This Commentary page contains all entries for the year 2021. Commentary entries are posted weekly (normally Tuesday in Taiwan) and briefly discuss recent news events. Although any news story that catches my attention is fair game, I make no bones about the fact that these entries tend to lean toward news events that might be of interest to believers who, like me, have an interest in end-time prophecy and its fulfillment.
You can use the text links provided at the beginning of each month if you want to move around the page, and the menu below will take you to similar pages for previous years.
*Entries normally include a link to an external article. It's always
possible that any such article may have been moved or deleted.
1/5/2021 — From the "Nothing to Hide" Department...
As the fight over the resolution of the fraudulent 2020 election comes to a head, a number of Republican senators have stepped up under the leadership of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas to object to the counting of Electoral College votes on January 6. As I understand it, Cruz intends to tell Congress that they will object unless a 10-day emergency audit of voter fraud allegations in the swing states is granted.
Seems fair enough...which explains why the Democrats are screaming bloody murder over a ruse that is certain to fail miserably and accomplish nothing.
Of course, it is far from being a ruse. It is a serious attempt to bring out and put on display for the benefit of Congress and the American people the copious amount of undeniable evidence of the fraud that took place in this election. In other words, the intent is to make it impossible for the MSM to continue using the word "baseless."
And it's not a Constitutional trick play or something. There is ample precedent for such an emergency audit; and under the current extraordinary circumstances, it seems like a pretty obvious, sensible thing to do.
So, of course, Democrats are now calling for Cruz to be arrested and tried for treason and sedition.
Treason and sedition. Seriously.
OK, let me get this straight: A senator who is trying to have serious and extensive charges of election fraud examined and investigated and brought to the attention of Congress so a fair judgment can be passed on them should, according to Democrats, be thrown in jail for treason and sedition.
After I thought about it for a moment, however, it actually made me smile. It's interesting to note that the Democrats are doing everything you would expect of someone who is guilty of wrongdoing and is in the process of being found out: lying, concocting lame excuses, denying the obvious, spewing defensive, hyperbolic bluster, and desperately trying to hide, destroy, or prevent the exposure of evidence.
It occurred to me that such a pathetic and unprofessional statement by Democrats is an open admission of guilt in disguise. If there were no fraud, why would they not applaud what Cruz is doing, and express their desire to clear the air of these "baseless" allegations? If they are in fact baseless, then let the entire Congress, the entire country, and the entire world see clearly that they are baseless so we can move on with a legitimately elected President Biden. In other words:
If you have nothing to hide, then you have no reason to be running scared.
Which is precisely what the Democrats are doing—and their panic is palpable at this point.
In my experience, people who are running scared and trying to cover things up make stupid mistakes. And the Democrats are making their fair share.
Once again, pray that God would give our leaders strength and wisdom; and while you're at it, pray for a little dose of this:
22For there is nothing hidden, except that it should be made known; neither was anything made secret, but that it should come to light.
(Mark 4:22)
1/12/2021 — From the "Getting Caught Up" Department...
I swear...it just keeps getting crazier every day.
As you know, Congress certified Joe Biden's fraudulent election victory on January 6 (thanks to the inaction of Vice President Pence), which sparked an attack on the Capitol building by Antifa people who had been bused in and literally escorted into the Capitol by security right on cue (don't take my word for it—they've got pictures, video, and eyewitness testimony). The MSM narrative being pushed, of course, is that it's all the fault of Trump and his evil, Democracy-hating supporters, who are all dangerous criminals who must be eliminated and silenced (enter draconian restrictions on free speech by the social media).
Speaking of which, Twitter shares dropped by as much as 12 percent today. =:)
A frantic effort to impeach Trump (again) as fast as humanly possible is being slapped together by Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (which will never succeed, according to well-known authority in Constitutional law Alan Dershowitz). On the surface, it seems like overkill. I mean, in less than two weeks he's gone, right? Why the drama? Pure spite? I don't think so. I am convinced there is more to it than that.
The Democrats are scared out of their wits, and for good reason.
Just keep one thing in mind: As long as Trump is president, he has access to classified information that can be used to expose and bring down some very powerful people. As long as he is in the White House, he potentially has the power to throw a whole slew of very prominent people in prison—I won't attempt to give you a laundry list, but it would almost certainly include Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama just for starters.
Now, I have viewed several videos recently by people who are boldly prophesying a second term for Trump, and I openly admit I take them at face value. My attitude is simply "Cool...but I'll believe it when I see it." I will admit, however, that the facts as they stand do give one pause.
For example, there is talk of Trump addressing the nation on the emergency broadcast system prior to January 20 and informing the American people of some of the facts concerning what has been done, who is responsible for it, and what he is prepared to do about it.
And it should be noted that people under arrest are probably not eligible to be inaugurated president.
I have no idea what is going to happen in the next few days, but we need to stay strong in His Spirit and keep our eyes on Him. We need to pray for our leaders and that God's will be done.
P.S. Personally, I think it might be wise to stay away from Trump rallies held in any state capitals for awhile, as I guarantee you that there will be more false flag operations just as there was in D.C. on the 6th.
You really don't need to be getting caught up in that right now.
Oh, speaking of getting caught up...
1/19/2021 — From the "Win-Win" Department...
Well, this is it. The moment of truth has finally arrived.
After all the wild theories and feverish speculation, it all boils down to two basic possibilities:
Plan A: Trump will unleash the Big Reveal, present the compelling case for election fraud to the American people via the national emergency broadcast system, have authorities take Joe Biden and a gaggle of other Deep Staters into custody where they will await trial for treason and other felonies, and assume the presidency he actually won by approximately 11 million votes (79–68 million), according to an array of forensic computer analyses and other evidence the Democrats weren't able to hide or destroy.
Plan B: He will gracefully and uneventfully bow out and let Biden proceed with his "virtual inauguration" (appropriate for a virtual prezident, I think).
There are a few other scenarios I've seen discussed, but these two seem to be the primary ones. Of course, Trump could still surprise everybody.
Although I'm not taking any side bets, recently I have noted a couple of interesting tidbits. For example, about 3,500 of the National Guard personnel present in Washington were deputized the other day, which means they have the legal authority to arrest people. Although this is not an uncommon procedure, it does seem to take on special significance this time around.
He also signed an executive order on "ensuring democratic accountability in agency rulemaking." Granted, this doesn't sound all that sexy. But if you read it carefully, it is clear that it could prove invaluable in stopping certain people from hindering or blocking the legal processes that could ensue if Trump does go through with Plan A.
I do know one thing, however: This has all the appearances of a lose-lose situation for born-again believers, a healthy percentage of whom are politically conservative and could at least be accused of being a "Trump loyalist" (Nancy Pelosi's term), even if they demonstrate no overt political leanings.
Trump loyalist (n.) — Any American who doesn't qualify as a "social justice warrior" by donning a Black Lives Matter T-shirt and going out into the streets to hurl bricks through the windows of small businesses and fling Molotov cocktails at police cars.
I'm kidding, but just barely.
I'm also kidding about the "lose-lose" deal. In reality, there is no such thing for believers. Yes, we will face persecution—no matter what happens in regard to the election. If Biden is in, we will be persecuted. If Trump is in, we will likely be persecuted even more.
And according to God's Word, that's a win-win situation for us. We are promised persecution, we are destined for persecution, we are told to expect persecution, we are told to rejoice in persecution, persecution leads to our glory, and we are told to love, pray for, and bless those who persecute us.
So no matter what happens, we must focus on glorifying God, honoring Christ, and obeying His Word.
In the end, God wins—and we win, too.
1/26/2021 — From the "Guilty Until Proven Guilty" Department...
As you know, the Democrats are giving impeachment one last shot in a desperate attempt to stop Donald Trump from ever holding office again...er, I mean, to bring him to justice for "inciting insurrection" at the Capitol on January 6.
Opinions vary, but most level-headed people know the chances of them successfully impeaching Trump are less than the proverbial snowball's chances in you-know-where.
Just to be clear: It requires a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate to successfully impeach a president, and that translates to 67–33 in favor. At 50–50, assuming 50 Democratic gimmes, that means they must persuade 17 Republican senators to betray their party, betray any loyalty they had to their president, and more importantly, betray any sense of what is right or true.
Well, with Mitt Romney (RINO-UT), make that 16.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delayed the trial for a couple of weeks, ostensibly to allow additional time for more "evidence" of Trump's grievous crimes to be brought out. Republicans are using this time to lick their collective chops and shore up their defense.
Of course, the real reason for the delay is patently obvious: The Democrats don't have the votes, and they know it. Not even close. So, this time will be used to desperately twist the arms of a number of "borderline" Republicans and coerce (read "threaten") them into going along with this political theater of the absurd.
Oh, and then there's Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), who has been chosen to preside over the trial, and who recently said:
"When presiding over an impeachment trial, the president pro tempore takes an additional special oath to do impartial justice according to the Constitution and the laws. It is an oath that I take extraordinarily seriously."
Whew...well that's a load off. For a moment there I was worried he might be just a tad biased, especially after stating on January 13, the day the House voted to impeach the president, that Trump had "sparked the flames of sedition." He also said of Mitch McConnell:
"For the good of the country, he must lead his party in voting to convict President Trump and to prevent him from holding future office. Both parties must send a unified message across the ages: no authoritarians are welcome in the halls of the world's greatest democracy."
So, I'm sure glad he's going to be "impartial." In other words, in the mind's of Democrats, Trump is guilty until proven guilty.
Pray for our leaders. They need it even more than I thought.
2/2/2021 — From the "Calling Evil Good" Department...
Sigh... Sometimes these days you get the feeling that the world can't get any worse—that people can't become any blinder or more depraved.
At the same time, sometimes you get the feeling that some who name the name of Christ couldn't become any more of a mirror image of the world, just couched in Christian buzzwords.
And then it does. And they do.
Case in point, the following headline:
Baptist Minister Thanks Joe Biden
for Funding Planned Parenthood,
Calls Abortion a "Sacred Decision"
This is the headline from an article posted at LifeNews.com, a pro-life website that posted the article about Katey Zeh, Baptist minister and CEO of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. And who is...uhm, not so pro-life.
According to the article, Ms. Zeh (I can't bring myself to place "Rev." before her name) claims:
"As people of faith who support reproductive freedom, we believe that everyone has the capacity to make sacred decisions about their bodies, lives, families and futures. Any attempt to control, restrict or interfere with that decision is reproductive oppression."
A sacred decision...to do what? To kill your baby, even though it is a human being made in the image of the God who gave it life? For the record, it's the life that is sacred, not the decision to snuff it out.
I don't know about anyone else, but this is a jaw-clencher for me. It breaks my heart, grieves my spirit, and makes me sick...but not just because it is evil and immoral and against everything good and holy. Not just because it is the default position of the sin-infested world in which we live.
It does those things to me but because it is coming from the mouth of someone who names the name of Christ and is in a position to represent and present Christ to that sin-infested world.
That's what makes it so hard to stomach.
Oh, and she is urging Mr. Biden (who refers to the murder of unborn babies as an "essential medical service") to use your tax dollars to foot the bill for it—which he will. You can hide and watch. (And I can't bring myself to put "President" before his name).
It leaves me speechless...so I'll let my Father in heaven do the talking:
20Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
(Isaiah 5:20 AKJV)
What He said.
2/9/2021 — From the "What's Next?" Department...
And so it begins.
Impeachment 2.0—the Trump Trashathon. The absurd trial that follows as a result of the second absurd impeachment of Donald Trump on absurd charges of inciting his followers to insurrection begins today.
Let it be known that the chances of finding him guilty of those absurd charges is absurdly low, and so this entire thing is an exercise in absurdity.
Absurd. The more I think about what the Democrats have busied themselves with for the last four plus years, the more that word grows on me.
First of all, the charges are demonstrably absurd (oops...sorry). It continues to become increasingly clear that the riot that resulted in the breach of the Capitol was planned and staged in advance and in detail. Not only that, but the riot got started before Trump had even finished the speech in which he allegedly incited his supporters to engage in such violence.
Q. What can you do with those facts?
A. Hint: You can't find Trump guilty of inciting insurrection. Duh...
And I strongly suspect the Democrats are fully aware of this. I also suspect that it really doesn't matter to them, however, because their only desire is to trash Trump in the pathetic hopes that it will tarnish his image in the eyes of his supporters and chisel away at his base. They surely must know they will never get a conviction, because they need 17 Republican senators to turn traitor.
They might have five, tops. But the bottom line is this:
• If the Democrats believe this sham of a trial will forever dispatch Donald Trump to the dustbin of political history, they are sorely mistaken.
• If they believe this will siphon off any discernible amount of his support, they are sorely mistaken.
• If they think this will prevent him from running again in 2024 or pursuing whatever political tack he jolly well pleases, they are sorely mistaken.
So after this impeachment charade sputters and dies of its own accord, what's next? Tar and feathers?
As I wrote in "A Lion That Roars," I believe based on Genesis 12:3 that, due to his unwavering support for Israel, Trump will ultimately be vindicated in the eyes of all clear-minded people (there's no accounting for those still suffering from an acute case TDS). Of course, whether or not the results of this trial will play any part in that, I do not know.
Either way, I'm not worried about Trump's future in politics. His support hasn't wavered one iota as far as I can tell, and personally I can't wait to see what's next for him.
Of course, we may never find out because I know what's next for us. =;)
2/16/2021 — From the "Wrong Side" Department...
Joe Biden took office on January 20, 2021. He has been in office for nearly a month now, but has failed to do one thing that every incoming American president in the last 40 years has done in the first days of their presidency:
Contact the prime minister of Israel.
Every incoming American president since Ronald Reagan in 1981 has made it a point to contact Israel as one of their first actions as president. But it seems Mr. Biden has made it a point to break with that tradition.
An oversight, perhaps? I mean, his senile dementia is becoming more evident every day.
Nope, no oversight. It is a deliberate snub, as evidenced by the fact that on Friday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki revealed that the Biden administration would not list Israel as a U.S. ally.
Not an ally?! Uh, excuse me? The most powerful democracy in the Middle East that has been a stalwart friend to America from its modern beginnings in 1948? Say it ain't so, Joe!
I secretly feared that Biden would be no friend to the Jewish state, but I was holding out hope that at least he wouldn't do anything to end the glowing status quo that was so firmly established under Trump. Oh well. So much for that idea.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're not someone's ally, you are essentially their enemy. And I do hope someone has been kind enough to explain this to Mr. Biden.
I hate to say it, but this is one more clear sign that things bode ill for our nation, and that the road ahead is one characterized by troubling times. Genesis 12:3 still reads the same:
3And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.
(Genesis 12:3 AKJV)
America has been on the right side of this verse for a long time. But now the liberal left has finally broken that tradition, and is clearly intent on distancing our nation from Israel. And in so doing, they are effectively placing us on the wrong side of Genesis 12:3.
But at least it makes me glad I'm on the right side of this verse:
17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
(1 Thessalonians 4:17 AKJV)
2/23/2021 — From the "Offer You Can't Refuse" Department...
Israel has been suffering from a serious level of coronavirus infections for some months now, and an aggressive vaccination program is currently underway that has many beginning to breathe a sigh of relief.
But not quite everyone.
According to an article posted at Arutz Sheva (Israel National News), there are medical personnel in Israel who are expressing reluctance to get the new vaccine. According to the report, there are a number of doctors and nurses who are refusing to be vaccinated, and the reason was summed up by an Israeli doctor whose name was withheld:
"Not only did I not get vaccinated, some of my fellow doctors did not get vaccinated either. We still do not know what the side effects of the vaccine are. We are keeping instructions stringently but will not get vaccinated for the time being."
Indeed. For example, there are medical studies that have shown that the vaccine can impair fertility not only in women, but in men as well. According to another unnamed medical professional:
"Serious journals and studies published in recent weeks show that male fertility is indeed impaired. We have to wait a few months before it is possible to understand the effect of the vaccine."
In spite of these genuine and well-founded concerns over a woefully under-tested vaccine, pressure is growing in many countries to push people into accepting it with assurances that it is "safe and effective."
Safe and effective...according to who? Pfizer? Anthony Fauci?
The simple truth is that we do not know nearly enough about the potential side effects of this vaccine, and it is being pushed on populations as if it were 100 percent tested and trustworthy. And anyone doubting its efficacy or expressing reluctance to take it is likely to be pilloried as an "anti-vaxxer," which effectively lumps them in the same category with all those right-wing conspiracy theorists who persist in believing all the "baseless" allegations of election fraud.
It is clear to me what is happening here. This vaccine roll-out is a dress rehearsal for a future event.
• Today it's no mask, no service.
• Soon it'll be no vaccine, no service.
• In a few years it'll be no mark, no service.
Mark my words. This is the beginning of the creation of a world where people are going to be expected and eventually forced to comply with such requirements. And it may not be the government itself that requires such compliance. It may be the place where you work. The school your kids attend. Banks. Hospitals. Restaurants. Hotels. Bars. Buses. Airlines. Churches.
You get the picture.
The mark—that's where this is ultimately leading, and the people of the world are just going to have to get used to it.
Of course, we're not there yet—this vaccine is certainly not the mark of the beast. Far from it. But it is undeniable that current developments are beginning to foreshadow the type of situation that will exist when that time comes.
Satan is preparing the world to accept what he is going to offer at some point in the future.
And it will be an offer you can't refuse.
At least you won't be able to refuse it when the time comes (not without incurring the death penalty, that is). But anyone can refuse it now by availing themselves of the grace and mercy that God expressed to us through Christ.
That's an offer only a fool would refuse.
3/2/2021 — From the "Tow the Line" Department...
Twitter announced recently that they are cracking down on "COVID-19 misinformation," which apparently now includes anything that suggests the vaccine is anything less than safe and effective.
Safe and effective? Tell that to doctors in the Ukraine.
According to an article posted at Yahoo, medical facilities in the Ukraine had to throw away a large number of COVID-19 vaccines because most doctors at local hospitals failed to show up for the shot. According to the report, about 70 percent of doctors refused to show up for their vaccine, and as a result the unused shots had to be discarded.
Statistics for the entire country aren't quite as pronounced, with statistics showing about 47 percent of Ukrainians expressing a reluctance to get vaccinated. All of this, of course, begs the obvious question:
What do these doctors know that most people do not?
Or are all these doctors part of a misinformed, right-wing conspiracy theory bent on undermining government efforts to protect the population from this terrible virus by administering a thoroughly tested, safe and effective vaccine to people in a timely manner?
This serves as yet another example of how failure to tow the mainstream media party line is liable to land one in hot water. The only difference is the buzzwords that get used against you.
First it was "Trump loyalist," and now you can add "anti-vaxxer" to the list. But it's the same species of disdain.
Yes, tow the line. Resistance is futile. We will tell what to think, what to believe, and what to say. And disobedience will be dealt with harshly.
Doesn't sound very American, does it? But that is essentially what America is becoming before our very eyes.
Check that...that is what the world is becoming before our very eyes. And that should surprise no one who has studied the prophetic Word. God's Word says we are heading towards a world where you may as well replace the word "vaccine" with the word "mark."
And add the word "guillotine" to that list of buzzwords while you're at it.
Of course, the only line I'm concerned about towing is the line from which I will start my journey as I am caught up together with the dead in Christ to meet the Lord in the air.
And it saddens me to think that this is something I know that most of those doctors do not.
3/9/2021 — From the "Pushing and Shoving" Department...
According to an article posted at the Epoch Times, Israel is updating plans for a military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities and says it is fully prepared to "act independently" if need be.
Translation: We've given up caring what Biden and his handlers think or say. We know we're on our own.
Speaking of Biden, he has yet to call to speak with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since being installed in the White House on January 20, unlike every incoming U.S. president in the last four decades, all of whom did so within a matter of days.
Instead, he waited a couple of months and finally relegated the task to Vice President Kamala Harris (presumably because at least she can remember the Israeli prime minister's name). Harris spoke to Netanyahu on March 4, and according to reports the two agreed to "continue cooperating on the Iran nuclear program" as well as Iran's regional bullying.
What's unclear, of course, is where Biden's desire to come crawling back into the Iran Nuclear Deal fits in with all that, because Iran is licking its chops, preparing to have their way with an obviously weak and naive Biden. Under President Trump, Iran feared both America and Israel, and for good reason.
Now they fear only Israel.
Also for good reason. This announcement by Israel was met with the usual threatening bluster from Iran, as exemplified by Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami, who stated:
"Sometimes, the Zionist regime [Israel] out of desperation makes big claims against the Islamic Republic of Iran to allegedly threaten it while this regime knows and if it doesn't know, it must know that if it does a damn thing, we will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground."
Translation: We are afraid...very afraid.
Under the Trump administration, an Iranian attack on Israel was unthinkable, and so a corresponding Israeli attack on Iran to pre-empt it was unnecessary.
That was then. This is now.
Now all bets are off and the world is rapidly becoming a more dangerous place, just as Scripture tells it will in the run-up to the Tribulation. Trump's exit from the global political arena has released forces that are already at work behind the scenes, inexorably pushing and shoving the world into its Tribulational posture.
And that's where we're at...with a whole lotta pushin' and shovin' goin' on.
3/16/2021 — From the "Whole Different Story" Department...
This is an issue that has come up several times over the last few years, but it reared its eschatological head again a few days ago.
According to an article in the Times of Israel, last week Jordanian Crown Prince Hussein, son of Jordan's King Abdullah, was preparing to visit the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in honor of an Islamic religious observance. At the last minute, however, the visit was canceled over what was described as a "disagreement over security arrangements," and it didn't take for the tit-for tat to play out. Next thing you know, Jordan refused to allow Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's flight to the UAE to pass through Jordanian airspace, causing the trip to be delayed.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that on his trip to the UAE, Netanyahu had also hoped to meet with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman, who has made no secret of the fact that he very much wants his country to take over custody of the Temple Mount, the third holiest site in Islam. For the last century, Saudi Arabia has controlled Mecca and Medina, the first and second holiest sites for Muslims, and Jordan was left with custody of the Temple Mount as a consolation prize after the 1967 Six Day War.
But bin Salman dreams of making it a clean sweep for the Saudis.
The Saudi crown prince has sweetened the deal with talk of investing billions in the Temple Mount's upkeep and renovation (among other things), and it's no secret that such investment is far beyond the ability of Jordan, which seems untroubled by the fact that the Temple Mount looks more like a garbage dump than a holy shrine.
Straight up, I personally am 100 percent convinced that Saudi Arabia will in fact take control of the Temple Mount in the near future. Scripture tells us there will be another temple there during the Tribulation, and this will never happen with Jordan in charge—and not just because of funding. The simple truth is that King Abdullah of Jordan would never allow such a desecration of a Muslim holy site to occur in a thousand years.
But a young, forward-looking, open-minded leader with some of the deepest pockets on the planet who desperately seeks to normalize relations with Israel to protect his country from soon-to-be nuclear-armed Iranian bullies?
That's a whole different story.
And it's a story that gives us yet another indication of how close we are really are to the Tribulation.
3/23/2021 — From the "Key Step" Department...
As I have said on numerous occasions, I am fully convinced strictly from Scripture that there will in fact be a dividing of Israel in the end times, and I believe that division will come right around the beginning of the Tribulation proper. Not only that, but I think most would agree that this division will come in the form of the highly trumpeted two-state solution, which creates an independent Palestinian State on land sacrificed by Israel in the (vain) hopes of appeasing the Arabs.
Of course, most right-thinking Israelis know the two-state solution is a terrible idea, and reportedly only about one-third of Israeli citizens support it. But the pressure to forge such a deal has been growing for years, and the pressure continues to build.
Israel would like very much to have normal relations with an important Arab nation such as Saudi Arabia, but it is becoming increasingly clear that such a relationship will come at a price.
And I think you can guess what that price might be.
According to an article in Israel Hayom, Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman will not agree to normalize relations with Israel until the Palestinians have their independence in the form of a two-state solution. This comes from a source close to bin Salman, Dr. Nawaf Obaid, a former adviser to the Saudi government. According to Obaid:
"Most of the people in Saudi Arabia still believe that, as the late King Faisal said, the kingdom should be the last Arab and Muslim country to recognize Israel...Some extremists would be outraged if Israel was recognized because they would view this as a betrayal of the values of Islam...the door to normalization with Israel has been opened and cannot be fully shut, although it is contingent on Palestinian independence."
The Trump administration was basically willing to let Israel work things out the way they saw fit, and didn't push them in the direction of a two-state solution. Of course, the Biden administration hasn't been quite so accommodating, with Biden making it clear that he's behind the two-state solution 100 percent and that he believes it is a key step on the road to peace in the Middle East.
After Israel normalized relations with the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan in the Abraham Accords during Trump's tenure, many eagerly cast their gaze toward Saudi Arabia as a potential big fish—but while the Saudis welcomed these treaties, they resolutely sat on their hands.
And so the pressure is building for the world to take a key step toward their own judgment, which is good news as far as I'm concerned because that means we're about to take a key step, too.
A key step toward our new digs in the New Jerusalem.
3/30/2021 — From the "Name That Spirit" Department...
Simone Campbell is a left-wing political activist who for years has been the head of social justice lobbying group Network, and is adamant in her support of Joe Biden and his extreme pro-abortion policies, which she hails as "very developed." Be aware that Joe Biden wants to codify abortion into federal law so that it will remain in force even if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade—and apparently she is fully on board with that.
Oh, and Simone Campbell is also a Catholic nun.
Sister Campbell claims the Holy Spirit led her to support abortion and its champion, Joe Biden, in spite of the protests and condemnation of the Roman Catholic leadership in Rome.
But hey, when the Holy Spirit is leading you, phooey on the pope, right?
Sister Campbell gushes about how the Vatican's censure was a "gift of the Spirit," and helped promote her cause by calling public attention to it.
So...the Holy Spirit has led her in her decades of work supporting abortion. Hmm...now that's odd. I wonder if she's talking about the same Holy Spirit who inspired men to write the following words:
13For you formed my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother's womb.
(Psalm 139:13)
King David said God knit him together in his mother's womb. Sure sounds like he was a living being.
5Before I formed you in the belly [i.e. womb], I knew you. Before you came forth out of the womb, I sanctified you. I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.
(Jeremiah 1:5 / emphasis & [comments] added)
This is the word of the LORD to Jeremiah. Same deal: If God sanctified him and appointed him as a prophet before he came out of the womb, that means he was a living person in the womb, not a lifeless clump of cells.
15But when it was the good pleasure of God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me through his grace,
(Galatians 1:15)
Paul said God set him apart while he was in the womb—that means he wasn't just a lifeless lump of cellular matter.
And there is no shortage of others. Oh, and other little gems like this:
16There are six things which Yahweh hates; yes, seven which are an abomination to him:
17haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood;
18a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are swift in running to mischief,
19a false witness who utters lies, and he who sows discord among brothers.
(Proverbs 6:16–19 / emphasis added)
And an unborn baby is about as innocent as they come.
H-e-l-l-o... The Bible could scarcely be any clearer: Life begins at conception. And God hates the shedding of innocent blood. That means God hates abortion—it's the taking of an innocent life. It's murder, pure and simple.
How is this unclear, Sister Campbell? Or were you sick the day they taught the Bible in nun school?
Be wary of wolves in sheep's clothing, who project a sweet, glowing, religious exterior, but whose hearts are depraved and estranged from a holy God. The Holy Spirit is the Author of all Scripture, and His own words prove that He is not the spirit leading people like Sister Campbell.
Which begs the question:
What spirit is leading people like Sister Campbell?
I know, and I suspect you know as well.
4/6/2021 — From the "Transcend This" Department...
You may recall that on January 5, Georgia had two Senate run-offs that pitted Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossof against Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, resp. Unfortunately, the same Internet-connected Dominion voting machines that were used in the general election were used in these Senate elections, so unsurprisingly both Democrats squeaked out narrow "victories," effectively giving control of the Senate to the Democrats.
That's the old news.
As it turns out, Raphael Warnock, an ordained minister, doesn't seem to understand what Easter is about.
That's the new news.
In a stunning display of "woke theology" (my term, but feel free), Warnock had this to say in regard to Easter, the single most important holiday in all of Christianity:
"The meaning of Easter is more transcendent than the resurrection of Jesus Christ...Whether you are a Christian or not, through a commitment to helping others we are able to save ourselves."
On second thought, perhaps "woke theology" is too mild a term. I'm considering "satanic theology"—but I almost hate to insult Satan like that. After all, he may be evil, but he does actually possess intelligence.
One scarcely knows where to begin. Suffice to say that the meaning of Easter is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and nothing in the history of the universe transcends that. And even if something could transcend the Resurrection, I've got a ten-dollar bill that says it wouldn't be a simpering spitball of scripturally ignorant schmaltz like "we can save ourselves by helping others."
My nine-year-old niece knows Christian theology better than that.
No, Sen. Warnock, there is no way in heaven or on earth that we can save ourselves. That's the entire point, because only faith in what Christ accomplished on Easter can do that.
I can forgive a senator not understanding that.
But an ordained minister?
4/13/2021 — From the "One-Two Punch" Department...
I know there are people out there who are convinced that Pope Francis is the Antichrist (ditto for any pope in the history of the Roman Catholic Church), and I am perfectly content to leave those people to their own musings. Now, I've got twenty bucks that says he could turn out to be the Antichrist's cohort known as the False Prophet, but the pope as Antichrist?
Naah. I just don't see it.
But even though Pope Francis is not the Antichrist, that certainly doesn't stop him from saying some really Antichrist-ish things, and his letter to the recent virtual meeting between the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund is a good example.
In his letter, the first thing the pope called for was global governance, which is the magic carpet the Antichrist will fly in on when the time comes. Of course, few would guess as much from the grand-sounding language he uses in discussing it:
"There remains an urgent need for a global plan that can create new or regenerate existing institutions, particularly those of global governance, and help to build a new network of international relations for advancing the integral human development of all peoples."
Well, hold on to your hats, boys and girls, because we are on our way. And understand one thing: The coronavirus, and especially the so-called "vaccine" for it, are part of the plan.
The "safe and effective vaccine" being pushed hard on the world suffers from three fundamental problems:
1. It's not safe.
2. It's not effective.
3. It's not a vaccine.
According to some medical experts (many of whom are being attacked and demonized), what the "vaccine" basically does is permanently alter your immune system in a potentially dangerous way in order to merely prevent more serious symptoms for those who do become infected with the coronavirus (81 percent of whom show no symptoms at all). What it doesn't do, however, is stop people from becoming infected with or passing that virus to others.
Some of these experts fear that the intent of the vaccine may even be large-scale depopulation, which is in line with globalist goals. So it should surprise no one that calling for a global vaccination program meshes quite nicely with the coming kingdom of the Antichrist.
And whaddya know, that's the second thing the pope calls for in his letter:
"I reiterate my call to government leaders, businesses and international organizations to work together in providing vaccines for all, especially for the most vulnerable and needy."
(The most vulnerable and needy... That makes sense, because those are the first ones they want to eliminate.)
So Pope Francis is calling for the proverbial one-two punch in the drive for the beast's coming kingdom—a kingdom he may well play a key part in.
Or else I'm out twenty bucks.
4/20/2021 — From the "Vaccine Wars" Department...
After numerous cases of blood clots were reported in connection with Johnson & Johnson's COVID-19 vaccine recently, word quickly got out that their vaccine might be associated blood clots. As a result, a pause was called for in its distribution just to be on the safe side. The number of cases of blood clots varies widely, of course, depending on who you ask: a clear-minded individual who wants to know the truth (thousands), or anyone connected with Johnson & Johnson (7).
Everyone in a position to push for the vaccination of everybody on the planet, of course, is dismayed by the pause, decrying it as something that will only increase "vaccine hesitancy" (apparently a new term for common sense). Everyone, that is, except the fine folks at rivals Pfizer and Moderna.
Welcome to Vaccine Wars.
Johnson & Johnson promptly fired off a media statement saying that blood clots have been reported with all the COVID-19 vaccines (specifically Pfizer's and Moderna's, presumably), so hey, get off our backs. In so doing, Johnson & Johnson cited a study done by Dr. Eun-Ju Lee, an assistant professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College.
Dr. Lee, however, begged to differ, claiming her study showed no such thing. She said her study showed a very small percentage of people developed low platelet levels, and low platelet levels are not blood clots. Apples and oranges.
And on it goes. Now, understand one thing: The vaccines from both Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca are adenovirus vector vaccines. Pfizer's and Moderna's are mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccines. And apparently there are powerful people out there who have ordained that the mRNA vaccines shall prevail.
These are the vaccines that, according to many medical experts (many of whom are being attacked and demonized), carry the greatest long-term risk and uncertainty, and could potentially turn millions of vaccinated individuals into mutation-producing machines that could conceivably kill billions worldwide.
And it appears that these are the vaccines of choice in the eyes of the global elites who are pulling the strings behind the scenes.
It seems as if everything that is happening puts the mRNA vaccines out in front in Vaccine Wars, and one would do well to ask themselves why.
4/27/2021 — From the "Fightin' Words" Department...
If you've read very many of my articles or Commentary entries, you know I am no friend of the Roman Catholic Church. While I disagree with those who peg the Roman Catholic Church as the "mother of harlots" mentioned in Revelation 17:5, I might say it is the "grandmother of harlots," since I believe the Roman Catholic Church will effectively give birth to the global religion that is the real mother of harlots being spoken of.
I suppose it is for that reason that it always catches my attention whenever I see someone from the Roman Catholic Church actually say something right or scriptural, or something that I strongly agree with. But it does happen.
Case in point: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, recently ripped Pope Francis for his upcoming health conference at the Vatican entitled "Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul. Unite to Prevent & Unite to Cure. A Global Health Care Initiative: How Innovation and Novel Delivery Systems Improve Human Health." The conference is scheduled for May 6–8 and will feature guest speakers that include Dr. Anthony Fauci, Deepak Chopra, and Chelsea Clinton.
In the estimation of Viganò:
"The Holy See has deliberately renounced the supernatural mission of the Church, making itself the servant of the New World Order and Masonic globalism in an antichristic counter-magisterium. The submission of the Cathedra veritatis to the interests of the Masonic elite is manifesting itself in all its evidence, in the deafening silence of the Sacred Pastors and in the bewilderment of the People of God, who have been abandoned to themselves."
I don't speak Catholic, but trust me:
For an archbishop addressing
the pope, them's fightin' words.
And Viganò is so not finished:
"The sectarianism and partisanship of the Vatican Conference are made evident by the topic it addresses, the conclusions it seeks to draw, its participants, and its sponsors. Even the image chosen to promote the Conference is extremely eloquent: a close-up of Michelangelo's fresco of Creation on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, in which the hand of God the Father reaches out towards the hand of Adam, but with both hands covered by disposable surgical gloves, recalling the regulations of the new 'health liturgy' and implying that even the Lord Himself might spread the virus."
Viganò also said something that got my attention when he mentioned something about someone warning that the Roman Catholic Church would "lose the Faith" and Rome would become the seat of the Antichrist:
"At La Salette, Our Lady warned us: 'Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.'...It is no longer possible to remain silent, because today our silence would make us accomplices of the enemies of God and of the human race."
He is referring to an apparition that appeared to two children in a hamlet in France in 1846, and classified as a Marian apparition by the Roman Catholic Church in 1851.
But since the apparition certainly spoke the truth to the children, who knows?
Maybe it was an angel with some fightin' words from God.
5/4/2021 — From the "Doesn't Ring True" Department...
It was one year ago this month that famed Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias went to be with the Lord after a battle with cancer—and as you may recall, it wasn't long afterwards that the sickening story about his alleged sexual misconduct emerged.
When that story first came out, I was stunned and heartbroken, as I'm sure every believer familiar with Ravi was. Like many, I was desperate for it to not be true—desperate for something to come out to indicate that it was a setup to besmirch his reputation for some nefarious reason.
But the evidence seemed to pour forth (every bit of which, in hindsight, could have potentially been faked). Hundreds of photos of women were found on his phone, many in the nude. It seemed virtually undeniable that Ravi had really done these things, to my utter disbelief. I had been a huge fan of Ravi for years, and I struggled mightily to bring myself to accept the fact that Ravi was an imperfect human being just like the rest of us, and to regard the scandal surrounding his name as a warning to be heeded. Other believers did much the same—we seemed to have little choice.
But I confess that ever since the story broke, I have silently harbored misgivings about it...nagging doubts that never quite went away. I have never been able to shake the sense that something just seemed "off" about the story.
And before I go any further, let me assure you that I am not about to produce any kind of smoking gun. Maybe Ravi really did do these things. I cannot say.
But something in an article I read the other day about the situation really struck me. It contained some comments from one of the women involved, and there was something about what she said that...well, all I can say is this:
It just didn't ring true.
According to a February article in the Washington Post, one of the women who accused Ravi of sexual misconduct reported that:
"...he [Ravi] made her pray with him to thank God for the 'opportunity' they both received...he called her his 'reward' for living a life of service to God, and he referenced the 'godly men' in the Bible with more than one wife...he warned her not ever to speak out against him or she would be responsible for the 'millions of souls' whose salvation would be lost if his reputation was damaged."
Now, I don't mean to brag or anything, but I consider myself something of an authority in matters pertaining to the behavior of believers engaging in known, blatant sin. According to my wealth of experience in this field, I can categorically state without fear of contradiction that when a believer "stumbles" and engages in known sin, the following is true:
The last thing they are going to be doing at the same time is praying with or talking to someone about the things of God.
Our flesh wars against our spirit, and make no mistake: They are fighting for control, and one or the other is always in the driver's seat. When we engage in known sin, guess which one is top dog? Hint: It's not our spirit.
When we commit known sin, we have temporarily allowed our flesh to have its way, and we behave accordingly. Our spirit, along with the Holy Spirit who indwells us, has been stuffed in the closet for the time being. And we sin away, knowing full well we are sinning.
Of course, later, the Holy Spirit kicks open the door of that closet and goes to work, convicting us of our sin and bringing us to a point of repentance and the re-establishment of the precious fellowship with the Father we have temporarily forfeited.
My point is that the flesh and the spirit don't work together in all this. One is calling the shots, and the other is pounding on the door of the closet we stuffed it in trying to get out.
Can you imagine Ravi, or any born-again
believer, committing sexual sin and at
the same time praying with those women and
speaking to them about the things of God?
Based on my experience, no. I cannot.
It just doesn't ring true.
Plus, read what she said again. According to her, Ravi said if she spilled the beans and damaged his reputation, millions would lose their salvation. This is unbiblical to the point of being absurd, and it's a stretch for me to imagine Ravi saying such a silly thing.
Ravi knew, just like anyone who has ever read the Bible with any degree of understanding, that our salvation was determined in eternity past based on God's foreknowledge of our choice to place our trust in Christ's finished work of atonement, and cannot be lost for any reason. Nothing that happened to his precious reputation would affect anyone's salvation one iota. I cannot imagine Ravi saying something so biblically ignorant—or thinking that woman would care one way or the other, for that matter.
It does, however, sound a whole lot like the schlocky sort of line someone might concoct whose knowledge of the Bible would fit neatly in a medium-sized thimble. Just saying.
Now, I have no idea what all was going on behind the scenes during this entire mess. I have no inside dope on the matter. But I do know one thing from my lifetime of experience as a fallen sinner saved by grace:
Nothing stops sin in its tracks
faster than prayer. Nothing.
So, did Ravi really do those things? Sure, maybe. He was a sinner just like you and me, and we may never know for certain this side of heaven.
So the first question I will have for Ravi when I meet him in heaven will be simple and straightforward:
Did ya or didn't ya?
But regardless of the answer, in the here and now the story just doesn't ring true for me.
5/11/2021 — From the "One to Watch" Department...
You know, it gets a little old after awhile—listening to people on the Internet continue to gloat over Trump's election "defeat" and how there isn't a shred of evidence to support his baseless claims of voter fraud. And how all these baseless allegations are The Big Lie, and it's all a big right-wing conspiracy theory promoted by Trump and pushed on his gullible, naive followers. Oh, and why can't we get over the fact that Trump lost and give good old Joe Biden a chance to unite the country...
Whew...I'm back. I had to run to the bathroom because I felt a little bit of vomit come up in the back of my throat. I'm good.
It is encouraging to know that work to uncover and prove beyond any doubt the fraud that took place to steal the election from Trump in November is continuing unabated, and there is an occasional glimmer of good news here and there for those who are paying attention to such things. I saw one such glimmer the other day.
Michael Daugherty was operating a medical lab in Georgia back in 2008, and one day he got a phone call from a cybersecurity firm headquartered in Pittsburgh named Tiversa informing him that his patients' personal information had been found on the Internet. Of course, this is a violation of federal law, and Tiversa wanted money from Daugherty to resolve the issue for him.
But Daugherty wouldn't budge, and decided to fight back. He clawed his way into the tangled mess and over ten years later, finally discovered that it was the FBI who had provided Tiversa with the needed surveillance software to hack into Daugherty's computers and subsequently demand payment from him to "protect" him and make it all go away.
In spite of the fact that Tiversa had run this con with hundreds of other companies, the Federal Trade Commission went after Daugherty, not Tiversa, and tried to force him to admit his company simply had sub-par data security protection.
Again, Daugherty wouldn't budge. As a result, the FTC came after him with guns blazing, waylaying him with years of investigations and legal action. His company was destroyed, but he finally prevailed in court and started suing in retaliation.
Today, Daugherty is the founder and head of the Justice Society, whose mandate is to "end persecution through process." And now he is turning his attention to the voter fraud that marred the Georgia Senate runoff elections. Remember those? Remember how two Democrats narrowly defeated two Republicans and took the last two Senate seats, effectively giving control of the Senate to the Democrats?
His case, Daugherty vs. Raffensperger, seeks to invalidate the Georgia runoffs due to the fact that they were executed illegally in many ways, and so do not represent the will of the people of Georgia. It also calls for a new election based on paper ballots, as per the provisions of Georgia law.
Now, I know what you're thinking right about now:
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, here we go again. It'll just get tossed like all the other lawsuits. It's hopeless."
But this one just might be different. According to Daugherty:
"You can't ignore election law violations by anyone, much less the political establishment...The Trump cases had to have proof before engaging in discovery in order to challenge the results, but there was so little time. The system is simply rigged to permit fraud to flourish and succeed. But we have had the luxury of time. We've had time to lay the groundwork to go after everyone, and this will surely include the outrageous Stacey Abrams consent decree, the astonishing Dominion agreement, and potentially Dominion itself. 'Voters' who were not registered to vote or did not vote in November suddenly voted in January. That was also illegal, and we are going to bring all this to light and hold the actors accountable."
The response? Government officials resorted to siccing Perkins Coie on Daugherty, an international law firm headquartered in Seattle, Washington. For those unfamiliar, this is the equivalent of the military sending in SEAL Team Six.
According to Daugherty:
"With the recent ruling that takes the case out of Fulton, things will start moving fast. The impetus of this case is not political, nor for either side. It's simply about free and fair elections. We cannot survive as a nation with voter fraud, systemic fraud and national distrust of election integrity. This destruction of American democracy has to be stopped."
Indeed. A few months ago, I wrote an article entitled "A Lion That Roars," and in that article I stated that I believed based on Scripture that God would honor Donald Trump for his staunch support of Israel (Gen. 12:3). I still believe that will be the case, and I am inclined to believe that it will take the form of him being vindicated in the sense of the fraud that stole the election from him being exposed for all to see.
Once again, the good guys are fighting the good fight and the bad guys are running scared. Will anything come of this? I don't know. But know that there are good people out there fighting for what is right and who will never give in to the forces of darkness.
This is one to watch.
5/18/2021 — From the "Be Careful What You Wish For" Department...
A pro-Palestinian, Islamabad-based freelance journalist has been fired from CNN for a tweet expressing his desire for the world in general and for the Jewish people in particular:
The world today needs a Hitler.
Adeel Raja shot off the tweet on Sunday, and—to their credit—it didn't take CNN long to issue a statement condemning the remarks. According to a CNN spokesperson:
"As a freelancer, his reporting contributed to some news gathering efforts from Islamabad. However, in light of these abhorrent statements, he will not be working with CNN again in any capacity."
It later came to light that this wasn't Raja's first salute to the Nazi leader. In 2014, he posted the following:
"Hitler was a German, and he did good with those jews!"
After being fired, an unapologetic Raja took to Twitter once again to connect things to his support for the Palestinians:
"Glad a single tweet contributed to the #Palestine cause and brought it to limelight with me loosing [sic] my job and the West's claim of Freedom of expression and human rights!
(And as an English teacher, I just can't help myself: Just what are the standards for grammar and spelling for CNN contributors?)
Although Raja's motivation for the tweet was entirely anti-Jewish, it struck me that many in the world today have similar feelings for somewhat different reasons. As the world languishes under the relentless grind of a pandemic with no end in sight (if you think COVID-19 is bad, wait until COVID-2x), as well as the looming prospects of forced vaccinations with experimental "vaccines" that could potentially pose as much risk as the virus itself if not more, the ache for relief is palpable. A weary world longs for things to get back to "normal." We want our jobs back. We want our freedoms back.
We want our lives back.
But as current world leaders flail and bicker under the pervasive influence of the lies of the mainstream media, the world rightly wonders who, if anyone, will ever come to the fore and begin to get things under control. A heartsick world is increasingly looking to and fro, scanning the horizon for the kind of leadership required to get things back on track again. A man who can wrest control of things from know-nothing, do-nothing puppets like Joe Biden.
A man who can give us our lives back.
But as they say: Be careful what you wish for.
The world today needs a Hitler.
And they are going to get one.
But unlike Hitler, this man won't be anti-Jewish—at least not in the beginning. He'll promise Israel peace with their enemies and throw in a shiny new temple to boot. But at the midpoint of Daniel's 70th Week, he will turn on the Jews with a vengeance that will dwarf anything the gas chambers at Auschwitz had to offer—at least those who refuse to worship him as their promised Messiah.
And he will make Hitler look like a member of the Vienna Boys' Choir.
5/25/2021 — From the "Cursing Him Who Curses You" Department...
Considering the current political climate in the United States, particularly among young people, I suppose none of this should shock anyone. According to a recent poll taken by the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, support for Israel by young Evangelical Christians has plummeted from 75 percent to 33 percent since the last such poll taken in 2018.
Yep, from three-quarters down to one-third in three years. Let those numbers sink in for a moment. In addition, the survey also revealed a few other interesting facts about the group surveyed—professing Evangelical Christians aged 18–29. Here are a few highlights:
• Nearly half of those surveyed favor the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Understand that the two-state solution is Satan's solution (to destroy Israel).
• About 46 percent voted for Joe Biden, and only 26 percent voted for Trump in the election.
This helps explain why Satan has influenced so many entities such as the social media, the mainstream media, Big Tech, the liberal left-wing part of the government, etc. to succumb to Trump Derangement Syndrome—that helps turn Trump's bold and unwavering support for Israel into something that repels more progressive young people from supporting the Jewish state. In other words, if Trump is for it, they're against it. End of conversation.
• Over 44 percent said their religious beliefs did not influence their assessment of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Well, then what does, pray tell? Oh, that's right: Forget that silly old Bible—it's all about politically correct, anti-Trump politics. Duh...
• Over 17 percent said their religious beliefs influenced them to be more supportive of the Palestinians.
(Excuse me while I scratch my head.) All I can say is that if somebody identifies as an Evangelical Christian and they claim their religious beliefs lead them to support the enemies of Israel, then somebody's cornfused about something somewhere.
• Nearly 50 percent admitted they had "very limited or no knowledge of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
That explains quite a bit right there. At this point, I feel compelled to go ahead and toss in one of my own:
• The great majority of the respondents have neither read nor understand Genesis 12:3, which says in regard to Israel:
3And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.
(Genesis 12:3 AKJV)
I will curse him that curses you... As you look at what is happening in the United States these days, it's tough to characterize it any other way.
6/1/2021 — From the "Back Burner" Department...
Last month, I wrote an article about the COVID-19 vaccines, and how I was of the belief that Big Pharma, Big Tech, government officials, and the mainstream media were misleading and flat-out lying to the American people about how these vaccines were "safe and effective" or "95 percent effective," and so on and so forth. I discussed how these vaccines were still very much experimental, and how there were outspoken medical experts who were warning people that there was a distinct possibility that the vaccines could conceivably cause a rash of serious health problems in the future.
After I posted that article, I was taken to task by a couple of individuals who seemed to think I overplayed these concerns. They seemed to feel I was unnecessarily negative in my appraisal of the vaccines, which they had confidence in and had either already taken or would be more than willing to take in order to protect themselves and others from the coronavirus. They also were of the opinion that the medical experts I quoted lacked sufficient credibility and couldn't be taken seriously.
Well, maybe they're right. Maybe I overshot the mark in that article. Maybe the vaccines aren't nearly as bad as I was led to believe.
Gosh, maybe I was wrong.
Well, it wouldn't be the first time, that's for sure. And when I learn for a fact that I am wrong, I don't hesitate for a microsecond to admit it and seek to get things right. I'm not doing this for the ego strokes—I want to speak the truth as God gives me the ability. Nothing more, nothing less.
But then I read a headline like this:
Covid Surges in 4 of 5 Most Vaccinated
Countries—Here's Why the U.S. Should Worry
The article goes on to describe how the Seychelles, the UAE, Chile, and Bahrain—currently four of the five most vaccinated countries in the world—are all dealing with alarming surges in coronavirus infections.
The article describes how some people have been quick to attribute the surges to prematurely relaxed restrictions in these countries.
(Or maybe the vaccines don't work as well as we're being told.)
Some people have been quick to attribute the surges to mixed messages from the governments of these countries.
(Or maybe the vaccines don't work as well as we're being told.)
Polls taken in America suggest that the unvaccinated are "likely to be the most comfortable engaging in normal activities," and so the fear is this will increase the risks of "community transmission" as restrictions begin to be eased as vaccination rates rise.
Translation: If more people get infected, it's all the fault of the unvaxxed.
(Or maybe the vaccines don't work as well as we're being told.)
On second thought, maybe I'll put that retraction and apology on the back burner for now.
6/8/2021 — From the "Over Her Head" Department...
I had a funny feeling that Kamala Harris' first diplomatic excursion outside the United States would be the source of a few smiles and eye rolls.
And so far I have not been disappointed.
As a harbinger of laughs to come, her plane was forced to return to Andrews Air Force Base about 25 minutes after takeoff for "safety reasons."
Her first stop was Guatemala, where she was to meet with Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei. But before she could attend to her weighty diplomatic duties, she was greeted by a large number of signs in English. Here are a few choice samples:
Kamala, go home!
Kamala, mind your own business!
Kamala non grata! Go home, fix your own corrupt government!
And my personal favorite that I'm thinking of turning into a poster and hanging on my wall:
Kamala, Trump won!
And the red wasn't my idea. But that didn't dissuade our intrepid Kamala from holding forth with her special brand of diplomatic acumen. In regard to the wave of migrants flooding unabated into a beleaguered America, her advice revealed the political genius and diplomatic savvy in dealing with international crises that could one day soon be occupying the Oval Office:
She asked them not to come.
Well, I guess that takes care of that. You know, this is the sort of thing that clues us in to the fact that this vice-president business is just a wee bit over her head.
According to Harris, global warming , er...I mean climate change is the culprit behind the wave of immigrants flooding into the United States. However, President Giammettei has already publicly pinpointed the obvious cause of the crisis:
The Biden administration.
And not to take anything away from President Giammettei, but it doesn't take a whole lot of political genius or diplomatic savvy to figure that one out.
So next up is Mexico, and I'm just waiting to see if she'll make any wisecracks about Montezuma's revenge as per Jimmy Carter.
On second thought, that's probably over her head, too.
6/15/2021 — From the "Public vs. Private" Department...
Well, it's official. Benjamin Netanyahu is no longer the Prime Minister of Israel.
Not that the last several years of interminable bickering and jockeying for position are over—that's sure to continue. It will just continue with Netanyahu on the outside looking in.
Say hello to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who has been described as an ultra-nationalist who is more right-wing than Netanyahu and who served as Netanyahu's Chief of Staff from 2006 to 2008. I won't attempt to give you his full résumé, but I will mention one item that should be of primary interest to all born-again believers because it serves as part of the fuse that lights the Tribulation:
His stance on the two-state solution.
I say that because it is my sincere belief that within a very few years the world will see a major peace deal forged between the Israelis and the Palestinians that will (a) give the Palestinians their state, (b) promise Israel security from their enemies, and (c) allow the Israelis to build the Third Temple.
Oh, and (d) launch Daniel's 70th Week.
Well, yeah...but you just said Bennett is even more right-wing than Netanyahu, an Israeli leader who, at least in private, vigorously opposed the two-state solution with every fiber of his being. How do you figure Bennett is going to be any different?
Excellent question. I did a bit of digging, and in the process dug up a noteworthy tidbit about Bennett.
According to an article at Wikipedia, in January of 2013 Bennett said:
"There is not going to be a Palestinian state within the tiny land of Israel...It's just not going to happen. A Palestinian state would be a disaster for the next 200 years."
After Donald Trump was elected in 2016, Bennett said it gave him hope that the idea of a two-state solution would "no longer be considered viable," saying:
"The era of the Palestinian state is over."
Hmmm...not looking too good so far. But as I kept digging, I discovered that Bennett and Netanyahu differ in one key area:
Public statements vs. private sentiments.
Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly held out the olive branch to the Palestinians, and time after time expressed a willingness to negotiate with them in regard to their statehood. But here's the thing:
In reality, Netanyahu was being the master politician that he is. He was smart enough to know that any such negotiations with the Palestinians were doomed to failure before they began due to the natural intransigence of the Palestinians, and that after the talks inevitably collapsed he would emerge looking all the better for his efforts and the dreaded two-state solution would be pushed that much further into the future.
Yes, privately he was vehemently against the two-state solution—but in public he expressed openness and flexibility in that regard. In the case of Naftali Bennett, however, I discovered that it's almost the opposite. In spite of Bennett's tough talk against the two-state solution in public, here's a quote from the Wikipedia article I linked to above:
"According to Israeli journalist Anshel Pfeffer, those who have worked with Bennett have privately said that much of his rhetoric is for electioneering purposes, and he is in fact more moderate than believed."
Public vs. private. In other words, much of his rhetoric against the two-state solution is mere political posturing of the right-wing flavor, while in reality he is comparatively open to the possibility of the two-state solution.
And that's about all I really need to know about Mr. Naftali Bennett. His rise to power could conceivably mean one thing for the world:
Daniel 9:27 here we come.
And you and I both know what that means for the Church:
1 Thessalonians 4:16–18 here we come.
6/22/2021 — From the "Blowing the Whistle on Woke" Department...
Vivek Ramaswamy is a 35-year-old American entrepreneur who founded biopharmaceutical company Roivant Services in 2014, and stepped down from his position as CEO in January of this year to focus on writing about the influence of woke politics on corporate America and the resultant damage being done to American society. He is the author of Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam, which is slated for publication in August by Hachette Book Group.
In an article that I found stunningly refreshing (which is an excerpt from his upcoming book), Ramaswamy says that he is "fed up with corporate America's game of pretending to care about justice in order to make money."
According to Ramaswamy, corporate America is using woke politics to sell products, but in so doing is exacerbating the division of American society into multitudes of estranged and fragmented groups that brandish their particular social justice issues to attack and parry all the other estranged and fragmented groups:
"This new woke-industrial Leviathan gains its power by dividing us as a people. When corporations tell us what social values we're supposed to adopt, they take America as a whole and divide us into tribes. That makes it easier for them to make a buck, but it also coaxes us into adopting new identities based on skin-deep characteristics and flimsy social causes that supplant our deeper shared identity as Americans."
The only commentary I can add is READ. THIS. ARTICLE.
I described the above piece as "stunningly refreshing," because that's how I feel on those rare occasions when I am reminded that there are still people in the world who get it, and who are unafraid to call it the way it is.
If you're like me and are fed up with all the woke politics and the SJW (Social Justice Warrior) claptrap, I want to encourage you to take a couple of minutes to READ. THIS. ARTICLE.
6/29/2021 — From the "Panic Button" Department...
I've been expecting things of this nature...but just not from him.
Former Vice President Al Gore is back in the news, appearing on CNN with an impassioned (if somewhat nervous) plea to Donald Trump:
"Please do the right thing, acknowledge reality, stop hurting this country, stop undermining democracy...this can not go on."
A reference to the efforts to expose the extensive fraud that stole the election from him, that is. Apparently that's what "can not go on."
The heads of Democrats have been exploding like firecrackers at Chinese New Year ever since the forensic audit in Arizona's Maricopa County got underway, and the reasons are pretty obvious:
This kind of audit is expressly designed to reveal voter fraud that has repeatedly been hidden and swept under the carpet by other types of "audits" and "recounts" where poll workers have been forced to simply recount all the same fraudulent ballots, thus "confirming" the original fraudulent totals.
And that explains why the Democrats are hitting the panic button.
As the release of the results of Maricopa County's forensic audit looms on the horizon, the Democrats are losing their minds. And that tells anyone who hasn't lost their mind all they need to know. It's not rocket science:
If the Democrats knew for certain there was no substantial voter fraud in the 2020 election and that Joe Biden's victory was legitimate, why wouldn't they be encouraging such audits to verify that fact? No, demanding them. Stamping their feet and shouting it from the rooftops: "Check and scientifically verify every suspect ballot!!"
But, uhm...that's not exactly what they are doing. Instead, they are screaming and wailing about how questioning the results of the election in any way is harmful to our country and somehow undermining our democracy (and by golly, undermining democracy is something they know a thing or two about). And as that screaming and wailing reaches a crescendo, I figured the Democrats would be breaking out the Big Guns right about now...but Al Gore?
Don't get me wrong...I actually like Al Gore (although I confess I'm not quite as fond of him after this embarrassing spectacle he was prompted to take part in). The only thing I can figure is that the Democrats are hoping the American people sympathize with the loser of one of the closest elections in U.S. history (Bush–Gore 2000).
And I must say Al was in fine form, doing his best to mock and minimize the Arizona audit and make Americans feel guilty for even allowing such a crazy, dangerous thing to occur as an audit that will actually root out fake ballots:
"The refusal of the former president to acknowledge that he lost by 7 million votes—it wasn't close for God's sake—and apparently a majority of his party is still so enthralled to him that they still believe that the American people did not make the judgment that they clearly made...This is very damaging to our democracy...We keep getting this nonsense, like this foolish exercise to bring in some 'cyber ninja' group in Arizona...It's absolutely nuts...They're putting out another kind of A.I. Artificial insanity...They're putting out messages that create an alternate reality, and people get into these echo chambers on the internet, and it's all they hear, and they begin to believe the alternate reality."
(A "foolish exercise"...an "alternate reality." Right. "Alternate" as opposed to what, CNN?)
Anyway, I'm sure the Democrats are glad that Gore didn't sound desperate or anything...and backed up his rant with some substance instead of just relying on name-calling and all that. That's really important in this kind of situation, you know.
I'm sure they're glad Gore didn't hit the panic button.
7/6/2021 — From the "Fly in the Ointment" Department...
It was only a couple of months ago that all of Israel was singing the praises of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, a wonder drug if there ever was one in the eyes of most in the Jewish nation. During Israel Independence Day celebrations back on April 14–15, then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proudly declared:
"Israel is the first country in the world to beat Corona. It's all thanks to our successful national vaccination program."
The event was attended by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, who declared with equal pride:
"Together, we have demonstrated that through mass vaccination we can defeat the COVID-19 pandemic and save lives."
(He neglected to mention the part about his company raking in billions in the process, but in retrospect it might have seemed distasteful under the circumstances.)
By June 1, 81 percent of the adult population and nearly 59 percent of the total population of Israel had been vaccinated, making Israel a model for other nations in terms of a national mandatory vaccination program. New cases were down to under 20 a day. Most COVID-19 restrictions were lifted, and even a requirement that people wear masks in indoor public spaces was lifted by the middle of June.
All systems were go. Things were looking up. Things were getting back to normal.
In the third week of June, however, things suddenly changed.
On June 22, seemingly out of the blue, Israel reported 227 new COVID-19 cases, a troubling spike from 13 the previous week. Five days later on June 27, the director general of Israel's Ministry of Health Chezy Levy stepped down, and the same day (new) Prime Minister Naftali Bennett appointed Major General (retired) Roniu Numa to oversee the country's COVID-19 response at the country's primary point of entry, Ben Gurion International Airport. The next day, June 28, Bennett appointed National Coronavirus Project Coordinator Nachman Ash as the new director general of the Ministry of Health.
Virtually overnight, there is a renewed sense of urgency in Israel, a country suddenly struggling once again with a foe they were confident they had vanquished.
As a result, Israel is implementing a new wave of restrictions, and Prime Minister Bennett outlined the game plan:
"Our approach is simple: maximum protection for Israeli citizens, with minimum harm to routine and the economy in Israel; masks instead of restrictions, vaccines instead of lockdowns."
According to reports, about 70 percent of the new cases in Israel are due to the Delta variant of the coronavirus, and that last bit about "vaccines instead of lockdowns" is obviously grounded on the assumption that the current Pfizer mRNA vaccine will be effective in curbing the spread of this Delta variant.
Unfortunately, however, there is a fly in the proverbial ointment. As it turns out, approximately 40–50 percent of those new infections are in people who have already been vaccinated.
And that poses a problem not only for Israel, but for any other country that has pushed all their chips into the pot betting on the mRNA vaccines to save the day for them and get things back to normal. The bottom line is that things may not be that simple.
They seldom are.
7/13/2021 — From the "N-o-o Danger" Department...
The idea of a killer asteroid hurtling towards the earth (and ultimately either hitting or missing it) has long been a Hollywood staple, and you don't need to think too hard to rattle off a few such titles. Arguably the premier flick of the asteroid genre would be Armageddon (1998), where a crew of NASA-trained misfits is flown into space to rendezvous with the approaching rock and nuke it slightly off course to save mankind.
Which they do, in spite of the fact that pretty much everything goes wrong.
Speaking of asteroids, I'm sure that some of you are aware of the increasing buzz in the prophecy community about an asteroid called Apophis, as asteroid that some experts believe could possibly strike the earth on Friday the 13th in April of 2029.
When Apophis was first discovered in December of 2004, experts were nervously claiming there was a modest chance that it could impact the earth (about 2.7 percent), and that it would pass below the orbits of our telecommunications satellites. They also determined that there was a "keyhole," or a narrow band within its projected passage near earth, and if Apophis happened to pass through that keyhole, it would definitely strike the earth on its return trip exactly seven years later, on April 13, 2036.
But it was less than two years after the discovery of Apophis that many of those same experts suddenly changed their tune. By 2006, the scientific mainstream was sounding the all clear, and announcing that "additional observations" had convinced them that Apophis posed no danger whatsoever to Earth for at least the next 100 years. Forget the keyhole. Ain't gonna happen. Move along...nothing to see here. And that has remained the official astronomical party line ever since.
Relax, there's n-o-o danger...but don't hold us to it.
Ooo-kay, great. So who am I to question a bunch of rocket scientists? But other scientists have persisted in swimming against the tide and have continued to sound the alarm, insisting that Apophis does indeed pose a genuine threat to the earth in April 2029, as most originally believed. And that makes the following tidbit a bit more interesting:
In spite of the fact that most establishment scientists are sticking to the party line that Apophis poses no threat whatsoever to Earth for the next 100 years, no effort is being spared to devise a plan to deal with killer asteroids.
Whew...that's a load off. The most recent of such plans is known as the DART mission (Double Asteroid Redirection Test), and it involves sending a special craft into space to essentially ram into the asteroid and deflect it ever so slightly off course. A test of the system is scheduled to take off this fall and return in September of next year, and the test subject is an asteroid in the Didymos asteroid system which poses no threat to Earth.
Long story short, it has been suggested that there is a cover-up in progress, where the scientific establishment has closed ranks and insists there is no danger, when in fact there is and behind the scenes a desperate and most likely futile effort to do something to stop it lurches forward. And being the responsible world citizens they are, these scientists understandably don't want to terrify the public and cause widespread chaos.
Yeah...we sure don't need any of that chaos or anything.
Those who do see Apophis as a threat in 2029 (or even 2036) have linked it to the apparent asteroid strike described in Revelation 8:7–12, which encompasses the first four trumpet judgments. Naturally, this has led to a raft of date speculation in regard to the 3.5-year Great Tribulation, the Tribulation proper, and the Rapture.
I'm going to put this one down for the moment, but I may have more to say in this regard in my next article.
But don't hold me to it.
7/20/2021 — From the "White Hot" Department...
With so many attention-grabbing things going on in the world today, it's easy for a little tidbit like this to slide by unnoticed.
But I think it's worth noticing.
As you may know, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is controlled by a Muslim body known as the Jordanian Waqf, and has been ever since the Six Day War in 1967. That's when Israel regained control and sovereignty over their holy city in accordance with Bible prophecy. But in a magnanimous act aimed at reducing friction between the Jews and the Arabs, Israeli leaders at the time—specifically General Moshe Dayan—decided to allow the Arabs to continue to maintain control over the Temple Mount, which is the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, two of Islam's holy sites.
Since then, Jews have virtually been barred from the Temple Mount, and those who do manage to ascend to the top are forbidden to pray. Temple Mount police scrutinize visitors, and if one is seen mumbling or silently nodding, it is assumed they are praying and they will be immediately stopped and promptly escorted out of the area. And that has been the status quo for the last 54 years.
But in the words of Bob Dylan, the times they are a-changin'.
For the last several months more Jews than ever have been ascending the Temple Mount, and in an apparent reversal of that 54-year-old status quo, they are now being allowed to openly pray without being forcibly stopped. Groups can even be seen holding informal outdoor Torah classes on what is the holiest site in Judaism. And incredibly, no one lifts a finger to stop them.
It is not completely clear who is responsible for what is obviously a shift in policy, but it is impossible to believe that this has been allowed to occur without the knowledge of the highest-ranking officials. In other words, this is much more than a handful of lackadaisical Temple Mount police looking the other way.
When I said I thought this was worth noticing, you probably knew what I was thinking. The Bible makes it quite clear there will be a rebuilt temple standing during the Tribulation, and it has reached the point where the Jews are about to temple all over themselves. Saying they are ready and willing is a colossal understatement.
The desire to rebuild the temple burns white hot in the hearts of millions of Jews, and it's easy to believe that's hot enough to thaw out a stone-cold policy that wouldn't allow them to so much as move their lips on the Temple Mount without being roughed up by armed security.
And I say that because it won't be much longer before it's hot enough to make that temple a stone-cold reality.
7/27/2021 — From the "Inconsistent With Our Values" Department...
It truly amazes me how stupid the people who own and run some companies can be. I mean, you make a product, and you want to sell as much of it as possible to as many people as possible, and make as much money as possible, and for your product and your name to be as popular and as widespread as possible.
Simple, right?
So...how much sense does it make when the owners of a company deliberately use their company to make a highly controversial statement on a hot-button political issue, and in the process knowingly anger and alienate (and lose forever) a sizable percentage of their loyal customers that they have worked for years to win over?
I wish someone could explain this to me, because I just don't get it.
The latest inductees to this particular Hall of Shame would be Ben & Jerry's, makers of a popular brand of ice cream. Ben & Jerry's recently announced that that they will no longer do business in what they refer to as the "Occupied Palestinian Territory," a reference to settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
And guess what? The backlash has been enormous. Duh...
One high-profile casualty has been graphic designer Susannah Levin, a New York-based contractor who has worked for Ben & Jerry's for 21 years. Susannah quit her job in protest (disgust?) the other day, calling the company's decision part of a "despicable trend of anti-Zionism," and she refused to be associated with it.
For their part, Ben & Jerry's released a statement that read in part:
"We believe it is inconsistent with our values for Ben & Jerry's ice cream to be sold in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). We also hear and recognize the concerns shared with us by our fans and trusted partners."
Inconsistent with our values? This is the part that always gets me. What "values"? So, your "values" include the belief that Israel has no right to exist or live in their own land (which is the Palestinian position)? Your "values" include the belief that terrorists who seek to steal every square inch of Israel's land and kill every single Jewish person should be praised, supported, and rewarded for their efforts?
Help me out here.
Well, all I can say is if Ben & Jerry's wants to boycott Israel, I will happily boycott them. To be honest, I don't believe I have ever tried Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
At least now I know I never will.
8/3/2021 — From the "Make My Day" Department...
I almost feel like starting a new weekly feature called "Woke Joke of the Week." Relax, I won't...but if I did, I can guarantee you that the honor of the inaugural entry would go to the American Medical Association (AMA).
In a truly exquisite stroke of woke, the AMA announced the decision to remove gender information from birth certificates. Yep, you heard me right: no more of that positively binary "male" and "female" nonsense. No sir. According to the AMA, the only essential information on a birth certificate is simply that a "person" was born.
Hopefully they'll still put the date on it...that is, unless someone has decided that birthdays aren't sufficiently woke.
The thinking (and I use the term generously) is that putting a person's sex at birth on their birth certificate might "hamper" people who may later decide to live and present themselves as something besides their biological gender.
For those of you who have managed to avoid jumping on the woke wagon, the term du jour is "gender identity," not "biological sex," which is totally passé, didn't ya know.
So, let's see if I've got this straight. I was born as a biological male. I identify as a man. I always did, and I'm quite certain that I always will. I've always had a keen appreciation for the fact that boys were boys and girls were girls. And I have always appreciated the stark simplicity of what God's Word has to say about the issue:
27God created man in his own image. In God's image he created him; (1) male and (2) female he created them.
(Genesis 1:27 / emphasis & numbering added)
Check me on this, but by my count that's two. I think that's pretty simple. So what am I missing? So, is my "gender identity" male, or is there another choice for someone like me? Are there any other possibilities to choose from?
As far as I can tell from listening to the LGBT crowd, apparently you get to invent your own. OK, cool. If I can choose, then I think I'd like to identify as a "Han Solo." Is that OK? Can that be my gender identity? I sure hope so.
Or maybe a "Dirty Harry."
Oh yeah. I know writing this Commentary entry sure made my day.
8/10/2021 — From the "First Steps" Department...
What we have seen over the past year and a half is a novel coronavirus that is slightly more dangerous than the ordinary flu get played up by the government, the mainstream media, and Big Pharma to be the modern-day version of the Black Death, followed by the rollout of a criminally undertested, potentially dangerous experimental gene therapy that passes under the guise of a "vaccine" that is being forced on the world's population as if the future of human civilization depended on everyone getting vaccinated ASAP.
The pressure to get vaccinated has been steadily ratcheted up to the point where we are beginning to see such things as vaccine passports to travel and companies requiring all employees to be vaccinated. More and more, we are seeing stores, restaurants and other venues requiring proof of vaccination to enter, and so on. And in spite of protests, that trend is surging unabated.
Of course, one common line of reasoning behind the reluctance to get vaccinated is the fact that these vaccines have been approved for emergency use only. The pro-vaccine crowd is unperturbed by this, however, and forge ahead in their self-righteous drive to get every biped on earth jabbed. But according to some sources, full approval of the vaccines by the FDA may come by the end of September. And when it does, oh baby.
One of the last remaining sensible reasons to refuse the vaccination will have been kicked aside.
At that point, the pressure to be vaccinated will be ramped up to a level we have not witnessed. Those who have thus far refused to get the vaccine are already being threatened, censored, demonized, pilloried, and marginalized. If COVID cases increase, they get the blame, regardless of the fact that in many areas 40–50 percent of new cases are fully vaccinated people. "It's a pandemic of the unvaccinated!!" they cry, completely ignoring both the facts and the precious science they arrogantly claim to follow.
But when the FDA finally gives the vaccines full approval (and they will—you can hide and watch), it will be time to round up all these conspiratorial cretins and throw 'em in the slammer.
And I'm not at all sure that I'm joking. With that thought in mind, conservative YouTuber Mark Dice recently carried out what was in fact a chillingly prophetic experiment on the beaches of California, and the results give us a hint of where things are headed. Mark secretly posed as a pro-vaccine activist and asked passersby to sign a petition to have those who refuse to get vaccinated arrested and put in jail.
And many people signed it.
Some with a surprising amount of gusto. Mark would say things to egg them on if they seemed so disposed, quipping to one individual:
"I don't want to hear any of this 'My body, my choice' stuff in today's new world order. We're going to put things right.
In today's new world order...interesting choice of words. The bottom line is that this entire virus/vaccine dog-and-pony show is one of the first steps: a step toward conditioning the people of the world to believe that you're either part of the system—or you must be eliminated for the good of everyone.
In other words, people today are being
conditioned for the world of Revelation 13.
A world that is coming much sooner than many think.
8/17/2021 — From the "Zionist Muttonheads" Department...
It's pretty much official at this point: Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban, and as I write this tens of thousands of innocent, defenseless people have been left to desperately flee for their lives.
All courtesy of...you guessed it: Joe Biden.
And after the worst humiliation the United States has experienced since the chaotic closing days of Vietnam, all Biden can do is blame Trump and run and hide. That, and desperately try to spin it so it sounds like something other than what it clearly is. And make no mistake: This really is all on Biden. According to CIA analyst Matt Zeller:
"We sent them [the Biden administration] plan after plan on how to evacuate these people. Nobody listened to us."
As humiliating for America and for Joe Biden as this is, there is a somewhat more upbeat prophetic angle to this for born-again believers.
Yes, this is certainly going to embolden every terrorist organization in the world—some of whom have their eyes on the land that the Jews and their Zionist masters have stolen and currently illegally occupy in Palestine.
If you catch my drift.
And when I say "Zionist masters," I mean a powerful United States with strong leadership, willing to do whatever it takes to defend and protect their most loyal ally in the Middle East: Israel.
But the United States isn't looking all that powerful right now, nor is our "leadership" looking all that strong. To be blunt, we are looking pretty weak and pathetic on the world stage right now. And I hate to rub it in, but can you imagine for one nanosecond this happening under President Trump?
Neither can I.
But I can assure you that Hamas, Hezbollah, and every other radical Arab terrorist group on the planet is dancing in the streets right about now, toasting their Taliban brothers and celebrating America's geopolitical pratfall...not to mention brushing up on plans to take back the land that the Jews and their Zionist masters have stolen and currently illegally occupy in Palestine.
And this sure rhymes with Gog Magog.
Only thanks to Joe Biden, they are no doubt gleefully replacing that "Zionist masters" bit with "Zionist muttonheads."
8/24/2021 — From the "Hit Your Turn Signal" Department...
I usually get my topics for these Commentary entries from some news article I have come across, but I don't need a news article for this one. This is simply an observation on my part.
As everyone knows, Joe Biden clumsily and ill-advisedly withdrew American troops from Afghanistan in what has to be the most bungling, most incompetent manner imaginable, leaving many thousands of Americans stranded and at the mercy of ruthless killers and billions of dollars worth of advanced military hardware in the hands of said killers.
Not to mention leaving America's reputation as a strong leader among the nations of the world in utter shambles.
The nations of the world were just snickering at us (mostly) behind our backs up to this point—now they are shaking their heads in disbelief.
I am hard-pressed to find the words to describe the damage that Joe Biden (or I should say the people who are speaking and acting through him) has done to the United States, but there is one thing that occurs to me:
This makes so much prophetic sense it's almost scary.
Leading up to and during the early part of the Tribulation, a global government is going to be congealing. It will ultimately be led by the Antichrist, but that one-world government isn't going to pop up over night—it will be coming together prior to his actual ascension to power.
Pop quiz:
Q. What has been one of the primary factors inhibiting this one-world government from coming together before now?
A. A powerful United States with strong leadership.
Of course, we have faltered in that role from time to time, but still...it's hard to dispute that fact that we are a superpower that has effectively been the #1 roadblock on the Globalist Expressway. And as long as the leaders of the world have little choice but to listen to our voice and heed our words to some extent and view us as anything resembling the leader of the free world, that will remain largely unchanged.
And it was true under President Trump
like it hasn't been true in a long time.
But now...America's leadership role is literally crumbling before our eyes like a Christmas cookie, and the world cannot fathom what is happening to us. They stare in disbelief as we stagger and stumble blindly down a dark alley of foolish, feckless decisions that reveal that we have no clue what we are doing, and descend into a morass of finger-pointing, blame-shifting, and meaningless sound bites filled with contradictory misinformation.
When Richard Kemp, former commander of British troops in Afghanistan, can state on national television that the U.S. president shouldn't be impeached, he should be court-martialed, you know something has radically changed.
And it should be clear enough why this is prophetically significant: It's paving the way for the Antichrist's kingdom and the Tribulation.
Oh, but don't forget: Our exit is coming up on the Globalist Expressway before we get to Tribulation Junction.
Hit your turn signal.
8/31/2021 — From the "Shoot 'Em into Space" Department...
Ever wonder why the educational system in the United States seems so out of whack and so out of touch with what most average American people want for their kids? If it helps, think of "Common Core" and see if that jogs your memory.
This quote from Arne Duncan, the man who was the Secretary of Education for eight years under Barack Obama, explains a lot:
"Have you noticed how strikingly similar both the mindsets and actions are between the suicide bombers at Kabul's airport, and the anti-mask and anti-vax people here? They both blow themselves up, inflict harm on those around them, and are convinced they are fighting for freedom."
He actually said that—a former Secretary of Education.
So if you don't wish to take an undertested experimental vaccine for a virus no more dangerous than the flu, and do not wish to wear a mask everywhere you go when study after study has absolutely decimated their alleged efficacy in protecting people from infection, you are equivalent to an Islamic terrorist who murders women for not wearing the proper attire and executes a popular young folksinger because "music is forbidden in Islam."
It all makes sense now.
Reassuringly, Duncan was scathingly rebuked by a number of people, including former Treasurer of Ohio Josh Mandel:
"It takes a radically out of touch and vile person to compare American Parents who don't want our kids in masks to Muslim Terrorists who blow up our kids."
...and radio host Larry O'Connor:
"Knowing this guy ran the Department of Education for eight years under Obama explains all the insanity in our public schools happening right now, doesn't it?"
As galling and pathetic as Duncan's comment is, he is certainly not alone. Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore compared Christian conservatives to the Taliban in a recent interview with Variety magazine, as did senior talking heads at MSNBC. The Department of Homeland Security has even characterized conservatives who oppose coronavirus measures as potential terror threats.
And so the mindset of the Tribulation and of the kingdom of the Antichrist continues to grow ever deeper roots, as those who name the name of Christ are casually lumped together with the murdering, satanically oppressed scum of the planet.
Color me surprised.
It is clear that such people wish they could round up all the Christians in the world and just shoot 'em into space.
The joke is on them, however.
God is just about ready to do it for them.
9/7/2021 — From the "Release the Hounds" Department...
In the ongoing brouhaha over the coronavirus vaccinations, Evangelical Christians continue to lead the anti-vax pack with their stiff resistance to taking any of the available vaccines. In spite of the fact that there are only a few isolated instances of pastors or Christians leaders publicly encouraging believers to refuse the vaccine, a significant percentage of American Evangelicals remain firm in their refusal to be vaccinated—roughly one-fourth according to some sources.
Now that the vaccines are "authorized" (and I use the term in the loosest possible sense), there has been a virtual avalanche of vaccine mandates passed down in companies and organizations all over the country—so much so that no matter what you do or where you do it, it's only a matter of time before you're bound to come face to face with such a mandate. And the message is simple:
Get vaccinated or else.
Get vaccinated or be refused admittance.
Get vaccinated or be refused service.
Get vaccinated or you won't be allowed to participate.
Get vaccinated or you'll be fired.
Get vaccinated or you won't be hired.
Ad infinitum, ad nauseam. To the surprise of no one, this is one locomotive that is picking up steam with frightening rapidity—and a bloc of Evangelical Christians have tied themselves to the proverbial tracks.
One trend that is accelerating as a result of this, however, involves requesting a religious exemption to justify one's refusal to take the vaccine. Advising people on the details of how to apply for such an exemption is exploding into a virtual cottage industry as Evangelical Christians scramble to sidestep the jab and save their job.
According to legal experts, however, making the legal case for such an exemption is not as easy as some may believe. According to Thomas Berg, a professor of law at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, most of these requests for religious exemption to the current coronavirus vaccines are likely to be denied, and that the sincerity of such applicants is likely to be tested by courts:
"In cases where you've got a lot of potential insincere claims—and I think there's evidence that is what's happening here in which people are raising religious objections when they're motivated by fear of the vaccine or political opposition to it—testing sincerity makes sense...We have to test sincerity or else we have to accept them all or deny them all, so I think the courts will provide room for testing that."
One of the hot-button issues for many Evangelical Christians who refuse the vaccine is the use of replicated lines of aborted fetal cells in the development and/or testing of certain coronavirus vaccines. Arthur Caplan, bioethics professor at New York University Lanone Medical Center, says that those who seek a religious exemption to the current coronavirus vaccines for that reason should be opposed to a number of other medicines developed in the last generation as well:
"There's a lot more drugs, vaccines and medicines you should not be taking and [should be] protesting if you're really worried about these fetal cells being used...I don't think most of this is sincere. I think it's just a way to get out of having to take a vaccine."
One potential roadblock in the effort to obtain a religious exemption, however, is what I just said: the fact that no major denomination or religious group has come out and urged their members to eschew the vaccine. On the contrary. The great majority have publicly encouraged their members to get vaccinated.
In my most recent article, I wrote that taking a vaccine does not violate any biblical command, mandate, or principle insofar as I can discern as much (and not one of the scriptural attempts to prove otherwise I have seen to date holds a thimbleful of water). I argued that no matter how strongly you may be against the current coronavirus vaccines—and you do have legitimate reasons to be opposed to them, if it comes down to a black-and-white choice, the biblical mandate to provide for your family supersedes any reluctance on your part to take the vaccine. The welfare of your family wins that one every time.
And before God, it's as if someone somewhere said:
"Release the hounds."
I'm happy to report that I received a number of sincere and gracious expressions of gratitude for what I wrote, and I would like to once again say "thank you" to all those people who so responded. But just so you know: I am going to write a follow-up article in which I will take my sweet time to fully address some of the scriptural issues that were not-so-politely...shall we say, brought to my attention by a couple of readers who seem to think I should be groveling on my hands and knees and begging for forgiveness right about now for the unconscionable heresy that I so recklessly spewed in that article.
Those two demanded I add an apologetic addendum to my article.
If you've read very many of my articles, you know one thing about me:
If someone convinces me I'm wrong about
something, I admit it, fix it, and move on.
It's happened before, and it'll probably happen again. And although that's not the case this time, I realize there are a couple of pertinent issues that I failed to address. So, I'm going to go the extra mile.
And something tells me those two are going to get a wee bit more than they bargained for.
9/14/2021 — From the "Last Laugh" Department...
As the release of the official results of the audit in Maricopa County, Arizona is postponed week after week after week, some people may be beginning to wonder if the fraud that stole the election from Trump will ever see the light of day. Some are losing heart that Biden's illegitimate installation as president will ever be exposed, let alone put right.
Well, take heart. The wheels are still turning—and it's certainly not all about Arizona. According to the Public Interest Legal Foundation, an election watchdog group, the number of unknown or unaccounted-for ballots in both Georgia and Pennsylvania share one thing in common:
Both totals greatly exceed the margin of victory for Biden in each state.
Those two highly suspect states would represent 20 and 16 electoral votes, resp. Just those two states would make the electoral results 270 for Biden and 268 for Trump—and one more domino among all the other equally suspect swing states would finish the job.
Personally, I am under no illusions that Trump will somehow be rightfully reinstated as the rightful president that he is. Would that it were so. I think God has allowed Satan to advance with his little plan for his little kingdom far enough that it's clear we are finally fully on track for the Tribulation, and so it would make little sense to me to suddenly see things start going in the other direction by Trump being put back in the White House where he belongs. Not that I wouldn't love to see that.
But as I wrote in "A Lion That Roars," I am convinced of one thing:
Trump will be vindicated.
During his four-year tenure, Trump was arguably the most pro-Israel president we ever had—and Genesis 12:3 is still in the Bible:
3And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you:
(Genesis 12:3a AKJV)
So, I am still supremely confident that it will be irrefutably shown that Trump indeed won the 2020 election by a significant margin. I don't claim to know when, I don't claim to know how, and I don't claim to know what will transpire as a result. But I do claim to know one thing: God values His Word above all things, and that applies every bit as much to Donald Trump in the 2020 election as it did to Harry Truman in the 1948 election.
Not only that, and this is just speculation on my part, but I am inclined to believe that vindication will come before the Rapture. I believe the Church will have the last laugh in regard to the travesty of November 3, 2020...and we may well still be laughing on our way to meet the Lord in the air one day.
One day soon and very soon.
9/21/2021 — From the "Rules for Thee, but Not for Me" Department...
Such incidents have graced the nation's newspapers on a number of occasions, and they serve to bring smirks to the faces of average people who are aware of the fact that clueless liberal politicians dream of enslaving us, but just can't help but put their own ignorance and hypocrisy on public display for the entire country to see on an embarrassingly regular basis.
The most recent such incident: San Francisco Mayor London Breed (D).
Breed was out drinking and dancing the night away at the Black Cat, a popular San Francisco nightclub, when she was photographed doing so maskless. In fact, according to witnesses present at the club, neither she nor any member of her party donned a mask throughout the entire evening.
Gasp. Well, big deal, you say. Same here. But it just so happens that Mayor Breed is behind the city ordinance that requires virtually everyone to wear a mask in indoor public places throughout the City by the Bay.
All except the mayor and her "sophisticated" party friends, that is.
Hardy har har.
What caught my attention in this particular case, however, was her classic response:
"We don't need the fun police to micromanage us and tell us what we should or shouldn't be doing."
Yes. That's a quote. "We don't need the fun police." The mayor of San Francisco actually said that at a press conference following the incident.
There's almost no point trying to comment on the unimaginable hypocrisy here—I can barely get my head around it. All I can say is that it's not difficult at all to imagine what would happen to an average citizen who gave such a response to being caught violating COVID restrictions like that.
Incidents like this serve to remind us what the world is becoming: A dystopian prison of absurd, draconian rules and regulations designed and enforced by tone-deaf liberal politicians who seek nothing but money, power, and the means to hang on to both.
Rules for thee, but not for me.
Keep in mind that many of the things we see happening today give us a hint of what the world will be like during the Tribulation, the chief difference being that at that time it will be a dystopian prison of absurd, draconian rules and regulations that will revolve around a rising, charismatic world leader who will appear to have all the answers to the world's problems.
And if you're anything like me, it fills you with unimaginable joy that you will not be here to experience it.
Of course, you know why: the Rapture. The catching away of the body of Christ, which is drawing so near you can taste it. And it leaves me with nothing to say except...
Rapture for me, but what about thee?
9/28/2021 — From the "Groundwork" Department...
As the rhetoric concerning the COVID-19 vaccine rages on, it strikes me that one of the fundamental purposes of this entire virus/vax/antivax maelstrom is to establish the groundwork for the type of society that Satan needs for his short-lived kingdom:
A society where the majority of people are driven to obey the government without question, and believe the mainstream media narratives being pushed on them and as a result get on board with whatever programs are set before them. On the other hand, you have those who refuse to do so and so must be eliminated. Of course, this isn't anywhere near in full swing yet—like I said, this is just the groundwork.
But we're making headway with alarming speed.
Another thing I am noticing more and more of lately is good, well-meaning people on the right-wing, conservative side that are inadvertently pushing other conservatives into the corner where Satan wants them: a corner where they staunchly refuse to get the vaccine under any circumstances, in spite of the fact that there is no biblical argument to support that position (see my next article for more details on that).
They may say lot of things I agree with, but they don't seem to realize that they are ignoring what the Bible actually says and are instead pouring gasoline onto the fire of what I like to call the Red Group manifesto, which is far more a sociopolitical phenomenon than it is a Scripture-based phenomenon. And it's making me realize one basic truth:
When one part of the world is forcing people
into one corner, and another part of the
world is forcing people into another corner,
Satan has a vested interest in both corners.
Case in point: Tucker Carlson. First of all, let me state up front that I like Tucker Carlson and agree with the vast majority of the things he says. But he said something the other day that reminded me of what I just stated. A couple of days ago on his Fox News program, Tucker Carlson said in regard to the U.S. military's forced vaccination program (go to the 7:30 mark to hear the following quote):
"The point of mandatory vaccination is to identify the sincere Christians in the ranks, the free-thinkers, the men with high testosterone levels, and anyone else who does not love Joe Biden and make them leave immediately."
Translation: Only faithless, insincere Christians-in-name-only, spineless jellyfish who do whatever they're told, pansies with low testosterone levels, and those who love Joe Biden would ever agree to get vaccinated.
I mean, wow. What red-blooded American male is going to agree to get vaccinated after hearing that, huh?
"Me? Get a vaccine? No sirree! I hear ya, Tucker!"
Not a word about the fact that there is no biblical mandate against getting vaccinated. Not a word about the fact that believers do have a mandate to provide for their families. Not a word about the idea of having a clear conscience about a particular act or transgressing one's conscience in regard to that act.
Note with care that this is the world saying this, through the voice of the mainstream media. Like I said, I like Tucker Carlson a lot and agree with most of what he says, but he is missing the mark on this one and is not giving you a biblical viewpoint. But he is giving you something that will drive good, sincere believers into that corner I mentioned, which is right where Satan wants them. And Satan wants them in that corner because that way he can eliminate them more easily during the Tribulation.
Of course, like I said, this is just the groundwork for what Satan has planned for the near future, which is going to miss all those who are believers today—and you know why as well as I do:
God is about to eliminate all the current believers for him.
10/5/2021 — From the "What He Didn't Say" Department...
I just posted a follow-up to last month's article yesterday, and already I have comments coming in. Generally polite and positive, I might add. One nice gentleman, however, did point out a particular nuance to things that actually hadn't occurred to me; but instead of engaging him via email, I thought I'd use the Commentary section to express my response to his comments, since I feel it is general enough to be food for thought for a number of people.
In his remarks, he went into some detail about how the vaccine mandates are illegal and unconstitutional, and he made some good, cogent points that I fully agree with. He went on to politely question whether or not adherence to such illegal, unconstitutional mandates legitimately falls under the "render unto Caesar" teaching given by Christ. Excellent question.
And I believe Christ gives us the answer.
I recently made the decision to no longer allow myself to get drawn into lengthy email discussions over things readers disagree with, mainly because I honestly don't have the time. But the secondary reason is because in an email disagreement in private, I know from hard experience that it's just too easy for things to take an unpleasant turn—and I wish to avoid that. And I take responsibility for that—I own that one. Like I always say: I've got a snarky streak a mile wide, and I sometimes fail to keep it in check. If I do it this way, everything is above board and I have to be on my best behavior. 0:)
We all know what Christ said to the Pharisees who questioned Him about paying the tribute:
21...Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
(Matthew 22:21b KJV)
What I want you to consider, however, is what Jesus didn't say. Notice that Jesus didn't qualify His remarks. He didn't mention any exceptions to the rule, or mention any extenuating circumstances in which we can forget all about that "render unto Caesar" business. As I mentioned in my article, the only biblical exception is when civil authority commands us to disobey God, and that doesn't apply to the vaccines because they are not a sin. They may be experimental slop that ought to be avoided if possible, but they are not a sin.
Notice that Jesus didn't say something along the following lines:
"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's. That is, unless Caesar's laws are technically illegal, or violate the Roman Constitution, or something like that...then you are free to ignore them. I mean, who does this Caesar chump think he is, anyway, expecting you to blindly follow laws that place your health in danger, and are intended for emergency situations only when there is clearly no real emergency? Forget that. In that case, band together with others who feel the same way about Caesar's unconstitutional laws and fight back through social media and protests and such. Strongly encourage others to ignore and protest Caesar's laws and join the Resistance! That'll show 'im."
You know, my flesh wants to tell the government to take their useless vaccines and shove 'em where the sun don't shine. My flesh wants to tell the government that I'm not a blind, stupid putz that will sheepishly submit to whatever they say, no matter how insane it is. My flesh wants to tell the government that it is they who are ignoring the science, so they can pound salt with these dangerous, idiotic vaccine mandates. My flesh wants to show these morons I will never kowtow to their arrogant lunacy.
My flesh...
One other thing Christ didn't say:
He didn't say following Him would be easy, safe, or popular.
10/12/2021 — From the "I Don't Quite Get This" Department...
Joe Biden delivered a major teleprompter session (aka "speech") several days ago, and it's more difficult than usual to get one's head around the level of stupidity, dishonesty, outright lies, and alternate reality that characterized his remarks.
Biden said that he was set to promote vaccine mandates for businesses, and during his remarks he read off one prepared scathing rebuke after another of unvaccinated Americans—each less connected with reality than the last.
The basic message was pretty clear, and contained no great surprises (other than the surprising disconnect from the truth):
"We have made great progress in combatting COVID-19 under my brilliant and decisive leadership, but we're running out of patience with these ignorant, selfish, unvaccinated lowlifes out there. So the gloves are coming off, pal. We're coming after you with guns blazing, because this pandemic of the unvaccinated has gone on long enough. People who refuse to take a safe, effective vaccine to protect themselves and those around them have to understand that they are the source of all the problems, and they must be threatened and intimidated in order to get them to take the vaccine for the good of everyone. That's the only way things can get back to normal."
(Carrot...stick.) Biden expressed confusion as to why people so strongly refuse to take the vaccine (the only convincing part being the confusion), saying:
"I don't quite get this, you know, why it's a matter of, 'No violation of your right to go to school, or get a job,' etc., but now it's a great cause célèbre?"
By the way, as for Joe's attempt to read the common French expression "cause célèbre" from the teleprompter? C'était hystérique. After re-reading his remark several times, however, I suspect Joe Biden isn't the only one who is confused. (Joe, you should have stopped with "I don't quite get this" and just walked away.)
On the lighter side, Biden tried to get away with mocking Fox News:
This I always get a kick out of, Fox News. Fox News requires vaccinations for all their employees. Give me a break...Fox News!"
But darn those pesky facts. That remark was publicly refuted by none other than Fox's own Tucker Carlson, who assured Americans that Fox News does no such thing.
As I have mentioned, I received a wee bit of flack from a handful of people for what I wrote in my last two articles, which amounts to the simple fact that getting vaccinated isn't a sin (and so people have no business trying to use the Bible to support their refusal to get vaccinated). There are a number of perfectly valid reasons to refuse to get this vaccine—they just don't happen to come directly from Scripture.
It's pretty much water under the bridge at this point, and I'm not going to keep bringing it up; but I don't want there to be any lingering doubt in anyone's mind, either:
I am not pro-vaccine—I am pro-God's Word. I am not in favor of anyone taking a useless, potentially dangerous, experimental gene therapy in the misinformed hopes that it will protect them from getting COVID-19, a disease that statistics prove to be about as deadly as the common seasonal flu.
I am, however, in favor of obeying the biblical mandate to support your family, in whatever way God provides for you to do so. And if it so happens that you ultimately decide to get a vaccine in order to obey that biblical mandate, then feel free do so with a clear conscience.
Most importantly, I am not in favor of making God's Word lie, and twisting it to say things it doesn't say and not say things it does say. That is something I will fight with every ounce of strength God gives me.
And whenever I see a believer do that, I just shake my head and quote Joe Biden:
"I don't quite get this."
10/19/2021 — From the "Tossing Out Candy" Department...
Wow! I've got great news! Dr. Fauci says we can enjoy family gatherings for Christmas this year! WOO HOO!! Quoth the Voice of Science recently on ABC's "This Week":
"If you're vaccinated and your family members are vaccinated...you can enjoy the holidays. You can enjoy Halloween, trick-or-treating, and certainly Thanksgiving with your family and Christmas with your family."
(Note the requisite Profit-4-Big-Pharma plug.)
Huh...now that's weird. A mere two weeks ago, Fauci stated that it was just "too soon to tell" if Americans would be given permission to celebrate Christmas in their homes with their families.
What gives? What changed in the last two weeks?
The raging, white-hot backlash against Joe Biduhhn's idiotic vaccine mandates, that's what happened. It seems the administration is learning to their shock and horror that Americans dislike being threatened and forced to do things they do not wish to do a bit more than they anticipated. Who knew?!
As a result of nationwide protests and walkouts that threaten to cripple already understaffed industries and services in the wake of these pointless, totalitarian vaccine mandates, it was recently speculated by some that the administration would blink and promptly announce some type of COVID "win" to placate people. They believed the administration would toss out some candy along their parade route to bring smiles to the faces of the American people to try and make them forget all about those nasty old vaccine mandates. Maybe Joe would announce that the country had suddenly reached herd immunity over the weekend, and so the hated mandates would be unnecessary.
"C'mon, man...we weren't really serious!"
Enter Dr. Anthony "The Waffling Weasel" Fauci, fawningly referred to as "the nation's top infectious disease expert" by the MSM but in reality nothing more than the government's leading shill for Big Pharma, who smugly tossed out the first fistful of taffy.
Fauci's lies continued:
"That's one of the reasons why we emphasize why it's so important to get vaccinated not only for your own safety, for that of your family, but also for the good of the community to keep the level of infection down...When you do that there's no reason at all why you can't enjoy the holidays...the way we've traditionally done it all along."
Of course, America's so-called "top infectious disease expert" deliberately and routinely ignores the science that conclusively proves the vaccines effectively protect no one—neither the vaccinated nor those around them.
It's almost an insult to the intelligence of the American people to assume that a single person in this country would pay one microsecond's worth of attention to anything that comes out of this man's mouth at this point, much less plan their family's life around it. It is incredible to imagine that any American family would cancel or alter their Christmas plans in response to a single word Fauci says—but it seems the current administration is operating under that delusion.
No matter how you choose to celebrate Christmas this year, don't let the likes of Anthony Fauci touch it with a 3,000-mile pole. Regardless of when He was actually born, the only thing Christmas should be about is Jesus—the name that is above every name.
The Faucis of the world are nothing but Christmas cookie crumbs for the cockroaches to munch on.
10/26/2021 — From the "Gasmail" Department...
President Vladimir Putin of Russia is edging close to the point of using natural gas as a weapon, according to Amos Hochstein, Joe Biden's global energy security adviser.
According to Hochstein, Europe is experiencing a gas shortage that is partially due to "events in the region," but also to dry weather conditions in China that have made less energy available from hydropower sources and as a result increased demand for gas.
Over the years, Russia has made great strides in positioning itself as the energy broker of the region, and is currently the primary supplier of natural gas to Europe. So, as this shortage worsens, Russia could find itself in a position to use natural gas as a weapon to obtain concessions from European countries on certain issues. One such issue is getting Europe (specifically Germany) to certify Russia's now complete Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, a pipeline that Washington is opposed to because it bypasses Ukraine.
Of course, no matter what it may be that entices Russia into using energy to blackmail Europe, the assumption is that Russia has an abundant supply of natural gas—or at least knows how and where they can obtain such a supply. And Russia does have a good supply of natural gas...but would be unlikely to ignore an opportunity to secure additional supplies. That's the only way this game of "gasmail" works. Russia has to actually have or have access to a dependable, abundant supply of natural gas to play this game effectively.
And the more the better.
Oh, that reminds me: A few years ago it was discovered that Israel is sitting on top of huge deposits of natural gas, deposits that have just recently begun to be tapped into.
With Islamic jihadist groups now toasting their recent humiliation of the Great Satan, it kinda brings to mind Ezekiel's prophecy concerning the battle of Gog Magog, in which Russia will lead a coalition of just such Islamic groups to wipe out Israel. And why will they do that, you ask?
13Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say to you, Are you come to take a spoil? have you gathered your company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?
(Ezekiel 38:13 AKJV)
Like they say: You can't spell "spoil" without "oil."
Of course, the timing of all this could just be a weird coincidence.
11/2/2021 — From the "Sing a New Song" Department...
As you know, the Taliban took over the nation of Afghanistan in mid-August; and when they did, some of the Taliban leaders promised that they would take a more "inclusive" approach to governing the country than they had previously.
Well, judging from the news item I just read, their politically correct blather about being "inclusive" means about as much as it does coming from "woke" left-wing liberals in the United States.
And that would be absolutely nothing.
According to an article in Newsweek, three Taliban gunmen broke up a wedding in Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, ordering the people to stop playing music. A heated altercation ensued, and when the smoke cleared three people were dead and 10 were injured.
According to the Taliban, Sharia law strictly prohibits music and singing. They base this on a verse from the Hadith (a book of sayings attributed to Muhammed that is separate from the Qur'an) that says:
"Those who listen to music and songs in this world, on the Day of Judgment molten lead will be poured into their ears."
Ooo-kay...so apparently Muhammed wasn't much of a music lover. As is the case with many passages of the Hadith, however, not all Muslims agree on the interpretation. According to Ahmad Sarmast, the founder and director of the Afghanistan National Institute of Music, the Taliban's prohibition of music is a "misunderstanding of the faith":
"It's a totally uneducated, narrow, and almost illiterate people who are misinterpreting Islamic ideology...There is nothing explicitly written against music in the Holy Qur'an."
OK, straight up...I could give you a laundry list of ways that the so-called "holy writ" of Islam differs from the Word of God. For example:
• Allah has no son. God does.
• Allah has no plan of redemption for sinful man. God does.
• Allah can have no loving spiritual relationship with man. God can.
• Allah does not require sin to be judged. God does—and did.
And so on and so forth. Well, now I've got one more:
• Allah does not like music. God does.
Let there be no doubt: There is singing in heaven—plenty of it, too. Just read a few chapters in the book of Psalms (which means "songs"...h-e-l-l-o).
As a matter of fact, we're gonna be doing a little singing ourselves when we get to heaven:
9They sang a new song, saying, "You are worthy to take the book, and to open its seals: for you were killed, and bought us for God with your blood, out of every tribe, language, people, and nation,
(Revelation 5:9)
It is none other than the raptured Church that's going to be singing that new song after we take up residence in heaven following the Rapture. And all I can say is that I sure hope I can still shake the floor with those rock-bottom bass notes in heaven like I can now, because I guaran-dog-tee you I'm gonna be gettin' a groove on.
(Note: Some people argue about the pronominal references in Rev. 5:9–10 and get confused over who's singing what, but it is absolutely the raptured Church singing in v. 9. For details, see this.)
11/9/2021 — From the "Third Term's a Charm" Department...
President...er, I mean former President Barack Obama is at it again, making scary speeches about the environment and how we have so little time to save the planet from the threat of global warming...or is it still "climate change"?
Obama has been a bit more vocal and visible lately, campaigning for several Democrats, including California Governor Gavin Newsom in his effort to avoid a humiliating recall election, and most recently Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe (unsuccessful gubernatorial candidate, I'm delighted to report).
Obama had been making himself relatively scarce up until recently, but now he's b-a-a-c-k, stumping away, spewing the New World Order manifesto with renewed urgency:
We've got to take control of everybody
and everything right now to save
the world and make it a better place.
True to form, he didn't miss an opportunity to take a cheap shot at Trump, claiming that other countries have continued fighting climate change under the Paris Agreement in spite of "four years of active hostility toward climate science, coming from the top of the [U.S.] government."
Four years as in 2016–2020, that is.
Orange Man bad...Orange Man deny science.
So, when he isn't busying himself with the duties of surreptitiously carrying out his third term, Obama is taking time out to unfurl the banner of the New World Order in an increasingly visible manner. And I'll be honest with you...it gives me the willies.
And it gives me pause.
I've never developed much of a taste for publicly speculating about candidates for the Antichrist, and I don't often do so. After all, we won't be here to see who that will be, so there's really not much point. But for some reason I'm in the mood to say the quiet part out loud.
Since 2006, when Obama first emerged as a candidate for president in my home state of Illinois, I started keeping a private list of who I felt were viable candidates for the role of Antichrist. Just for fun—just for my own rumination. But as it turns out, that little private list of mine still only has one name on it. I have considered penciling in additional names from time to time, but to this day that list still has but a single name on it.
And that name is Barack Hussein Obama.
I actually wrote about this about a thousand years ago...2012 if memory serves. Oh wait, no...I just checked: It was 2013. But my opinion on the possibility of Barack Obama turning out to the Antichrist hasn't changed one iota.
He's still on my list...and he's still there all alone.
And for what it's worth, in 15 years I haven't come across one biblical reason to remove him.
11/16/2021 — From the "Imitating the Master" Department...
The government's Big Pharma shill numero uno had something interesting to say recently, and I admit I did a double take when I read the headline:
Dr. Fauci Admits Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised
and That Vaccinated Are in Great Danger Today
Well, yeah! Isn't it obvious?! Tell us something else that anybody with half a brain doesn't already know! We already know from the real science (the science that gets silenced) that the vaccines are at best useless and at worst dangerous to healthy people who do not need them, especially those who have already had COVID and so are looking at years—potentially decades—of robust natural immunity.
Oh my goodness...don't tell me that Dr. Anthony "The Lying Weasel" Fauci is actually going to come clean and admit the obvious to the American people! Please tell me I'm not dreaming!
I was giddy with excitement at the possibility of hearing Dr. Fauci tell the truth for the first time since becoming the U.S. government's Voice of Science in regard to the coronavirus. But as I read the article and the New York Times interview that it linked to, my giddiness quickly vanished and was replaced by feelings of "I shoulda known."
According to Dr. Fauci, yes, the vaccines really didn't work as well as we were told, and those who have been vaccinated really are in great danger...from the unvaccinated! The solution? Well, isn't it obvious?!
Quick! Run out and get another vaccine!!
Duuh... Booster shots aren't optional, they are vital for your health and safety, didn't ya know. All thanks to those unvaccinated murderers out there and the misinformation they are guilty of spreading!
Sigh. More lies. More deceit. More government-backed con jobs. It never ends.
Well, happily it will end some fine day, but not before things completely fall apart and the world falls for the biggest lie in history from the biggest liar in history...and with all due respect, that ain't the Lying Weasel.
It's his father the devil.
People like Fauci are a chip off the old block, and are simply imitating the master they serve.
Of course, as born-again believers, in a sense each of us is a chip off the old block as well. We are obligated to imitate the Master we serve, who soon and very soon is going to remove us from this cesspool of lies and deceit. And until He does remove us from this world, we are obligated to do everything in our power to take the truth of the gospel of His salvation to a world that is drowning in a sea of lies.
And because many are growing sick of the lies, some will respond to the truth:
6Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.
(John 14:6 AKJV / emphasis added)
Take heart: In the end, the Truth wins.
And the lying weasels of the world and the master they imitate will be utterly powerless to stop it.
11/23/2021 — From the "No Reconciliation" Department...
As I'm sure you've heard, several days ago 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges stemming from last year's violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse was charged with two counts of murder and one count of attempted murder in the shootings that occurred during the August 2020 riots in Kenosha—shootings he claimed were in self-defense, a characterization with which the jury fully agreed.
"Self-defense? Oh really, you little white-supremacist murderer, you?"
For the past year, the liberal left—from Joe Biden on down—has routinely characterized Rittenhouse as a murdering white supremacist who crossed state lines with an illegal assault rifle to go and hunt down and murder the black people he so venomously hates. The liberal media has never stopped churning out story after story filled with same lies and misinformation to stoke the flames of hatred and racism—hatred and racism they helped create and continue to perpetuate.
So, Rittenhouse's anticipated conviction on, at the very least, two counts of murder and one count of attempted murder was all set to be the liberal left's big chance to say...
"See? He's a racist murderer! Told ya so!"
Except that's not what the facts say. Unfortunately for the left, clear video evidence examined during the trial put the lie to their twisted, oft-repeated version of what happened that night. Here's a quick summary of what the evidence led the jury to conclude:
1. First-degree reckless homicide: NOT GUILTY
2. First-degree recklessly endangering safety: NOT GUILTY
3. First-degree recklessly endangering safety: NOT GUILTY
4. First-degree intentional homicide: NOT GUILTY
5. Attempted first-degree intentional homicide: NOT GUILTY
Plus two minor charges that were dropped. That's what a clear presentation of the actual facts of the case led to: "Not guilty" on all counts.
To the surprise of no one, however, this is not what a clear presentation of the actual facts of the case led to in the minds of the same liberal left who has been crucifying and demonizing Rittenhouse for the past year.
Liberal-left media pundits and personages are deliriously doubling down on the lies and misinformation they have used to relentlessly mischaracterize what actually happened that night and defame a white kid who did little more than defend himself from attack.
One of the most egregiously insensitive examples of the callous mischaracterizations of Rittenhouse and his acquittal comes courtesy of Mary Lemanski, social media director for the Democratic Party in Dupage County, Illinois. On Sunday, a man used an SUV to deliberately mow down over 50 innocent people, killing five, at a holiday parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, and Lemanski perceptively likened this to "karma" for Wisconsin for the Rittenhouse verdict. (Lemanski has since dropped out of sight.)
Yes, karma, don't you see. I'm not even going to bother to unpack that one—it's too disturbing and not worth the effort. But one thing is becoming ever more thunderingly clear:
There can be no reconciliation with the liberal left.
It is clear to anyone who can see clearly that the liberal left has reached the point where what is right or good no longer has any meaning or value to them. This evokes the words of the prophet Isaiah, who said:
20Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
(Isaiah 5:20)
And it's certainly not the Rittenhouse acquittal that has pushed them over the line—it simply highlights the fact that they have clearly already crossed it.
When we look at the liberal left today, we are looking at a preview of the type of society Satan is working overtime to cultivate for his short-lived reign: a society that will fall right in line with the programs of Satan's man the Antichrist, and seek to crush and eliminate all who dare raise their voice in protest.
And for millions of people who come to faith in Christ after the Rapture and during the Tribulation, the same will be true:
The can be no reconciliation with...
You know what? I think I'll just call it what it is:
...Satan's society.
11/30/2021 — From the "Eyewitnesses" Department...
Now that's what we need...a little spirited, uplifting news to lift our spirits at Christmas time.
According to NASA, an asteroid the size of the one that struck near the Tunguska River in Siberia in 1908 is headed toward Earth, and is set to pass us on December 27.
"Deck the halls with boughs of holly..."
Oh, relax. It's supposed to miss us by a whopping 4.5 million km, or about 12 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon. However, it has approached Earth before, coming within a little under 300,000 km on its first visit to our lovely blue planet in 2018, or about three-quarters of the distance from the Earth to the Moon. That time, however, scientists literally didn't see it coming because it was too dim.
"'Tis the season to be jolly..."
I have discussed this on a couple of different occasions, but I am of the opinion that the Bible is describing nothing less than a strike by either a single asteroid or a series of asteroids in both Revelation 6:14 (the sixth seal judgment) and in Revelation 8:7–12 (the first four trumpet judgments). One interesting thing to note is how Scripture describes both (a) the apparent effect on the sky, and (b) the effects of the heat:
14And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
(Revelation 6:14 AKJV / emphasis added)
10And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell on the third part of the rivers, and on the fountains of waters; 11And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
(Revelation 8:10–11 AKJV / emphasis added)
As a matter of fact, Isaiah speaks of the strange effects on the sky in a similar manner in his prophecy of God's judgment of the nations (aka the Day of the Lord or the Tribulation):
4And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falls off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree.
(Isaiah 34:4 AKJV / emphasis added)
It's hard for most people to visualize what an asteroid hurtling through the atmosphere might look or feel like, and so many people over the years have tended to spiritualize these verses away into Cream of Wheat, and snicker at pre-trib dispensationalists who see these as literal judgments befalling the Earth during Daniel's 70th Week.
Admittedly, it is hard for most of us to imagine what an asteroid hurtling through the atmosphere might look or feel like. Luckily, however, all we have to do is ask some eyewitnesses.
With Siberia's reputation as a barren, isolated region, it literally never occurred to me that anyone had actually witnessed the Tunguska event. But in fact there were a number of eyewitnesses that described what they saw and experienced, and after reading some of what they had to say, I couldn't help but notice the similarities to what Scripture describes as occurring during the Tribulation. Here is a sampling of one eyewitness account:
"The sky split in two and fire appeared high and wide over the forest...The split in the sky grew larger, and the entire northern side was covered with fire...At that moment I became so hot that I couldn't bear it as if my shirt was on fire; from the northern side, where the fire was, came strong heat. I wanted to tear off my shirt and throw it down, but then the sky shut closed, and a strong thump sounded, and I was thrown a few meters. I lost my senses for a moment, but then my wife ran out and led me to the house....After that such noise came, as if rocks were falling or cannons were firing; the Earth shook, and when I was on the ground, I pressed my head down, fearing rocks would smash it...When the sky opened up, hot wind raced between the houses, like from cannons, which left traces in the ground like pathways, and it damaged some crops."
The bad news is that a careful reading of this man's description of the Tunguska event goes a long way in making the case that Scripture is in fact describing an asteroid strike.
The good news is that it just won't happen on December 27, 2021.
But the best news of all is that we won't be eyewitnesses to it when it does.
12/7/2021 — From the "My Kind of Archbishop" Department...
It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Every once in a while, I actually hear a high-ranking member of the Roman Catholic Church say something that strikes home and is compellingly spot on.
The most recent case in point: Italian Archbishop Carlo Viganò, who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from October 2011 to April 2016, and as Secretary-General of the Governate of Vatican from July 2009 to September 2011. Viganò is known for his role in exposing two major Vatican scandals—one involving financial corruption in 2016, and another involving the cover-up of sexual abuse allegations against a former cardinal.
Long story short, Viganò has made his share of enemies in Rome...and it doesn't bother him one little bit.
Sounds like my kind of archbishop.
What came to my attention, however, is a recent interview Viganò gave to well-known Italian journalist Cesare Sacchetti. In the interview, Viganò minced no words in condemning the ruling hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, from Bergoglio on down, to use his manner of referring to Pope Francis (born Jorge Mario Bergoglio). Oh, the title of the interview?
Viganò: those who resist the NWO
will have the help and protection of God
Viganò has a crystal clear view of the totalitarian takeover currently underway that is leading the world straight to the kingdom of the Antichrist, and arguably understands better than anyone else on the planet the pope's role in that kingdom. And he certainly understands the role of the coronavirus scamdemic that was engineered and implemented to help plunge the world into a malaise of fear and uncertainty that will ultimately drive them into the arms of a coming New World Order and its attendant Great Reset (aka the kingdom of the Antichrist).
Just out of curiosity, I did a Google search on Viganò's name, and one of the headlines that came up on the very first page of results read as follows:
Archbishop Viganò is aligning with Trump
to stay in the spotlight. Pay him no attention.
So...he's getting trashed and nebulously linked to Donald Trump. I reckon that tells me everything I need to know:
He's on the right track.
Along that line, Viganò had this to say:
"As I have previously noted, it is typical of any totalitarian regime to seek to delegitimize any and every form of dissent, at first by ridiculing the adversary, making him the object of derision so as to discredit him before the eyes of the public opinion. Then, after delegitimizing the person as pathological, or in need of psychiatric care, suggesting that the adversary is mentally unstable who should be hospitalized in a mental institution. Finally, this process ends with the complete criminalization of all dissenters. In this way, the regime creates the necessary premises to separate all its adversaries from civil society."
And this man has about as good a grasp of what is going on with the coming New World Order as anyone I have read, Catholic or otherwise. Here's a taste:
"The New World Order is neither New nor Order: it represents the foolish ambition of Satan to overthrow the providential plan of God, to cancel the true Religion that leads to eternal salvation and finally to replace the 'ordo christianus' ('the Christian order') with infernal chaos. In this disorder, the lie replaces the Truth, injustice and abuse of power replace justice, whim instead of obedience to the law of God, death instead of life, illness instead of health, the legitimization of Evil and the condemnation of Good, the persecution of good people and the praising of evil ones, ignorance in the place of culture and wisdom, ugliness and horror instead of beauty, division and hatred instead of harmony and love. Satan doesn't want to be worshipped by adopting the qualities of God, but by demanding to be an object of adoration through everything that is evil, obscene, false, absurd, and monstrous. He seeks complete subversion, a subversion ontologically devilish and Antichristic: a 'New Order' obtained by means of a global coup d'état imposed under the guise of an engineered planned emergency."
Preach it brother. I can scarcely imagine it being put any better. And it does get better...much better.
Naturally, during the course of the interview Viganò makes a few passing references to Catholic dogma. For example, at one point he refers to "the Virgin," and also a future time when Christ will rule through the Church. Well, no...that's not what the Bible clearly teaches. Christ won't rule "through" the Church—He will literally, physically return and rule as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, with assistance from the Church, which is destined to rule with Christ. Not quite the same.
So, if you can suck it up and overlook a few incidental references to Catholic dogma, I want to urge you to read the entire interview (linked to above). I genuinely believe God has given this man some worthwhile insight into what is happening in the world today.
In spite of the fact that he's got a bit of a thing for Jesus' mom.
12/14/2021 — From the "Too Late" Department...
Hillary Clinton is at it again, recently sharing excerpts of the victory speech she would have given if she had won the 2016 presidential election, as well as giving a nationally televised interview to Willie Geist, host of NBC's Sunday TODAY. The result?
Vintage Hillary.
(Is she contemplating getting back into the ring? You be the judge.) It has been said only half jokingly that one of Donald Trump's greatest accomplishments was preventing Hillary Clinton from becoming president, and reading some of her remarks from that NBC interview served to remind me of the profound truth of that statement.
In regard to the possibility of Trump running for president in 2024, she had this to say:
"If he's not held accountable, he gets to do it again."
Uh, do what again, Hillary?
• Make the Unites States energy independent?
(As opposed to canceling major pipeline contracts and throwing tens of thousands of hard-working Americans out of work, causing gasoline prices to skyrocket, and forcing the United States to once again beg the Arabs for oil.)
• Bring unemployment down to the lowest levels seen in decades?
(As opposed to crushing legions of small businesses with draconian policies and COVID-related lunacy.)
• Make our military the strongest it's been in years?
(As opposed to weakening it with woke politics and unconstitutional vaccine mandates.)
• Make countries who hate us for what we boldly stand for tremble at the thought of provoking our wrath?
(As opposed to making the United States the laughing stock of the world and the butt of our enemies' jokes.)
Hillary had a dire warning for Americans in regard to the possibility of Trump winning the election in 2024:
"I think that could be the end of our democracy, not to be too pointed about it..."
Wow...the "end of our democracy"! She added that if Trump (or "someone of his ilk") were to win in 2024, you won't be able to recognize America.
Uh...excuse me, Hillary, but what galaxy have you been living in since Biden was installed into the White House a year ago with the help of massive voter fraud—fraud that you were fully aware of, not to be too pointed about it?
My response to you, Hillary, is short but not especially sweet:
Too late.
You're w-a-y too late in warning Americans about the end of democracy, or about being unable to recognize their country.
I think we're already there.
And if we aren't, having you (or "someone of your ilk") in the White House in 2024 would quickly finish the job.
12/21/2021 — From the "Amen and Amen" Department...
I don't care what anybody thinks about Donald Trump. He's a bit of a narcissist, he's obsessed with loyalty, and he's quick to turn on those he perceives as falling short in that area.
Case in point: Trump recently torched "disloyal" former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
But there are times when he blurts out what everyone is thinking. There are moments when he says what achingly needs to be said—and that's arguably one of the reasons so many Americans continue to have trust and confidence in him as a leader.
Case in point:
"Our country needs a Savior right now, and our country has a Savior. And it's not me. It's someone much higher."
Enjoy the best line I've heard all year.
Merry Christmas, and may God richly
bless all of you and your loved ones!
12/28/2021 — From the "Happy New Year" Department...
I caught a glimpse of a news headline the other day; and although I can't seem to locate it at the moment, it read something along the following lines:
Most Americans think 2021
was the worst year ever
I couldn't help but crack a grin, and muttered to myself:
"You ain't seen nothin' yet."
So many millions of people in America and all over the world are growing weary—weary of bad news about the coronavirus, variants, vaccines, boosters, masks, mandates, lockdowns...you name it. I could sit here and add to the list for half an hour and barely scratch the surface.
Oh, and one more little gem I couldn't pass up: According a recent report, the real reason Dr. Fauci and Big Pharma are pushing so hard to get the vaccines approved for children is to...protect them, right? Uh, not so much. As it happens, if a vaccine is approved for children, the pharmaceutical companies have 100 percent legal liability, no matter how many thousands of innocent kids the vaccines kill or injure. ("Hey, can I borrow your rubber stamp?")
Don't look now, but that's the kind of country the U.S. has become.
Satan is working overtime, manipulating left-wing socialists to pull the strings behind the scenes in order to destroy our country as quickly as possible and in so doing clear the way for the one-world government they dream of.
And the plan is coming along splendidly.
Yes, 2021 was the worst year ever for many people. And it's human nature to buck up and determine to make 2022 better, by golly. We can fix things. We can get things back on track.
We can do this. The Republicans can take the House in the 2022 midterms, and we'll be set to take the White House in 2024. Trump is ready to go back to work to Make Amerida Great Again...Again. We can end this coronavirus lunacy and put lying weasels like Anthony Fauci in prison where they belong. We can stop these useless, destructive lockdowns and vaccine mandates once and for all.
We can...
...says the flesh. Things are spinning out of control and we want so desperately to make it stop. We want for things to get better. We want to make things right...to make things make sense again. To get things back to normal.
But things aren't spinning out of control...they're spinning under control. And not only that, but they are spinning according to Scripture.
I know it's human nature, and that's part of the problem. We need more than ever to crucify the flesh and put on the whole armor of God. We need more than ever to focus on and trust in God's prophetic Word. We need more than ever to focus our minds on Christ and His soon return for us. We need more than ever to lay aside every weight and every sin that so easily besets us, and press on toward the prize that is before us. We need more than ever to "comfort one another with these words."
We need to remind ourselves that this world is not our home. And we need to come to grips with the fact that this world is not going to suddenly start getting better in 2022. Or 2023. It's a pleasant thought for our flesh, but God's Word paints a different picture. God's Word tells us things are going to get worse. Horrifyingly so.
But God's Word, rightly divided, also tells us we are on the cusp of being raptured out of a world that is on track for its final round of judgment. Talk about things getting better...they can't get any better than that!
And that thought should positively thrill us to our core.
And if it doesn't, we need to look in our spiritual mirror and find out why.
So, make those your thoughts when you say to others...
"Happy New Year!"
Many people believe we won't move into the New Jerusalem until the launching of the eternal state, but my old mentor Jack Kelly thought otherwise. He believed this idea was based on a misunderstanding of the timing involved in the last several chapters of the book of Revelation, and was convinced that the Church would move into the New Jerusalem following the Rapture. I've read his argument carefully, and I am cautiously inclined to agree.
So, you might want to add one more line to your New Year's greeting that's borrowed from an old Jewish Passover custom:
"Next year in the New Jerusalem!"
1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at CanStock Photo
2. Newspaper © Palau83 at Depositphotos
Scripture Quotations:
All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).