Feature Article:
The Beatitudes of Revelation

After He was baptized by John in the Jordan River and returned from 40 days of fasting and being tempted by Satan in the wilderness, Jesus began His public ministry a stone's throw from what is known today as the Golan Heights, in northern Israel around the Sea of Galilee.
One of His teachings or discourses—the first of five that appear in the book of Matthew and easily one of His best known and most widely quoted—is known as the Sermon on the Mount. This discourse appears early in the book of Matthew (the full version is found in Matthew 5–7, but a few bits and pieces and several of the Beatitudes we will look at are repeated in Luke 6), and most people believe it is one of the Lord's first major public teachings.
This three-chapter sermon covers a broad range of topics, from adultery and divorce to entering through the narrow gate and from being salt and light to storing up treasure in heaven. As the sermon begins, however, Jesus lays upon His listeners a list of statements that were radically different from anything they had ever heard from the Jewish religious leaders of the day.
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A Blast From the Past:
MAR '18: Rapture: TBD?
As one high-watch date after another comes and goes, some are grousing: Has the Lord delayed the Rapture?
Rapture: TBD?

My Taiwanese wife Phoebe does study the Bible a lot, but she seems to have avoided getting bitten by the end-time prophecy bug up to this point (although I'm working on her). So she caught me slightly off guard the other day when she asked me out of the blue:
"Honey, when will Jesus come back?"
Now, I've explained to her before all about the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Second Coming, and so forth, but she prefers to study the Gospels and some of the other New Testament epistles with no particular focus on end-time events. It takes her a wee bit longer because she studies English translations, not the Chinese translation, which according to her is bu hao (lousy, lit. "not good"). So, I always perk right up when she asks me a question about end-time stuff.
"Pretty soon, I think."
In spite of the fact that Phoebe's English is actually pretty good (light years beyond my Chinese), she and I routinely speak a peculiar hybrid of English and Mandarin Chinese at home (which I have dubbed Englinese), and that's why I couldn't help but laugh when she proceeded to half-jokingly ask me:
"Is it OK to ask Jesus kuai dian lai?"
Weekly Commentary:
3/25/2025 — From the "Pop Quiz" Department...
OK students, put away your books and take out a pencil and a sheet of paper...time for a pop quiz:
Q. How do you get a major university to stop actively fostering anti-Semitism and allowing students to disrupt campus life by staging violent anti-Israel, pro-Hamas demonstrations?
If you don't know the answer to this one, never fear—the Trump administration does. The answer to the above question is surprisingly simple:
A. Revoke $400 million in grants to the school until they comply with orders to put a stop to this nonsense.
And it got the desired attention of Columbia University. Its president, Prof. Katrina Armstrong, agreed to a set of conditions that include mandatory anti-Semitism training for staff, expanding Columbia University's academic presence in Israel, banning the wearing of masks on campus that were de rigueur at anti-Israel, pro-Hamas demonstrations, and implementing direct oversight of the Middle Eastern Studies department.
In addition, students who participate in protests inside academic buildings or designated study areas will now be in violation of university policies, and could face severe disciplinary measures that include suspension or expulsion. This was connected with the Trump administration's claim that the university failed to take sufficient measures to prevent events such as the takeover of Hamilton Hall by protesters in April 2024.
What saddens me the most about all this, however, is the way Satan sneaks in and influences the thinking of otherwise intelligent young people with lies that paint the Jewish people as evil Zionist oppressors who are illegally occupying land that belongs to the poor, oppressed Palestinians, and so the Jews need to be removed...and killed while we're at it.
But little do these naive, impassioned students realize that the whole Palestinian narrative is a lie from the father of lies, and its single, solitary goal is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth as per Old Testament prophecy.
Exactly where in Old Testament prophecy?
That may be on the next pop quiz.
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1. Adapted from Sunset Over Grass Field © AOosthuizen at Can Stock Photo
Feature Article
2. The Sermon on the Mount by Carl Bloch artist QS:P170,Q547055, marked as public domain [PD], more details on Wikimedia Commons
Articles Over the Past Year (3.–14.)
3. Global Middle East Crisis © lightsource at Depositphotos
4. Adapted from 4a–4b:
4a. Damascus, Syria, Panorama at Sunset © Vyacheslav Argenberg (cropped, resized, text added) [CC BY 4.0]
4b. Nuclear Bomb Explosion © rfphoto via Depositphotos
5. Adapted from Portrait Illustration of Donald Trump © dima4to@gmail.com at Depositphotos
6. White Dice © Ben_Stevens at Depositphotos
7. Adapted from 7a–7b:
7a. Iranian Missile Launches From Underground Silo © alexlmx via Depositphotos
7b. Optical Sight © Dmitrydesign via Depositphotos
8. Birthday Cake With Number 7 Lit Candle © destinacigdem at Depositphotos
9. Adapted from Virgo Horoscope Star White © realcg at Depositphotos
10. Halloween Concept Zombies Hand Silhouette © fotokitas at Depositphotos
11. The Fresco of Jesus the King in the Church Parroquia Santa Teresa de l'Infant Jesus by Francisco Labarta © sedmak at Depositphotos
12. Adapted from Jakob worstelt met de engel (Jacob Wrestles With an Angel), RP-P-1935-1296, Rijksmuseum, (cropped, resized), [CC0 1.0]
13. Desert Mirage, Egypt © Ashabot (cropped), [CC BY-SA 4.0]
14. Adapted from 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (35909952653) © NASA Goddard Space Flight Center from Greenbelt, MD, USA (text added), [CC BY 2.0]
A Blast From the Past
15. Adapted from The Rapture © Hasenonkel at Can Stock Photo
Sidebar (16.–19.)
16. Adapted from Hand Holding Placard © byemoke at Depositphotos
17. Adapted from Hand Holding Placard © byemoke at Depositphotos
18. Wherever I Stand by Greg Lauer (own work)
19. Flag of Israel © badboo01 at Can Stock Photo
20. I Stand With Israel by Greg Lauer (own work)
Scripture Quotations:
All Scripture is taken from the World English Bible, unless specifically annotated as the King James Version (KJV) or the American King James Version (AKJV).
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