There are tons of great Christian websites out there, and here is a Top 10 list of sites that are among my favorites, not listed in any particular order. The sites on this page may change from time to time, but I will always limit it to a Top 10 list—the cream of the crop.
1. Bible Hub I'm back with Bible Hub as my favorite Bible website. I couldn't reach Bible Hub for several months due to a peculiar network issue, so I had no choice but to switch. The fact remains, however, that Bible Hub is simply the best in my opinion. For one thing, I discovered that no other Bible study website incorporates both of my two most commonly quoted versions (AKJV and WEB), so switching was a real pain. Luckily, that network issue has been resolved, and so I am thrilled to be able to reach Bible Hub once again.
2. Grace Thru Faith Run by Jack Kelley, simply one of the best Bible teachers on the planet. This man never ceases to amaze me as being someone who can unravel the most difficult Bible-related questions in a simple, straightforward manner. He answers several questions sent in by readers each day, and posts a full-length article every weekend. As one of the true goldmines on the Internet, Grace Thru Faith has been like a morning cup of coffee for me for a number of years now.
Note: It deeply saddens me to report that on October 18, 2015, Jack Kelly passed away unexpectedly. Although he's no longer around to post new material, his site remains online and is still a goldmine of terrific Bible teaching. So, I will keep this link here as long as his site is available.
3. Revelation 3:10 Run by Pete Garcia, one of my favorite writers at the old Omega Letter website. The Omega Letter shut down in November of 2018, and although it still exists, it has yet to be reborn into anything resembling its former self. So, in its place I'm giving you a link to the personal site of one of their best.
4. Unsealed This is a website devoted to news and articles pertaining to end-time prophecy and its ongoing fulfillment. Unlike some such sites I have seen, Unsealed.org maintains a pretty high standard of journalistic quality, scriptural integrity, and biblical scholarship. As a result, it's one of the best sites of its kind out there in my opinion.
5. Tracking Bible Prophecy One of the best websites for news items related to Bible prophecy. Period. If it's happening in the world and related to bible prophecy and end-time events, there's a link to it here. Updated daily. This is my prophecy news clearinghouse.
6. Calvary Kaneohe This is the site for Calvary Kaneohe in Hawaii (formerly known as Calvary Chapel Kaneohe), pastored by JD Farag. Rev. Farag is of Arab descent and is quite a character, and he devotes roughly 30 minutes of his Sunday service each week to what he calls his Mid-East Prophecy Update. The man knows his stuff, and I never miss it. The site also contains a lot of good Bible teaching videos.
7. Herescope This is an outstanding site that regularly features excellent articles and series of articles about some of the heretical movements invading the Church today. With all the pseudo-spiritual New Age trash and woke garbage that is being welcomed into the blind, naked, apostate Church these days, a site like this is a true godsend.
8. Rapture Forums This is an excellent site that features a wealth of articles from top Christian writers on a wide variety of important topics, especially eschatology and prophecy-related news and events. It also has a number of forums available for discussion of a broad range of topics of interest to prophecy-minded believers.
9. Olive Tree Ministries Run by Jan Merkel, a messianic Jew, this website features news articles of interest to Christians, in addition to a radio show for discussion of biblical topics, especially of a prophetic nature.
10. Y-Jesus This site contains one of the finest series of articles I have ever read in defense of the historical facts of who Jesus was and what He did. If you are on the fence about Jesus, or would like to strengthen your faith with bulletproof logic and arguments that can readily withstand the most virulent attacks the secular world can muster, you owe it to yourself to spend some time at this site.
1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at Can Stock Photo
2. Metal Chain Links © Krisdog at Depositphotos
Scripture Quotations:
All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).