This Commentary page contains all entries for the year 2022. Commentary entries are posted weekly (normally Tuesday in Taiwan) and briefly discuss recent news events. Although any news story that catches my attention is fair game, I make no bones about the fact that these entries tend to lean toward news events that might be of interest to believers who, like me, have an interest in end-time prophecy and its fulfillment.
You can use the text links provided at the beginning of each month if you want to move around the page, and the menu below will take you to similar pages for previous years.
*Entries normally include a link to an external article. It's always
possible that any such article may have been moved or deleted.
1/4/2022 — From the "Those Were the Days" Department...
The following news item brought a smile to my face, and made me pine for the days when we had a real president who had America's best interests at heart.
"Those were the days, my friend..."
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has vowed revenge on Donald Trump for the killing of Quds commander Qassam Soleimani, who was assassinated in a U.S. drone strike on January 3, 2020. Trump green-lighted the strike because the U.S. had intelligence that revealed that Soleimani was planning violence against Americans in Iraq.
According to President Raisi:
"The aggressor and the main assassin, the then president of the United States, must face justice and retribution...
Then U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was also included in this cry for justice and retribution. According to Raisi, "aggressor and main assassin" Donald Trump must be put on trial for the killing of Soleimani, or else...you know, we'll taste Iran's revenge and all that.
(I'll have to wait for the quaking in my boots to subside before I can continue typing...)
There, that's better. Ahh...there's nothing like starting the new year off with pleasant memories of the past. It's almost hard to remember what it was like to have an actual leader in the White House, after a year of Looney Tunes Come to Life led by a mumbling cardboard cutout who serves as little more than the Sock-Puppet-in-Chief for liberal left-wing actors who seek to destroy the country from within in order to usher in a regime that will turn out to be this planet's worst nightmare...with them in charge, of course.
I can scarcely help but wax nostalgic when I think back to the days when we still had a real president who wanted nothing more than to have a strong country with a strong economy and a strong military...and largely succeeded on all three counts in spite of four years of some of the most absurdly contrived lies and attacks and vengeful sniggling any president in living memory has been forced to endure.
And after a year, it still fills me with the same righteous indignation.
The good news is that I do my best to channel that righteous indignation into something more in line with what Scripture tells us to do, which is to take care of business and practical matters ("occupy until I come"—Luke 19:13) until the Lord returns for us in the Rapture, and to watch and wait actively for that blessed day that is coming soon and very soon.
I'd love to say that I'm looking forward to seeing Trump re-take the White House in 2024...but honestly, I can't.
I seriously doubt if we'll be here that long.
1/11/2022 — From the "Seize the Momentum" Department...
According to an article in the Times of Israel, the United States has launched a bipartisan caucus to promote the Abraham Accords that were initiated under President Trump.
At present, Morocco, Oman, Bahrain, and Jordan have such normalization treaties with Israel. Sudan has agreed to one, but there have been problems actually getting their agreement fully implemented due to a military coup in October of 2021 that has gotten things bogged down for the time being.
According to the article, Joe Biden has shown support for the accords, but expanding the number of Arab nations that sign such agreements will be a tougher task since the Democrats don't like some of the things Trump did to get countries to agree to them.
Just as they don't like anything Trump did—good, bad, or otherwise.
It's been awhile since I've heard much about the Abraham Accords, but this news item got me thinking. I just wrote an article about the coming battle of Ezekiel 38–39, and it strikes me that these accords will likely play a small but important role in the overall scenario.
(Note: For what it's worth, none of the Arab nations that have established normalized relations with Israel are among the nations that are listed as coming against Israel in Gog Magog. I also find it mildly interesting that although Sudan is among the Gog Magog players, their agreement with Israel has been stalled by unrest in the country. Maybe it's nothing, but still.)
In a nutshell:
I see the Rapture occurring within the next couple of years; and as Satan quickly takes increased control of things, it won't be long before Russia leads the Arab nations surrounding Israel in an ill-fated attempt to wipe the Jewish nation off the map. But God spectacularly decimates their forces and openly shows Israel and the nations of the world that He is the God of Israel and that He fights for His people. This motivates Israel to demand their temple to restart their Old Covenant relationship with God, and an up-and-coming peacemaker will confirm a treaty between Israel and her now greatly weakened Arab neighbors that will allow Israel to finally build the Third Temple on the Temple Mount, guarantee Israel's security, and I think the two-state solution will thrown in as well by a magnanimous Israel who genuinely wants a long-lasting peace with their new Arab friends.
So...what exactly do the Abraham Accords have to do with this?
Needless to say, Gog Magog will be a major hiccup in the Abraham Accords process. This is speculation on my part, but I think that after Gog Magog is over and a victorious Israel and her decimated Arab neighbors start talking peace treaty, that up-and-coming peacemaker will seize the momentum achieved by the Abraham Accords, which will provide some of the needed scaffolding for this renewed drive toward peace in the Middle East—a drive for peace that will culminate in the treaty of Daniel 9:27.
And that momentum will carry the world right into the Tribulation...
Where it will quickly morph into the world's greatest nightmare.
1/18/2022 — From the "Plan B" Department...
According to Iran, it's decision time for the United States and its oh-so-decisive leader, Joe Biden. Apparently Iran is ramping up the pressure on the Biden administration to play ball and announce its decisions on lifting sanctions to "save" the Iran Nuclear Deal.
Iran is back to playing the same old game they played successfully with previous American presidents (with the noteworthy exception of one Donald Trump, who told the prevaricating Ayatollahs to pack sand):
"Just lift all those nasty old sanctions to show you're serious about negotiating and we will certainly be able to reach a wonderful, lasting agreement in no time that will guarantee peace in the Middle East for a thousand generations. We promise!"
In other words, give us everything we want and then we'll "negotiate."
Someone should tell Joe Biden that the Iranians only respect strength that exceeds their own. Well, on second thought, never mind—it wouldn't do any good. The Iran game was lost on January 26, 2021. That's the day the United States officially became a pile of silly putty on the world stage, and Iran has been gleefully whistling the tune ever since, knowing full well that they will be able to push Biden into the corner of their choosing with minimal arm-twisting.
According to an article in the Times of Israel, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken opined last week that...
"There are only weeks left to save the accord...[and the U.S. is] ready to look at other options if negotiations fail."
Oh my. I could be wrong, but I believe that's the Biden administration's idea of "talking tough"—and it leaves me wondering how long it will take for Iran to get pretty much everything they want. (I'm guessing not a whole lot longer.)
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh replied:
"Mr. Blinken knows better than everyone that every country has its own Plan B and Iran's Plan B might not be in the interest of the U.S."
Judging from Biden's track record for his first year in office, I suspect the "B" in his Plan B stands for either "Bungler," "Bumbler," or "Bonehead." Take your pick. But I don't think there is any doubt in anyone's mind what the "B" stands for in Iran's Plan B:
Well, the U.S. and Iran can both have their Plan B, because the Church is staring right down the throat of Plan R.
(And if you're not sure what the "R" stands for, read 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17 for a hint.)
1/25/2022 — From the "War or No War" Department...
I'm sure you've all heard about the Biden administration's most recent disaster in the making—moaning and whining about Vladimir Putin's military moves in Ukraine. Biden is threatening that Putin "will pay a heavy price" for an incursion into Ukraine, and most of the reporting from the mainstream media smacks more of misleading rhetoric than meaningful journalistic analysis.
The fundamental problem is that Ukraine wants to join NATO. Putin is afraid—and probably rightly so—that if Ukraine succeeds in joining NATO, then in no time flat NATO missiles would appear on the Russian-Ukrainian border, representing an existential threat to Russia.
The Biden administration, however, is making it sound like Putin is the old Soviet Union come back from the grave, brazenly seeking to overthrow everyone in sight and expand its grip on power in the region. And the United States has to by God stop them.
Gen. Michael Flynn has written an excellent op-ed on the situation, and I highly recommend it to all. One thing Flynn discusses in the piece is the parallels between what Putin is doing in regard to Ukraine and what John F. Kennedy did in regard to Cuba:
"Let's put the current conflict into a historical context. If President John Kennedy was justified in risking war to prevent nuclear missiles from being installed in Cuba in 1961, then why exactly is Russian President Vladimir Putin being reckless in risking war to prevent NATO weapons from being installed in Ukraine in 2022? Would any great nation allow the development of such a threat on its border?
"The world could have been thrown into war in October 1962 if Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev had not been willing to take into consideration the non-negotiable position that Kennedy was taking. Kennedy promised not to invade Cuba, and he later reciprocated Khruschev's action by removing U.S. Jupiter missiles from Turkey. Both great nations acted responsibly, and the Cuban Missile Crisis ended peacefully."
In other words, cooler heads prevailed. But where are those cooler heads now? In the Biden administration? In the mainstream media?
Don't worry...I'll holler if I spot any.
So the question of the hour is simply this:
Is the United States headed
for a major war with Russia?
Is it war or no war?
I do not know. But I honestly believe you can spin this both ways and remain within the confines of rightly dividing the Word, so here goes:
War: Throughout the Old Testament, when God's people turned away from Him and began to transgress His laws and follow after other gods, He would often allow another nation to trounce them militarily. Ultimately, their suffering and humiliation would bring them to repentance and they would return to the LORD. (Rinse and repeat.) That could be the case here, where being militarily humiliated by Russia could be the next major stage in our nation's fall from grace before the Rapture finishes us off, while Russia simply wipes the blood from its sword, ignores our squeaks of protest, and sets its sights on energy-rich Israel for the Gog Magog affair.
No War: One might consider a major conflagration between Russia and the United States unlikely for one simple reason: Scripture would seem to indicate that Russia and the Arab nations that surround Israel have a date with the hand of God coming up soon, and so it's not easy to see Russia getting involved in a big brouhaha with the U.S. right now. Not only that, but one could argue that God's plan for the U.S. is for it to continue to rip itself to pieces as a result of rejecting Him in every conceivable way, and then implode completely in the aftermath of the Rapture. In other words, perhaps God intends to let America destroy America before the removal of many of the hated Trump supporters provides the coup de grace.
The thing that should encourage us as believers, however, is the fact that neither of the above scenarios puts off or delays the catching away of the Church one millisecond.
He's coming for us very soon—war or no war.
2/1/2022 — From the "Stopped Clock" Department...
The woke liberal left never ceases to amaze me, and I typically don't mean that in a positive way.
And this time is certainly no exception.
"The View" is one of the longest running television talk shows in the country, and it is currently co-hosted by Sara Haines, Sunny Hostin, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, and Ana Navarro. Although I have never actually watched the show, out of the five co-hosts, it strikes me that Whoopi Goldberg is the one most likely to open her big mouth and say something that has the majority of average Americans howling in anger and disbelief.
And Monday's show was certainly no exception.
The show was devoted to discussion of the Pulitzer-Prize winning novel about the Holocaust entitled Maus. Now, I won't bother to detail the remarks that led up to what Whoopi said because, quite frankly, they are irrelevant and change nothing. But at one point Whoopi insisted that:
"...let's be truthful about it because the Holocaust isn't about race. No. It's not about race!"
The Holocaust wasn't about race...oh no. "What is it about?" queried Joy Behar, to which Whoopi wokely replied:
"It's about man's inhumanity to man. That's what it's about."
From what I understand (and can easily imagine), the show pretty much went into meltdown after that. Of course, many people around the country are screaming mad at Whoopi and her predictably woke view of the Holocaust.
I chuckled at yet another "open mouth, insert foot" moment for Whoopi, the Clueless Queen of Woke, and for some reason it brought to my mind the old saying "Even a stopped clock is right twice a say." But as I thought about what she had said, it began to occur to me that on some level, she's actually right.
Whoopi is right...and I can't believe I'm saying those words.
When the Nazis set out to exterminate the Jewish people in WWII, it really wasn't just about race. But neither was it about "man's inhumanity to man." It was about something that Whoopi doesn't know anything about:
It was the result of spiritual warfare.
The Holocaust was orchestrated by none other than Satan, the god of this world. Satan knows that if he can kill all the Jews, there will be none remaining to call upon the name of the LORD at the climax of the Tribulation. If he can accomplish that, then the Second Coming will be put on ice for eternity. So, if he can kill all the Jews, Satan will have caused God's Word to be broken, and he will earn the right to keep this world as his place to "be like the Most High," and he will be able to keep the dominion over it that he won from Adam and Eve after the Fall.
In WWII, Satan killed one-third of the Jews.
But if Whoopi thinks this great example of "man's inhumanity to man" was something, wait till she finds out that in just a few years, Satan is going to strike again through his man the Antichrist.
And this time, Satan will kill two-thirds of the Jews.
But he will never get them all—we have God's Word on it. He will protect a remnant of believing Jews until they call upon the LORD to save them at the climax of the Tribulation, and save them He will. They will be ushered alive into the kingdom after the Second Coming, and it's game over for Satan.
Of course, any sixth-grader can tell you that the Holocaust had to do with the fact that in WWII, the Nazis hated people of the Jewish race. And is the Holocaust a grand example of "man's inhumanity to man"? Sure, as are countless events all throughout the history of the human race.
But only people who know what the Word of God says understand what is really behind events such as the Holocaust. So, somebody can break the news to Whoopi: In a sense, she's actually right about this.
Which makes her half as useful as a stopped clock.
2/8/2022 — From the "Dueling Electors" Department...
It apparently started when Donald Trump recently stated the Mike Pence could have "overturned the election" on January 6, 2021. Ever since then, Pence has been making the rounds, insisting (13 months after the fact) that he had no power whatsoever to "overturn the election" and simply "followed the Constitution."
I know in the minds of many Republicans, Mike Pence is a coward and a traitor who indeed had the power to change things that day, but chose to sit on his hands and do nothing and allow the fraud to stand.
So...did he or didn't he?
Well, it's like anything else pertaining to politics these days:
It depends on who you ask.
It's a question fraught with controversy and differing opinions. Six swing states sent an alternate set of electors for Trump along with a "certified" set for Biden to Washington, a situation that is not without precedent (it's just never been a big issue before). Some insist Pence had every right to send those six dual sets of electors back to those six state legislatures and give them, say, two weeks to decide which set they ultimately wanted counted—the "certified" set for Biden or the alternate set for Trump. With the specter of fraud that was hanging over the election results in those six states like a dark cloud, at least several of those states may have decided to have the alternate set for Trump counted, handing him the victory.
Not so fast with this game of "Dueling Electors," say others. Some say Pence did not have that right. It's a murky question of Constitutional law, and others say that even if Pence had taken the initiative to do that, it never would have withstood the court challenges that would have ensued.
Needless to say, I am not an authority on the U.S. Constitution, and so I have no business being dogmatic about it one way or the other. Having said that, however, it has been my opinion over the past year that Pence could have indeed legally sent those dual sets of electors back to the state legislatures, and had he done so we would currently have a different occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (or we could be embroiled in endless court challenges over the results to this day).
I do know that America's Founding Fathers had the wisdom to give the states ultimate control over their own sets of electors, presumably to keep things as close as possible to the voters in that state. If that principle were to be followed, then it makes good sense that the vice-president would have the option to send dual sets of electors back to the states in question so the people of that state could ultimately decide which set they wanted to have counted. All the political double-talk aside, I think that's exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind.
But simply sending dual sets of electors back to their respective state legislatures so those states can decide which set they want counted is a far cry from "overturning the election." So, technically speaking, Trump's statement was wrong—and it has sent Pence running around spouting a half-truth in an effort to save his political career (assuming he still has one).
At the end of the day, however, I am satisfied that God's will was done. (Isn't it always?) I believe Trump's one-term "anomaly" was just what God intended to set the stage for our slide into the Tribulation—a slide that is picking up speed at a frightening pace even as I write this.
We need to remind ourselves that things are not spiraling out of control—they are spiraling under control.
And luckily it doesn't depend on the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
2/15/2022 — From the "Boogeyman" Department...
As you may have noticed, there seems to be a crack emerging in the wall of lunatic coronavirus restrictions that have had the country in a headlock for nearly the past two years. Here and there, certain areas and communities are beginning to dispense with mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and all the rest of the utterly useless and misinformed measures that have been harshly imposed on the population, all in the name of heavily censored and predictably biased "science." It's almost as if someone in possession of a brain is slowly pulling back the curtain and revealing what a complete hoax this entire plandemic has been.
Here and there, a few voices are beginning to speak up and be heard in ways that are bringing a small ray of hope to people. Not many, but there has been a perceptible uptick in it. And as you can imagine, some are responding to this:
"YAY! Maybe there's hope things can finally get back to normal!"
Not so fast. I wish I could share in such effusion, but my inner skeptic starts burning the midnight oil when I hear stuff like this. So...you expect me to believe that all of a sudden the liberal Democrats that run things suddenly grew a brain (and a conscience to go with it)? That they suddenly realized they have been lying to the American people for the past two years?
"Gosh, you know...these vaccines just don't seem to as effective as we were told...and they seem to be causing a frightening number of deaths and debilitating injuries! And oh my goodness...look at these studies confirming the efficacy of alternative treatments! And wow...here are studies that show the lockdowns were absolutely useless! Why weren't we shown these things earlier?! Who knew?! Heck, maybe we should consider ending these ridiculous restrictions and give people their freedom back! As Democrats, maybe we really can beat this coronavirus thing!!"
In the months leading up to the midterm elections, that is.
The following is my opinion, and as usual my opinion could turn out to be wrong. It has before, and I know it will again.
But I see a possible strategy emerging for the Democrats, who are utterly without one a little over a year into their disastrous, fraudulent term. And their standard refrain...
"DONTCHA-HATE-TRUMP (boom-buh-boom)
DONTCHA-HATE-TRUMP (boom-buh-boom)"
...is weakening in the face of continued strong support for him (not to mention their inability to completely squelch those nasty little things called "facts"). I might even say the emerging strategy is actually clever—in the predictably loathsome, despicable manner we have come to expect from Democrats:
I expect to see Democrats continue to gradually ease coronavirus restrictions in the coming months, effectively dangling the carrot of normalcy under the noses of the American people—a people who are desperate for an end to the current nightmare they have been subjected to. This will include appeals to actual science and common sense, and will be enthusiastically received by people who will be given a reason to vote Democratic in November.
After the midterms, assuming this brilliant stratagem allows the Democrats to somehow cling to a sufficient degree of clout, it will be a whole new story. Surprise! It'll be a scary new boogeyman to justify more draconian controls over society. Perhaps a new variant that laughs in the faces of the current vaccines, and that can be groomed into something that can maintain the desired level of fear and uncertainty. Or perhaps they'll try a different tack: climate lockdowns (and there has already been talk of such nonsense in some circles). But rest assured—it'll be something.
Of course, the way things are shaping up now, the Democrats appear to be in for a monstrous (and well-deserved) bloodletting in the midterms. But never underestimate the time-tested tactic of creating a problem and then creating the illusion of fixing it to fool people into supporting your side.
It's worked before—and it just might work again.
2/22/2022 — From the "Woe to Those" Department...
Like many of you, I am aware of the fact that the liberal left-wing in America has some twisted ways of thinking. I know they think and believe some things that are short on logic and rationality, fly in the face of biblical morality, and in many ways are inextricably linked to the false mainstream-media narratives being pushed on the country.
But this is not news. This has been building for years, and continues to reach record low after record low.
But once in a while, they still manage to startle you.
Case in point: One Amanda Marcotte, a woman (I presume) who wrote an article that recently appeared in Salon magazine...and the title speaks for itself:
Vaccine Refusal is Child Abuse
Go ahead and rub your eyes all you want, but you read it right. She actually wrote this article (for an oh-so-sophisticated liberal magazine) that tells people that preventing their young children from receiving a demonstrably unsafe, untested, and ineffective gene therapy treatment politely albeit inaccurately referred to as a "vaccine" in order to "protect" them from a virus that poses essentially zero risk to them is tantamount to beating them black and blue with a belt for spilling their orange juice.
I confess it was a struggle to read over the entire article, because every couple of sentences there was something that absolutely stunned me. And before I could finish it, my mind could only conjure up a single, solitary thought:
20Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
(Isaiah 5:20)
I can scarcely believe anyone could write some of the thunderingly stupid things she wrote and actually get it published in a national magazine. For example:
"Republican media and politicians adopted an anti-vaccine message for one obvious purpose: To sabotage Joe Biden's presidency by prolonging the pandemic."
Uh...no Amanda, Joe doesn't need anyone's help in regard to "sabotaging his presidency." He's doing a bang-up job at that one all by his lonesome.
Another gem:
"Children may be relatively safe from severe illness or death, but what they are not safe from is having parents who care more about pleasing their Fox News masters than protecting their families."
Again, she actually wrote this. This is a level of stupidity that all but defies a response.
Ahh...but it gets better:
"Due to Republican obstruction, the U.S. is the only United Nations member state not to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Child—mainly because Republicans fear it will interfere with the 'right' to beat children and force religious ideology on them."
Did you get that? We sure don't want anything to interfere with our right to beat our children, or force religious ideology on them.
You know, like when we obey passages of Scripture like this:
6Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)
And what is that way? In the fear and admonition of the LORD.
AARRGGHH!! It's religious ideology! Run for your lives!
To be sure, as a conscientious left-winger, Amanda made an effort to touch all the politically correct bases:
"As for 'critical race theory,' well, that's just a hoax that was propped up as a cover story to deny children basic education."
A hoax, didn't ya know. So her concept of "basic education" is teaching your kids that they were born racists to racist parents, and owe black people "reparations" for something that happened in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that has absolutely nothing to do with them and that was finally abolished in 1863 by a white man (a Republican, no less) whose statue is being torn down across America because he was obviously a racist.
Sigh... It's almost comical—but I'm not laughing. It's sick and twisted and if you don't think this kind of thinking (and I use the word loosely) was spawned in the pit of hell, you're more than welcome to inform me where it was spawned.
And if I may...
"Woe to those who stoop to writing this kind of trash."
3/1/2022 — From the "Bingo!" Department...
As I'm sure you know, Russia is currently on the attack in neighboring Ukraine. Now, I am hesitant to attempt to dig into Russia's motivation or plans in doing so, since the only thing I am 100 percent certain of is this:
The mainstream media is not telling us the whole story—and never will.
So what else is new? Some are actually becoming concerned that Vladimir Putin is becoming mentally unstable, which I suppose is not completely outside the realm of possibility.
For the past week, I have been quietly scratching my head, wondering how this attack fits into the prophetic scenario. I mean, Ukraine...Ukraine? Where and how does Ukraine fit into the end-time scenario? I was drawing a blank...until this morning.
This morning I saw a headline, and with one breath the Holy Spirit made the pieces begin to fall into place:
Can Israel Become Europe's Gas Supplier?
Bingo! The article goes on to discuss how Europe is chafing under its near-total dependence on Russia for gas, and how now that Putin has become this deranged maniac—attacking poor, defenseless Ukraine and everything, they are desperate to obtain gas elsewhere to bring their dependence on the crazy, evil Russians to an end.
Enter Israel, which in the last decade has become a major gas exporter with the potential to become an even greater energy player in the Middle East and Europe. A little over a decade ago, some of the world's largest deposits of natural gas were discovered off its Mediterranean coast, and since then they have built the needed infrastructure to tap into these reserves and become an energy exporter.
Naturally, Vladimir Putin is keenly aware of this.
Now, ask yourself the $64,000 question:
Q. Do you suppose Vladimir Putin is going to sit idly by and allow his largest energy customer to shop elsewhere?
A. No way, José. Russia would try to take out the competition, so to speak.
Ya think? And voilà: The road to Gog Magog just came into sharper focus than ever before, my friends.
What Putin is doing in Ukraine is a drill for what he's going to try to do to Israel, who dreams of taking the Russkies' place as Europe's source of gas.
Little does Vladimir Putin know, however, that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is going to have the last word on this. If you have ever read Ezekiel 38–39, you know it ends bad for Vlad.
Dig deeper than the mainstream media's tear-jerking reports about all the casualties caused by Big Bad Vlad. This is the story that believers would do well to follow.
3/8/2022 — From the "Sic 'em, Kamala" Department...
As you know, wannabe NWO czar Justin Trudeau has used every dirty, underhanded trick in the book to chop the legs out from under the peaceful truck protests that were spurred by his regime's useless and unreasonable vaccine mandates for truckers crossing the U.S. border. People were arrested for providing the truckers food, gas, and other supplies, and many of those who attempted to donate money to help them had their bank accounts frozen.
In no time, U.S. truckers began planning something similar for America, and as we speak a convoy of trucks is descending upon Washington, D.C. Many speculated about what the Biden administration would throw at the truckers, and some feared that what had transpired in Canada had not been lost on the Cadaver-in-Chief.
Well, to my shock and horror, the Biden administration isn't taking any prisoners—they immediately brought out the heavy artillery and let those Trump-supporting truckers have it full blast with double barrels to send them packing. Oh, those truckers will rue the day...the Biden administration unleashed its secret weapon:
They sicced Kamala Harris on them!
Yeah, baby. Those truckers will think twice before they ever challenge the edicts of the Grand Poobah again!
In a speech on Monday, although not mentioning what has been dubbed the People's Convoy by name, Harris fired off a volley aimed at making the truckers feel guilty and to goad the American public into not supporting them by criticizing the levels of pollution caused by heavy trucks (especially heavy trucks encircling the nation's capital). Quoth the Kommie-la:
"Pollution from heavy-duty trucks and buses has made the air poisonous to breathe and this pollution is also, of course, accelerating the climate crises...threatening the future not just of our communities, but of the entire world."
Them's fightin' words. I can just see it...thousands of poor, penitent truckers, holding their heads in their hands, tears streaming down their faces...
"Good Lord, how could we have been so selfish and shortsighted?! Why, if we were real men, we'd suck it up and go get those safe and effective vaccines and keep on truckin' in electric-powered trucks to fight climate change and make the world a better place! (sniff)"
And along with that, millions of Americans opining:
"How can we possibly support those Trump-loving truckers, especially with they way they so wantonly contribute to climate change? What were we thinking?!"
And it's another crisis averted. Goodness gracious...does the genius of Joe Biden know no bounds?
One does wonder.
(Sorry...Monday was my birthday and I'm still in a bit of a goofy mood.)
3/15/2022 — From the "Crack in the Dam" Department...
Talk of the election fraud that occurred in the 2020 presidential election has fallen off somewhat recently, much to the satisfaction of Democrats who seek to wish it away by condemning anyone who so much as mentions it.
These days you can pretty much take your pick of more pressing stories that have shoved it into the background, and the pervading feeling for many right-wing types has become something along the lines of...
"Whaddya mean 'Stop the Steal'?! They got away with the steal! And all we're allowed to do is not talk about it with people who have been brainwashed by the media into believing it never even happened. What's the point? We may as well let it go, ya know?"
I've stated in the past that I still believe that the fraud will ultimately be exposed, and for scriptural reasons. I believe God will vindicate Trump as a way of blessing him for his support of Israel as per Genesis 12:3, and I believe most would agree that the obvious form of vindication would be to expose the fraud that stole the election from him for the American public to see.
But I'm not exactly holding my breath.
That's one reason it does my heart so much good when a story like this pops up. There is a hot potato of a case that has come up in Georgia recently, and it has the potential to absolutely blow the lid off the election fraud once and for all (emphasis on the word "potential"). This could turn out to be a significant crack in the Democrat's dam.
J. Alex Halderman is a computer science professor at the University of Michigan, and is a recognized expert in election security. Certain election integrity groups commissioned Halderman to produce a report on the Dominion voting machines used in Georgia and 16 other states, and the result was a 25,000-word bombshell that threatens to blow any attempt at denying the fraud of the 2020 election into molecular dust.
So...just how explosive is this 25,000-page report? Last month, Halderman sent his completed report to only two entities: CISA (the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, a branch of the Department of Homeland Security) and Dominion Voting Systems.
The result? In an obvious panic, both immediately filed emergency motions to keep the report from being released to the public. And U.S. District Court Judge Amy Totenberg, the judge in the case, apparently has little interest in letting the public see the report, either, ruling that Halderman's report should remain sealed as a "confidential document."
And in an extraordinarily heavy-handed move, the judge went so far as to disallow any of the election integrity groups who originally commissioned the report to so much as publicly call for its release to the public. According to the judge, any such calls must be done under the seal of the court. In other words, no one can ask the report to be made public unless that request is kept secret.
So, the responses by CISA, Dominion, and the judge speak volumes to anyone with an ear to hear:
This report proves beyond any reasonable doubt that everything the right has been saying about election fraud is 100 percent true...and a whole lot of Democrats are as guilty as sin.
Needless to say, this more than satisfies any conceivable definition of the word "explosive."
So, all any right-thinking person can do is simply wonder how much longer the fraud can be kept hidden from the view of the public.
And how much longer it will be until Genesis 12:3 kicks in.
3/22/2022 — From the "Playing a Role" Department...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made an impassioned if stinging speech to the Knesset in Israel the other day, and compared what Russian President Vladimir Putin is doing to his country to what the Nazis did to the Jewish people in World War II:
"The Russians use the terminology of the Nazi party, they want to destroy everything. The Nazis called this 'the final solution to the Jewish question.' And now...in Moscow...they're using those words, 'the final solution.' But now it's directed against us and the Ukrainian question."
Zelenskyy, who is Jewish, has been ripping and guilt-tripping Israel for failing to do more to supply Ukraine with weapons and defensive technology such as the Iron Dome to support them in their conflict with Russia, and is seeking to make Jerusalem home to negotiations between himself and Putin.
As far as negotiations are concerned, some have pointed out the unpopular truth that Zelenskyy could end this war with one phone call. All he has to do is agree to (a) cease military action, (b) promise not join NATO, (c) acknowledge Crimea as Russian territory, and (d) recognize the two eastern provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent—which is basically what they been since 2014 by their own actions. I'm not trying to sound like a Putin apologist here, but these are not outrageously unreasonable demands. To some extent, one could say they simply recognize current reality.
But Zelenskyy is playing the role of the hero, and heroes don't give in to demands. They fight to the death. The End. Roll the credits.
But whatever else you make of the war in Ukraine, one thing is certain: It is putting Israel in a very tight, uncomfortable spot. Israel has worked hard to maintain good relations with Russia for many years, and is loathe to do anything to damage those relations. This is wise on their part. But it seems as if Zelenskyy is determined to twist Israel's arm and get them to support him and his country in this conflict and sanction their Russian friends, no matter how many skewed historic references he has to make. I mean, Putin is no saint, but comparing him to the Nazis? Maybe Z's been watching too much CNN.
But driving a wedge between Israel and Russia plays right into the hands of Bible prophecy, because it contributes to the context of the battle of Ezekiel 38–39. And that's exactly what Zelenskyy is trying to do, unaware he is playing a role in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
3/29/2022 — From the "Ringing True" Department...
Iran recently bombed Iraq's Kurdish region.
OK, I admit that's not all that interesting. Well, how about this:
In the process, they just happened to bomb one specific villa belonging to Iraqi businessman Baz Karim Barzanji.
Still Yawnsville. All right, then how about this:
According to inside reports (that have been widely denied), that villa was the site of at least two meetings between Israeli and U.S. officials last month concerning the use of an existing Kurdish pipeline that would enable the Kurdish region to export gas to both Turkey and Europe. This is a move that would cut into Iran's gas exports to the same regions—exports that are critical to Iran's economy in the face of sanctions that have bitten hard.
Now do I have your attention? Good, because it gets better.
According to an article in the Times of Israel, there has been much speculation over why this particular villa happened to be targeted by the Iranians; but the smart money is on the issue of exporting gas, although most who are privy to the details are remaining understandably tight-lipped.
Publicly, Iran claims they had knowledge that the villa had been used as a base by Mossad (Israel's CIA, only better), but those familiar with the situation dismiss this.
Recently, two Turkish officials confirmed that the talks were indeed focused on connecting the Kurdish pipeline to an existing pipeline in Turkey so the Kurdish region could supply gas to both Turkey and Europe—much to the consternation of Iran.
But why am I telling you about this? What's the upshot here?
The point is that the issue of who supplies who with gas in Asia and the Middle East is a very big deal. It's the motivation for missile attacks, and it has huge prophetic implications.
As I have discussed previously, with Russia now embroiled in the war in Ukraine, Europe is getting antsy about the future of their gas supply (which is mostly from Russia). They no longer want to be as dependent on Russia as they have been in the past, and are openly courting Israel as one of their future suppliers. And understand that this has cataclysmic implications for Russia's economy.
It is my opinion that this will be a key factor that will cause an evil thought to arise in the mind of Gog, who leads a coalition of Islamic nations to annihilate Israel in order to take a spoil, as the prophet Ezekiel put it 2,600 years ago.
Needless to say, Ezekiel's words are ringing truer today than they have at any time since then.
4/5/2022 — From the "Holy Hate Crime" Department...
A new "sloppily worded" hate crime bill recently passed in Scotland is making the news, and has many Christians worried that so much as owning a Bible, let alone reading it, quoting it, or preaching from it could soon be a crime punishable by law in Scotland.
The new law vaguely refers to "abusive" behavior and "inflammatory" materials meant to "stir up hatred," but falls short of clearly defining precisely what constitutes such behavior and materials. So, says the Christian Institute's Deputy Director Ciarán Kelly:
"Would it be 'abusive' and 'hateful' to quote the Bible's teaching on marriage, gender or sexual ethics? Some groups would say yes. There is a real risk of malicious reports from activists who wish to stop Christians expressing their beliefs."
And lest you think this "sloppily worded" law was sloppily worded in error or oversight and that few if any rational people would take the law to that extreme and so wantonly abuse its sloppily worded condition, one need only listen to what the atheists (who see "merit" in the new law) are already saying. According to the convener of Atheists Scotland Ian Stewart:
"It is utterly unacceptable that in progressive, social democratic Scotland that squalid, Bronze Age village disputes, as described in the Holy Books, about control of women, goats or water should give Scotland's 'Holy Willies' authority to spout out vitriol against atheists, agnostics, apostates, sceptics, non-believers, women, trans people and homosexuals."
Behold the cancel culture mantra:
If it offends me, it must be canceled.
To the surprise of no one, Stewart reveals the atheists' strategy, saying his group intends to...
"...monitor all Holy Books, sermons in places of worship and the social media accounts of the various religions [and will report offenders to police for criminal prosecution]."
In other words, suddenly every minister in every church in Scotland now has to worry that if he quotes a verse of Scripture or states a truth from its pages that offends a woman, a member of the LGBT crowd, an atheist, an agnostic, etc., there just might be a "spy" hiding in the pews that could use his words to have him prosecuted as a criminal.
The same goes for social media. Posting a biblical fact on Facebook such as "the Bible condemns homosexual behavior as sin in both the Old and New Testaments" could be enough to warrant criminal prosecution. (And so with a website like mine, I'm just glad I don't live in Scotland.)
In fact, under this law, the Bible itself could be considered "inflammatory" and simply being in possession of one could be considered a hate crime.
Hey, Christians in America, listen up and listen good:
This is the true, ultimate objective of
cancel culture: to cancel God and His Word.
It won't stop with tearing down statues of great men and women from American history. It won't stop with teaching your children they are racists simply because their skin happens to be white and that they should be held responsible for things people did over 150 years ago. Oh no...they're just getting warmed up.
The ultimate goal is to attempt to cancel God and turn the Holy Bible into a Holy Hate Crime.
This, of course, is Satan's goal. During the upcoming Tribulation, Satan will pull out all the stops to cancel everything connected to God...only so he can turn around and attempt to apply it to himself.
And he will fail in spectacular fashion. Sadly, he will take untold millions of deceived people like those in groups such as Atheists Scotland with him. But don't let them go without a fight: Pray for such people, that the Holy Spirit would penetrate their hearts before it's too late.
Because it is almost too late.
4/12/2022 — From the "Another Israel" Department...
Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the UN Security Council on April 5, and in his remarks he spoke about the idea of Ukraine being patterned after Israel. He said he plans to model Ukraine after the Jewish state, a state in which militarization and defense are paramount and security guarantees from other countries are a fact of life.
"I think all our people will be our great army. We cannot talk about 'Switzerland of the future'—probably, our state will be able to be like this a long time after. But we will definitely become a 'big Israel' with its own face."
According to Zelenskyy, Ukraine has consistently resisted Russia's efforts to get it to demilitarize, and that his country must have an army with which to defend itself against Russia in the future.
Zelenskyy also said that Ukraine will need security guarantees from other countries to help protect it from Russian aggression, much in the same way that Israel has security guarantees with a number of nations to protect it from Arab aggression—chief among them being the United States.
Zelenskyy expanded on this point at length:
"We need serious players who are ready for anything. We need a circle of states that are ready to provide any weapons within 24 hours. We need individual countries on which sanctions policy really depends, so that these sanctions are deeply elaborated in advance. So that in the first second when we feel the threat from the Russian Federation, these states will unite and within three days introduce everything at once, block everything.
"All this is being discussed at the level of advisers and leaders with France, the United States, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Poland, Italy, Israel, and there are many friends who want to join. So far, we have not received a specific list of guarantees and a list of countries that are ready to join us 100%."
So, it appears that Zelenskyy dreams of Ukraine being another Israel.
In light of the prophecies of Ezekiel 38–39, however, I would be inclined to say that Putin dreams of Israel being another Ukraine.
4/19/2022 — From the "Give Up the Times" Department...
This weekend was Easter—a holiday that prompts born-again believers around the world to contemplate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior and its impact on our lives and, more importantly, our eternal destinies.
Of course, for many it's all about the Easter Bunny, Easter egg hunts, and chocolate. But the New York Times went beyond the pale this year, publishing an op-ed by one Shalom Auslander, an American novelist and essayist who grew up in an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in New York City.
The op-ed is entitled "In This Time of War, I Suggest We Give Up God" and in it a morosely disillusioned Auslander suggests that since God is responsible for all manner of human suffering (war, oppression, etc.), perhaps we should just give up the Almighty altogether.
Note that Auslander doesn't claim God doesn't exist—he seems to believe God does exist, but that in reality He is an evil ogre that delights in slaughtering animals and revels in causing mankind endless suffering.
"Hmph...so let's all just stop worshiping Him—teach your kids to thumb their noses at Him. That'll show Him."
Here's an excerpt from the (subscribers only) op-ed that appeared in a short article on Breitbart:
God, it seems, paints with a wide brush. He paints with a roller. In Egypt, said our rabbi, he even killed first-born cattle. He killed cows. If he were mortal, the God of Jews, Christians and Muslims* would be dragged to The Hague. And yet we praise him. We emulate him. We implore our children to be like him.
Perhaps now, as missiles rain down and the dead are discovered in mass graves, is a good time to stop emulating this hateful God. Perhaps we can stop extolling his brutality. Perhaps now is a good time to teach our children to pass over God—to be as unlike him as possible.
Killing gods is an idea I can get behind.
*Note that ultra-Orthodox Auslander reveals the profound depth of his politically correct ignorance by indicating that he thinks the God of the Bible is the same as the god of the Qur'an. Litmus test: fail. Even a cursory knowledge of these two texts quickly and thunderingly dismantles that myth.
The real tragedy of this is that one reprobate mind gives birth to other reprobate minds. People who already have a dim view of the things of God read things like this and it gives them a hard shove in that direction. Perhaps just hard enough.
So, on this joyous Easter weekend, the message from Auslander and the New York Times is basically this:
"Let's all tell God to take a long walk off a short pier this Easter, the day we celebrate His sacrificing the life of His only Son to atone for our sin and provide for us the only way to be reconciled to Him for eternity."
Sigh... There's little point trying to pick this apart—this is just a fallen world being a fallen world.
I've got a better idea: I suggest we give up the New York Times.
4/26/2022 — From the "Like Father, Like Son" Department...
I honestly thought I had seen hypocrisy. Thought I'd stared it down and knew its every facet quite well. Thought I was beyond being unpleasantly surprised in that regard.
Boy, was I wrong.
Enter Barack Hussein Obama. To the surprise of no one, we're beginning to hear more chatter from Obama, now that he's had his recent coming out party at the White House celebrating the 12th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. A speech here, a few remarks there, and just like that:
He's back.
In a speech he gave at Stanford University last week, Obama held forth on a topic he actually knows a great deal about:
Obama had a lot to say about disinformation, talking about how Big Tech needs to "redesign itself" to help the country deal with the dangers it faces from disinformation. He even admitted that during his eight years as president, he had failed to appreciate "just how susceptible we had become to lies and conspiracy theories."
Yes, he actually said that—the same man whose success as president was so utterly reliant on that susceptibility.
Care to take a little stroll down memory lane? Oh yes, let's.
• Speaking of the Affordable Care Act, there's this dazzling gem that won the PolitiFact Lie of the Year award in 2013: "If you like your healthcare provider, you can keep it." Of course, as far too many Americans later learned, he left out the part about how your healthcare provider doesn't have to keep you. This was a deliberate, flat-out lie contrived to help sell the ACA, and sell it he did. This lie was later re-labeled by the New York Times as an "incorrect promise."
• On September 11 and 12, 2012, Islamic terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia launched two separate attacks in Benghazi, Libya—one on the U.S. diplomatic compound that killed United States Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and United States Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and one on a nearby CIA annex that killed CIA contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. It has been established as fact that then President Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both knew for a fact the attacks were carried out by an Islamic terrorist group, but publicly blamed the well-planned attacks on a spontaneous mob reaction to a recently released anti-Islamic YouTube video entitled "Innocence of Muslims." Obama and Clinton both knew the truth, but lied to buy themselves time to control and manipulate the narrative in Obama's favor.
• Obama went on the record saying that the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a red line. Then Bashar al-Assad used them, and Obama simply claimed he had said no such thing. Red line? What red line?
• Obama oversaw the start of the Russiagate investigation, which has since been proven to be 100 percent disinformation from start to finish, manufactured for one purpose and one purpose alone: to depose a sitting president whom they didn't like.
For someone as comfortable and proficient at lying as Barack Obama to stand there and lecture us about "disinformation" is a step beyond hypocrisy. It elevates both lying and hypocrisy to a breathtakingly exquisite art form.
I have said in the past that I have long had a short list for Antichrist with only one name on it, and that name is Barack Obama. Of course, he may be and he may not be. I do not know, and neither does anyone else.
But one thing is indisputable: Obama is of his father the devil, just like the scribes and the Pharisees Jesus stingingly rebuked in John 8. In that chapter, Jesus coins a name for Satan:
44You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and stayed not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
(John 8:44 AKJV / emphasis added)
That is, Satan is the father of lies. So, beast or no, one thing is crystal clear in regard to Barack Obama:
Like father, like son.
5/4/2022 — From the "Bragging" Department...
I came t-h-i-s close to canceling this week's Commentary entry for personal reasons, but in the end I figured better late than never. So, this week's entry is some thoughts of a personal nature.
I have been going through a rash of personal issues lately, culminating in (way overdue) cataract surgery tomorrow. I won't bore you with the details, but it's just been one thing after another recently—you know, to the point where you can't help but wonder how much more you can take. As a result, I have been re-learning that God allows us to go through periods like this for a reason.
Generally, every time I go through a trial or a difficult situation, I love to ponder Paul's words to the Corinthians:
16For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. 17For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 18While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
(2 Corinthians 4:16–18 AKJV)
Light affliction, which is but for a moment... It just blows me away when I think about the suffering and hardships that Paul endured, and it humbles me to think about how he regarded them.
It makes me think about how I would have regarded them...and then it makes me think about how I should regard whatever I am going through that made me ponder this verse in the first place.
Needless to say, it never fails to be a major attitude adjustment. One other passage from the pen of Paul that never fails to help me get through whatever I am going through is this:
28And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
(Romans 8:28 AKJV)
The truth of this verse has been proven to me more times than I can count. And I keep right on counting.
As to why God allows us to go through such difficulties, one thing that occurs to me is that it is only then that many of us feel compelled to pray the way we ought—to seek His presence the way we ought.
The way we often don't when things are peachy keen, not to put too fine a point on it.
It also strikes me that allowing us to go through tough times gives God an opportunity to show us that He loves us and His Word is true. Not that we don't already know it, but it is then that we actually feel and experience it in all its mind-blowing, heart-crushing reality.
Finally, one thing I appreciate about going through tough times is that when they are over, it gives me a reason to brag on God—and there are few things I enjoy more than bragging on the God I serve.
Thanks for listening—and don't be surprised if I do a little bragging in the foreseeable future.
(And if it so happens that you actually prayed for me, you'll be able to do a little bragging, too.)
5/10/2022 — From the "Birds of a Feather" Department...
I'm sure you have heard about the recently released documentary entitled 2000 Mules, a film by Dinesh D'Souza that provides video evidence of widespread illegal ballot harvesting carried out in all the swing states on or around the night of the 2020 presidential election.
I haven't had the opportunity to watch the film yet (I did view the trailer), but I understand the gist of what it shows—and I assume you do as well. A couple of thoughts occur to me in regard to this documentary:
First of all, I have to admit that it's always a great deal of fun to watch the liberal left lose its ever-loving mind. You'd like to think this one simple fact would tell any rational person something.
Because it does. This reaction tells any rational person that this film confirms that state and national government officials, Big Tech, and the mainstream media have been lying to the American public for the last year and a half, and the liberal left has known all along that the claims made in this film are 100 percent true: that Joe Biden's "victory" was 100 percent fraudulent. And one thing is crystal clear: the liberal left is oblivious to the fact that their reaction utterly betrays them.
If I were in their shoes, I'd be losing my ever-loving mind over this film as well—and for good reason.
It's like I keep saying:
If the 2020 election was so secure, why isn't the liberal left encouraging...nay, demanding such in-depth investigation into these and numerous other suspicious irregularities? Why the panic? Why the hair-on-fire attempts to block, silence, hamstring, delete, deny, and deplatform such investigative efforts?
Just asking...and you know the answer as well as I do.
Another thing I was actually looking forward to (even more so than the film itself, since I don't require any additional convincing concerning the fraud) was how the liberal left would react to it. I noodled through a few self-proclaimed efforts to debunk and/or refute the film, and I have to say: the liberal left didn't disappoint.
Some just hurled wads of liberal buzzwords at it; some threw out spurious ad hominem attacks against the creators of the film intended to cause people to question the film's intent and integrity; some bemoaned its failure to prove its premise because the same mule wasn't actually shown on video repeatedly delivering ballots to multiple locations as claimed (I can't verify that because, again, I haven't actually watched the entire film).
But you know what? Even if they had shown that, it would be something else, trust me. The Golden Rule in operation here is quite simple:
It. Will. Never. Be. Enough.
No amount of evidence or proof of election fraud, no matter how compelling or irrefutable, will ever be enough to penetrate the minds of the liberal left. It will always be:
"It never happened. You have no proof. Your 'evidence' proves nothing."
Come to think of it, I see the exact same attitude show up in spades when dealing with atheists:
"God doesn't exist. You have no proof. Your 'evidence' proves nothing. Fulfilled prophecy?! Oh, please. It never happened. It was all contrived by first-century zealots...and Trump-supporting racists and religious bigots like you fall for it."
It strikes me that liberal leftists who scream that no evidence of election fraud exists and atheists who scream that no evidence of God exists bear a lot of similarity. They are birds of a feather: equally blind, equally deluded.
And according to Psalm 14:1, equally foolish.
5/17/2022 — From the "Flush Out Your Headgear" Department...
A lot has been happening in the world recently related to the coming one-world government and one-world economic system, so this news article is a refreshing reminder that Satan hasn't forgotten about his coming one-world religion.
It was hosted in Saudi Arabia, and was called The Forum on Common Values Among Religious Followers. It brought together over 100 leaders of several world religions, including Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism, and had as its fundamental purpose to...
"...explore shared values and a common global vision for interfaith cooperation."
One basic thing these diverse religious leaders agreed to do is to...
"...respect religious diversity and the unique characteristics of every religion/sect."
Reading over some of the lofty goals of this conference almost gave me a nosebleed, and I have no doubt that it has generated no small amount of hope and excitement among many religious leaders around the world.
Among all the high-sounding goals and aspirations that were spoken of in glowing terms in the article I linked to above at the Allarab News website, one telling statement caught my attention:
"We reject any wrong or deliberate interpretation that undermines coexistence between followers of religions." (emphasis added)
Translation: "We reject any attempt by Christians to promote and promulgate the idea that the God of the Bible sent His Son Jesus into the world 2,000 years ago to pay the penalty for man's sin."
More direct translation: "We reject any mention whatsoever of the gospel."
Color me surprised. It's a no-brainer that the coming one-world religion—whatever form it ultimately takes—will consider biblical Christianity and the gospel of Jesus Christ anathema, since this is all being coordinated by Satan himself as part of his very own (short-lived) kingdom that he intends to take the place of Christ's kingdom.
Just to be clear: That is soo not gonna happen.
One thing that struck me as I read the above-linked article was how good and positive this all sounds as long as you are going by the world's definition of religion:
Religion: A body of beliefs concerning whatever
Higher Power one chooses to believe in and
whatever rules or practices to follow in order
to make oneself more pleasing to that Higher
Power in order to enjoy a pleasant afterlife.
A particular religion my rave about their particular Higher Power's great love and mercy, but I guaran-dog-tee you it'll be crickets a-chirping in regard to anything about their Higher Power's holiness (which they have surely violated innumerable times) and its justice (which you would think would be perfect, absolute, and obliged to judge each and every one of those violations in light of its presumed holiness).
The bottom line is that it's all good as long as you don't get within a stone's throw of a Bible, or anything remotely resembling a plain, straightforward reading thereof. That's sure to be nipped in the bud in the interest of "building bridges between all faiths."
And let there be no doubt in your mind that believers who get within a stone's throw of rightly dividing the Word are going to be hated and attacked to an ever increasing degree as we draw nearer to the Tribulation. This should surprise no one because Jesus came straight out and told us as much:
18If the world hate you, you know that it hated me before it hated you. 19If you were of the world, the world would love his own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
(John 15:18–19 AKJV)
Yet I still meet sincere believers who want to play nice with the world in order to avoid that hate, and are inclined to passively accept the world's concepts of respect and tolerance toward the beliefs of other religions. These concepts sound good to the ears of the world, but are contrary to God's Word and hence hopelessly in error—and they will consign untold millions of people to an eternity of separation from a holy God who loves them.
Make no mistake: That's exactly what the world's concept of tolerance toward all religions does, because that's exactly what it was intended to do. So...if these ideas sound good to you, I have only one thing to say:
You need to let God's Word flush out your headgear.
5/24/2022 — From the "Train Up a Child" Department...
In case you hadn't noticed (but I suspect most of you have), Satan is coming for your children.
And he wants to keep it secret from you.
There are tons of news items I could choose from to give you a sense of what is happening, but I chose this particular headline because it says the quiet part out loud:
Psychotherapist Who Conducts Transgender "Therapy"
Encourages Teens to Distrust Their "Bigoted,
Misinformed Parents"—Especially If They're "Religious"
Quotation marks in the original (which saved me the trouble of adding them). You know, I almost feel as if I could stop right here. Make no mistake: Satan is blinding, guiding, and manipulating legions of people to come after your children with the LGBTQ+GENDERFANTASY agenda, and they are trying to do it without your knowledge. (Why? Why do you think? Because they know if parents knew what they were doing, there are a few fathers out there who would be showing up at the school with a loaded shotgun.)
Without further ado, let's meet the subject of the above headline:
"I am Rachel Simon, I use she/her pronouns. I am a psychotherapist, educator, consultant and I'm the author of 'Every Body'—a book which is an LGBTQ inclusive sex-ed resource for 7–12 year olds."
Well, at least s-h-e was thoughtful enough to let us know what pronouns s-h-e prefers. S-h-e goes on to add:
"Bigoted and misinformed parents have no idea how to talk about gay sex! They're biased! If they are religious, it could be difficult to get into the conversation with them...sometimes you could get stonewalled out of information."
Shame on you, all you biased, bigoted, misinformed parents.
Huh...that's weird. When I was a 7–12 year old, I don't recall being in need of any "LGBTQ inclusive sex-ed resources." I knew that boys were boys and girls were girls, and that I was a boy, and that girls were different from boys. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I had that all figured out on my own. And I dare say that I began to feel a most intriguing fondness for a few of those girls as I got to the latter end of that age spectrum. Not only that, but I recall being perfectly happy and content with that situation, and I'm pleased to report that I don't recall anyone ever prodding me into questioning it.
But according to Rachel Simon, apparently there was a lot that I missed out on. If only I had received some of that whatchya call yer LGBTQ sex-ed, I might have discovered I was really trans, or bisexual, or gender fluid, or gender queer...or heck, I could have invented my own gender. If only I had been lucky enough to have a psychotherapist like Rachel Simon to introduce me to the wonderful world of gender-bending, and pinky swear not to tell my Mom and Dad about it (because they were transphobic, homeyphobic, misinformed bigots, don't ya know)...oh, how things might have turned out differently.
Me? I was lucky enough to have a godly father and a godly mother, and as a rule they obeyed God's instructions to parents:
6Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6 AKJV)
Although I admittedly didn't need much of a push in the right direction in terms of sexuality, the fact remains: My Mom and Dad raised me right. I was fed a steady diet of biblical principles as a child, such as the fact that there was a holy God in heaven whom we are to honor, that His Word is true and likewise to be honored, that He sent His Son Jesus into the world to die for our sins, and so on. And I will be eternally grateful to them for that because, however flawed I may have turned out, their efforts were not in vain.
The bottom line is that you need to be keenly aware that Satan and his buzzword-spouting freaks are after your children, and will use every despicable, deceitful trick in the book to get to them and influence them for evil without your knowledge. So follow God's instructions and feed them on a steady diet of godly principles, because what the apostle Peter wrote applies more now than it ever has:
8Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour:
(1 Peter 5:8 AKJV)
And if he has half a chance, he will devour your kids. Pray God would keep a hedge of protection around them, and do your best to raise them in the fear and admonition of the LORD.
And not to sound like a transphobic bigot or anything, but I have to admit my personal radar would be bleeping if I saw one of my kids' male teachers sporting a green pompadour.
5/31/2022 — From the "Us vs. Them" Department...
As you are probably aware, there has been a push in the last couple of years for Middle Eastern countries to normalize relations with Israel. Arguably, the primary reason for this is that they seek Israel's protection from the Iranian bully to the north. Israel may be a small country, but their military might looms large in the region.
Some might be inclined to nurture the idyllic notion that this trend of normalization with Israel will continue until peace in the Middle East breaks out and the whole wide world joins hands and lives happily ever after.
Anyone who thinks this hasn't been to Iraq lately.
Last week, the Iraqi parliament voted to implement a new law, ominously named "Criminalizing Normalization and Establishment of Relations With the Zionist Entity." This new law means that any Iraqi citizen who "makes contact with anyone or anything from Israel" (i.e. the Zionist entity) would face life in prison or the death penalty (and something tells me that in Iraq, the death penalty might be preferable).
Following the bill's passage, the Iraqi parliament issued a statement declaring that the new law...
"...represents a true reflection of the will of the people, a brave national decision and a position that is the first of its kind in the world in terms of criminalizing the relationship with the Zionist entity." (emphasis added)
And they called on other Middle Eastern nations to follow suit and pass similar laws the "meet the aspirations of our people."
The will of the people... Oh really? Tell that to the people in Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, where a huge gathering was held last September at which both Shia and Sunni leaders spoke out in support of peace with Israel:
"...on the global front, we demand to join the Abraham Accords, and, in the words of those accords, to establish full diplomatic relations between the signatories and Israel."
Hmm...not the will of those people, evidently.
What's happening in Iraq today is just another example of what has become the standard spiel for corrupt Middle Eastern regimes ever since Israel was formed as a nation in 1948: Blame the Zionist entity for all the country's problems. Middle Eastern leaders have long laid the blame for their own pathetic failures to end the poverty and suffering of their own people on the evil Zionist entity, which must be destroyed for there to be any chance of peace in the Middle East. Oh, and this is the "will of the people."
If this has an oddly familiar ring to it, it should. The liberal left and their globalist elites are doing essentially the same thing in America:
• The spread of COVID-19 is all the fault of all those selfish, ignorant unvaccinated people! They need to be rounded up and forced into being vaccinated for the good of everyone!
• Inflation and rising gas prices are all the fault of Putin and his aggression toward Ukraine! Russia must be punished!
• All the political problems in the U.S. are the fault of those zombie Trump supporters and their debunked Big Lie about how the election was stolen! They've got to be silenced for the good of the nation!
• Those intolerant religious bigots are responsible for inflicting terrible emotional pain on all those poor, brave LGBT people—they need to be removed!
Ad infinitum, as nauseam. All over the world, to an ever increasing degree, it's us vs. them. Everywhere you go, all the problems are the fault of a certain identifiable group that must be silenced and removed—that must be rooted out and attacked. And I hope you realize why Satan is orchestrating this and establishing this type of global society:
During the Tribulation, believers will be
responsible for holding back mankind in the
drive to ascend to the Christ consciousness
and evolve spiritually, and worship the
world's charismatic new "savior" as God.
And countless millions of them will be eliminated...at the guillotine.
6/7/2022 — From the "Not Your Choice" Department...
Congregants at Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church were just settling in for their Sunday morning pep talk when they got a bit of a surprise: Three women stood up and began removing their dresses and began shouting pro-abortion slogans at them.
"It's my body, my (expletive) choice!...Overturn Roe? Hell no!"
And so on. Order was promptly restored as security led the women out of the sanctuary to applause from the congregation, and Joel proceeded with his remarks. Once outside, the women joined about a dozen other women gathered for a pro-abortion demonstration.
(Personally, I just wish I could have seen the look on Joel Osteen's face.) One of the female demonstrators later had this to say in a video she posted on Twitter:
"Wielding the bible as a weapon to control women's free choice is not the way to welcome believers in Christ. In fact, a direct result of losing Roe will be women joining the satanic temple as a safety net in order to protect their rights in a Christian-led defense against something which they simply do not believe."
I was actually happy to read what she had to say, because it speaks with such thundering clarity to the fundamental error that lies so deeply woven into the fabric of all pro-abortion rhetoric:
The idea of choice.
Choice...my body, my choice...it's all about my right to choose. How dare you threaten to deprive me of my right to choose. What's interesting to me, however, is the way they so seldom specify precisely what they are choosing.
So...what are they choosing? It's as simple as black and white:
They are choosing to end the life of the
baby that lies growing inside them.
I'm sorry, but is there any other way to spin this? Not really. That's the long and the short of it, devoid of the sanitized rhetoric about "rights" and "choice" so proudly and casually spewed by the pro-abortion crowd.
"I demand the right to choose to kill the baby inside my body, rather than allow it to be born as a living, breathing human being."
Pretty simple. The truth usually is.
So what is this women accusing the Church of doing, exactly? According to her, we are "wielding the Bible as a weapon." Well, that in and of itself is not a bad thing. As a matter of fact, in essence that's what we are told to do within its very pages:
12For the word of God is quick [i.e. alive], and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
(Hebrews 4:12 AKJV / emphasis & [comments] added)
Last time I checked, swords were weapons. Never forget that every word contained in Scripture is a direct divine utterance—the Spirit of God is never absent from His Word.
God's Word makes it quite clear that life begins at conception. I hardly see the need to argue that one, but here's a clue:
5Behold, I was shaped in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
(Psalm 51:5 AKJV / emphasis added)
And David's mother didn't conceive a lifeless lump of tissue that could be removed and discarded at her whim. Or perhaps I should say at her "choice." She conceived a man—the man who would become the greatest king in the history of Israel.
Now, according to this pro-abortion demonstrator, we are wielding God's Word as a weapon to "control women's free choice" (and as usual, they refrain from mentioning exactly what that choice actually is—the choice to take the life of the baby that is growing within their bodies). Well, is that what the Church is doing when believers come out against abortion, or let it be known that we cannot and will not support it on the basis of what the Bible clearly says?
No. We are using the Word of God—living, active, and sharper than any two-edged sword—as a weapon to pierce deeply into the hearts of men and "divide asunder" the things of the Spirit and the things of the flesh.
The woman goes on to say that the country's decision to overturn Roe (i.e. overturn the decision to make abortion legal throughout the United States) will send women flocking to Satan in droves to protect their right (to choose...to kill and discard the babies in their bodies).
Well, yeah...that actually makes a glimmer of sense. Since Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, I'm sure he's a big thumbs-up on that one. And forgive me for pointing out the obvious, but it strikes me that anyone who would support the murder of unborn babies has already taken more than a few steps in his direction anyway.
The logic of what she says is almost too warped and twisted to even grapple with. But understand one fundamental thing, and this one glaringly obvious fact cuts the legs out from the bulk of the pro-abortion propaganda with a single flick of the wrist:
It's your body, but it's not your life,
and that means it's not your choice.
"My body, my choice" applies to a getting nose job or a tattoo—not to taking the life of the innocent baby in your womb.
6/14/2022 — From the "How to Refute the Truth" Department...
At the January 6 sham trial, the topic of the fraud that stole the 2020 election came up. And I can't say I was disappointed, because the RINOs were out in full force, strutting their stuff.
According to RINO Liz Cheney, the movie 2000 Mules has been "debunked." As I hope you know, that's the recent film that offers video highlights of the activities of the extensive ring of intrepid ballot-box stuffing operatives that helped rob Trump of a sure second term and install Joe Biden into the White House. Oh, proof or evidence of such debunking? Mmm...not so you'd notice.
Well, wait a second. Maybe she was basing her comment on remarks from fellow RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr, who seems to be of the opinion that he (or maybe someone else) has "debunked" the film, presumably by referring to the "fact" that cell-phone tracking isn't as accurate as portrayed in the film. Deee-bunked! So without further ado, I give you the gospel according to Bill Barr:
"The election was not stolen by fraud. And I haven't seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the 2000 Mules movie."
Well, that settles it then. Bill Barr states there was no fraud, and has seen nothing since the election to change his mind, including 2000 Mules. So Liz Cheny is supremely confident 2000 Mules has been "debunked."
And that, my friends, provides us a summary of how the truth is typically "debunked":
1. Simply deny it. It's not true—it never happened.
2. Then someone (maybe a "fact-checker") slaps together a weak, faulty argument (normally of the straw-man variety) and it starts getting waved around in a vain effort to make the truth appear untrue.
3. Continue to deny it, only now confidently assure others it has been "debunked," and express surprise that your listeners aren't aware of it.
4. Hope enough people fall for it that your denial begins to take on a life of its own as the "truth."
Hey, don't laugh—so far it has worked passably well for the Democrats.
Speaking of "weak, faulty arguments," the idea that current cell-phone tracking isn't as accurate as shown in the film is exposed as the lie that it is by none other than David Sinclair, founder of Volta Wireless:
"A lot of the fact-checkers, it's clear, don't have the technical foundation for the comments that they are making. They are making statements like 'experts say that the location data you get from a mobile phone is going to be plus or minus 100 feet.' While that may have been true at some point, that's really not true today at all. It's down to being within a few feet...And these phones are using GPS locations. They're also using location triangulation with the towers. Triangulation is a technology that has been used for a long time to be able to determine the location of something else. You get something at one point that tracks where something is located, and you get something at another point to track where that same thing is located. And when you combine that information, you can figure out exactly where that thing is located, within a few feet."
Sinclair went on to add that such technology has improved drastically in the last few years, and made it 100 percent clear that to use such a technology-based argument to try and refute the findings of 2000 Mules is little more than a grand display of ignorance.
The approach I outlined above actually works in many situations, including "debunking" the Bible. And it works like a charm. When confronted by someone with the audacity to claim the Bible is the inerrant Word of God:
1. Simply deny it. Insist that the Bible is nothing more than a collection of myths scribbled down by ancient Bedouins.
2. Then someone (maybe an "atheist") slaps together a weak, faulty argument (normally one based on a complete lack of knowledge or understanding of what the Bible actually says) and it starts getting waved around in a vain effort to make the Bible appear untrue.
3. Continue to deny it, only now confidently assure others it has been "debunked," and express surprise that your listeners aren't aware of it and have fallen for such utter nonsense from those bigoted religious zealots.
4. Hope enough people fall for it that they begin to believe your lies as the "truth," and see you as a SCWHIAFO (a Sharp Cookie Who Has It All Figured Out).
Works like a charm.
6/28/2022 — From the "No to Roe" Department...
So as I'm sure you all know, Roe v. Wade was overturned a few days ago, and those "KER-SPLOOSH" sounds you've been hearing are the brains of the liberal left exploding. Right on cue, left-wingers all over the country are losing their minds and acting as if the Supreme Court just outlawed interracial marriage, brought back slavery, struck down women's suffrage, and passed a brand new constitutional amendment that would require every company in America to pay straight white males 50 percent more than all other employees.
It has reached the point where the left places a woman's right to abort her baby on par with the freedom of speech—it's carved in stone. It's untouchable. It's above being questioned or discussed.
But what many liberals do not know or have forgotten is that Roe v. Wade is simply one decision of many made by the Supreme Court, none of which are sacrosanct. There have been a number of decisions made by the Supreme Court that were later determined to be flawed or legally overreaching in some manner, and a fair number of them have been overturned. That's how the system is supposed to work.
What's ironic, however, in view of the death spirals being performed by the left, is that there are many legal experts who will tell you (perhaps anonymously to protect their families) that the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision is a fundamentally flawed decision that is 49 years overdue to be overturned. They will tell you that if you can peer through all the left-wing smoke and mirrors, you will see a legal decision that never should have been made in the first place.
I stumbled across a gem of an article published about 18 years ago that runs down a list of 10 legal reasons why Roe v. Wade has always been one SCOTUS decision that has stood up and begged to be overturned since its passage in 1973. It is posted on the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (of all places), but in spite of that it is an excellent article that is worth reading if you want to better understand the depth and extent of the depraved lunacy of the Democratic liberal left in this country, as they scream and howl over the fact that someone has finally questioned the "sacred right" of a woman to kill her unborn child and throw it out like so many food scraps.
Needless to say, this is one SCOTUS decision that gives every believer a reason to lift up the name that is above every name in thanks and praise.
As if we needed one.
7/5/2022 — From the "One Plus One Is Two" Department...
Last month, Dominion Voting Systems was given the green light to sue Fox Corp, parent company of Fox News. The basis of the lawsuit? What do you think? Outrageous, baseless accusations that their voting machines were manipulated to give Biden the victory over Trump in the 2020 election.
In a stunningly biased and uninformed article posted at the website of The Financial (the kind of "journalism" that has been the de facto standard for the mainstream media for good while now), it was gleefully reported that Dominion has been allowed to proceed in suing Fox Corp for their continued pushing of baseless conspiracy theories about voter fraud connected to Dominion's machines. According to Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, a professor of constitutional law at Stetson University and a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice:
"Dominion has a very strong case against Fox News—and against OAN for that matter. The reason Dominion is suing is because Fox and other rightwing news outlets repeated vicious lies that Dominion's voting machines stole the 2020 election from Trump for Biden. But all of these conspiracy theories about Dominion's machines were just pure bunk, and Fox as a news organization should have known that and not given this aspect of the big lie a megaphone."
This is vintage bought-and-sold liberal media. The claims of fraud and voting machine manipulation are "vicious lies" and "just pure bunk." Why? Uhh...because everyone we listen to says so, that's why. The media acts as judge and jury, and expects the American people to passively and unquestioningly go along for the ride to the liberal media's predetermined conclusion.
Oh, Ciara wasn't finished:
"What's particularly bad for Fox is [that] Dominion asked them to stop and correct the record in real time, and Fox persisted in spreading misrepresentations about the voting machine company."
Translation: They refused to stop telling a forbidden and uncomfortable truth.
So, here we go again. But what strikes me as interesting is the way the logic of the liberal left mimics the logic of atheists. For example:
1. All the allegations of fraud are vicious lies and baseless bunk.
2. We refuse to report a single word about any of the evidence of fraud in the election.
3. Why? Because we won't lower ourselves to report on vicious lies and baseless bunk.
It's easy as one plus one is two. But atheists follow a very similar pattern:
1. Your God doesn't exist, and the Bible is a bunch of myths that have all been debunked.
2. We refuse to believe in your God or the Bible.
3. Why? Because we won't lower ourselves to believe in a God that doesn't exist and a Bible that is a bunch of myths that have been debunked.
Easy as one plus one is two.
But as wrong as one plus one is seventeen.
Actually, I misspoke. I said this was the logic of the liberal left. It's not: It's the logic of Satan:
The father of lies.
7/13/2022 — From the "What's in a Word" Department...
I love it when revelations come out that reveal the depth of the deception that surrounds the COVID-19 scamdemic—revelations that were known by certain people a long time ago.
And nobody listened.
It was known early on by a few that the CDC had quietly changed its own definition of the words "vaccine" and "vaccinated" in order to accommodate the utterly ineffective mRNA vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna. The goal was clear: to make the public casually assume that these shots were actual vaccines so they would (a) unquestioningly queue up to get them and (b) excoriate anyone who had the audacity to refuse to follow suit.
Oh, and let Pfizer and Moderna off the legal hook, since they can't be sued by people who suffer adverse reactions if the product they take is classified as a "vaccine." Pretty slick, huh? I discussed these facts in an article in April of 2021.
Now, emails have been obtained that confirm this. According to an article posted at ntd.com, the CDC did in fact modify its definition of "vaccine" and "vaccinated" because people were beginning to grasp the obvious fact that the "vaccines" were NOT bestowing anything resembling immunity on the people who took them.
Since at least 2011, a "vaccine" had been defined by the CDC as follows:
"A product that stimulates a person's immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease."
Pretty basic, right? I mean, that's pretty much how the general public has always defined a vaccine: It's something that prevents you from getting infected by a certain disease. Every third-grader in America knows that.
So when these mRNA concoctions from Pfizer and Moderna were shoved out the door and touted as safe and effective vaccines, the public bought it hook, line, and sinker.
"They're vaccines, for Pete's sake...get vaccinated, you tin-hatted morons. What's wrong with you? Don't you know what vaccines do?!"
But these emails show that, in response to complaints by those who observed that the shots were not functioning as vaccines, this definition was quietly changed by the CDC to read as follows:
"A preparation that is used to stimulate the body's immune response against diseases."
Hmmm...something's missing.
Q. What's missing?
A. What happened to the words "to produce immunity"?
They also changed the definition of the word "vaccinated." This used to read as follows:
"The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease."
This got changed to:
"The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease."
And I can just hear those people at the CDC:
"Baah...immunity, protection, whatever. What's in a word?"
Well, let's see...just what is in the word "protection"? You won't get sick? You might get sick, but you won't get really sick? You might get really sick, but you won't spend more than a week in the hospital? You might spend more than a week in the hospital, but you won't die? You might die, but you won't go to hell with all the unvaccinated people?
In other words, you could arguably get gummy bears defined as a vaccine under this new definition. (I'm kidding, but just barely.)
This reminds me a little bit of people who say that all you need to do to be saved is believe in Jesus. That's the word: "believe in Jesus." But what they don't understand is that there is more to the word "believe" than they think.
It's like I've told people in the past:
Satan believes in Jesus. He should—they've met face to face.
Satan doesn't just believe in Jesus—he knows for a stone-cold fact that He's the Son of God and the promised Messiah. And the last time I checked the Bible, Satan has never been, is not now, and will never be saved.
So...what's in a word? If that word is "believe," a lot more than many so casually suppose.
7/19/2022 — From the "Arrivederci, Tony" Department...
It may seem difficult to believe, but if you look hard enough through the news headlines of any particular day, you're bound to come across something that will bring a smile to your face.
Case in point: Dr. Fauci is planning his retirement!
T-h-a-a-t's right. Some call him the Voice of Science, some call him a vacillating sociopath...but Dr. Anthony Fauci is reportedly eyeing his retirement. He is reportedly planning to step down before the end of Joe Biden's first "term," but another two years is still two years too many for a lot of Americans. At any rate, according to an article at Politico, he is "reflecting on how he wants to be remembered." (Down, boy...not yet.)
According to the article, Fauci wants to "put Covid's politicization behind him." Well, that's rich, since he's had a major hand in creating and perpetuating it from the very beginning.
He went from flatten the curve in two weeks to a four-vaccine minimum.
He went from masks are optional to a two-mask minimum.
Without so much as blinking, he told the American people whatever lies and fairy tales were necessary to get them to willingly line up for a dangerous and undertested experimental gene therapy that didn't even meet the CDC's own definition of a vaccine until they quietly changed it, and mocked and marginalized anyone who hesitated to follow suit.
He actively supported the dismissal and denigration of every proven and effective alternative treatment available for Covid—treatments that would have absolutely saved countless lives.
All of this, of course, helped his cronies back in Big Pharma rake in tens of billions of dollars of profit, with no end in sight.
The Italian name "Fauci" comes from a word that means "sickle," and that seems gruesomely appropriate for Tony. America's Doctor is responsible for the deaths of untold thousands—and yet there he is, musing about "how he wants to be remembered."
Well, Tony, as far as how you will actually be remembered by the majority of Americans, I believe I can help you out with that one. (OK, sic 'em, boy...)
Mr. Fauci, you will be remembered as nothing more than a lying shill for Big Pharma, and a "sickle" that was thrust into the heart of America that was directly responsible for the deaths and impairment of thousands of people due to your lies and calculated deception and duplicity. Your legacy will be that of a prevaricating profiteer who did nothing but destroy the lives of innocent people for money and power.
So, arrivederci, Tony. Enjoy your retirement—it can't come soon enough.
7/26/2022 — From the "God's Handiwork" Department...
The James Webb telescope is now sending its first images to Earth, and I just couldn't resist the urge to share a few of the images with you here, at webbtelescope.org.
As we struggle with the affairs of our daily lives, we often hunger to know God on a deeper basis. As for me, sometimes I like to just sit back and marvel at His handiwork, and know that the same Creator God who spoke the entire universe into existence also created you and me and saw fit to establish the means by which we could know Him and spend all eternity with Him through His grace and mercy.
1O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth! who have set your glory above the heavens.
2Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings have you ordained strength because of your enemies, that you might still the enemy and the avenger.
3When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained;
4What is man, that you are mindful of him? and the son of man, that you visit him?
5For you have made him a little lower than the angels, and have crowned him with glory and honor.
6You made him to have dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet:
7All sheep and oxen, yes, and the beasts of the field;
8The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatever passes through the paths of the seas.
9O LORD our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth!
(Psalm 8 AKJV)
I hope you enjoy some these images as much as I did!
And I can't wait to meet the Author.
8/2/2022 — From the "Is That a Promise?" Department...
I'm sure you have heard the clamor about Nancy Pelosi's possible trip to Taiwan, and heard the usual saber-rattling from mainland China over it. I read she was actually supposed to land here sometime Tuesday evening, and it's Tuesday evening as I write this—and I'm still honestly not sure if she has actually landed or not.
As if I cared.
I confess that when I heard mainland China's threat to shoot her plane down if she did, I felt like having a T-shirt made with a picture of Nancy Pelosi's plane on it being targeted by a Chinese missile, along with the caption:
Is that a promise?
It's always hard to communicate to Americans how used to this sort of thing we are here in Taiwan. The same saber has been rattled for 73 years, and life goes on here as normal. Instead of living in fear of the Big Bully, the people in Taiwan have learned to take all the rehashed tough talk in stride and carry on with their lives.
Of course, the reality is that, yeah, they really might attack us some fine day. The joke here is that after it's all over, the policemen will wear green uniforms instead of blue—but they still won't ticket people for running red lights.
Frankly, I feel like we're too close to the Rapture at this point for me to get all whacked out of shape over something I have no control over. Whatever happens, God will still be on His throne and His Son will still be on His way.
27Which of you, by being anxious, can add one moment to his lifespan?
(Matthew 6:27)
I feel bad for believers who have either never been taught about the Rapture, or who have but have been influenced to dismiss it as an escapist fantasy that will never happen. The Word of God could scarcely be any clearer about the fact that Jesus is coming to take us home to be with Him before a sin-wracked world tumbles headlong into the horrors of the Tribulation. So much so that no one need ask "Is that a promise?"
It is a promise—and it's a promise
from a God who keeps His promises.
But if by some bizarre coincidence a Chinese missile were to blow up our apartment building (with me in it) before He comes for us, I'll catch you guys at the mixer after the bema.
I'll be the one wearing the "Is that a promise?" T-shirt.
8/10/2022 — From the "Gettin' Worse" Department...
As most of you know, I wrote about the Jewish day of mourning known as Tisha B'Av recently, and how there seemed to be a connection between that day and the Rapture. When I wrote that article, I wasn't really consciously thinking about the Rapture happening this past weekend (August 6–7), which was when Tisha B'Av fell this year. But I know a number of people were geared up for the possibility.
I know the feeling:
"OK, it's the 8th here, but it's still the 7th in Timbuktu!"
I'm actually glad it's past...one less distraction. In my most recent article, I wrote about years, specifically the year 2024, which I am convinced is a very favorable year for the Rapture. So, I have pretty well emptied my magazine on the timing of the Rapture:
Maybe 2024.
Anything beyond that gives me vertigo.
So, I don't expect to be addressing any Rapture-timing issues any time soon, because although there's nothing inherently wrong with it, there really are more important things to focus on than speculation about the timing of the Rapture. Besides, we're so close it's almost redundant at this point. It's like I always say:
The worse things get, the closer it is.
And things are definitely gettin' worse. That's all we need to know.
Incidentally, at the moment I am knocking myself out trying to sort out the problems with the Subscribe page, and I am revamping the way I handle subscriptions. So if you happen to subscribe to ALS, stay tuned for more information about that (I will be posting a new Subscribe page shortly, so sit tight.) And pray for me.
And pray for MailerLite.
8/16/2022 — From the "Where's the Trust?" Department...
I confess that I enjoyed this little tidbit immensely, and I thought others might enjoy it as well.
Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla, who admittedly must be a bit tuckered out from a year and a half of tirelessly and relentlessly plugging and promoting his company's mRNA COVID-19 "vaccines," has been the recipient of four of those so-called vaccines, which the CDC proudly hails as being able to "protect" you from the coronavirus...in some conveniently unspecified manner.
Yep, that's right: the word is "quadruple-vaxxed."
Ah, but sadly and inexplicably, Mr. Bourla has tested positive for the coronavirus. Say it with me:
Gosh, life can be so unfair.
Ever the Big Pharma heavyweight, however, Mr. Bourla took advantage of the opportunity to shamelessly plug yet another experimental Pfizer concoction (that has yet to be approved) called Paxlovid. Bourla had this to say:
"I would like to let you know that I have tested positive for COVID19...I am thankful to have received four doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and I am feeling well while experiencing very mild symptoms. I am isolating and have started a course of Paxlovid...Paxlovid is not approved, but is authorized for emergency use by the FDA..."
Thankful...he said he was thankful. Oh, and "authorized for emergency use by the FDA"? Gosh, that sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before?
OK, let's just cut to the chase and call this precisely what it is:
A pathetic admission that the vaccines
do not work as advertised and offer
people little if any beneficial effect.
Of course, that won't stop Big Pharma from changing course slightly to rake in tens of billions of dollars more in profits.
I think what surprises me the most about this is the fact that Mr. Bourla seems to honestly believe that there are still people in this country who trust him and actually believe a single word that comes out of his mouth.
And I suppose there may be.
After all, there are people who still trust the FBI.
8/23/2022 — From the "Get Out of Dodge" Department...
It wasn't that long ago that Dr. Anthony Fauci said he would likely retire before the end of Biden's first (and hopefully only) term as president. Well, the good doctor has been talking about retirement again...only for some reason it got moved up a bit.
Quite a bit, and for very good reasons, actually.
Fauci recently announced he is stepping down this December. And it didn't take long for the reasons to come out.
According to Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a CNN Medical Analyst (whose comments were apparently pulled from the Internet within hours for some strange reason) and a Professor of Medicine at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dr. Fauci has no desire to face the grilling he is in for if the Republicans retake the House this fall in the midterms.
Which they almost certainly will, barring the Democrats' tried-and-true mail-in ballot/Dominion voting machine hanky-panky. It is shaping up to be a blood bath, according to many analysts.
And considering the debacle of the Biden administration up to this point, somehow that's not all that surprising.
Dr. Fauci, who has done absolutely nothing from day one but lie to Congress and to the American people about virtually every aspect of the coronavirus and the vaccines, has no desire to be pulled before hostile Republican committees and having his lies and deception exposed—he is anxious to get out of Dodge and find a place to hide. Somewhere. Anywhere.
However, Senator Rand Paul is letting it be known loud and clear that Fauci isn't going to escape that easily. Sen. Paul has vowed to pull Fauci before whatever committee he is on:
"Fauci's resignation will not prevent a full-throated investigation into the origins of the pandemic. He will be asked to testify under oath regarding any discussions he participated in concerning the lab leak...I will be chairman of a committee in the Senate. We will use the subpoena power to bring forth all the records...Right now they send us records. If we ask about their discussions, covering up where the virus came from, its origins in the lab, they white it all out."
So, here's praying that Dr. Fauci will not be able to outrun the long arm of Sen. Rand Paul and the United States Congress, and that his lies, greed, and deception that have been responsible for the deaths of countless thousands of innocent men, women, and children are exposed and hung around his neck like the albatross that it is. And that the same fate awaits others of his ilk.
8/30/2022 — From the "Fun with Dick and Jane" Department...
In case you think perhaps Iran has changed its mind about Israel and the United States, or you are in need of a little refresher course in how Iran really feels about its role in the Middle East, you don't need to read the news.
All you need to do is visit an Iranian elementary school.
According to an article reporting on a recent study, the curriculum in Iranian schools begins the radicalization process in the first grade, and prepares students for "global and revolutionary war." Students are taught to "glorify the regime's nuclear aspirations, child martyrdom, and efforts to destroy Israel."
I can see it now: "Dick and Jane Nuke Jerusalem."
According to the article, textbooks emphasize the importance of achieving Iranian supremacy in the Middle East, and stress that the relationship between the United States and Israel is the only obstacle in achieving that goal.
Also included are more traditional cliched blurbs of anti-Semitism, such as describing Zionism as "an evil organization of wealthy Jewish capitalists manipulating the United States and other countries for malicious gain."
Iran is not sparing their young children from their maniacal drive to export Islamic revolution throughout the Middle East, and are indoctrinating them with the belief that Israel must be completely eradicated. And this is being presented to them as a realistic, achievable goal—not just an evil pipe dream.
How about "Dick and Jane Fulfill Ezekiel 38–39."
9/6/2022 — From the "The Quiet Part" Department...
This is a topic that has reared its head in several Commentary entries, and it's in the news again.
Last week, Russia announced they were cutting off the Nord Stream 1 pipeline that supplies a large percentage of Europe's gas.
Oh, the stated reason for the stoppage?
Maintenance. Merry Christmas! =:)
Meanwhile, the price of gas in Europe has shot up over 35 percent, and is putting great strain on already struggling European economies.
You know I'm going somewhere with this, and I bet most of you already know where I'm going.
Iran has announced they would be delighted to provide Europe with supplemental gas from their nation's reserves. Of course, there's just one little minor detail to attend to in that regard:
Lifting all those nasty sanctions on poor Iran, all over over a silly little nuclear weapons program that threatens Israel's existence.
According to Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani:
"In the shadow of the crisis in Ukraine and the problems that Europe is facing in terms of energy supply, if the negotiations are successful and the unilateral and illegal sanctions against Iran are lifted, the Islamic Republic of Iran can supply a larger part of Europe's needs, especially in terms of resources...We hope that an agreement will be formed and in this context, Iran will be able to play a more effective role in providing the energy needed by the countries of the world and Europe."
This is Iran's message to the world's major players. So, let's just say the quiet part out loud:
Stand by and do nothing while
we wipe out Israel, and we'll
give you all the gas you want.
China has also agreed to pitch in and help Europe out from their reserves, which are topped off with gas from...you guessed it: Iran.
At some point in the relatively near future, this tangled mess will end up pointing straight to Israel's massive deposits of gas.
And certain countries that are already licking their chops will make their move.
Oh, what countries? The prophet Ezekiel says the quiet part out loud in chapters 38 and 39.
9/13/2022 — From the "Stirring the Pot" Department...
According to a recent article, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is suffering from late-stage cancer and is on his death bed at the current moment. According to many Iran watchers, Khamenei's death may lead to the collapse of the Ayatollah regime in Iran and may lead to great upheaval and a further breakdown of security in the Middle East.
Under the current system in Iran, one must be an Ayatollah to inherit the position of Supreme Leader. Mojtaba Khamenei, the Supreme Leader's son, was not an Ayatollah up until he was fast-tracked to that status a few months ago in preparation to take his father's place.
In fact, the same is true for the Supreme Leader himself. When his father-in-law Ayatollah Khomenei (of 1979 Iranian hostage crisis fame) died in 1989, the current Supreme Leader was also not an Ayatollah, and had to be rubber-stamped as such so he could take the position. Now his son appears to be on track to follow suit.
As a result of such slippery, politically motivated religious dealings throughout much of the last century, some in Iran decry the inevitable cheapening of the highly honorific title of "Ayatollah" (which literally means "Sign of Allah"). And there are those in Iran who are willing to fight to restore what they see as its rightful honor and prestige.
Current Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi (who was elected in 2021 and is also not a "real" Ayatollah) has been seen in the past as a hardline ally of Khamenei, and many have been eyeing him as the next Supreme Leader over Khamenei's son Mojtaba. According to reports, Raisi went to Khamenei in 2017 and told him straight out that if his ambitions were denied, he would raise up an army and take over the country.
There is a lot of confusion and clandestine activity occurring in Iran as I write this, but one thing is clear: No matter who becomes the next Supreme Leader of Iran, there is almost certainly going to be violence and bloodshed within the country as a result—if not a civil war.
As you know, Iran is far and away the number one sponsor of terrorism throughout the Middle East, and the reason all this matters is because this is shaping up to be something that could easily open the door to an even more extremist government in Iran (if that's possible). This would certainly threaten the security of the Middle East—specifically that of Israel. And that rhymes with Ezekiel 38–39.
God is stirring the pot, and we need to be paying attention.
9/20/2022 — From the "Shrug That Off" Department...
You've probably heard on the news that Taiwan had a series of earthquakes recently, ranging from 6.4 to 7.2 (many reports say 6.8) in magnitude. One house collapsed, six cars of a train derailed, a total of 146 people have been injured, and there has been one fatality. Not to make light of the situation, but for an earthquake that strong that's mercifully not all that bad. Smaller quakes have done worse.
I've had several people kindly inquire as to the safety of me and my wife, and for that I am thankful and appreciative. So, I thought I'd go ahead and use this week's Commentary entry to put your collective minds at ease.
We're fine. The quakes were centered near the southeastern corner of Taiwan, and Taipei is situated in the northwestern corner of the island. So the Taipei area where we live is about as far away from the quakes as you can get. Over the course of two or three days, we felt several minor tremors in the 3-ish range that were just strong enough to get our attention, but not strong enough to cause any problems.
Of course, the media will display that one single collapsed house along with a scary-sounding headline, and people mentally multiply that by a million and assume that the island has been reduced to smoking rubble. Luckily, however, it is never as bad as the media plays it up to be.
This quake occurred just a couple of days shy of the 23rd anniversary of Taiwan's Big One, which occurred on September 21, 1999, universally referred to here as the 921 earthquake. We were rocked by a 7.3 that did more serious damage in the eastern part of Taiwan and caused widespread power outages, but again: Only one building in the Taipei City area collapsed (which was later determined to the victim of cheap, substandard building materials).
But that was the lead photo in newspapers around the world. The next day after the power came back on, I got online and saw CNN's display of that one toppled building with the headline:
I knew that when my family in the States saw that they would be in a panic, so I immediately got on the phone and called them and assured them that I was fine, and that the area where I lived hadn't experienced any damage at all.
Tremors are a fact of life here, and it usually doesn't take too long for people who have moved here from the States to get their trial by fire. I grew up in Central Illinois, where earthquakes are mythical disasters that happen in a galaxy far, far away. The first one is always a highly unsettling experience for foreigners, but it's not long until those same people are shrugging off 2's and 3's like everybody else.
Of course, none of this can hold a candle to what the world will experience during the Tribulation, with massive quakes accompanying the sixth seal judgment (Rev. 6:12), the sounding of the seventh trumpet (Rev. 11:19), and the seventh and final bowl judgment (Rev. 16:18).
I'm happy to report that I'm not going to be here for those. But if I were, I would only have one thing to say to the hardened individuals who have stubbornly rejected God's grace and mercy:
"Shrug that off."
9/27/2022 — From the "Comical Intro" Department...
I'm sure many of you heard or saw reference to this, but on September 1 Joe Biden made a fiery speech in Philadelphia, and in that speech he accused Trump supporters (i.e. MAGA Republicans) of being extremists and a threat to democracy. Biden is doing his darnedest to turn up the heat in preparation for the November midterms, so you can probably expect more of the same Looney-Tune-ism in the near future.
The man who currently occupies the Oval Office regaled the country with Don't-Ya-Hate-Trump-isms along the following lines:
"Donald Trump and the Maga Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic...Maga forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love."
Vague, obtuse references to abortion rights and gay marriage, I presume. But make no mistake: Joe Biden is basically talking about half the country—the half that most likely believes in God and has at least some sense of moral decency and just wants to see the damage he is doing to the country they love reversed and repaired. And he is lumping them all together under the "MAGA extremist" label (I want a T-shirt!) and accusing them of being a threat to democracy—enemies of the state!
Speaking of being a threat to democracy, Joe Biden did manage to make it reasonably clear what kinds of despicable acts this status encompasses:
• If you oppose homosexual "marriage" and teachers grooming innocent children with LGBT perversion, you're a threat to democracy.
• If you oppose a woman's "choice" to murder her unborn infant because you believe life begins at conception, you're a threat to democracy.
• If you oppose widespread, well-choreographed cheating in elections, you're a threat to democracy.
And so on. But I didn't decide to waste valuable Commentary space on the unhinged drivel dripping from the mouth of Joe Biden for no reason. I brought up his silly speech because something occurred to me.
As most of you know, we see many things in the Old Testament that foreshadow events in the end times. Well, it appears to me that Satan is doing a bit of foreshadowing himself—foreshadowing of what will characterize the Antichrist's brief 42-month kingdom during the Tribulation. No? Consider:
In the Antichrist's kingdom...
• If you oppose the idea of a global religion and balk at worshiping the Antichrist as God, you're a threat to mankind and must be eliminated.
• If you oppose taking the mark of the beast and becoming locked into his global economic system, you're a threat to mankind and must be eliminated.
• If you oppose trying to ascend spiritually and persist in clinging to archaic myths like the Bible, you're a threat to mankind and must be eliminated.
In reality, Joe Biden is simply giving the world a little taste of what life will be like when Satan's man the Antichrist takes control of his kingdom.
So, just be thankful we're only here to witness a comical intro to what is to come, and will be removed before the curtain comes up on the real deal.
10/4/2022 — From the "Makes You Wonder" Department...
As the theories and accusations about who did what to Russia's Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea last week, most fingers have either been pointing at the Russians themselves or America. Speaking of which, American Secretary of State Tony Blinken declared that the sabotage of these Russian pipelines is a "tremendous opportunity." According to Blinken:
"It's a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on Russian energy and thus to take away from Vladimir Putin the weaponization of energy as a means of advancing his imperial designs."
For those who are quick to blame America for the deed, this might be viewed as a significant "quiet part out loud" moment concerning the sabotage of the pipelines, which will certainly force a re-shuffling of the "Who Gets What from Whom and How" cards.
I honestly don't have a dog in this hunt, at least not yet. My first instinct was to pin it on the knucklehead Biden administration, and dismiss allegations that the Russians did it themselves as translucent misdirection. I have read some things over the past week, however, that make it clear that the idea of Russia doing it themselves is, at the very least, not as absurd as the mainstream media is letting on.
To the surprise of no one, the mainstream media is also playing up the catastrophic harm to the environment the damage to these pipelines will cause, mainly in terms of the release of methane. However, while the media screams bloody environmental murder, I have also read things recently that effectively argue that the potential harm to the environment represented by the sabotage to these two pipelines (one of which hadn't even been commissioned yet) could realistically be called "minuscule."
Makes you wonder.
What I do know is that this is a murky, complex situation, and I certainly don't have all the political answers. I'm not sure very many people do at this point.
But I try to make up for it by having some of the biblical ones.
As I view the pieces being moved around the board, I wait...I wait to see how these pieces are going to swirl together and result in Russia and a fistful of other nations making the fateful decision to pounce on Israel to take control of their vast deposits of natural gas.
I confess that at this point it isn't 100 percent clear precisely how the Ezekiel 38–39 scenario will evolve—but we know that it is evolving as we speak, and God has given us the opportunity to watch it unfold.
So for the moment, until God deigns to give me a few more clues about exactly what He's up to, I am content to recall the words of the old gospel hymn:
"Many things about tomorrow,
I don't seem to understand;
But I know who holds tomorrow,
And I know who holds my hand."
10/11/2022 — From the "Death from Death" Department...
Just when you thought they couldn't stoop any lower. Just when you thought they had revealed themselves to be the vilest poison-mongering profiteers on the planet. Just when...sorry, words fail me.
The folks at Pfizer want to poison your children with their so-called "vaccines" that have been proven to be neither safe nor effective in study after study...and they coming for them in a manner that reveals the depth of their evil.
According to a recent news article, Pfizer has teamed up with Marvel Comics to troll the children of America with brazen encouragements to not only get vaccinated, but to be sure to keep up with all the recommended booster shots. In so doing, they will become an Everyday Hero, in league with Marvel's superheroes the Avengers.
Here are some quotes from their trolling efforts:
"Pfizer and BioNTech announced our new collaboration with Marvel Comics. Together we created a custom comic book featuring the Avengers who fight to protect their community...We hope that people around the world enjoy reading the comic book...At Pfizer, we encourage people to come together to help protect themselves by staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations...We are proud to work with Marvel, which is so firmly entrenched in global culture and entertainment, to help remind people of the actions they can each take to help protect themselves, similarly to how the Avengers protect their community."
Meanwhile, thousands of young, healthy individuals are dropping like flies all over the world from all manner of vaccine-related ailments, and this is just the tip of the iceberg according to medical experts who have the courage to speak out. In other words, it will get worse.
But that's not the worst part. The worst part is that there were people who saw all of this coming at the outset—and those people were silenced and sidelined in the name of profit and power.
About a year and a half ago, I wrote in an article entitled "A Horse of a Most Peculiar Color" that I believed the effects of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines would lead to a strange rise in deaths around the globe that would ultimately be part of the fourth seal judgment:
7When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the fourth living creature saying, "Come and see!" 8And behold, a pale horse [Greek: chloros, a pale, sickly shade of green—a strange color for a horse], and he who sat on it, his name was Death [Greek: Thanatos—death capitalized]. Hades [i.e. the abode of the dead] followed with him. Authority over one fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword, with famine, with death [Greek: a form of thanatos, the same word just used to describe the rider], and by the wild animals of the earth was given to him.
(Revelation 6:7–8 / emphasis & [comments] added)
Death from death—not death from disease. John could have very easily used the Greek word for pestilence (loimos), but he didn't. Of course, the deaths he's referring to may well include death from pestilence in the normal sense of the word, but the fact remains that he didn't use that word. He said death from death. It's almost as if there is something quite peculiar about many of the deaths he's talking about.
It is my opinion that the scourge of the mRNA vaccines may explain a large number of these "deaths from death" John is talking about in the fourth seal judgment early in the Tribulation, and everything I have learned in the last year and a half has done nothing but solidify that opinion.
Speaking of death...all I can say is that it makes me rejoice that I have eternal life in Christ, and that eternal life is going to be in full swing before Jesus even opens the first seal.
10/18/2022 — From the "What's in the News" Department...
I'll be brutally honest with you: There are times when I almost dread writing these Commentary entries every week, because it means I have to push myself to do something that is getting a little harder all the time:
Read the news.
I have to remind myself of one of my own little maxims to get through it:
The worse it gets, the closer we are.
And I know you know what I mean. That seems to help me get through it.
But there are still times when I stumble across something that just lifts my spirits and reminds me that there really are some decent, God-fearing folks that have some common sense and common decency out there in government in various places throughout the country, and I just had to share this piece I stumbled across.
Republican lawmakers in Michigan have introduced a bill in the state legislature that defines gender-transitioning procedures for minors as first-degree child abuse. According to the wording of the bill, someone could be found guilty of first-degree child abuse if that person...
"...knowingly or intentionally consents to, obtains, or assists with a gender transition procedure for a child."
And if convicted, that person—be they parent, guardian, physician, or any other licensed medical professional—could potentially face life in prison.
One word: Amen.
Incidentally, Arizona has a similar law, the primary difference being it's not considered a felony. But if this legislation passes in Michigan, you're going to the Big House for the Long Haul.
As well you should.
So, just to celebrate that little piece of uplifting news, I thought I'd share with you a little countdown of my Top 10 list of fantasy headlines I'd like to see leading off the evening news:
And finally, my top fantasy headline (that sadly I won't be here to see):
Details at 11...
10/25/2022 — From the "Uncommon Sense" Department...
In far too many places throughout the United States, schools are becoming virtual indoctrination centers for transgenderism, where kids who are too young to buy cigarettes are being socially pressured and administratively supported to identify as any one of a smorgasbord of make-believe genders other than binary one they were born as. That alone is damaging enough, but what's infinitely worse is that in increasing numbers of schools, kids are being "advised" (read "pushed") to secretly change their names and pronouns, take puberty-blocking drugs, sex hormones, and other life-altering drugs, and ultimately undergo irreversible surgical procedures.
Of course, the Biden administration is fully on board...well, at least Joe recently managed to read from a cue card words to the effect that banning children from sex-change surgery was immoral. I'll take that as a "yes."
So, wow...how about that NHS England, huh? According to a recent article, the National Health Service of England pulled a stunner recently, and came out with a statement that harks back to a time before the world completely went south of the border. It was just so...so full of...oh, what's that phrase...oh yeah:
Common sense.
NHS England has released an advisory stating that...
"[Most children who believe they are transgender] are going through a phase...in most cases gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence."
(On second thought, maybe I should have said uncommon sense.)
OK, pop quiz:
Q. How many of you were honestly not aware of that?
A. I'm kidding!
They also intend to ban puberty-blocking drugs for kids except for use in strictly controlled clinical trials.
According to the article, the FDA in the United States has never approved puberty-blocking drugs and sex hormones for use on children except in the context of highly exceptional medical circumstances. And yet staff at your children's school could be passing them out like Tic Tacs with complete impunity.
And with the blessing of the current occupant of the Oval Office.
And without your knowledge.
So...if nothing else, God bless NHS England.
I can only imagine what the woke mob would do to any organization in the United States that would dare say such a sensible thing.
11/1/2022 — From the "Same Old Lie" Department...
In a pouring rain in Tyler Texas, a number of believers from local churches gathered to pray ahead of what is being called an "unbaptism" event held by the Dallas-Fort Worth Satanic Temple. While some regarded it as a spiritual battleground, some just felt called to gather and pray and exercise their freedom of religious expression in light of the controversial event.
Oh, the "unbaptism"? That would be an event in which participants can renounce "superstitions" that were imposed on them as children without their consent. Presumably, this would include things such as infant baptism, etc.
(Listen: For the record, anyone who wants to "renounce" things such as being baptized as a child has nothing to worry about. When you baptize a baby, what you've got is a wet baby.)
According to the Satanic Temple, they do not worship Satan. In fact, they do not even believe he exists. (Satan's most masterful trick is making gullible men believe he doesn't exist.) According to the article, they present themselves as more of an advocacy group that encourages empathy and rejects tyrannical authority ("tyrannical" as in "absolute" as in that of a Creator God).
The article presented the group's seven foundational tenets, which struck me as fairly predictable. They are as follows:
1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
(And your reason is sovereign over God's reason.)
2. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
(Whose "justice"? God instituted laws and institutions for our own protection and benefit.)
3. One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone.
(And your will is sovereign over God's will.)
4. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
(The freedom to sin and violate God's laws must be respected.)
5. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
(And since science can't "prove" God exists, you are obligated to believe accordingly.)
6. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
(People are sinful, and we cannot "resolve" that. Only Christ can.)
7. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
(Especially God's written Word.)
Translation: You shall be as gods.
Sound familiar? It should: It's the same old lie from the same old liar. It never changes. Why?
Because it works.
11/8/2022 — From the "Bigger, Fatter, and Juicier" Department...
As you probably know, in the attack of Gog Magog in Ezekiel 38–39, a Russian-led coalition of Islamic nations pounces on Israel to wipe it off the map. But one key aspect of this attack is the true motivation behind it, and that isn't merely to destroy Israel:
It is to take a spoil.
The real motivation behind the attack is economic in nature—they intend to help themselves to Israel's natural resources, specifically in the form of natural gas deposits off Israel's coast. The current global maelstrom is swirling in the direction of a painful and debilitating energy crisis for Europe thanks in part to Russia's increasing intransigence, and it is well known that the Europeans are already eyeing the possibility of obtaining natural gas from Israel, possibly with the help of Egyptian infrastructure. As a result, it's only a matter of time before Russia seeks to eliminate a major energy competitor.
This is nothing new, and I have written about this situation before. Less than two decades ago, huge deposits of natural gas were discovered off the coast of Israel, and they now have the infrastructure in place to actively avail themselves of that resource. The current largest deposit, Leviathan, is estimated to be sufficient to provide for Israel's domestic energy needs for the next 40 years.
The only downside, if you want to call it that, is that God has arranged for this to be a big, fat, juicy target for the Gog Magog coalition. He has ordained for this to be what gives Him an opportunity to fight for His people and save them from annihilation, and as a result re-introduce Himself to them and spur them to re-establish their covenant relationship with Him in preparation for Daniel's 70th Week. This is when Israel's final purging occurs and God can bring a remnant of His people to faith in their true Messiah and ultimately usher them into their promised kingdom.
So...why am I rehashing all this? Because recent reports say that even more deposits of natural gas have very recently been discovered off the coast of Israel. E&P (Exploration and Production) company Energean has recently discovered even more deposits of natural gas in the vicinity of the Leviathan deposit. In other words:
That big, fat, juicy target just got a bit bigger, fatter, and juicier.
And you know what that means:
Our blessed hope just got a bit bigger, fatter, and juicier as well.
11/15/2022 — From the "Full Steam Ahead" Department...
By now you are painfully aware that as far as the midterms are concerned, the anticipated Red Wave mysteriously dried up and was reduced to the Red Ripple. In the final days before the elections, the Republicans were fully expected take a crushing lead in the House of Representatives and were even slightly favored to take the Senate.
But then, SURPRISE! Just as with the 2020 election, the counting delays set in. Gosh, there are just s-o-o many votes to count!
Translation: Don't worry...the fix is on the way.
In various key races around the country, Republican hopes were slowly strangulated as counting irregularities mounted. And as day after agonizing day slipped by and the "counting" wore on, key race after key race was called by the mainstream media for a Democratic candidate.
Translation: The fix is in.
It is still likely the Republicans will eke out a majority in the House, albeit a smaller one than most predicted (small enough to be canceled by the RINOs). But to the surprise of no one, the Senate has been stolen.
I repeat: to the surprise of no one. At least not me. My thinking about the midterms comes down to this:
In regard to the well-established fraud that stole the 2020 election for the Democrats, we know what they did, we know how they did it, and we have mountains of evidence of it (that is routinely denied and dismissed). So, I have three questions. First:
Q. How many people have gone to prison over their part in the fraud of 2020?
A. Zero.
Second question:
Q. How many candidates who had elections stolen from them in 2020 were rightfully reinstated?
A. Zero.
And last but not least:
Q. So...how many reasons do we have to be surprised that the Democrats have cheated again in the 2022 midterms?
A. Third time's a charm.
The only thing that would have genuinely shocked me is if there had been NO fraud in the midterms. They got away clean with it two years ago, and so they would have been nuts not to do the same things all over again to produce the desired outcome.
Bottom line: No one has any real reason to be shocked or mystified at what has happened. Again.
Oh, and by the way...don't miss the crystal clear message the Democrats are sending to Republicans:
"Wise up and dump Trump—his endorsement is the kiss of death. Just ask Kari Lake."
As many of you may know, Trump strongly supported Lake—and not long after the election her victory in Arizona's race for governor appeared to be a virtual mathematical certainty. But then came the counting delays, and you can guess the rest.
Of course, I would be more than happy to share with you my own personal "happy spin" on this—the thoughts that keep me chugging right along, doing what the Lord gives me to do and looking forward with ever increasing anticipation to the catching away of the body of Christ that I am happy to say I will eternally be part of.
I look at it this way: All over America, many right-wing conservatives have been busily dreaming of seeing things get back to normal—of getting life back to the way it was BC (Before Coronavirus). As I said of many current false prophets a few months ago: They dream of seeing the bad guys fall and fail, and the good guys rise and prevail. And oh, how that idea soothes their aching flesh.
But many lack the biblical perspective to see where things are headed, which is clearly outlined in God's Word. In a nutshell, the world is even now being prepared for the short-lived kingdom of the Antichrist. And if nothing else, these completely predictable midterm shenanigans tell us that it's still full steam ahead for Satan and his minions, who are rapidly approaching their God-ordained moment in the sun. Which will precede their equally God-ordained date with judgment.
And that means it's full steam ahead for our date with the Lord in the air.
11/22/2022 — From the "Satan's Logic" Department...
I understand that the United States is run by some of the stupidest, most deluded, most evil people on the face of the planet. I mean, I get that. That's not even news anymore.
But sometimes...sometimes they leave me at a loss for words.
According to reports, on Saturday night a 22-year-old man named Anderson Lee Aldrich entered a gay night club called Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colorado armed with a weapon resembling an AR-15 and opened fire, killing five and wounding up to 25 others. He was finally overpowered by a couple of patrons at the club, and police have not determined any motive for the attack.
Ta-da! Enter Nancy Pelosi, chief among those stupidest, most deluded, most evil leaders I mentioned above. Nancy had it all figured out before the police were even finished questioning Aldrich.
It was the fault of MAGA Republicans!
Seriously. Here's the quote:
"As our nation marks Transgender Day of Remembrance, the House Democratic Caucus mourns the countless Americans stolen away by the scourge of transphobic violence, a crisis that continues to disproportionately harm trans people of color...That fight remains more urgent than ever, as right-wing extremists [read "Trump supporters"] target transgender Americans' most fundamental rights and freedoms. Whether spouting dangerous rhetoric from cable news desks or openly bullying schoolchildren from the halls of power, MAGA Republicans [read "Trump supporters"] are cruelly undermining the safety and well-being of our transgender community."
(emphasis & [comments] added)
The above is a slightly reworked example of current Democratic logic, which goes as follows:
(a) Many Trump supporters are Christians.
(b) Many Christians oppose XYZ.
(c) Some lunatic committed an act of violence against XYZ.
(d) That proves the attack is the fault of Trump supporters.
(e) Therefore Trump supporters must be eliminated for the greater good.
Not sure about you, but it's things like this that make me shudder when I stop to think that Satan and his demons are just getting warmed up—the game hasn't even started yet.
During the Tribulation, this is the kind of logic (minus the part about Trump) that will send millions of those who have trusted Christ for their salvation to their deaths.
Although I have to believe that Satan's logic will make considerably more sense than anything Nancy Pelosi is capable of.
11/29/2022 — From the "Can't Top That" Department...
According to a recent report, University of Cambridge graduate student Joshua Heath recently delivered a sermon at Trinity College chapel, and in that sermon he argued that Christ had a "trans body."
As congregants shouted "Heresy!" in outrage and wept in distress, Heath used examples of medieval art depicting Christ's crucified body to argue that some works intended to depict Christ as being a transgender man.
For example, according to Heath, in the painting La Grande Pietà ronde by Dutch artist Jean Malouel (1370–1415), which depicts Christ's lifeless body after being taken down from the cross, the wound on Christ's side "takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance." (view the painting in question in the article).
Dr. Michael Banner, Dean of Trinity College, was quick to do a bit of damage control and defend the young researcher's conjectures that Christ was being depicted as transgender in such medieval works, and Trinity College released the following statement:
"The College would like to make clear the following: Neither the Dean of Trinity College nor the researcher giving the sermon suggested Jesus was transgender. [Walking it back...judging from the student's remarks, this is debatable at best.] The sermon addressed the image of Christ depicted in art and various interpretations of those artistic portrayals. The sermon's exploration of the nature of religious art, in the spirit of thought-provoking academic inquiry, was in keeping with open debate and dialogue at the University of Cambridge."
(emphasis & [comments] added)
Thought-provoking academic inquiry...open debate and dialogue. My, what grand, high-sounding characterizations. Well, I have a few little gems of my own to throw his way:
• How about the fact that Christ shed His blood on the cross to redeem sinful men to a holy God?
• Or the fact that He was shortly thereafter resurrected to eternal life to break the bondage to the law of sin and death for those who would humble their hearts before God in repentance and believe in faith?
• Or that He is about to call people who have done so home to be with Him before unleashing an unimaginably horrific judgment on a sinful, rebellious world that has trampled His grace and mercy under its feet?
"Hey, forget all that! This painting proves Jesus was transgender!!"
...gushes the brilliant young Cambridge student, as he gleefully clutches his fistful of PC points and basks in the glow of the approval of the university's highly esteemed faculty.
Most comments by those in attendance at the sermon mirrored those of one deeply disturbed congregant:
"I left the service in tears. You offered to speak with me afterwards, but I was too distressed. I am contemptuous of the idea that by cutting a hole in a man...he can become a woman. I am especially contemptuous of such imagery when it is applied to our Lord...I am contemptuous of the notion that we should be invited to contemplate the martyrdom of a 'trans Christ', a new heresy for our age."
A new heresy for our age.
Can't top that.
12/6/2022 — From the "Main Course" Department...
You might say the leader of Nigeria is up at arms.
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari chaired a conference in the capital city of Abuja recently, a conference billed as the 16th Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC). The Lake Chad Basin region comprises four countries in North Central Africa bordering Lake Chad, including Nigeria, Niger, Chad, and Cameroon.
According to a recent article, Buhari is concerned about a burgeoning influx of weapons filtering into the region. These weapons, intended for Ukraine, are making their way into the region and serving to arm various terrorist groups throughout North Africa:
"Regrettably, the situation in the Sahel [an ongoing conflict in West Africa] and the raging war in Ukraine serve as major sources of weapons and fighters that bolster the ranks of the terrorists in Lake Chad Region...Weapons being used for the war in Ukraine and Russia are equally beginning to filter to the region...There is therefore, the urgent need for expedited collaborative actions by our border control agencies and other security services to stop the circulation of all illegal weapons in the region."
(emphasis & [comments] added)
So, as you may have already asked yourself, why is this of any special interest to students of Bible prophecy?
I have already discussed in the past how the war between Russia and Ukraine is very likely to be something that will ultimately morph into or set the stage for the battle of Gog Magog in Ezekiel 38–39. And as many countries around the world blindly and frantically pump tons of money and weapons into the lap of Ukraine to fight the evil Russian bully, understand that some of these weapons are apparently getting diverted to other places. Places in North Central Africa. Places which are close neighbors of places like Algeria and Libya (aka Put), and Sudan and Ethiopia (aka Cush). See Ezekiel 38:1–5 for a refresher.
Now, maybe it's just me, but it strikes me as intriguing that some of the other listed players of Gog Magog are in a position to potentially get a slice of the Russia-Ukraine pie. Of course, unlike most dinners where the main course comes before the pie, in this case the pie comes before the main course:
And the main course is Israel.
But also unlike most dinners, these players are all gonna go home hungry.
12/13/2022 — From the "Let's Be Clear" Department...
John Kirby, spokesman for the U.S. National Security Council, issued a stark warning the other day concerning the thriving relationship between Russia and Iran. Kirby warned that the relationship between these two countries is blossoming into "a full-scale defense partnership."
According to Kirby:
"Support is flowing both ways [as Moscow offers Iran] an unprecedented level of military and technical support."
He added that in exchange for that military and technical support, Russia was receiving drones and ballistic missiles to deploy in Ukraine. As if that weren't enough, Kirby went on to add:
"Russia is seeking to collaborate with Iran on areas like weapons development and training...We are concerned that Russia intends to provide Iran with advanced military components."
To no one's surprise, the effects of such a partnership are already making themselves felt. According to Vedant Patel of the U.S. State Department:
"Since August, Iran has transferred several hundred UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) to Russia and Russia has been using these UAVs to attack Ukraine's critical infrastructure and kill Ukrainian civilians."
And just in case you failed to pick up on the direction in which this is heading, Kirby had this to say:
"Let's be clear. From this partnership a threat has been developing not only against Ukraine but also against Iran's neighbors."
Let's be clear... Oh yes, let's.
This is a straightforward, "out in plain sight" manifestation of the march toward the battle of Gog Magog (Ezek. 38–39), in which this "defense partnership" between Russia and Iran will blossom into a major "offense partnership" aimed at one of Iran's neighbors:
As we see Russia and Iran march in lockstep toward their date with prophetic destiny, however, another prophetic event comes to mind.
And let's be clear: That event would be the Rapture, which I am convinced must come first...and nobody's defense partnership with anybody will ever be able to stop it.
12/20/2022 — From the "Rising Tide" Department...
I know that anti-Semitism is on the rise. I understand that Satan is prompting his useful idiots to attack and demonize Israel and the Jewish people in the most flagrant and outrageous ways. I get all that—you can scarcely miss it.
But there are times when words fail me—and I shouldn't be surprised that it comes via the venerable New York Times.
On the first day of Hanukkah (December 18), the Times published their daily crossword puzzle—and one glance at it tells you everything you need to know:
The squares of the puzzle clearly
form the image of a swastika.
I mean...really?? Don't look now, but any semblance of journalistic or professional integrity is long gone at one of the country's most illustrious newspapers.
This makes the vulgar sexual gestures performed by Argentina's goalie Emiliano Martinez with his trophy after receiving best goalkeeper award in Qatar look like thumbing your nose at someone and saying "Neener neener neener!"
Except I hate to embarrass Emiliano Martinez like that by comparing his actions to those of the New York Times. His actions could be considered mere childishness—those of the Times are pure evil.
The rising tide of anti-Semitism around the world shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, however. Satan seeks to destroy Israel and kill every last one of the Jewish people—that has been job one for the last two thousand years. And he knows as well as any of us that his time is drawing near, and we see Satan and his forces beginning to gain momentum as the Church draws excitingly close to its departure. In other words:
Satan knows it's almost showtime.
Satan knows that killing every last Jew is the only way he can keep his puny little kingdom, because he knows Scripture. He's read verses like the following:
15I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offense, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early.
(Hosea 5:15 AKJV)
Satan knows that it is the Jewish remnant that calls upon the LORD to save them at the climax of the Great Tribulation, so wiping them all out is his only shot at hanging on to his kingdom.
And just as importantly, preventing Christ from returning to establish His.
12/27/2022 — From the "Rest You Merry" Department...
One of my favorite Christmas carols has always been "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen," which dates back to at least the 1500s (some say the 1400s) and as a result is one of the oldest—if not the oldest—of the traditional carols we sing today.
As an English teacher, I have used the title of this song to illustrate the importance of the proper placement of punctuation. Many assume that if one were to place a comma in the title, it would go after the word "ye." But this is a mistake. If you were to place a comma anywhere in the title, it would have to go after the word "merry." The problem is that the vast majority of Americans are unfamiliar with an old English expression being used in the title.
I explain to them that in the first case, it's as if you were saying:
"Hey, you merry gentlemen over there, may God rest you."
But that's not what the title means. It's actually more like:
"Hey, you gentlemen over there, may God rest you merry."
"Rest you (ye) merry" was a common expression of peace and goodwill in England that is known to have been used as early as 1300, so the song title actually means something along the lines of the following:
"May God grant you peace and happiness, gentlemen."
Or, as the apostle Paul might say:
"May the peace of Christ dwell richly upon you, gentlemen."
What reminded me of all this was a news item about a church in England that had replaced the lyrics of this wonderful old carol with a predictably woke, pro-LGBT ramble that gutted the song of any mention of Christ as Lord. Or of Satan, for that matter.
Here's a mercifully brief taste:
"God rest you queer and questioning, your anxious hearts be still
Believe that you are deeply known and part of God's good will
For all to live as one in peace; the global dream fulfilled..."
O tidings of woke, politically correct, unbiblical trash that mocks God and His Son's work of atonement that He accomplished on a cross at Calvary two thousand years ago to save sinners like me...and whoever wrote these lyrics.
But I'm certainly not going to let Satan or any of his woke minions detract from my Christmas holiday, so let me just say Merry Christmas to all.
And may God rest you merry.
1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at CanStock Photo
2. Newspaper © Palau83 at Depositphotos
Scripture Quotations:
All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).