I'm always happy to hear from people, and I can be reached at the following email address:

(In case you're curious, the above is a small graphic I created to fool the web spiders used by spammers to harvest email addresses. Every little bit helps.)
I typically respond to people's emails in a timely fashion, although near the end of the month I'm pretty busy! =8P
Unless, that is, you're all fired up and determined to "prove" to me that water baptism and speaking in tongues are required for salvation, that the Church is the "true" Israel, that there's no such thing as the Rapture because the word "rapture" isn't found in the Authorized King James Version published in 1611, or that all other English translations of the Bible are the result of a satanic conspiracy to damn people to hell, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.
Then I can guarantee that your email will not merely go unanswered, but will be promptly and unceremoniously deleted.
What I am politely trying to say (and possibly failing on the "politely" bit) is that I refuse to get into arguments about biblical doctrine, interpretation of end-time prophecy, or other Bible-related issues. If you disagree with something I wrote, that's fine. I certainly don't claim to have it all figured out. But take the arguments elsewhere—I have neither the time nor the inclination.
"I wanna post a comment!"

I have struggled with this issue on and off for a long time, but I just can't bring myself to incorporate the ability to post comments into my website. There are still days when I think about it, but I just can't pull the trigger. The short answer is that I don't have time to deal with comments—it's all I can do to keep up with my website as is. But in reality there's a bit more to it than that, and the least I can do is offer a word of explanation.
I realize that nearly all blogs and websites like mine give readers the opportunity to post comments, and there's certainly nothing wrong with that. Over the years, however, I have noticed several trends that invariably develop on websites that have comment sections, and these trends have dampened my enthusiasm for following suit.
It seems that on many such blogs and websites, a large percentage of commenters (not all, but many) fall into one of the following categories:
1. The Inner Circle
These are loyal readers who see eye to eye with the writer, and basically agree with pretty much everything the writer says. Many will regularly post substantive comments that support, extend, and deepen what the writer has posted, and perhaps add their own spin on details. They identify strongly with the writer and his beliefs, and many will faithfully come to his defense when he is attacked by those who disagree with him.
2. The Fan Club
These are loyal readers who chime in with cheerful, enthusiastic expressions of support and agreement, but that's about it—an "amen corner," so to speak. These are nice folks who gather around the warmth and light of the writer's fire, but don't chop much wood.
3. The Drive-by Shooters
These are cowardly, contrary readers who revel in firing off explosive, incendiary comments and then speeding away to avoid being caught in the ensuing crossfire. Also known as "trolls."
4. The Crusaders
These are highly opinionated readers who consider themselves to be more enlightened and insightful than the writer, but who vehemently disagree with what the writer believes and consider it their sacred duty to refute and resoundingly condemn everything the writer says. In other words, they're just looking for a fight—and they are prepared to do battle. They will post long, blustering arguments in an attempt to expose the writer's ideas and opinions as vile heresy spawned in the pit of hell and to reveal how deceived they imagine the writer to be.
Here's the point:
The first two groups inflate you, and the last two infuriate you.
Obviously it would be wonderful to be surrounded by people who always agree with me and who adore everything I write (assuming such people exist), but I'm not doing this for the ego strokes. In fact, sometimes I think the lack of them helps keep me on an even keel. I've seen people with Christian blogs and websites get puffed up with pride from a steady diet of praise and agreement from their loyal readers, and end up becoming more concerned about tending their self-glorifying fiefdoms than taking the gospel to a sin-infested world.
It's too late in the game for that.

On the other hand, I don't feel like rehashing the same arguments with people who will never agree with me and who abhor everything I write (and I know such people exist). It saddens me to admit it, but I've got a snarky streak a mile wide, and it would no doubt be provoked and put on public display on a scandalously regular basis.
Bottom line: You're welcome to contact me if you like, but I have no plans to incorporate comments into my website. I feel there's little to be gained, and, knowing me, it would likely prove to be both toxic and intoxicating.
1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at Can Stock Photo
2. Antique Telephone © newlight at Depositphotos
3. Graphic to Fool Web Spiders by Greg Lauer (own work)
4. Crazy Shouting Man in T-Shirt © dolgachov at Can Stock Photo
5. Laptop Device Damage © SergeyNivens at Depositphotos
Scripture Quotations:
All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).