This main Commentary page contains all entries for 2024. Use the text links provided at the beginning of each month to navigate throughout the page. The menu below will take you to similar pages for previous years.

Just take me to the most recent entry and I'll take it from there...

*Entries normally include a link to an external article. It's always
possible that any such article may have been moved or deleted.


1/2/2024 — From the "Shot Across the Bow" Department...

A powerful 7.6-magnitude earthquake struck the Western coastline of Japan at 4:10 pm local time on Monday, January 1. Tsunami alerts have gone out, with waves of up to 3 meters already reported and waves of up to 5 meters anticipated. Power has been knocked out to thousands of homes, and a number of homes and buildings have collapsed or been damaged by fire. Airline flights and rail services have been disrupted, and numerous streets and highways have been damaged. Updated reports are still coming out.

As soon as I heard about this quake, however, my thoughts didn't turn to tsunamis and power outages.

My thoughts turned to prophecy.

As I have discussed here and there in several previous articles (and will no doubt discuss more in future articles), there are a number of what could be called prophetic "tracks" that seem to lead to and point toward 2024 as being an extremely significant year in regard to the end-time scenario. And yes, I mean the Rapture. Before I say another word, however, I'm gonna let you in on my New Year's Resolution:

I hereby resolve not to be among those who will be expounding about how 2024 just has to be the year of the Rapture. Gotta be! THIS IS IT!!!

And I say that even though down deep I honestly do believe this could be the year (go easy, bro)—and I will continue to feel that way until I wake up on the morning of January 2, 2025 (you know, the International Dateline and all that). It's just that I've made the decision to refrain from blasting that feeling from the rooftops on a monthly basis for the next 12 months.

The way I see it, it's like this: I know it's agonizingly close; you know it's agonizingly close; anyone who knows Bible prophecy from banana pudding knows it's agonizingly close. I am content to leave it at that and ease up on the "THIS IS THE YEAR!!!" stuff.

But the thought that shot through my spirit the moment I heard the news about the powerful earthquake striking Japan on New Year's Day was this:

Could this be God's idea of a little shot across the bow, effectively warning the world that this coming year is going to bring a shaking like we haven't seen in living memory? A shaking that will ultimately plunge the world into the throes of His judgment? And a shaking that will launch us right up into the clouds to be with our Lord and Savior?!

I admit that it's awfully tempting to view it that way. And even though I know perfectly well that we could easily have several more years until the Rapture, the more I consider what's going on and where things are heading, the more I am drawn to the idea that 2024 really could be the year!

(Aargh! Rats! Oh well...another one bites the dust. Hey, that New Year's Resolution lasted a few minutes longer than others I've made.)

1/9/2024 — From the "Someone a Little Higher Up" Department...

If you've read much of what I have posted on this website, you are no doubt aware of the fact that I support Donald Trump.

Yep...MAGA extremist numero uno, that's me. (Shhh! Don't tell the FBI!)

Please understand one thing, however, and this needs to be emphasized:

I do not worship Donald Trump.

I have openly and unashamedly supported Trump ever since he was elected in 2016, and the reasons I do so are quite simple:

1. He loves America.
2. He supports Israel.

That pretty well sums it up, all his personal flaws and failings notwithstanding. It's not rocket science—his record speaks for itself. Under Trump, unemployment was at record lows. We were energy independent. Our border was secure. We were trusted by our friends and feared by our enemies. And Israel was confident it had a strong friend in the White House.

Today, after a blatantly hijacked election followed by three years of drowning in a cesspool of lies, misinformation, and phony narratives pushed by a compliant mainstream media and brutally tone deaf efforts to cram a perverted woke agenda down the throats of average Americans under a department store dummy implanted and controlled by the Deep State, everything I just said about Trump's tenure as president sounds like a distant pipe dream.

(And forgive me for insulting department store dummies like that.)

So it's easy to appreciate why millions of good Americans desperately dream of seeing Trump back in the White House where he can fix the damage done to our country by those who hate America and seek to tear it down to make way for a shiny global government that will lead to what they fantasize will be a brave new world...

A world where up to seven billion "useless eaters" have been eliminated and the ruling elite will live in luxury while a few hundred million doped-up serfs obediently grease the wheels to keep it all rolling along.

And before God: If you think I'm exaggerating, screw up your nerve and read some of the things written by some of World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab's closest associates.

Honestly, I would place Trump's chances of being elected in a fair election in November and being placed back in the White House at zilch point nada. What makes me feel that way? Say it with me: They. Will. Stop. At. Nothing. But in spite of that, millions of good Americans ache to see it come true. The problem is that in their desperation to see our country's course righted, they have come to see Trump as a messiah figure sent by God to save America.

And apparently so do the people working for Trump's campaign.

The Trump team has just released a video that presents Trump as just exactly that: a messiah figure sent by God to save America.

The video is so over-the-top that it's clearly meant as a bit of tongue-in-cheek, but that won't matter to many of the millions of people who so desperately want to see Trump save America. Tongue-in-cheek or not, this video will do nothing but feed the already frenzied desire to cast Trump in the role of our country's savior...which he isn't.

Even as Trump himself has sagaciously stated, that role belongs to someone a little higher up.

The Bible makes it clear that as we enter the general time frame of the launching of the Tribulation (which is just about where we are now), it's pretty much all downhill from here. No one is going to fix things—no one is going to Make America Great Again: It's downhill into the judgments of the Tribulation because rather than America being made great again, it will be slammed by the hand of God's judgment just like the rest of a Christ-rejecting world in preparation for the Millennial Kingdom Christ will establish when He returns to rule and reign. Which reminds me...

I want a hat that says "Make the World Great Again."

And I'm sure that Trump would echo the same sentiment:

That role belongs to someone a little higher up, too.

1/16/2024 — From the "Face Reality" Department...

As you may have heard on the news, we just had a presidential election here in Taiwan last Saturday. FYI: Our presidents serve four-year terms and are limited to two terms, just as in America.

In the United States, it's blue vs red, or Democrats vs Republicans. This translates to left-wing liberals vs right-wing conservatives. Here in Taiwan, it's blue vs green, or the Nationalist Party (KMT, or the Blue Party) vs the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP, or the Green Party). This translates to nationalists who lean toward eventual (and hopefully peaceful) reunification with mainland China vs independents who lean toward full-fledged, globally recognized independence for the island nation no matter what China says.

Incidentally, there is also the new left-of-center Taiwan People's Party (TPP, aka the White Party). Formed in 2019, it placed third in the election. In the view of some, all the White Party accomplished was to keep the Blue Party out of power by wooing Greeners who are fed up with what the ruling DPP has degenerated into over the last few years, but still balk at fully supporting the Blue Party. (Of course, there are also those who similarly feel that all the Blue Party did was keep the White Party out of power.)

Naturally, the Communists in mainland China loathe the independence-minded Green Party, and are sure to engage in a predictable flurry of saber-rattling at the Green Party's third consecutive election win. To wit, the Chinese Foreign Ministry wasted no time in pooh-poohing the election results, responding with mainland boilerplate:

"The Taiwan question is China's internal affair. Whatever changes take place in Taiwan, the basic fact that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China will not change."

In reality, it did change 75 years ago, radically and likely irrevocably so. The problem is that mainland China has never been able to face that reality. In response, Taiwan's Foreign Ministry admonished the mainland...

" respect the election results, face reality and give up its oppression against Taiwan."

In other words, it's pretty much the same old song-and-dance routine the people of Taiwan have learned to live with over the last 75 years. Will China ever attack Taiwan? One must admit that it's a possibility. After all, the Communists really are that blind and stupid. Of course, they would love to take advantage of the fact that they currently have a U.S. prezzzident in their back pocket who exists for no other reason than to allow Barack Obama to continue his efforts to cut the legs out from under America for another four years, and who wouldn't even blink at throwing Taiwan under the bus for the big bucks he has had lavished upon him and his son.

(*By the way, please don't bother to write to me and urge me to pack a suitcase and dash to the airport to escape to the "peace and safety" of the good ol' U.S. of A. I have lived here for 32 years: I have a home, a darling Taiwanese wife, and a job I adore teaching adult English, and have absolutely no intention of ever living in the United States again (which has essentially morphed into a foreign country where I just happen to speak the language like a native). I love Taiwan: It. Is. My. Home. I know God brought me here, and here I will stay. And I'm not trying sound like Joe Tough Guy, but if it's God's will that I die here, then so by God be it.)

The good news (and there is some) is that the world is approaching a crescendo that we will not be here to witness. We are anxiously anticipating the removal of the body of Christ in the Rapture, which is the trigger that finally unleashes the flood of evil and deception that will break over the levees of the world following the removal of the Restrainer.

So, talk about facing reality... A lost and dying world needs to face the reality that a holy God is preparing to release His final judgment on it for spurning His grace and mercy and persecuting His people Israel. And when the world finally has to face that cold, hard reality, we will be enjoying mind-blowing bliss in the presence of our Lord and Savior in a place He has prepared for us that is wonderful beyond our imagination.

And that is a reality I am anxiously looking forward to facing.

1/23/2024 — From the "Three-Stage Plan" Department...

Well, it appears the good old Helpful Henry is at it again. According to a recent article, Joe Biden (or at least those controlling him) has come up with a swell idea to get the remaining hostages (or at least their bodies) released from Hamas in Gaza. Some of the terms of the deal, however, are not going over well with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

Israel has to lose the war.

The plan, which is being supported by Qatar and Egypt (and I should probably tack on a hearty "for what it's worth" to that, since Qatar has been hosting some of the exiled Hamas leaders in style, while Egypt has been accused of secretly helping Hamas smuggle weapons into Gaza). It is a 90-day plan that is divided into three stages, and goes roughly as follows:

1. In phase one, the current fighting in Gaza would be paused for Hamas to release all Israeli civilian hostages and at the same time the Israelis would release hundreds of Palestinians that are being detained in Israel. Israel would also withdraw their troops from towns in Gaza, allow freedom of movement, stop drone surveillance, and double the amount of aid going into Gaza.

2. In phase two, female Israeli soldiers held by Hamas would be released and Israel would release more Palestinian prisoners.

3. In phase three, male Israeli soldiers and any fighting-age men would be released by Hamas, and Israel would redeploy a portion of its forces to areas outside the border of Gaza.

Meanwhile, although there is certainly widespread support for the effort, there is increasing frustration among Israeli citizens that Hamas has not yet been destroyed, and some are beginning to question whether or not that is even a realistic goal (as are some in Helpful Henry's administration).

Speaking of three-stage plans, the Bible also lays out a three-stage plan for removing born-again believers from earth before the launching of the coming Tribulation, and it goes roughly as follows:

1. In phase one, the dead in Christ shall rise first, which includes all believers who have died in the last 2,000 years.

2. In phase two, we are who alive and remain will be caught up together to be with them in the clouds. That's all believers who happen to be alive at the time, and I am 99.9 percent certain it will include me (and I pray it includes you).

3. In the third phase, Christ will take us all to be with Him in a place He has prepared, where we will live for eternity in unimaginable bliss.

And we don't even have to lose a war. On the contrary:

Our race will be won.

1/30/2024 — From the "Step by Step" Department...

And the beat goes on, as the song goes. I've touched on it before, but the military ties and cooperation between Russia and Iran just keep expanding and increasing—which is precisely what one would expect in the run-up to the attack of Gog Magog that follows the Rapture.

According to a recent news article, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will soon sign a new treaty that is in the final stages of discussion. According to Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for Russia's Foreign Ministry, this treaty...

"...will consolidate the strategic partnership between Moscow and Tehran and cover the full range of their ties."

The treaty is expected to be signed at the two leaders' next meeting, although an exact date has not been set.

The Russian government has openly stated that in recent months that Russia and Iran have been developing their relations in fields that include military-technical areas, and there is talk that Iran is considering making ballistic missiles available to their Russian comrades.

In like manner, the Iranian government has openly stated that "military cooperation with Russia is expanding day by day." To wit, in recent months Iran has arranged to receive Su-35 fighter jets, Mi-28 attack helicopters, and Yak-130 pilot training aircraft from the Russians.

And Gog Magog draws closer and closer, step by step.

And while the world trembles at this alarming news and nervously ponders what all this portends, we as born-again believers can look up and rejoice for one simple, obvious reason. So to the Russian and Iranian leaders, I say cooperate away. Swap weapons and military technology like there's no tomorrow. But there will be a tomorrow, because God's end-time program as outlined in His Word is just getting in gear.

Oh, and I scarcely need to remind you what that simple, obvious reason is:

With every step Russia and Iran
take to increase their military
ties and cooperation, we are
one step closer to home.

I am so ready for that blessed hope—and I know you are, too.

And that blessed hope draws closer and closer, step by step.


2/6/2024 — From the "Sneak Peeks" Department...

It never goes away. This idea just keeps rattling around in the background, like a nagging rumor that never gets put to rest. No matter what anyone says or does, the rattling just continues. And that idea?

The call for a two-state solution.

Under any former U.S. president I can recall, America's standing position was that the Israelis and the Palestinians had to work this one out among themselves, with no foreign power dictating to them how to go about it or what such a two-state solution might actually look like in the final analysis. To most involved, that always seemed like the most commonsense manner in which to approach this issue.

Ah, but now...the Biden administration thinks it knows better, didn't ya know. That rattling you hear is the Biden administration (aka the Deep State Dipsticks) revealing sneak peeks at the fact that they are looking to whistle the tune and make the Israelis dance to it.

Not sure, but maybe it's the cold, hard realization that the Israelis, left to their own devices, will never agree with the Palestinians over a two-state solution.

Because they won't.

At least not with a government that possesses a lick of common sense, as does the current administration under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He knows better than anyone what is best for his nation.

The current Israeli administration understands that a two-state solution is effectively a death sentence for the Jewish nation, which is precisely what the Palestinians have been dreaming of ever since they were invented. Anyone who has any substantial understanding of the realities of the situation and knows absolutely anything about the Palestinians and what passes for their "leadership" understands this.

For decades, the Palestians have been indoctrinating their children to hate the Jews and the nation of Israel, and to believe that their highest goal should be to be a martyr in the fight to drive out the evil Zionists who are occupying the land of Palestine, all of which rightfully belongs to the Palestinians. And they have done a pretty good job of indoctrinating most of the world to believe things along the same line.

It's not rocket science: Most versions of the two-state solution would basically divide Israel into two nearly indefensible parts with a vicious enemy camped out in their living room that would seek their destruction in every conceivable way, and greatly hinder Israel's ability to defend itself.

And the majority of the nations of the world seem OK with that, foolishly and naively believing it is the only way to achieve "peace" in the Middle East.

No. In reality, it's the surest way to achieve the destruction of Israel.

And the majority of current Israeli leaders understand this, as do the people of Israel. Why? Simple: Unlike the rest of the world, they have seen with their own eyes what the Palestinians are capable of...and will do again and again given half a chance.

Yet the U.S. persists in this fantasy of bringing peace to the Middle East through an ill-advised move that would all but ensure Israel's destruction, and now they are talking about unilaterally shoving it down Israel's throat. Biden's National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan appeared on ABC's This Week recently and laid out the plan pretty clearly:

"Well, the U.S. position on this is very straightforward. The only long-term answer to peace in the region, to Israel's security in the region, is a two-state solution, with Israel's security guaranteed. A Palestinian state that also has security guarantees for Israel. That's what we’re going to keep working for."

Yes, he actually said that: "Security guarantees for Israel."

Oh, really? Guaranteed by who? The United Fair-Weather Friends of America? Oh, wait, don't tell me...let me guess:

By the United Nations, the singularly most anti-Israel organization on the face of the planet?!

This is beyond naive...and Israel would have to be even more naive to agree to it, if that's possible.

But at the end of the day, many people who have studied the end-time scenario in depth believe there will in fact be a two-state solution as part of the treaty of Daniel 9:27, brokered by the Antichrist-to-be, who will be hailed as the world's great Peacemaker.

That is, until he starts going out conquering and to conquer (Rev. 6:2).

And that will put an end to the Peacemaker business and begin to reveal sneak peeks at who and what he is about to be revealed as.

2/13/2024 — From the "Falling Dominoes" Department...

Israel is preparing for what looks like the potential kill shot for Hamas, as it eyes an offensive into Rafah, a small community in southern Gaza right across the border from Egypt. According to an article in the Times of Israel, this is believed by many to be last stronghold/hideout for some of the remaining battalions of Hamas and their leaders, and a strong ground attack on Rafah just might very well finish them off. At least that's the plan (for Israel, that is).

And that's precisely why the world is screaming bloody murder about it.

Oh, and ramping up their condemnation of Israel and squalling for a ceasefire and for a hostage deal that is "delusional" according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Of course, much of that is the same old noise from the same old nitwits. But in a more significant development, now Egypt is saying that it may consider suspending their longstanding peace treaty with Israel if the Jewish nation mounts an offensive against Rafah.

Egypt and Israel agreed to a highly celebrated peace treaty following the Camp David Accords in 1978, and the treaty was signed on March 26, 1979, under the auspices of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and U.S. President Jimmy Carter. And that treaty has held firm through thick and thin for the last 45 years. But like they say:

That was then. This is now.

Now it's time to do everything conceivable to ensure that the Hamas terrorists win this battle with Israel by pressuring and threatening Israel to lay down their arms and play nice with these demonic monsters, and make sure that they survive so they can attack Israel again and again and continue their part in the planned effort to wipe out the Jews and destroy their nation.

So it could be that Egypt is the next domino to fall in the relentless crusade to come against Israel and leave them defenseless, and this is significant because when the time comes for the attack of Gog-Magog, Israel will have no one to count on for help except the God of Israel.

Not Egypt under the current peace treaty. Not the United States under Barack Obama and friends (frankly, I scarcely see any reason to mention Biden's name anymore). And certainly not the U.N., who, if anything, will be cheering the Gog-Magog players on from the sidelines.

So as the dominoes fall just as prophecy says they will, it will reach the point where Israel will have nobody to turn to except the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will take great satisfaction in showing the world that He fights for His people.

But as the dominoes around us fall, we should be looking for the Church's domino to do something a bit different.

Hint: It's the opposite of falling...

2/20/2024 — From the "Stage Setting" Department...

To the surprise of no one, the push to force a two-state solution down Israel's throat for politically correct and politically expedient reasons continues to grow. And it is clearly being pushed by the Biden administration, although such pushing was denied by United States Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew on Sunday at the Conference of Presidents at the Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem.

But to their credit, the Israelis are showing few signs of budging. Israel understands better than anyone in the world the utter folly of attempting to live side by side with a state run by demonically oppressed animals who maniacally seek their death and destruction, and that anyone's "guarantees of security" for Israel under such a train wreck of a policy would be worth less than the paper they were printed on.

In a bold, unwavering display of that lack of budging, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu submitted a resolution to the Israeli government on Sunday—a resolution that unequivocally opposes the imposition of a two-state solution by other countries or organizations outside the area. The text of the resolution reads as follows:

1. Israel utterly rejects international diktats regarding a permanent settlement with the Palestinians. A settlement, if it is to be reached, will come about solely through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions.

2. Israel will continue to oppose unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Such recognition in the wake of the October 7th massacre would be a massive and unprecedented reward to terrorism and would prevent any future peace settlement.

Or, the short version:

This is soo not happening.

And to the surprise of no one, the resolution was passed unanimously.

Netanyahu had this to say, and the leaders of the world would be well advised to take it to heart:

I made it clear to the Cabinet and I reiterate it to the world this evening: An arrangement will be achieved only by direct negotiations between the parties, without pre-conditions. Under my leadership, Israel will continue to strongly oppose unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. And when do they want to give such unilateral recognition? After the terrible massacre of October 7. There can be no greater and unprecedented prize to terrorism, which will also prevent any future peace agreement.

Of course, the leaders of the world won't take it to heart. That's because the world is falling increasingly under the sway of Satan, who is actively moving the final pieces of furniture into place to prepare for his chance to launch Daniel's 70th Week with a treaty that will spell doom for Israel, and then launch his ill-fated 42-month kingdom at its midpoint through his tool the Antichrist.

And Satan is busily moving those final pieces of furniture into place because he knows something the leaders of the world don't know:

The curtain is about to come up.

If you think the world is under the sway of Satan now, oh baby.

The events we are witnessing now are just the preliminaries. This is just stage setting—stage setting that is nearing a critical juncture. And let there be no doubt about what event marks that critical juncture. As soon as the Church is removed in the Rapture—and with us the Restrainer, the momentum toward the treaty that will launch Daniel's 70th Week (that will certainly include provisions for that two-state solution) will immediately shift into overdrive, and Satan's kingdom will quickly befall a deceived world.

And no resolution will stop it:

It will take a returning Redeemer to do that.

2/27/2024 — From the "Be Not Conformed" Department...

Alistair Begg, a Scottish minister who is the senior pastor at Parkside Church in Cleveland, Ohio, made a comment on his "Truth For Life" podcast back in September that has gone viral—and it is coming back to haunt him.

During that podcast, Begg discussed his response to a grandmother who had asked him whether or not she should attend the wedding of her grandson and a transgender man who identified as a woman. Begg advised the woman to go ahead and attend the wedding and bring a gift, as she would normally do for any other wedding.

According to Begg, part of his reason for saying that was to avoid reinforcing the stereotype of being judgmental that Christians in general have been saddled with forever:

"Your love for them may catch them off guard, but your absence will simply reinforce the fact that they said, 'These people are what I always thought: judgmental, critical, unprepared to countenance anything."

After making these comments, several of the outreaches that Begg's ministry included were dropped due to disagreement over his stand on the issue. Reverend John MacArthur, who has pastored Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969 and who has been friends with Begg for decades, came out recently and repudiated Begg's comment (in as loving and brotherly a way as possible). According to MacArthur:

"My response to that is the most loving thing you could possibly do would be not to go, and to condemn the relationship; that is loving. It's not loving to help somebody celebrate stepping into the fury of God's judgment. This is not a time for you to celebrate, thinking that your affection for somebody is the means of their salvation. They will come to salvation when the Lord exposes their sin. That's why the Holy Spirit convicts of sin and righteousness and judgment. And what should be said to somebody is: 'This is wrong, this is against God's order, this is not a marriage.'"

So, it is clear that John MacArthur, at 84, is still in fine form. Another angle from which Begg's advice could be viewed might be stated thusly:

If you go to a homosexual or transgender wedding bearing a gift and a smile, convinced that by showing those people your loving heart that you will somehow draw them to a loving God, you are wrong. I'm sorry—you are simply flat-out mistaken. Why? Because I guarantee you that 99.99 percent of those in attendance or who learn of your attendance will interpret your presence and your actions as one single thing: acceptance. After all, the reasoning goes:

"If you really had a problem with same-sex marriage like all those other intolerant, homophobic bigots, you wouldn't be here, right? Of course not! You'd stay home being judgmental and holier than thou and looking down on others like all the rest of you church-types. But my oh open and tolerant and inclusive you are for a Kristchin! Gosh, maybe I was wrong about you people!"

I hope it doesn't shock you that I am in 100 percent agreement with MacArthur, and 100 percent disagreement with Begg. This issue is surprisingly clear and straightforward when approached from a strictly biblical world view—which is becoming a rarity these days.

I used the word "acceptance" a moment ago, but I could have just as easily used the word "conformity." And that's precisely the problem:

2And be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

(Romans 12:2 AKJV / emphasis added)

So in agreement with MacArthur, I say don't go. If you want to send them a gift, that would be a swell idea: Send them a nice leather-bound Bible...

With a bookmark at Romans 1.


3/5/2024 — From the "Keep on Pressing" Department...

In an article I wrote several months ago, I discuss Iran's plan to pave the way to a major offensive meant to destroy Israel in the coming months, and I laid out this four-stage plan based on information gleaned from a video by Mark Hitchcock. The following is quoted from that article:

*     *     *     *     *

1. Have Hamas attack Israeli territory from Gaza. Obviously this has already occurred, and provoked a strong response from the IDF, which is determined to essentially put an end to Hamas. — Status: Complete.

2. Wait for Israel to get bogged down in a ground-war slugfest with Hamas that could drag on for several months. — Status: Currently in work.

3. While Israel is still bogged down with Hamas, have Hezbollah spring into action from Lebanon and open a second, more intensive front that stretches Israel's military capabilities to the limit. — Status: On standby.

4. Leverage the resulting chaos as an excuse to put the pedal to the metal of their nuclear weapons program, which would enable Iran to rapidly finish developing a nuclear weapon. — Status: In prep mode.

In stage four, depending on how things go and the timing involved, it's not inconceivable that Iran could have a nuclear weapon ready by the time the plan gets to that stage (in fact, I have a sneaky feeling that is precisely the plan). But however you look at it and however things go, Iran has a clear and definite plan laid out to destroy Israel.

And don't think for a second that Israeli leaders aren't keenly aware of it.

*     *     *     *     *

So to the surprise of no one (except those who are unaware of Iran's plan), it appears for all the world that Israel and Hezbollah are on a collision course for a major conflict—according to some experts within the next six to eight months. Suddenly leaders around the world are bemoaning what seems to be an inevitable war between Israel and Hezbollah that, according to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, would be "a total disaster." And as you can imagine, there is no small amount of diplomatic scurrying about going on in efforts to stave it off.

And now, according to some sources, Iran has just recently officially greenlighted Hezbollah to initiate its phase of the plan, with some saying it will begin if and when Israel launches an attack against Rafah near the Egyptian border in a final effort to finish off Hamas. And from the talk coming from Benjamin Netanyahu and others, it would seem this is going to happen, all the hand-wringing by world leaders who fail to grasp the basic truths of the situation notwithstanding.

And just to be crystal clear, there is little doubt in the minds of most watchmen that this plan will culminate in the attack of Gog-Magog.

And just to be even clearer, the Rapture of the Church will almost certainly precede the attack of Gog-Magog.

I know many people are taking a long, hard look at the current year of 2024 as a potential year for the Rapture; and if you've read my current article "The Year of the Dragon," you can see I am among them. Of course, this is mere speculation. But few watchmen would deny we are within spitting distance of the catching away of the body of Christ, whether it's this year or 2025 or possibly even 2026.

But I have to admit that hearing people claim that an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah is likely to occur within the next six to eight months fills me with a sober but excited anticipation for His return to take us to be with Him, and I have to admit that it puts me in a Philippians 3:14 frame of mind:

14I press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 3:14)

In other words, it makes me want to keep on pressing.

3/12/2024 — From the "Calling Evil Evil" Department...

I couldn't resist commenting on the following story because (a) it's almost comical, and (b) it's a quintessential snapshot of what's wrong with American culture today—especially in the field of entertainment—as it succumbs to the siren song of the woke agenda and careens toward the rocks.

According to what most Hollywood insiders are reportedly viewing as a reliable report, an unnamed Disney executive recently shared his theory as to why the entertainment titan has been releasing a steady stream of box-office bombs in the last few years.

Now, you might think it could be pinned on such things as production problems, strikes by writers or studio personnel, conflicts among cast members, and so on and so forth. After all, the movie business is no walk in the park, and there is certainly no guarantee of success.

The average American might consider some of these and other things as possibly contributing to Disney's demise.

But no...apparently they would be wrong.

That unnamed executive pinned the blame for Disney's seemingly endless string of flaming box-office flops on something that I guarantee you not one single American would think of:

Bigoted fans!

Of course, in reality it might have something to do with the fact that Disney is openly and desperately shoving the LGBT agenda down the throats of fans (and their innocent children). Yes, Disney—arguably once the most family-friendly company in America. According to some, going for quantity over quality is another factor. Betting the house on over-budget, can't-miss blockbusters that miss by a mile is another, according to some Hollywood pundits.

Oh, but no...the real problem is obvious, isn't it?

The real reason for Disney's string of box-office disasters is the fact that there are so many fans out there who are so darn bigoted! Who knew?!

According to this executive, when fans complain about their children being force-fed LGBT propaganda and plead with Disney to simply "make better movies," what they really mean is:

"...make movies that conform to regressive gender stereotypes or put men front and center in the narrative."

(You know, those "regressive gender stereotypes," like the Neanderthal idea that you're born a boy or a girl and that settles it! And excuse me...but put men front and center in the narrative?! Gads, how positively binary!)

As one fan commented:

"Disney's head is so far in the sand that they call their consumers *bigoted* for not buying their woke products. A major shake up at the top is needed to restore the excellence that Walt Disney himself created."

Of course, you don't exactly have to be a Scripture maven to see that the woke agenda is satanic to the core, and designed to help blind the minds of legions of people to the truth of the gospel while institutions they could once trust brazenly and foolishly call evil good and good evil.

And pardon me if this comes across as a bit blunt, but that means that as born-again believers, we have no business passively going along with it or agreeably acquiescing to it. We are obligated by Scripture to speak the truth in love—and that involves calling evil evil and giving it no quarter in our lives.

And since we're on the subject, I want to share with you my own personal little twist on this whole "woke" thing:

WOKE = Willingly Open to Known Evil.

Oh, and a "major shakeup at the top" is not going to fix this and make it all better. The forces of darkness are gaining too much power and control for that to happen to any substantial degree in the foreseeable future—so don't make the mistake of looking forward to any such thing. On the contrary. According to Scripture, we can expect things to get worse.

And rather than a "major shakeup at the top," the only thing we should be looking forward to is a "major catching-up to the top"—that is, to be caught up into the clouds to be with our Lord and Savior.

Now that's gonna be a real blockbuster!

I've already got my ticket...and I pray you have yours.

3/19/2024 — From the "One Step at a Time" Department...

You know, sometimes I wish the Democrats would just come out and say what they really mean. Can you imagine how refreshing that would be? You know, something along the following lines:

We are tired of having to pretend to support Israel. In reality, we hate Israel. We hate the God of Israel. And we are determined to do everything in our power to cripple the Jewish nation and see them destroyed by their Muslim enemies. We will continue to blink at the atrocities Hamas committed against Israel on October 7 and hurl accusations of genocide at them for simply defending themselves and eliminating the threat against the Israeli people the way any reasonable country would be expected to do. We will continue to engage in hypocritical posturing by demanding that Israel cave in to our double standard and do things that would result in Israel losing this war and perpetually remaining in the crosshairs of a demonic terrorist organization. That would suit us just fine and dandy.

Delusional U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has a brilliant idea for Israel: Stop the fighting and as a result lose the war, and have a snap election to supposedly remove the best leader they could possibly have at this critical juncture. And delusional Joe Biden concurs (at least he awakened from his nap and appeared to nod his head when told the news).

(Oh, and just to be clear: I have never graced him with the title of "President" and never will.)

Of course, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu easily sees through this sickening hypocrisy and responded they way any strong, capable leader who is determined to protect his people would respond:


Well, in a manner of speaking. But he may as well have simply said "no" because that would have wasted far less of his precious time in responding to deluded puppets like Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden. Here is part of Netanyahu's bone-crushing response:

"In the international community, there are those who are trying to stop the war now, before all of its goals have been achieved. They are doing so by hurling false accusations at the IDF, the Government of Israel and the Prime Minister of Israel.

"They are doing so by means of an effort to bring about elections now, at the height of the war. They are doing this because they know that elections now will halt the war and paralyze the country for at least six months.

"Then let it be clear: If we stop the war now, before all of its goals are achieved, this means that Israel will have lost the war, and this we will not allow. Therefore, we cannot, and will not, succumb to this pressure." [...]

"To our friends in the international community, I say: Are your memories that short? Have you so quickly forgotten October 7, the most horrific massacre of Jews since the Holocaust? Are you so quick to deny Israel the right to defend itself against the Hamas monsters? Have you so quickly lost your moral consciences? [No, they lost them long ago—assuming they ever had one. Ed.]

"Instead of pressuring Israel, which is fighting a war, the justice of which is unparalleled, against an enemy of unparalleled brutality, apply your pressure to Hamas and its patron—Iran. It is they who constitute a danger to the region and to the entire world.

"In any case, we will withstand any pressure and with G-d's help, we will continue to fight together until total victory."

He also made it 100 percent clear that Israel will enter Rafah to finish the job, in spite of all the howling and whining of the international community.

Of course, prophetically knowledgeable people already know where this is ultimately leading, and that is a coalition of nations including Russia, Iran, Turkey, and several Northern African nations unleashing an existential attack on Israel that God will personally crush with His mighty arm.

So don't look now, but we are getting there...

One step at a time.

3/26/2024 — From the "Dumber than Dumb" Department...

Kamala Harris was in the news the other day, and I always love it when she is because I enjoy listening to people who are so dumb that they're funny without intending to be and without realizing it. But this is dumber than dumb.

Harris was being interviewed by ABC news correspondent Rachel Scott, and gave her take on the current situation in the Israel-Hamas war and Israel's determination to finish off Hamas by attacking their last remaining stronghold in Rafah, which lies on Gaza's side of its border with Egypt. The Biden administration has been scolding and threatening Israel in its effort to dissuade the Jewish state from doing what obviously must be done to win the war and eliminate Hamas as a threat to Israel.

Scott asked Harris if attacking Rafah was a red line for the Biden administration, and Harris was in fine form:

"Let me tell you something: I have studied the maps. There's nowhere for those folks to go."

Kamala has studied the maps! So now she might know where Gaza is actually located. And, uh...excuse me, Kamala, but the fact that "there's nowhere for those folks to go" is, you know, kind of the whole idea. It's called "strategy."

But make no mistake, the comic efforts of Kamala Harris trying to impress us with her cartographical insight aside: The Biden administration's efforts to pressure Israel into refraining from attacking Rafah is dumb enough to qualify as an actual attack on the Jewish nation—and no one from, I mean Joe Biden on down can comprehend this. In reality, it is nothing but a thinly veiled attack on Israel, whom they fawningly claim to support.

Conservative commentator AG Hamilton expressed it about as well as it can possibly be expressed:

"Kamala Harris is now openly stating that this administration's position is that Israel cannot win the war. They must ensure Hamas' survival. This not only is wrong and unacceptable from a military standpoint, but takes away any incentive Hamas has to negotiate their surrender...Why would Hamas release the hostages or agree to surrender if they know the U.S. is telling Israel that they can't go in and take them out where everyone knows the remaining battalions exist and likely all the hostages are being held? Hamas can hold out in Rafah forever. They certainly aren't short on supplies as they steal or get a cut of much of the aid and the U.S. plan is basically just to give them more...This is the opposite of seeking a deal to end the war, it's undermining the possibility of one. It's terrible military and negotiation strategy from an incompetent administration more concerned with appeasing an extremists element in their base for an upcoming election than doing what is in the best interest of the country, our ally, and the Americans being held hostage. Shameful."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that Israel is working on ways to evacuate civilians from the areas that will be affected by an attack, and to ensure the humanitarian needs of Gazans are met...contrary to twisted claims by UN officials. He also says that an attack on Rafah is imminent, and will be carried out with or without the support of the U.S. always:

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

It's the same as praying for the Prince of Peace to return.


4/2/2024 — From the "One More Slap in the Face" Department...

On Saturday, March 30, Joe Biden announced that March 31 would be "Transgender Day of Visibility." I'm a bit hazy on the details, but I presume this holiday is a way to lavish even more undeserved attention on transgender people. (Apparently having their perversion shoved in our faces everywhere we go just wasn't quite enough.)

Here is an excerpt from Biden's announcement:

"NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity."

(Pardon me while I dry my eyes and thump my chest...)

But there is just one small problem, and the White House is pooh-poohing it as if it were a trivially incidental oversight:

The day in question—March 31—just happened to be Easter Sunday.

Oops. As you can imagine, Christians all over the country are understandably seething with righteous indignation, since they see it as a deliberate, insultingly blasphemous attack on Jesus Christ and His work of atonement.

A number of Christian leaders around the country were quick to pull the trigger, and one shot that hit the bullseye came from Franklin Graham:

"President Biden has declared tomorrow—Easter Sunday—as 'Transgender Day of Visibility.' This once again shows how little respect President Biden and his administration have for God. On the most significant day of the Christian calendar, when the Church around the world celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ who died and shed His blood for the sins of mankind, the Biden administration uses this opportunity to flaunt sin, to glorify sin, and to celebrate sin. The Bible says, '...they proclaim their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them!' (Isa. 3:9). Judgment is coming. Instead of celebrating sin, we need to confess our sins, repent of our sins, and ask for God's forgiveness."

There was also the traditional Easter Egg Roll, along with the display of eggs selected from each state's Easter Egg Design Contest. However, some people hammered away at the fact that no eggs with religious themes were allowed.

Donald Trump also called out Biden on his egregious lack of sensitivity toward this most revered Christian holiday:

"It is appalling and insulting that Joe Biden's White House prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event, and formally proclaimed Easter Sunday as 'Trans Day of Visibility.' Sadly, these are just two more examples of the Biden Administration's years-long assault on the Christian faith. We call on Joe Biden's failing campaign and White House to issue an apology to the millions of Catholics and Christians across America who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only—the resurrection of Jesus Christ."

Just to be fair: Before you get too triggered, be aware of a couple of facts. I later learned that banning religious themes from the Easter Egg Roll and various egg design contests has been the official White House policy since 1979, with specific themes often announced in advance. I also learned that Transgender Visibility Day began in 2009 and has always been on March 31, and so it wasn't as if Biden were introducing something new (although he sure seemed intent on making it sound that way). He was just making a big deal out of the fact that the next day was Transgender Visibility Day.

Unfortunately the Biden administration failed to take into account that the next day also happened to be Easter Sunday...which is something they easily could have and should have taken into consideration. They could have easily avoided this controversy by displaying a bit of diplomatic tact and some artful rearrangement of events, but no. For the Biden admin, it's...

"Easter?! Who cares about Easter?! Let's focus the nation's attention on something LGBT! That's way more important than all that religious stuff."

And surrounded by Easter Bunnies, Biden succeeded in making it seem as if he were supplanting Easter with this day that celebrates sin, with nary a word about the Savior who died and rose from the grave to redeem us from sin. As a result, the Biden admin is getting what it richly deserves. Apologies? Not a chance. In fact, all the Christian backlash is being called "cruel" and "hateful."

Color me surprised. As profoundly insulting as all this is, however, there is a positive takeaway. As usual, God takes what Satan does and uses it to advance His plan of redemption. I have never seen so many people openly discussing the true meaning of Easter before, both saved and unsaved...and all the bungling insensitivity and open disrespect of God the Biden administration can muster can't stop it. Many people are openly talking about what Easter is really all about, even if to defend Biden's indefensible insult to what Christ accomplished for us two thousand years ago on a cross at Calvary.

Of course, it is one more slap in the face of a holy God, who at this moment is preparing the judgment that will befall this nation that has all but officially abandoned Him. Which reminds me:

I wonder if any of the kids who entered the Easter Egg Roll prepared an egg decorated with images of fire falling from the sky...

4/9/2024 — From the "Creeping a Little Closer" Department...

Amazon has introduced a new method of signing up for its palm-scanning payment service by launching an app that allows new users of the Amazon One biocentric payment service to sign up from the convenience of their own homes, rather than having to go to the trouble and inconvenience of visiting a brick-and-mortar store. All they have to do now is take a photo of the palm of their hand and upload it to Amazon.

Wow! Now that's convenience!

Said the spider to the fly. Or perhaps I should say "Said the masters of the coming one-world economic system to the digital slave-to-be."

It might seem like a little thing, but experts are increasingly sounding the alarm over such advances in what they see as a growing threat to people's privacy and social freedom and autonomy. Many of those experts point out that there are insufficient laws in place to protect people from having big tech companies abuse and misuse their personal data in various ways (ways that include selling that information to heaven only knows who for heaven only knows what purposes). And to top it off, Amazon has an established history of data leaks and other known security breaches.

Critics are decrying this as another small step toward our digital enslavement, and have very real fears that it won't be long before it includes a social-credit system not unlike what mainland China is already using. In China, you get digitally rewarded for desired social behavior, and digitally punished for less desirable behavior. In other words, they have laid the groundwork for what is being called a tech-enabled system of social surveillance and control.

Don't look now, but this type of system is being tried in other countries.

James Lindsay, founder of New Discourses and author of Social (In)justice assesses the situation this way:

"(The risk) is real, but I am also optimistic that they've lost the ability to truly implement it if we keep exposing and speaking up about it...If we do nothing, it is certain, however."

Well, that's great! So...all we have to do in order to prevent this nightmare from becoming reality is to keep "speaking up about it."

You know, speaking up, like at town hall meetings, on Facebook and X, etc.

Nod if you are beginning to see a potential problem here.

Pardon me for saying, but you don't have to be the sharpest knife in the prophetic drawer to see where this is heading, and that is straight to the kingdom of the Antichrist.

And neither do you have to be the sharpest knife in the prophetic drawer to imagine some of the things that will eventually draw the ire of the one-world government that controls that technology:

• Posting anything online that expresses belief in the Bible or the God described therein.

• Attending any events where the gospel is being preached.

• Giving food, drink, clothing, shelter, medical aid, or assistance of any kind to anyone who has been identified as a deluded heretic who expresses belief in dangerously intolerant, archaic religious myths such as the Bible (Matt. 25:35–36).

Scripture is clear: These will be crimes. And technology will be in place to monitor and control people's behavior and brutally punish such crimes...and no doubt reward those who report such criminal activity to authorities.

And so here it comes...creeping a little closer.

The good news, of course, is that we are also creeping a little closer (and doing so more quickly, I might add) to something that is even more breathtaking than the digital enslavement system, and its advent is just as certain:

It's called the Spiritometric Caught-Up-in-a-Moment System.

4/16/2024 — From the "What a Great Idea!" Department...

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz has a great idea to end the trouble being caused by Iran and her proxies as they seek to intimidate and ultimately destroy Israel and place the entire Middle East at the mercy of the Shia branch of Islam:

Topple the Iranian regime!

Hey, he's completely serious. And the longer one thinks about it, the more sense it makes—Dershowitz makes a compelling point:

"All we need is for the United States and Israel to get together and help bring about regime change, and topple the ayatollahs. The vast majority of Iranians would support us, and the vast majority of Arab countries in the region would support us."

Dershowitz argues that Iran has declared war on Israel, and that we have an opportunity to do what needs to be done to effectively deal with the situation:

"They can now help to destroy the Iranian nuclear arsenal...This is an opportunity that cannot be wasted and cannot be missed, and the world will thank the United States and Israel, the Arab world will, and the Saudis will, as well...It would bring about peace in the Middle East."

Dershowitz also correctly argues that toppling the Iranian regime would put an end to their proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah, which amount to nothing more than puppets manipulated by Iranian fingers.

But he also acknowledges that Joe Biden isn't ready for that:

"He wants to narrow the war, and I think the war ought to be widened. So many people in Iran, everybody would jump for joy if they could get rid of these tyrants who are destroying the lives of the people of Iran...destroy the Iranian regime and let the Iranian people live in peace."

To which I respond:

Gosh, Mr. Dershowitz, that's a great idea! And I'm sure Israel, with the full support and assistance of the United States, could knock this one out of the park! Ahh, but unfortunately the chances of that happening are a big, fat zero. No, not because Joe Biden is a spineless imbecile who can't find the bathroom. Not because it might damage the Democrats' chances of hanging on to the White House in November (as if the Republicans actually had a chance to win a fair election). Not because there's a real chance Iran could actually win such a conflict—the Ayatollahs and the IRGC would be no match for such an attack. I say that for one simple little reason that the world is strongly inclined to completely ignore:

God's Word says otherwise.

God's Word says we are heading for a major offensive against Israel that will include Russia, Iran, Turkey, and several Northern African nations that will be designed to completely wipe out Israel once and for all, but that will be crushed by the hand of God—the God of Israel that fights for His people, as the nations of the world will quickly learn.

So, forget about toppling the Iranian regime. As usual, God has a much better idea, and a much bigger and better plan for mankind than merely stopping the threat of Iran. So perhaps we should be studying God's Word and advancing the gospel while we still have time, before this event described by the prophet Ezekiel goes down.

I think that would be a great idea.

Because before it does, I am convinced we are going to go up.

4/23/2024 — From the "Cutting Class" Department...

I know this has happened to me before, and I'm sure it's happened to you at least a couple of times since last October 7:

You desperately want to protest the fact that those despicable Israelis are engaging in senseless genocide in Gaza, trying to exterminate those poor, defenseless, freedom-loving Palestinians. And you want to do something in a particular American city that will cause maximum disruption and chaos and that will get the attention of American citizens and influence them to support those poor, oppressed Palestinians and hate their evil Jewish oppressors and demand a ceasefire in their wanton killing of those poor Palestinians and the noble Hamas freedom fighters that sacrifice their lives trying to protect them from those Israeli monsters. But what?! You think and you think, but just can't seem to come up with any good ideas about how to inflict maximum economic damage—not to mention hassle and inconvenience—on the citizenry of the American city in question.

What to do...what to do??

Never fear...the U.N. is here!

Please tell me you know I'm being sarcastic. Then feast your eyes on the following Fox News headline:

The UN has been caught red-handed aiding and abetting
pro-Hamas anarchists in American cities and streets

Yes...the United Nations: arguably the most antisemitic organization on the planet. The United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights has a newsletter, didn't ya know. It's called NGO Action News, and it provides information and updates concerning news pertaining to Palestinian issues (and as it turns out, soo much more). In its April 11 issue, this newsletter contained a link to the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), which has posted a handy item entitled "5 Ways to Take Action for Tax Day." ("Tax day" being a reference to April 15, the day Americans' tax forms are due.)

Interested users were ultimately connected to useful tips such as:

"...identify and blockade major choke points in the economy, focusing on points of production and circulation with the aim of causing the most economic impact...(effectively) blocking the arteries of capitalism and jamming the wheels of production."

Yes, this is one great suggestion on how to protest what is happening in Gaza, as Israel is doing its utmost to defend itself against the Hamas lunatics that are blindly devoted to the death of the Jews and the destruction of Israel. And the great majority of those "poor, oppressed Palestinians" in Gaza have been indoctrinated to loathe Israel and fully support the efforts of the Iranian sock puppet known as Hamas.

In spite of that inconvenient truth, however, there are legions of wealthy, pampered, otherwise intelligent college students at prestigious universities all over the country who are following such links and exclaiming...

"Say, that's a swell idea! Wait till I tell the gang in World History class!"

World History—a class they have apparently been cutting far too frequently.

4/30/2024 — From the "Nod and a Wink" Department...

This is so bad it almost leaves me speechless. The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague is reportedly planning to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top Israeli officials.

And any reasonable person might inquire as to why.

Why do you think? Because the ICC, just like the rest of the "civilized" world, has fallen head over heels for the lies and propaganda of Hamas, who is desperately trying to make the Israelis look like bloodthirsty villains for doing their utmost to defend their country and their people from murderous attacks by a sock puppet of Iran. And the left-wing media is lapping it up like the sock puppets of the Deep State they be.

According to sources, the U.N. Security Council is leading this effort by the ICC. Which shouldn't surprise a whole lot of people. But what makes this so bad and so troubling for Americans is one simple fact:

It is being widely acknowledged among many insiders that the ICC would never have even considered doing this without a nod and a wink from the United States, who is a member of that U.N. Security Council.

Of course, some helpful media sources are claiming the U.S. is doing its best to stop it. Netanyahu and other Israeli officials have been working around the clock to persuade the ICC to call this off, and Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz stated that "he expects the court to refrain" from taking this drastic step. Well, good luck with that.

Netanyahu had this to say:

"Under my leadership, Israel will never accept any attempt by the International Criminal Court in The Hague to undermine its basic right to defend itself. While decisions made by the court in The Hague will not affect Israel's actions, they will set a dangerous precedent that threatens soldiers and public figures."

Amen. But the primary reason this is so bad, for the United States in particular, is because I have little reason to doubt the "nod and a wink" business concerning America quietly signaling its approval and support of the ICC's actions. It's hard not to believe, all the straight-faced denials notwithstanding. And what does that mean?

It means America has ramped up its betrayal of God's people a notch.

And that means God has no choice but to ramp up the second part of the following verse of prophetic Scripture a notch:

12And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you:

(Genesis 12:3a AKJV / emphasis added)

"Emphasis added" indeed.

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Credits for Graphics:
1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at CanStock Photo

Scripture Quotations:
All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).