to protect yourself in your own home, or protect your family, you have to prove that it was necessary to shoot somebody who broke into your house, and how do you prove that? If that person has a bat, I almost have to allow them to hit me first to then prove that they had the intent to kill me, and that is unacceptable. And not only that, it steps on our 2nd amendment rights. If you can't be safe in your own home, where can you flee to?"

The point is well made, and makes the stupidity of the bill manifest.

Of course, when I used the phrase "steal, kill, and destroy" above, it reminded me of the real home invader, and that's our Adversary, Satan. He's the one who originated that modus operandi:

The thief [i.e. Satan] only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.

(John 10:10 / emphasis & [comments] added)

We also know that Satan prowls the earth, seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet. 5:8). As he does so, I have often wondered if he has any special hangouts or pit stops somewhere on earth that he prefers. Maybe a field office or a demonic administrative bureau or whatever.

If he does, my money is on California as a prime location.

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1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at CanStock Photo
2. Newspaper © Palau83 at Depositphotos

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All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).